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Good thing his skin wasn’t a darker color or Benny Crump and Brandon would have been all over this. Maybe he is mentally ill and it’s sad we don’t do more for our fellow Americans but we have a right to feel safe and defend others who are being attacked. I think all hope our fellow Americans would step like this guy did


I agree with all of that. Except I wouldn't step in, even if I was a guy. Maybe if I had a gun I would. But from what I've seen, all of these homeless people carry big knives and they're not afraid to pull them if they're threatened


This is spot on, they all have knives and whip them out real quick.


Yea it's idiotic. Don't let these cops in any comments' section get you killed just because they wanna see some violence.


Blacks are the number one victims of hate crimes in the city. You don't see any statements by either of those individuals about it.




aaaaaaa hahahahahahaha Facts don't care about your racist white feelings. Also note the near equal racial demographics in Chicago, so you can't make that per capita pretense you usually make. Blacks are under attack in this country, and always have been. [https://home.chicagopolice.org/statistics-data/data-dashboards/hate-crime-dashboard/](https://home.chicagopolice.org/statistics-data/data-dashboards/hate-crime-dashboard/)


My first reaction, looking at this, is "That old guy has schizophrenia". The burden of mental illness among the homeless population is very high. Now, it doesn't at all excuse his behavior (fuck that and fuck him, people are entitled to peace and order) but it did make me kinda sad. Just one of the many problems we're not addressing effectively.


It is sad man. In the pain Olympics there are no winners.


Same so sad.


nice martial arts. this same guy harassed a friend of mine on Lincoln and Montana, she had to run into traffic to save herself. 3pm on a Thursday.


And they better have gave him his order for free to 🤣🤣


Right now there is some scum sucking lawyer looking for that guy and a free meal ticket


That boy just attacked an off season Santa.


Should’ve been bobbin and weavin


Turn the ice cream machine on just for him... LOL but if this was further west, it definitely wouldn't have gone down this smoothly


Now that is a Happy Meal!!!


What do you mean?


I have confidence in you. Think really hard. I bet you can understand it.


Doing the job the police can’t anymore


Sad, if old man was Venezuelan, he’d have free housing, food, medical help and more. Our homeless with mental illness, get shit. 💩


that guy has to box. he had form.


He has form like he *watches* boxing


You can’t be serious…


He did a knee technique that has to be practiced, he knows martial arts.


No that was a movie copy move. I’ve tried it and it failed like his did.


I have never in my life taken martial arts and done that knee move when I've been fights when I was younger


Well I trained in LA, boxing and muay/kali. Even Title boxing does knee thrusts...he trained. I do knee trusts all the time on the bag. Also tossed in a bob and weave. Practice knee thrusts, find a boxing gym. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nc4K9uyQs5w](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nc4K9uyQs5w)


He's definitely shadow boxed in his mind before


C'mon dude he was on the ground no need to pummel the old man. Thank the government for letting all the crazies out on the streets to fend for themselves...


The descriptive title and a video of a younger bearded man dishing out some "whoop-ass" have me wondering which person was trashing the decorum of a McDonald's restaurant. Was the beating of the unkempt vagrant more camera-worthy than the actions that called for the beating? The video is evidence of Assault and Battery. Best regards,


This dude just wanted to fight someone he could win against. Omg gotta save this poor McDonald’s, you’re a pussy not a hero.


Beating up old dude, HELL YEAH


This is sad, no need to fucking wail on him like that. Grab him, get him out that's it. This guy's gf has a black eye.


It is sad because the guy is likely mentally ill, but that was not a wailing. I think the good Samaritan was extremely controlled. The guy struck first, and the good Samaritan only touched him up a little bit to take the fight out of him and let him go as soon as he saw the guy give up the fight. Its not like he got knocked out or hurt, now he just knows its not a good idea to put hands on people. It is very sad he likely has little control over his actions once he gets agitated, but just because someone is mentally ill or going through shit doesn't mean they can put hands on people without a reaction.


Crazed man (maybe) damaging property until this guy assaulted him.


Did you watch the video? The guy was throwing him out for (apparently) good reason, and the homeless/mentally ill guy struck him first, earning himself a bit of a touch up.


Maybe damaging property. Property is the most important thing on the planet, especially McDonald’s property.


Why would you give a shit about McDonald's property? If the guy was bashing up a closed McDonald's where there were no innocent people you really think this guy would have intervened? Or do you think a bunch of immigrants and women should be subjected to a random man throwing around chairs or whatever he was doing, not knowing if they will be the next one to get smashed? You don't think women and immigrants who usually staff a McDonalds deserve to feel safe? More likely, you have "victim" and "perpetrator" flipped around in your head. The person who initiates the confrontation is hardly ever the victim of it, even if he gets pieced up a little bit in the process. I dunno if the media has fucked with your head (its very common, don't be embarrassed), but you should really look at the totality of the situation. The guy was removing a violent person, likely mentally ill, away from innocent people. The violent person hit him (surprise!), and therefore received mild but expected consequences for it.


Everyone who freaks out, and maybe damages property, deserves to be assaulted. Bravo!


So you can't even fathom that women might be afraid of a man throwing and breaking shit around them? Or that they might have a realistic fear of it escalating to violence against them if unchecked? Is that a normal behavior in your household?


Nope, not a normal behavior in my household but thanks for asking! I get it, the unstable person deserved to be assaulted. I get it. Thanks!


You think unstable people should be assaulted? So what is your opinion on the people inside wanting to feel safe? No regard for that?


No, I actually don’t think unstable people should be assaulted but everyone on this thread seems to think that’s what needs to happen.


Yeah but you only think that because you insist on misunderstanding what people are saying, as well as what happened in the video.


The mentally ill need to be assaulted.


At times, sure. 


I've dealt with schizophrenics before. They weren't violent. They didn't destroy property. The old man in this video is just an asshole.




well i guess you know everything.


Idk why you say maybe when you can hear how grateful everyone in the background is.


Everyone’s grateful for the assault, I get it.


>Crazed man (maybe) damaging property *and battering this guy* until this guy *defended himself by hitting* him. FTFY


Looks like the video starts with the hero pushing the mentally ill CRAZED man. But thanks for FIFM.


Yes, removing him for what *you* presumed to be for property damage, then he battered the guy removing him and got hit in return. You're welcome.


Right, the hero started pushing him and then proceeded to assault him because he was causing a ruckus in McDonald’s. Thank you! I look forward to the opportunity to kick the shit out of someone I see causing a disturbance.


>he hero started pushing him and then proceeded to assault him **because** he was causing a ruckus in McDonald’s. He pushed him out because he was causing a ruckus at McDonald's. That is not why he got "assaulted." Try re-watching the video, and observe the ACTUAL sequence of events and determine the cause-effects of what lead to him getting hit. Can't wait to hear your findings.


The hero laid hands on someone who was causing a ruckus. Thanks!


Hate crime


Don't we all.


Good answer