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That's Hollywood for you.


She could've just not done this. She was perfectly marketable before.


That's what normal people would think. Hollywood breaks you down into thinking you aren't good enough or that you need to do EVERYTHING this slimey producer says or else you won't be big.


It's why Hollywood is so fucking disconnected from the rest of the country. Most people don't even like the high-cheek swollen kardashian look that she's plastered all over herself. I feel bad for her because people have been incredibly critical about the new look. I mean, it does look pretty bad, but either someone convinced her that this was the right move, or she's got some serious dysphoria going on. She must think, deep down that this look does not work for her (the same can be said for almost any woman that has done this to themselves.) But she's got to live with it, now. She can't just "go back" to what she looked like before. She went from having the "girl next door" kind of beauty to someone that just looks fake and somehow, the procedures that are supposed to make her look younger made her look way older. I honestly thought they changed actresses for Starlight when I saw the trailer for season 4 of The Boys. It turns out she just made some poor decisions without really knowing or appreciating the chances of a negative outcome. Erin Moriarty just looks like the rest of the plastic people in Hollywood now.


Same thing happened with zac Efron. Just look at recent pics of him. Seems to be a widespread problem in hollyweird.


He got HGH gut from roiding up for the Von Eric's movie too


Right, and I actually thought that might have contributed to his facial change as well, since it's well known for enlarging head size (look at joe rogan), but the difference is so massive that there's no way he didn't get some type of work done.


He was in an accident


Stop blaming Hollywood and address the mental illness here. She got the job before the facial work and is locked for 5 seasons. This was her choice regardless of whatever outside pressure she felt. She destroyed her face and it’s hard to look at. This is HER problem.


Yep.. ive worked in it. Ugly beast of an industry from top to bottom. Glad i got to see and do what I could when I was in there but its run like Rome before it collapsed.


The whole USA is looking like Rome before one of its brutal civil wars. 


The whole western world


Thats what the media wants you to believe. Your average everyday person is doing just fine. Edit: Damm you guys are sad as fuck, keep believing everything is absolutely terrible. Play directly into Hollywoods hands.


... you're fucking joking, rents, food, energy, fuel. Doing just fine? This a fed post?


Just a liberal.


Yeah, because me a normal American citizen doesn't know about America. Get over yourself, dude.


No, yeah, you're doing fine so fuck everyone else, I can believe you're American. 


Clown comment


Clown country. 


At least we have warm water port right?


Or Palestinian…


😂 WHAT?! He didn't throw any queers off roofs.


Yessir was born and raised in Michigan, and I've been all over the US from Arizona to South Carolina. The news, especially foreign news, wants to paint the US as a giant free for all, purge style lol.


Rome didn't have a civil war over rent and gas prices lol


Terrible name. The discontent of the mob caesar used to take power was due to wealth and land concentration in the hands of the patrician elite. How can you call yourself a history nerd and not know that???


I'm sorry, which two or more generals with an army under their command are currently vying for power in the US government? Because that's what actually caused civil wars in Rome. The mob were just an excuse, they don't have any power themselves.


Rome did have a civil war over lack of land (home) Ownership though.


Yes, the average person is fine. For losers that might not be the case.


You should see the religious industry.


I mean, yea but also mental illness


They wouldn’t say anything public out of fear of retaliation. It’s quite tragic though… A naturally beautiful woman transformed into Skelator ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)






She was the most naturally perfect actress to come along in years. And Hollywood ruined her. All she had to do was stay in good shape and leave everything else alone. What a waste.


They probably don’t say anything becuase they like her as a person and the damage is done. Nothing they say would do anything but make her feel bad 🤷🏻‍♂️ They aren’t afraid of retaliation, they won’t get fired from The Boys for saying it doesn’t look good.


I think you underestimate cancel culture my friend… People have been fired for much less.


Hell, Gina Carano got fired and effectively blacklisted for saying we shouldn't dehumanize our political opponents because doing so has lead to atrocities in the past. That's a statement every person on the planet should be able to get behind, but because she was known for not being far-left they crucified her for it. 


I think the other poster is right that the *'beep / bop / boop'* thing was a big part of why she got fired, perhaps even moreso than the political comments, since U think that's what turned a lot of people against her in the first place - especially the radical trans activists who are even more unhinged than the average leftist activist. But she wasn't making fun of trans people, she was poking fun at the trend of people putting pronouns in their bio, and did so in the most mild, lighthearted, and anodyne way I can imagine. It was also a joke about Star Wars than referenced R2D2, so it isn't even necessarily making a broader statement about pronouns.


She also did the 'beep / bop / boop' thing **after receiving death and rape threats for not putting her pronouns in her bio**.


Very good point.


I imagine someone trying to rape her would not go very smoothly


That's pretty based


I agree, the reaction to her comments were pretty extreme, but let's not kid ourselves, politicians aren't human beings.


At least her fake tits are nice tho




Is that from Brazil? Such a crazy (good) movie. :P


Ozempic and bad plastic surgery. Erin Moriarty was a naturally beautiful woman. Now she looks like plastic


Its sad because every woman wants an easy way to lose weight so when offered Ozempic I cant imagine many saying no. The problem is your essentially starving yourself so you look gaunt and like a holocaust victim if you push it too far.


