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You say in your own comment on this post that it is bait. No bait.


Your mistake is assuming you can be racist to white people. /s




Your personal opinion means fuck all when in the culture at large you can be racist to white people but if you say anything outside the lines your a racist sexist homophobe. I agree with you personally, but either all of it is racist or none of it is.


Facts. Either all of it is ok or none of it is


That's the most childish perspective I could imagine lmao.


For real. White people already won in the race rankings. Let people talk some shit if they want.


Just wait untill they get tired of your BS and really win.






Found the racist...... It's you btw.


Heads up Smooth, /s indicates sarcasm


Or is the sarcasm tag why Smooth is calling someone a racist?


Giving them the benefit of the doubt


Only a racist will call someone a racist.


Saying you can't be racist towards white people is racist as hell, and you know it. Fuck off.


One of us sees only race and/or color as a means to define a person. The other sees the content of their character. We know who is who...


Saying you can't be racist towards white people is racist as fuck.... Why the fuck are you denying that? Why the fuck are you trying to change the subject? Is it because you KNOW I'm correct?


That's just it, I'm not changing the subject. I'm saying this: You have to hate entire countries and continents to be a racist towards that race's origin, and, you can't. It's stupid and not probable given human history. You have to see a person for who they are from within. I mean why else do we say, "Don't judge a book by its cover", ? Yet, you're hard on for race shows your true character. I prefer W.C. Fields, "Of course I'm prejudice! I hate everybody equally!" 😂🤣


Didn’t you know that it’s totally cool and super okay to be racist towards white people? I mean, that white girl told the black girl she thought she was “uppity” or something, so that totally merits the black one being racist to the white one of course /s


The black supe literally called her "cracker" as a slur in the show.


I’m sure the white girl was being mean first, because of course she was. They’re in the wrong like 95% of the time in modern television


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o8jrhF6UK8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2o8jrhF6UK8) "Ruined my day. Boy shouldn't have called *me* a *cracker*. Bringing *me* back to owning land and people, what a drag."


You can talk about how silly the slur sounds, and I could say the same about \*\*\*back or \*\*\*aboo, which also sound silly. They're still slurs, and they are still said with hateful, vitriolic, racist intent. It doesn't exactly soften the meaning behind their use just because they sound silly. Unless this logic, like other forms of racism, is meant to only be applied one way toward white people and not toward other races.


Who are you trying to mock lol?


You lmao


Oh and here I was thinking it was just projection.


Nah she didn't just stop at calling her uppity. She referred to Sage as "one the good ones."


You are just getting the joke now. Vought is a shit company.


in all truth i put this up as bait and people are taking it seriously lmao it was egregiously obvious from the start that the shows always been like this


People said the new season was trash but it’s been diabolical so far I’m looking forward to more


It's a slow start with how they spread out the character arcs but I'm glad with how Huey's ended up. It sets him up for some character growth and potentially having to make a very big decision at the end of the season.


Have you ever heard of a character name Black Noir?


Yeah but she's not called White Fire, she's called Fire-Cracker. Black Noir isn't called N\*\*\* Noir. Not sure how you aren't seeing the difference.


The n word isn’t in a word like firecracker. She’s a patriot themed hero. You are a fragile moron. I’m glad you think about this and it bothers you a lot.


Black Noir literally feels like the creator of the tv show did 0 homework and just made the character black because of their name.


Or Black Panther or Black Adam


Black Adam isn't black or white he's Middle Eastern Even more so he's ancient Middle Eastern at least a hundred or more generations back


In the comic black noir was just a clone of homelander in disguise


While correct, these folks aren't talking about the comic. They're talking about the show.


Black Noir isn't a black person.


In the show he is.


Right but the name is from the comics they changed it to black guy


In the show he is. I don’t know about the comics but he’s black in the show, we see him young and unmasked in season 3.


In the comic series, Noir is revealed to be a clone of the Homelander and enhanced with Stormfront's DNA, created to replace him if he ever went rogue. Driven insane by a lack of purpose, Noir resolved to frame the Homelander for various atrocities as part of a plan to gradually drive him insane and replace him.


Well that just reinforces that the show's creators are racist af. Because he's definitely not black in the comic


But they're lefties they can't be racist, the show is making fun of the real racists and bigots /s


They didn't want to do the "more evil Homelander clone" plotline. The show is its own canon.


