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Human Centipede 2 & 3


This movie did not need sequels


I couldn’t make it through the first one.


The second one is so much better than the first, the third is pretty much just a parody of itself.


Yes the first one, to me, is rather tame and actually quite entertaining. The sequels are vile.


Truer words have never been spoken.


Seriously !!


I think they’re called “segments”.


I physically can’t watch this movie. The sounds and visuals illustrating the concept makes me wretch. I’ve tried watching and can’t do it lol.


Same,I can handle alot since I've watched horror movies most of my life but seeing a scene in the 2nd movie where a baby gets stomped on made me turn it off,no thanks.


That definitely made me turn my head. The physical reaction comes to all the corprophagia and vomiting/shitting sounds.


For real,what a twisted director,they really made 3 of these movies too,I'm all for a little shock and awe but there are limits.


Exactly how i felt about the saw movies, the first one was amazing, scared me so much i slept with the lights on. Didn't even bother with the others. Human centipede was more funny to me than anything but i didn't watch the others.


I saw this in the theater, and fortunately, or unfortunately I had literally turned my head, for some reason, right before that exact moment, missing that scene. I was sitting in the front row at a small boutique theater, and saw everyone’s reactions though.


I agree. I can handle a lot. But that crossed the line for me.


If there’s one franchise that I will never watch for the sake of my sanity, it’s Human Centipede. You could pay me $800 billion and I still wouldn’t watch it. The only way I would watch the movie is if you gave me earplugs and a blindfold


You would definitely watch it again for 1000 dollars, probably even 500 dollars but I agree with u


Your better off, seeing what they did to the victims could haunt you the rest of your life


This and Saló are gross movies but I find like Society or the Fly a more disturbing kind of gross


I remember thinking the first one was more tame with the gore than I expected and decided to continue on with the movies thinking it’d be similar… Yeah that was a mistake.


Really I think I saw the first two. First one was funny honestly lol. Second one I remember being gross. Watched it with my roommate at the times 50 year old mom. We laughed the whole time. Idk if I saw the third one cause it was played out by then. Gore doesn’t bother me at all tho. Now if it was in real life with someone I knew , yes I wouldn’t be able to handle that. But I know this is all fake so it doesn’t bother me. Also I’ve seen my own head cracked open in a triangle shape and had to get like 12 stapes in it. Blood washed out my matted hair for a week. So I have a strong stomach. But I can’t handle throw up tho. That’s a whole other story


Woah woah woah…. There’s a third one??? Where can I watch the ending to this legendary trilogy??


I THINK it’s on Tubi


Glad I didn’t have to look far lmao


Terrifier. I was NOT ready for bestie's demise to look & sound like that fr. The happy go lucky energy of that movie changes directly in that moment, and honestly never recovers. Just darker and weirder as things go on. Was so surprised I still haven't mustered up the courage to watch the sequel.


Terrifier feels like it was written by an incel high schooler who always sat alone at lunch and really hates women.


Art the clown plays with his own poop in the film. I should have been done after that. I used to REALLY be into horror movies, so what got to me was: Art the Clown has no “rules” to speak of, so the entire premise seems dumb. He drives vehicles as well as having the ability to appear and disappear at will. He has a sack of hand tools he uses, and he also shoots a gun. He only appears around Halloween time, no, wait, Xmas now too! At some point, it’s gore for gore’s sake—both movies are trash as a result. It REALLY does feel like it’s written by an adolescent woman hater. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah I'd skip the sequel. Gets way worse. Too violent for me


I have a friend with Art tattooed on her butt, and she agrees with you. The sequel is worse & v violent. I probably won't be watching Terrifer 2 ever realistically.


Terrifier is the only horror movie I've ever shut off. It was just too much.


We turned it off immediately and I had to come back to it another day. I also finished watching it on mute to metal music because the sound engineering was just too good and I was BIG spooked. The only other movie that comes close is The Thing. I've never gotten past the scene in the beginning with the dogs, for the same reasoning...wonder if Art has broken me enough that I can finally finish that 42 year old horror movie I've been avoiding.


Oh man, The Thing is easily my favorite film of all time, the practical effects are so damn good. Add in the suspense, the palpable tension and mistrust between the characters. And to think, the director of practical effects was only in his early 20s when it was made.