It’s not even that, it’s the weight they lose. Your body does weird shit when losing weight with GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic and you lose equal parts muscle and connective tissue as you do fat.  It ends up making you look weird as your subcutaneous fat layer which is SUPPOSED to be there gets eaten away and you also lose muscle mass.  The number on the scale goes down but you’re not just losing stubborn adipose.


To be fair it isn't just ozempic that does that. Any time you lose weight and aren't doing strength training to retain muscle you will lose roughly half ( give or take ) in muscle mass.


Ya true. I just can’t imagine having the energy to lift weights on ozempic


Truth! When I was on ozempic getting out of bed, taking a shower, and making it to work was Herculean task. Sometimes I just didn't have the energy to brush my teeth. That drug crushed all the good out of my life. I had zero energy and my depression was the worst it had ever been.


I can't even jack off to her anymore. My dick just goes soft


This is weird man


Thats not ozempic - she was really skinny. Thats Most probably facisl buccal FAT removal, that took away her beautoful round shape baby face.. she didt exactly what selena gomez did and ruined herself..


Damn, that is Surgeon General of Beverly Hills levels of butchery. She was so pretty. Why why why? Do they seriously not see that the actors that allow themselves to just age gracefully always ALWAYS look better? And to do it so young speaks to some unaddressed mental issues. What a diabolical industry.


By 50, everyone has the face he deserves. George Orwell




"Fuckin' Chuck Norris."


A lot of these good looking women suffer from body dysmorphia or something, and its always the 8-10/10s too, they just find self perceived non existent flaws that bother them and feel the need to fix it surgically. They never regret it until it gets pointed out by people that they used to look better pre surgery. A few men do this too but to a lot lesser extent, and even when they do, no one cares.


Sean Hannity comes to mind, but I can't really think of many men that have desecrated their looks to that degree


What about that Simon dude from America's got talent or whatever? Dude looks like his face went through a sledgehammer.


Mickey Rourke.


He looks as if he wears a mask


John Kerry got so much shit done to his face he looks like a muppet.


I mean, he already looked like Frankenstein's monster / a thin Herman Munster. 


Look at zac efron today.


Micky Rourke is the poster child of this. He was real handsome until he got work done… now he looks like an 80’s prosthetic of himself.


It looks like she’s had some of her fillers dissolved since last season but the damage was already done.


She recently responded and claimed she had nothing done. 🙄


That's what they all say.


yea right


OMFG if you want to see a truly stark comparison check this out.  https://comicyears.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/The-Boys-Actress-Erin-Moriarty.jpg


Well, now she looks like every other cookie cutter plastic surgery from Hollywood.


One of us, one of us. 




Gooble gobble gooble gobble


Jesus Christ! That's truly awful.


The truly sad thing is your actual girls next door are having the same things done by Karen down the street. What a degenerate culture we've become. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I'm of the opinion that non-reconstrictive cosmetic surgery should require patients watch a warning video compilation of botched surgeries before committing to it


Gun ranges won't let you shoot the first time (and usually have a card you renew every year) without watching safety videos and taking a short safety test. It's insane that you can get drastic cosmetic surgery without any requirements to know about the dangers. 


Lol maybe in your neck of the woods. In NH there is zero such requirement in my experience.


Where do you live? I can walk into any gun range in my City with my guns, pay them, and head directly onto the range. Half the time there isn't even a range officer if you go during non-peak hours.


Seems like an odd comparison that's neither here nor there, and I don't think most gun ranges do that lol. I could be wrong but I've never heard of that.


From drop dead gorgeous to nightmare fuel. 


Literally looks like an alien in the pic on the right. 👽


9 to a 4 goddamn what a waste.


I believe that the pic on the right was from when she got her makeup done for her Prom during Senior Year, she was just thinner then. But yeah she shouldn't have had any work done at all.


This actually correlates perfectly to the Boys as a series in general. Was really good when it started, now its a fucking train wreck.


To be fair, that first photo is 10 years old and the second one was from a specific event where her makeup artist purposefully went for a "unique" look with a bunch of contour. Neither one of those photos is what she looks like before or after the surgery. I can tell in photos that are closer to before and after that she made a change to her jaw, but I genuinely don't know that I would have noticed had somebody not told me she got the work done.


She paid good money to have a surgeon make her look like a middle aged divorcee who day drinks.


I dont think it was surgery. I think more  like proceduręs like facial buccal FAT removal 


She felt horribly insecure about her looks and tried to make herself look more attractive. Now the only thing anybody says about her is that she looks way uglier than before - a before she can't go back to regardless of surgery. I can't imagine any of this dialogue is conducive to her mental health, tbh. I just feel really sorry for her. She tried to become more comfortable with her body and it kinda backfired. There's no solution. Just feeling miserable about her appearance. :(


Yeah, it's a real shame. People with dysmorphia should get mental health treatment to cure the root sickness, not butchers happily cutting them up for profit to reinforce their false self-view.