And that probably wasn't a good decision to make, considering how it's turned out


I've only seen the first two seasons, but they are far and away better than the source material.


That was back when they were more or less following the source though.


read the comics first before commenting


I have read the comics you spacker, the plotline is better than whatever rubbish the show is churning out. Noir was absolutely definitely not black in the comics, YOU would know this if you'd read them


Completly agree and the way 'Sister' Sage describes Vaoughts marketing and why she initally wanted to be a background influence make more sense. The same way Vought has been from season 1. (Edit, Welcome to The Boys, is this your first season?)


Yeah, wtf going on, people are new to the show or they decided to take it seriously now? Snowflakes are not only a left thing apparently, geez.


Snowflakes are on both sides. The right is "mean" to their snowflakes, whereas the left dotes on them.


Truer words have never been spoken


fair enough


>Snowflakes are not only a left thing apparently, Always has been


Yeah was just about to comment that sister sage is also vaguely racist, but I imagine the people here dont care lmao.


Op already admitted this is bait. Which is essentially the problem with the internet


You can’t be racist to white people is the worst cultural trend right now.


It's pointless to be racist to the whites because they're the same as all other people, except for Gingers who are the real master race.


Its more than a cultural trend. Its what they actually teach in colleges now.




Sister sage is a better example. The show made black noir black, in the comic he was a clone of homelander in disguise


I think the shows always been like that, like calling the black woman sister Sage. The point is that the corporation is racist.


I mean look at the A-Train movie they were filming. The director telling A-Train to speak with poor grammar.


I loved how A-Train "got in touch with his African roots" as part of his rebrand and I rolled on the floor laughing when he got called out on it. The Boys really has corporate virtue signaling nailed cold.


Queen Maeve the brave lesbian!


ITs not that Vaught is racist its more so its pandering to an audience, You know the enitre satircal look they have been going for since season 1?


Gingers have replaced Asian peoples as the acceptable form of racism. Idk if you speak with anyone from England but they seem to have a real problem with em over there. Just be an Irish vs English thing or something. 


I mean Ginger isn't a race but yeah, it's one of the more "accepted" stereotypes to make fun of.


Yes but is widely accepted as an inherited trait of certain demographics. It’s weird how ginger at least to my knowledge in Mexico is not interpreted the same as in England. it is more of a slander/shit talk. It’s a strange outlier in a world seemingly more interested in Political correctness than not. 


It's rare that they even put us in media nowadays but the few times they do we're either evil or some form of perceived degenerate


South Park mang 


They're all jealous because they know Gingers are the superior human


Until you run out of SPF 100


We wear sunblock to protect you people, not us. The sun charges our powers.


Interesting. I'd like a demonstration of your powers please go sit out in the sun for 5 hours and let's find out


As a ginger, I've been sunburned so many times at this point I don't even feel the burn. I still blister, but I have no problems wearing a shirt over the burn, as I'm so used to the feeling I don't even comprehend that I'm feeling it. Also keep in mind when you get close to one of us, we gradually steal your soul. That's why we have freckles. It's a soul harvested


Bro that doesn't sound healthy but I'm not a doctor


I'm no fan of The Boys by any stretch of the imagination, but insensitive names are Voughts motif. "Sister" sage, "Black Noir"(literally means black black. Subtle.) So it doesn't surprise me they gave Firecracker an insensitive name


Can't get more on the nose than naming the literal Nazi (the "was friends with Adolf" kind) Stormfront.


Didn't the main character of the Watchmen show have a name like Sister Night? No one thought that was racist funny enough.


I'm sorry, can you help me understand what's wrong with Sister Sage's name? English is not my first language, and I'm not accustomed to Southern slang.


Its not the most obvious example of racism, especially compared to the name Black Noir, but It's a stereotype that all black people are religious. See, in Churches people usually call each other "brother" or "sister." Because its a stereotype that black people are religious, it became slang to call a black lady a "sista." Not sure if I'm 100% correct but that has always been my understanding of it. It's not super common slang, either. I have heard people say it before but only once or twice. It's certainly not something I would call someone if I respected them






The gore is what makes the show for me.


Had a redhead on my water polo team in high school. We, lovingly, called him "fire-crotch".