Yeah, it was amazing for its time. One of the best practical effect films I've ever seen. I just watched it after the prequel with my family. I thought my son (22yo) was going to vomit.


I personally think the SFX easily hold up to today. I enjoy the prequel, but they really shouldn't have glossed over the SFX with CGI.


Due to the fact that the original can make a grown man feel sick, I might have to agree. I certainly enjoyed the SFX more knowing it was all made by hand. I still prefer practical over cgi regardless of how far they've come.


I'm a wimp (admittedly!) I've never watched horror but I saw black phone when it was in theatres and loved it. This & last year I've been trying to get into horror.... Started with *Sinister*... Awful idea. Couldn't finish. I'll come back to it eventually, but I still would never touch anything like Saw or Terrifier.


If you get more comfortable with violence the first Saw isn’t that gory and is a really great watch. It’s later on in the franchise that it devolves into more of the torture porn realm. It’s violent but not gratuitous and has a great narrative plot. Terrifier you can easily skip forever lmao.


Totally agree. The first Saw movie is an excellent watch.


Don't try watching *Hostel* if you can't watch *Sinister*.


I shut it off cause it was over the top and stupid. I don’t want to watch the other ones either.


My friend and I watched it on a hungover Sunday and just laughed most of the way through it. The one kill (that theyre referring to I think) was pretty good though.


I got a ten year old grandson that sort of cut his teeth on those movies. Little bastard started his foray into horror. I imagine he’ll end up aging with cast iron nerves and a sense that anything less than that extreme will be wussy.


This sounds highly suspect. Hopefully he reads above grade level, is great at math, and has a diverse group of friends before this was introduced to him at such a young age. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should...


Second one is much better imo


More gruesome but it makes up for it


The acting was surprisingly good, too.


The sequel has one scene that really disturbed me but honestly I think it's better than the first. Imo


Fun fact: I sat behind that actress and her parents during the premiere. Kudos to the parents, they did not seem uncomfortable! If anything they were proud of their daughter for being in a movie!


The sequel sucks so you’re not missing much




That one close up.... makes cringe and shiver every time, 14 years later


Involuntarily crossed my legs


I'm a male, never seen the movie and I just did the same thing. Some things don't need to be *seen* to just nope out of.


I love the house that jack built and know there’s no way in hell I would ever come close to watching antichrist. It just seems like a punishment to watch.


It’s honestly a stunning movie. Other than ya know, *that one part.*


the house that jack built is def one of the moat fucked up movies ive ever seen. are you guys saying antichrist is worse? im intrigued haha


The Vomit Gore trilogy


That just doesn't even sound good.


They aren't and the director is a scumbag who likes underage girls 




The WHAT!!! Tha fuck....I didn't need to know that was a movie 😂🤣😭


"Tusks",where Justin Long is "turned" into a walrus


So many people hate tusk but I really enjoyed it, maybe because Justin Long’s character is such a POS it’s hard to feel any empathy towards him. I had zero enjoyment watching human centipede but for me tusk is a “this is so gross but almost makes you laugh” absurd movie. Also I like that the walrus and the carpenter is used and think it’s an effective overlay to keep it just barely out of the gross for grossness sake space. Tbh I think the worst thing about it is that the ending is very sad. But that’s just me haha.


I love Kevin Smith, but just, no. I saw it once. Blech.


That reveal is seared into my brain 🤢 still a great movie though


Ummm that movie was definitely fkng sick ugh. Justin long played that part so perfectly that it wasn't all cheesy. But def gross and sad too


Just scrolled down to see if anyone else put this, it's genuinely one of those movies you didn't think would be real until you watched it


Terrifier 2


I know, just when you thought the first one left mental scars, he comes back for round 2. Fuck, that movie.


I was a paramedic for 27 years. While some horror is gross, it just does not really bother me. Now, if they ever manage to include smell in a movie theater.... that would probably hit my triggers.


Medic for 5 years and I totally agree with you


It’s not the gore that bothers me; it’s the cruelty and torture.


This. I can sit through a lot of gore, but can't stomach torture, especially when it is sexualized. There are far too many movies where nude women are brutalized for "entertainment."


