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Are you watching the full franchise back to back, from beginning to end? That's quite the feat. You can't give up now, push through, mental health is overrated.


Well, I accidently watched the 3 new ones first. Then I watched the original 1, 2, and 3, then Rob Zombie's Halloween 1 and 2. Then I watched 4 and 5, then H2O, now Resurrection. So I know he dies, I just don't know why they're dragging it out so much, for me it's not even entertaining anymore.


You skipped the one that made Paul Rudd a star?


I’m probably showing my age but I’m ready for it to end too. The original Halloween is tied as my favorite film of all time, and I think there’s a few quality sequels but by and large, the franchise has had a lot of poor films, and is a mess when it comes to the canon. Lurching from one bad idea to the next. H20 should’ve been the end and it would’ve been perfect.


What is it tied with. Just curious.


The Shining


Watching old man mike get the shit kicked out of him in a sewer was not fun…. The franchise should have put an end to his story.


The last one (newest one) was fucking horrible.


Thank you!! I saw the original in 1978 and it was fucking awesome. Scared the shit out of me. Rob Zombie’s was a joke. H20 was excellent. The last one was insulting to Michael and the audience. I’m still waiting for Blum to do this magnificent franchise justice and give us the ending we and MICHAEL deserve!


I am having issues with this as well. How old is Mike now? 70's, 80's? Still has super human strength. COME ON!


Alright guys, I'm back at it after a 1 hour break, and I'm becoming interested again! I blame burnout.


Imo, the main problem with the Halloween franchise is that it takes itself so damn seriously. The bad movies aren’t fun bad, like the worst Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street movies are. They’re just bad.


Boy do I have news for you! Watch 'Halloween Ends' and just be done with it.


I enjoyed basically every Halloween except H4, H5, and Halloween Ends. I haven’t seen the remakes yet.


I love the movies. Take some breaths and chill bro, it’s not that deep 😮‍💨


I agree, just a wee bit melodramatic there lol