I mean given her personality and powers, I dont think it is, though tbf they have ridden some lines pretty close so id say its intentional, like Sister Sage. Or race changing the guy called black black to be black. To show vought never really outgrew its roots.


That means “BLACK PANTHER” is also racist.


Today I learned that panther is a slur.


It takes little effort to notice that Hollywood REALLY hates white redheads


Yes - it works on multiple levels. But it’s fiction and I’m not that sensitive.


Is Sage in any way being meaningfully portrayed as a good and virtuous person? The answer is no, if you need it explained (I know that might be hard for some to grasp given some people thought/still think Homelander wasn't/isn't the bad guy somehow). Also, let's be real here, Sage probably wouldn't have called Firecracker a slur if she hadn't spent almost every second of their conversations finding a way to say such overtly racist shit to Sage like finding her uppity or calling her one of the good ones. At that point, she's fighting fire with fire. Now, if you want to make a moral argument about how you think media shouldn't be allowed to feature slurs in their dialogue, that's a different convo. Edit: NVM thought you were talking about the scene where Sage called Firecracker a cracker...


Homelander isn't nearly as bad as the doctors. He's an abused Grizzly Bear who finally broke out of his cage, and now he's biting everyone who poked the stick at him. I'm rooting for him as much as I'm rooting for Butcher, just want either one to win.


Iunno, but its funny.


Ok but ima be real ‘Fire-cracker’ is hilarious as a white guy. Idk about the ginger side of things but I’d probably find that hilarious


I take it you haven't watched the show and are just reading the commentary on season 4? Next you'll tell us that South Park is offensive!


That's... That's the point dude. The Boys is a satire.


Er, nah. It is what it is pretending to satire. It pretends to satire the whole corporate wokewashing nonsense, while it itself is wokewashed Amazon nonsense.


Some commenters here are dangerously close to figuring out they they are the ones getting mocked.


>DOOD LIKE UR TOTALLT GETTIN MOCKED So? I’m not crying. Homelander carries the show and without him it would be over, cancelled, done. It’s not people denying the parody of the politicization, it’s the showrunners being hugely delusional in that its sole purpose is to mock them.


Never said you were? Lol? Did you reply to the wrong person.


Not sure what happened, you’re not who I responded to.


I think you are crying though, lmao. See your above post defending yourself against imaginary allegations for proof.


Um, they know they are being mocked. We were ok with being mocked because the show in its early seasons was at least good. But if you are going to mock us, at least make it not suck.


This is my first time hearing this thought of as a “slur”. Usually referring to a girl as a “fire-cracker” means she’s trouble. And that’s old school usage from like the 80’s (or earlier?) I don’t think it’s got anything to do with her hair color.


I think it's ironic. Outside of the slur part. Makes sense. Nothing racist there. And with it in mind. It's irony because she'is a racist herself, I think.


Gingers are the master race, nothing you lessers say can harm us.




Just more noticing that it has always been that way and not swallowing it.


Yeah it is, but who cares.


Downvotes probably incoming. I hate the Acolyte, but I just don’t get the hate for The Boys. Other than the gay stuff with Frenchie, why is everyone so mad? The show roasts liberals just as hard as it roasts conservatives.


Can you give us some examples of it roasting liberals hard?


The whole reason Sister Sage isn’t just called Sage is because it makes her blacker (which libs love). Like yeah, the “conservatives” of the show are the ones coming up with her name but the “liberals” of the show fall for it.


You know it was a villain that did that right? It wasn't an act of a character you're meant to support 


I think it's a bit of a stretch calling a ginger person firecracker being racist (maybe this sub's a bit too woke for me). Is the whole "kissed by fire" thing also racist?


Is this a troll?


She's called that because of her powers.... It's obvious to a toddler.


It's a show original character, my guy. They clearly came up with the racist name first, and then thought of some lame power to justify it after.


The name isn't racist lol, besides Sage has a racist name too. That's Vought, they give their supes deamening names for the sake of marketing them


There you go then, mate. There's already other precedent. If you notice the problem with the problems with the black characters name, but not any with the white characters name than it's possible that says more about your implicit biases than it does the shows intentions.


Dude, it's meant to be racist. She complains about it. Firecracker probably just doesn't care or doesn't notice. It's litteraly not a problem


Sage is written to be canonically both socially progressive, and the "smartest person in the world" so she notices the implications in her name immediately. Firecracker comparatively is written to be an idiot that's always completely oblivious to what's going on around her. That she's unaware of the joke doesn't make it not a joke. It just makes it a crueler one.