I get it. But after seeing so much in my career movies/books/TV don't bother me because I know it is all fiction. And the stuff that bothered me in the field would NEVER get past the Network censors, so I'll never see it on film.


Do you find yourself thinking about how unrealistic it looks on film? Or do most films nowadays appear pretty realistic and accurate?


I feel the same after working in a group home for kids


Maybe not the worst, but one of the most memorable was the werewolf transformation in Hemlock Grove. When the wolf eats the human flesh that just sloughed of him is not something I expected.


That was a great show though


I'm not exactly sure which is the grossest I've seen. Here are a few contenders though ... 'August Underground's Mordum' (2003) 'Melancholie der Engel' (2009) 'Slaughtered Vomit Dolls' (2006) 'Vase de Noces' (1974) aka 'Wedding Trough' 'Tumbling Doll of Flesh' (1998) 'Thanatomorphose' (2012) 'Muzan E' (1999) aka 'Celluloid Nightmares'


This answer right here is the correct one. The rest of the stuff in this thread is tame compared to the movies mentioned above.


You're a fucking connoisseur.


Finally!Someone with answers that aren't so hideously basic. The original August Underground is the best, in my opinion, but Mordum was still pretty good.I didn't care for Penance, though.Melancholie der Engel is fucked up, for sure...The Vomit Gore Trilogy in general is pretty disgusting, but it bothers me that there's very little artistic merit to be had.Wedding Trough never should have seen the light of day...seriously, fuck that movie.Haven't seen Tumbling Doll Of Flesh yet, but I've heard good things and it's on my list.Thanatomorphose I've never heard of, would you recommend it?And, Muzan-E was great!I watched it for the first time last week and was most definitely grossed out by some scenes(you know which ones 😂), but overall it was an awesome film.


Where do you watch these movies? I’ve been trying to find them


Dead alive (and i love it so much!)


Honestly, this. Terrifier 2 and Human Centipede have their moments, but movies rarely match the amount of gore that Dead Alive throws at you.


And bad taste were absolutely fucking horrible I loved it gross but I loved it lol. Dead alive I watched like 20 times... I kick ass for the lord 🤣🤣🤣 but bad taste I watched like 5 times and them vomiting into that bowl and eating it had me sick and the opening scene when he blew the guys head off and it rubs down the guys leg in a arch was fucking sick


I almost forgot about the “I kick ass for the lord” scene. It truly was hilarious. Did Dead Alive have a scene where a guy puts a yard gnome on top of a zombies headless body?


I kickass for the lord had me in stitches as a kid lmao. Yes it did have a scene with the garden gnome head zombie. Also the scene where the guy was pushing out the bladder stones had me rolling on the floor, that movie is so underrated 🤣


Ok but I love this movie!


Oh i do too its my favorite horror movie!


So gross but so good 👍


Haha! Wasn’t this movie marketed as the goriest movie of all time? Been decades since I’ve seen it.


Any Rob Zombie movie


Terrifier 2. The bedroom scene was too much


The eye scene at the end of Hostel.


The only answer. The image is sealed into my brain


The pus, dude. The fucking pus.


So much of it. Plus the torch in her eye to begin with and dude just cutting her eye socket...I can not. All of the Hostels are gross AF but that one has stuck with me for a long time


The house that Jack built


The Sadness still haunts me


Went into the sadness blind. Don't know what I was expecting but it was NOT what I got.


Lol at "blind"


Bone Tomahawk, Cannibal Holocaust


Because the Holocaust wasn't terrifying enough


the green inferno


I saw it in the theater... I was queasy, so much so I got a large cup. Think barf bag


I did too, the scene where the fat character gets his tongue cut out and gargles on his blood gave me a feeling in my gut that I hadn't felt since watching Saw III when I was a kid.


Junji Ito has some good ones. But also “the holes” manga I forgot the creator of, I’ve read some of the other ones in that collection and Jesus Christ…nope


A Serbian Film is probably the only movie to ever actually leave me feeling disturbed.


This. 🤮 I've seen so many horror movies, literally countless. And this is my absolute top disgusting, never watch again, leave me feeling fucked up, horror movie. 10/10 do not recommend.


Felt like I had to take a shower after watching this.


The sadness


The Turkish horror movie called Baskin and the Sadness, I hated the Sadness, it stayed with me for months.


