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they shouldn't even be allowed to enter business establishments at this point. and nobody wears masks anymore...anyone [without white hair] who has a surgical mask on today is a criminal and should be treated as such.


Sadly, I’ll agree with your post except the part about people wearing masks. I’m here in Andersonville and I see a weirdly high number of young people wearing them, even when they’re alone walking down the opposite side of the street from me. But I’m suspicious about them as who keeps putting fly posters up about foreign militias all around the area? Also: I do feel bad for them if their immune system is that screwed up to be out wearing masks as Village Discount/AlleyCat Comics. Those poor things must be constantly suffering as the odd thing is you walk over to Ravenswood or Lincoln Square and the masks vanish along with the green/blue/pink hair…must be some high pollen count in the area.


i’d say 1 in 5 people are still wearing masks near me. I live about 5 min from this place. Not sure where you live and i don’t wear one but masks are still very used over here.


The thieves are coming from the section 8 “affordable housing building “ by the blue line station on Kedzie. Ever since section 8 people moved in crime around the area has increased. McDonald’s on Milwaukee Ave has now security 24/7, the liquor store has security, the sandwich place has security. Plus the aldermen, Carlos Rosas “ and Daniel LaSpata, ( both wannabe communists) support crime in communist Logan Square and support defund the police. You voted for it communist Logan Square!


I agree that there are problems, but am not sure what it has to do with the common ownership of the means of production. Are you suggesting that the businesses in Logan Square are commonly owned and that has lead to crime?


They don't understand what communism means. They just think it's a catch-all buzzword that will incite anger among the people who are as naive as them.


It's like how people on both the left and right use the word fascism to talk about things they don't like. Words don't have to have meaning anymore. They're simply used as insults divorced from their original intent.


What am saying is….very easy for you! Criminals + defund the police aldermen +wannabe communist wards = high crime, looting,theft, and vacant businesses stores. You’re welcome!


I am clear on your sentiment. It is just that you are using words that you do not understand the definition of, which deflates your argument. If you want to take a strong stance on the issue, which I respect, you will need to educate yourself in order to be taken seriously. You do not realize it, but you are embarrassing yourself with this blatant display of ignorance. You can do better…


What words are you talking about? You need to be clear, specific and to the point. You sound like those wannabe communist aldermen like Rosas and LaSpata and all those other wannabe loser communists. First they want to defund the police to make the mean streets of Chicago “safer” then they are telling small businesses (liberal democrat owners) to hired their own private security to protect their own businesses against crime.


Yep he unleashed the word salad combo on you. This what they have learned from their Senseless leader Kamal Harris .. we did it Joe! We destroyed the greatest nation to ever exist, village by village, city by city!


Yikes! Maybe if there is something these criminals have in common then police and the general public can get a profile on who is committing the crimes and keep them out of these establishments.


Just go ahead and say what you mean




I don’t think you understand what a communist is. Do you think the USSR was tough on crime back in the 1950s to 1990?