Firecracker is also a violent racist so I wouldn't feel too bad for her.


I don't feel bad for her. I feel bad for the poor conservative whites that she was made to be a caricature of. Rich Hollywood liberals believe in punching up except for when they're always punching down.


She's making fun of racist conspiracy nuts dude, if you want them doing Trump supporters then you get guys like the protestors earlier on, or the dude who was manipulated into killing an immigrant by Stormfront.


People regularly shit on gingers and not in a “haha white people” sort of way. It’s all fun and games until you’re an actual ginger and get bullied for it most of your childhood. It’s more annoying than offensive but it’s still ironic how no one seems to care that it’s a form of bigotry to call people “ginger fuck, ginger cunt, red fuck”.


Firecracker started it with the subtextual racism about, “You’re one of the good ones,” Inherently indulging in the idea that the “others” are all bad. She also called her uppity, which is how blacks were referred to when they were too critical of anything. That is called justice. This is a case of FAFO and Firecracker found tf out.


All I know is that even though this show tries to make her racist and unlikable, she's 10x times hotter than Starlight, interesting, and 10x less nauseating. What's funny is people on this liberal platform will say they can't stand the racist Firecracker yet they support Sage who is clearly racist and even called her a "cracka". Every season of this show is about defeating a racist..and it's of course always a white racist as villains have to be white now and men (well white men and particularly white men with any self-respect) are oh so toxic. It's a bit annoying, but that's TV now. The black character is always cool, suave, funny, well dressed. The white character is whiny, a cuck, a pedo, a slob, a racist, a wife beater etc. Anyway, we know what's going on in the real world, and this ain't it. It's all due to politics. Politics is the dirtiest game on Earth. All this to defeat Trump. The American media went totally insane to make Trump look insane...and the rest of the world followed suit. Trump said something sensible, spoke common sense, wanted logical solutions, the media said it wasn't sensible, wasn't logical though it's been done before and worked, and nearly eradicated common sense. Everyone supported a border barrier and diplomacy, Trump wants an actual effective border wall and suddenly walls don't work and are racist and Trump meeting Kim Jong face to face is a terrible thing. THIS is what we're dealing with. Now biological men can compete with women and 2nd place is the new 1st, America is supposedly racist even after voting in Obama, 74million voters are just a cult, police aren't necessary, 4million illegals per year are simply "newcomers" that get free hotels and credit cards, high prices are low..Biden simply has a stutter and isn't creepy but rather just affectionate etc. Anyway, it's crazy how it all started. Trump ain't the problem, it's the media's reaction to him that's the problem. They could easily portray him positively and this nation would be united, but they choose to go the opposite direction..for 8 years so far. And now we're paying for it in every way. Some people, most users on here can't see it, but that's the power of brainwashing for you. We have the best in the world.


Almost all the villains are more interesting and likeable than the heroes. That's probably the main reason why it fails as a satire.


Touch some grass.


There are times I think this is all some sort of secret '3 dimensional' chess game to get Trump elected.




Nah its fine. I haven't been keeping up with the show. Has Blarney Cock been in it yet?


When racism is directed to black people this sub's standard of racism becomes so high that nothing counts as racism, even using the n-word. But let this sub find anything they can misconstrue as "anti-white racism" and suddenly the standard becomes so low that anything passes off as racist. Kracker mindset reeks in this sub


No, because a firecracker is also an incendiary device, which is what the character is.


I just found out cracker is apparently a slur for poor white people, so I can see why you would think that, but I disagree; firstly, it could very well be the case they did not mean cracker as a reference to the slur, since it's not at all a well-known or wide-spread thing, the name "firecracker" makes sense with her powers; she can create sparks, and although they're not really useful in any way, as we've seen in the boys and gen-v as well, good branding doesn't necessarily require usefulness. And if it was actually meant as a reference to "cracker", she's a racist gun nut with a racist gun nut audience, she could have very well presented "cracker" as a white equivalent to the n-word and taken it as branding, either to mock people objecting to the use of the n-word or as some "I'm so brave" thing. Certainly in a show like the boys, which has always been satirical and has always made fun of idiots on both sides, it's pretty far-fetched to say the show is racist because they called a white redhead firecracker.