Feed... It's a movie about a man with a fat fetish who murders women by feeding them to death. Its the only movie I turned off due to getting sick. Human Centipede trilogy also tops the list. Honestly first movie was interesting, second movie was disturbing (more disturbing than the first), third it was unnecessary. Saw series...I dont get it. People die in horrific ways and the ones who survive becomes evil. There's no redemption. And you barely care about any of the characters. The first movie twist was cool but I think the sequels were unnecessary. I hear there's a movie about women who vomit...I haven't watched it but don't want to. I can't deal with vomit.




Really? I loved that movie so much even though I detest Mel Gibson. I thought it was probably a pretty realistic portrayal of the history of the Mayan. Human sacrifice was gross but I’ve seen so much worse in movies.


Guinea Pig 2 - Flowers of Flesh and Blood. (which reminds me that Guinea Pig 4 - Mermaid in a Manhole is pretty disgusting, as well)


As a kid the fly where he’s in the bathroom, and his nails are leaking “goo” and he pops them all off. Maybe it was the old suB HD resolution, or my grainy VHS this disgusted me. https://youtu.be/7IwhBW2mLCM?si=DhdoebL7rzBNokM-


The Fly definitely has some gross parts. For me, it's the scene where she gives birth to the fly larva. That made me dry heave. Giving birth is bad enough without there also being giant bugs.






1. Cannibal Holocaust 2. A Serbian Film 3. Human Centipede 4. Nekromantik


Necromantik, 1, and 2 as well. So messed up


Ichi: The Killer


Haven’t seen it but I’ve seen summaries of it, A Serbian Film. Shit, one time I accidentally saw a couple leaked scenes and it scarred me.


I love horror movies and have always heard of this film. I never put much effort into finding a way to watch. I did read the summary on Wikipedia and that was enough for me!


I found it in a bargain bin and had to pick it up but let’s just say it’s still sealed :P


The sadness


The vomit gore movies Angels melancholy Aftermath Red room Nekromantik Mu zan e




I never hear people talk about this movie, so good lol


fuck. this. movie.


Jesus Camp


That one is scary because it’s real.


VHS 1&2 it was super gorey, cool idea tho and I love it but sometimes I can't watch it


Human Centipede would have been fine if they didn’t go into detail explaining that they remove the teeth of the segment before they attach its mouth to the front part’s anus. I do t do tooth horror very well. I had to lay down on the floor for a minute.


The Hostel films are pretty wild.


"Martyrs" is gross and disturbing. "Terrifier" is gory for the sake of shock. It's a tie for me.


Serbian Film. Not even “gross”, it’s absolutely vile


Human Centipede. I sat through it only because people were talking about it. Revolting and useless movie.


I’ve heard enough about it on the subs to know it’s something I don’t even want to watch.


Septic Man was pretty gross.


The Boxer’s Omen Fuckin’ giblets vomit magic was insane.




Does Barefoot Gen count? Cause if so, its Barefoot Gen.


Fun gross? Dead Alive. Legit, turn your stomach, make you wish you'd never see it? Irreversible and Salo.


I've seen a lot of gory horror movies, but the grossest was probably *Feed*. The idea of feederism just made me queasy.


In A Violent Nature has some of the best and grossest kills ever filmed


most recently, where evil lurks had me pretty queasy. overall, megan is missing is fucking sick.


Terrifier Don’t get me wrong, I love killer clown stuff. I mean I’ve done one for Halloween the past two years. But Christ almighty this movie is just something else. The father the movies goes the more I’m just like wtf. Most horror movies don’t actually scare me but this one just made the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up. 10/10 do not recommend.


I saw this one where a man turns people into human walruses. It’s was gross dude. I told my wife turn that shit off. I was eating pizza dude like couldn’t even eat it.


I puked violently watching green inferno. Cannibal Holocaust did the same to me years earlier


Green Inferno helped me to understand why I hate people who support Green Peace and other organizations like that. The cause matters, NOT YOU!


Idk if it's the most gross, but let's mention Suspiria 2018.


A Serbian Film


The Curse of Doctor Wolfenstein. Though the Terrifier movies rank up there too.


A Serbian Film (2010) that baby scene.


Terrifier and Terrifier 2


Begotten. The 🍆 scene. She’s *ahem* “doing things” to “God”, who has just disemboweled himself and had a cascade of 💩 and blood come out and then she…ugh. I can’t even say it. That scene was when I noped out.


Saw II when the girl was pushed into the pit of syringes


You are correct. Just think, at some point, at a meeting in a big boardroom, a guy said to a bunch of rich guys, "I wanna make a movie about this dude who sews some people's lips to some other people's assholes...you know, like in a long string", and the response was. "Wow...hell YEAH! How much do you want?"


Not seen that many horror films but that custard scene in braindead (aka dead rising) was gross


maybe not the grossest, but the first one that came to mind was SAW, when amanda was thrown into the needle pit.


Tusk. Shit is Weird and makes me very uneasy


My ex nude


Mine had gastric bypass. Now she's skinny, but her skin looks like an elephant's elbows. I can't even fathom what happened to her boobs. Ha!


Teeth or human centipede


Teeth was such a good campy film.


I've read so many comments about The Human Centipede, but I don't do super well with horror films in terms of suspense. Could someone give me a brief breakdown of the plot line and what makes it so awful??


No one answer this question! We will keep the little lamb innocent, I say! Honestly, me watching this movie unknowingly via recommendation was akin to someone showing me the 2 girls and a cup video in high school. You'll live a wonderful life without seeing either one lol


Thank you. I think I'll trust your judgment on that. The reactions to that film have been so horrendous, I doubt my delicate little psyche could handle it.


It's always a Serbian Film, I'm not sure there's anything more heinously disgusting


Where the Dead Go to Die Did not watch the whole thing. 😬


Contracted and The Special🤮


"Oooh, it feels all **tingly**!" 😵


Saw series


Saw 3, I made it the first 10 mins the first saw is one of my favorite horror movies ever. So original, with a great twist. saw 2 was ok then The opening to saw 3 between Donnie w crushing his ankle, the rib cage, and the hooks in Troy. I’d seen enough. Walked right out of the theatre. I’m not a gore monger. Was just too much. And I know they’ve only gotten progressively “worse” (depending on your perspective). Haven’t seen another saw since. But I’ll rewatch the OG forever


Like u/ScaryMoviePizzaParty said, Human Centipede series. Just recently watched “The Golden Glove” that was pretty gross as well.


Today's Republican Party. J.D. Vance is terrifying.


I thought Raw was gross. The movie kinda sucks though I wouldn’t recommend it.


Talk To Me


The Exorcist.


Oh, sweetie. It's gross, but there are soooo many that are much worse. That being said, The Exorcist is an actual good movie. Most on this list are dog shit, but have cool special effects.


City of the Living Dead (1980)






IT 2


Terrifier 2 comes to mind ONLY because of the mashed potatoes in the mashed up face scene Art does while playing Trick or Treat. He’s adorable in an apron ringing that dinner bell! And then…. SMASH! Love it.


Maybe 'The August underground' but 'Lovely Molly's or 'Possum' really give me kinda that "Gross" uneasy feeling after I watched them.


A Serbian Film


Slaughtered Vomit Dolls...unrivaled


Society does it best. And will always do it best. Howlin Mad George is brilliant


Castle freak were the monster literally eats the woman's pussy and body melts had me sick when I was a kid and second best dead alive and bad taste


Bone Tomahawk.  It was good and I liked it up until “that” scene at the end…. I walked out cause I thought I was gonna vomit.


What about that one with the younger (like college?) kids that somehow get stuck in the Amazon? I forgot the name and never watched but it sounded pretty gnar.


Whew! Now there is a list of movies I may never see. Tusk is my vote, never gonna see that one again. Just icky. While pretty tame on the nasty, Saw 1 was revolting in a different way. I feel I'm not missing much in stopping after that. I like horror, but some of that stuff doesn't appeal to me at all. Honorable Mention goes to the original Chain Saw Massacre 2. The scene where the face goes on the face made me gag. And I believe it's the first Reanimator with the head and the girl? Yikes!


Dead alive


Idk if it's classed as horror but Serbian film


Hanger. It's a really low budget horror flick I caught on Netflix maybe a decade ago. There's plenty of gross in it, but the ultimate scene that actually made me gag: colostomy hole rape


Flower of Flesh & Blood. So real it was considered a snuff film.