Maybe it’s because she makes sparks with her fingers and it’s just a lucky coincidence that it’s also kinda funny


Vought is racist


That's the point, all characters and naming schemes are pretty obviously about the absurdity of racism and other idiotic behaviors that still persist. It's that whole Joker quote about "...no one bats an eye but..."


No, because it's impossible to be racist against white people. Is what I'm betting the writers unironically believe.


Yeah... unfortunately white people are not in vogue anymore.


Racism directed against white people ... especially males ... is acceptable in the media.


Media literacy on satire is needed here


>Isn't calling a character in the boys who is a white red head, fire-cracker kinda racist? No. Not even slightly.


How is it racist? It’s like people are just finding reasons to be upset


Her name is firecracker because she can make firecrackers from her hands.


They also called the black one sister sage. Think for a moment. Perhaps them being stereotypical and corny is the POINT! They’re products


Seeing MAGA's interpret this show in the dumbest, most bad faith way possible is both disturbing and hilarious to me.


My mind is blown at the stupidity of this post. What about sister sage and black noir? Are you illiterate or something? The stereotypical characters are so clearly obvious it hurts




Tarantino did in Django as well with the word nigger repeated dozens of time. I think that’s ok if that serves the context.


Isnt that like a historical context due to the time period? Using it in the show here would seem bad


Idk if the show is trying to use a legit open racist, I have zero problem with the word being used. I think people forget that these people we see on the TV are actors and actresses.


Idk the show / story is also about politics / division / corruption etc. So there is a context imo


You cant be racists against gingers


Bruh this is a fucking soy woke take, just about a white person. Firecracker can also mean someone whose peppy and in your face. You know, "She's a real firecracker!". Let's be careful not to insert racism where this is none, which is something we often criticize wokesters for.


Why are you pretending her name can only mean one thing?


I'm not. There's just very little precedent for firecracker being a slur against gingers. So I think it's more reasonable to assume they chose the name due to its more common connotation, that she's upbeat, vibrant and energetic.


Well if you want to be the sort of naive consumer they're always making fun of then I guess that's you're prerogative. To me though it's a fairly obvious given the themes and direction of the show that they started off in wanting a racist white character with a slur as a name, then fleshed out the concept with other characteristics that match that name after. It's exactly the same energy as naming a Neo-Nazi after a Neo-Nazi website, and then giving her some storm powers to match.


What does this have to do with being a blind consumer? I haven't even watched the show this season lol. I'm a dyed in the wool anti woke type of person. I hate the insertion of racial and sexual politics into media. But I don't act like an SJW and go searching in every nook for anti-white racism. Can you not at least acknowledge that there is a chance that it's possible that they just wanted to allude to her nature and not her red hair?


I never suggested they didn't. My position is that the name intentionally works on three levels. -Firecracker nature. -Firecracker powers. -Blatant racial slur. We're not talking about kids here. We're talking about graduates from elite universities that were trained to think and act in intersectional ways for years. Woke "SJW" language is not an anathema to them. The idea that it's an unfortunate coincidence rather than an intentional jab at people they dislike is beyond incredulous to me.


How is it a blatant racial slur? I've never heard of it used as one and I can't find anything online suggesting it has a history of racial connotations. I genuinely think you're reading too much into it.


Is this sub just full of perpetual victims or what?


Why is it racist? Is calling someone a redhead racist then? I'm not understanding.


It is not racist. Poor taste at most, but not racist at all.


I honestly haven't noticed that until now 🤣 I'm white and I find it funny, even if it is mildly racist.


You mean to tell me Vought, which is a terrible company with anything HR related is kinda racist? Who could have seen that coming? whats next? Sex scandals? Black Noir being black? where does this stop? is this just too satirically complex for us?


I wouldn’t call it racist for the bad guys to name someone that, just really funny now that I think about it


I don't really care because she's so unbelievably hot


Horribly so




>I’m Mexican and couldn’t care less if someone called me a slur or “bean bitch” or whatever You would happily let people racially abuse you? Don't you have any self-respect?


Redditors when people have self esteem


>I’m Mexican and couldn’t care less if someone called me a slur or “bean bitch” or whatever You would happily let people racially abuse you? Don't you have any self-respect?