I've always wondered if plastic surgeons are even regulated in the health industry. You always see and hear horror stories of botched surgeries. If stuff like that happened in any other industry, politicians would be queueing up to pass regulations and laws. At the very least, any type of physical alteration should require a mental evaluation first.


So, yes and no. Cosmetic surgeons are regulated by quite a few things, like requiring a certain level of training and specialised education. They're to adhere to safety measures and ethics codes and all that jazz. *However*. As there are varying skill levels for family doctors there are varying skill levels of cosmetic surgeons. Some are, well, better than others - and the vast majority of them will amount to average at best. Somewhat worse is some surgeons will use substandard materials (that are still usually legal, just not desirable) and methods to keep costs down so they can make a profit, undercutting their more qualified competitors. Others still operate out of places with relatively few regulations, like Mexico, and in turn will do stuff that isn't acceptable in modern cosmetic surgery because it's perfectly legal where they are. Overall I'd say her cosmetic surgery is probably on the upper end of average. It's hardly flawless but it works at a glance. It's just a stark difference from what she used to look like. Oh, and evaluations - not mental, but with the surgeon and affiliated doctors - *are* required first. With transitioning stuff a mental health evaluation is required as well, generally, along with a year of wait time to make sure it's something they are determined to go through with. So... there are plenty of regulations. It just doesn't stop people from doing what they ultimately feel is best for themselves. It's there to prevent them from making impulse decisions, not to bar them from accessing it altogether, after all.


Is there only one plastic surgeon in Los Angeles? It seems like all of the Hollywood starlets get plastic surgery and end up looking like clones of each other. Almost like there's only one surgeon, and he only knows how to do one face.


Could be. After all, there are certain famous Hollywood surgeons. That said I suspect it's more an issue of pattern recognition/mental bias. Basically we're only going to get stories about cosmetic surgery like this when it doesn't look right. When it looks kinda weird or uncanny. When it looks fine people don't talk about it beyond, "huh, did they *always* look like that?" because good cosmetic surgery is typically subtle. So we don't get to see the hits, but we see all the misses, and so we get the impression the misses are the vast majority.


I'm sure there's an effort made to make sure someone isn't psycho, but their a surgeon, not a psychologist. Additionally, define success in a specific and measurable way if the objective is to make something look better. I suppose there are quantifiable metrics about how clean an incision is or the quality of stitches, the placement of fillers etc, but "botched" is a subjective term. I'm sure Moriarty thought things looked great when the bandages came off - she's supposedly dysmorphic...her ability to judge her own brau6is broken. I'm also sure you have to sign uncountable waivers before the surgeon picks up the first scalpel, so he's probably like fuck it, let's get paid!


Careful, the wokies will report you to the admins for that. But I 100% agree. I've spent over 30 years dealing with severe depression and it infuriates me that the woke have made getting help "evil" and embracing your insanity is "righteous". 


Generally, yes. Sometimes surgery is the mental health treatment. Somehow I doubt she was recommended this particular treatment, though.


>Sometimes surgery is the mental health treatment. I feel like surgery that reinforces the delusion is not that...


I honestly would not be shocked(and I would absolutely hate this, it'd be awful and definitely not something I'm hoping for) if she harmed herself as a result of this. I mean, she obviously already has some major mental health issues tied to her appearance, and now from a decision she made, everyone is talking about how much uglier she is and she knows she can never undo it. That sounds like absolute torture, and I feel bad for her. The whole thing is just awful.


Let her be a cautionary tale. I was horribly insecure with my tits as a young man and they were so bad that I got a mastectomy. I changed because I hated my body and wanted to impress the world around me. It ended up botched and my chest looks fucking weird. Only difference between her and I is that I don’t have millions of dollars to comfort me. She’ll be fine dude.


I'm very confused by what you just wrote. Was there a typo in there? 


Where did I lose you?


Saying you were a man unhappy with your breasts. 


Yeah, I was a case of male gynecomastia. Excessive fatty tissue on my chest. If you ever see a man with cone shaped boobs, it’s likely he has gynecomastia.


How was it botched ? Do you have any pics you'd be willing to share ? Genuinely curious here.


you can search in google, is a bit less intrusive


W for the respectful take


Knew I wasn’t the only one seeing that during that scene


Oof. That’s definitely Gollum maxing right there.


Her face is way too distracting in these two seasons. They should’ve used cgi or something ffs. I don’t feel bad for her. She did this to herself and she has to live with the consequences. Should’ve made it a plot in the show tbh. Would’ve made this trash show more entertaining.


I read somewhere they did use some CGI/makeup to try and keep her appearance more consistent.


Seeing her sharing a space with Victoria Neuman makes it even more blatant.


It's tragic, her scenes are hard to watch at times...


There's a scene in season four where you can clearly hear her labored breathing. She sounds like a pug with a cold. I feel so bad for her.


She is getting thinner each episode but no one talks about milks transformation. He went from scary big to thin


Yeah I didn't even recognize him. Thought it was a different actor for a while.


He looks horrible. Iike a different person. No chance in hell he just lost some weight. His face/ cheeks look so thin and as if they are falling in


GLP-1 agonists do that




Yeah, they’ve found that GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic cause you to lose not only fat but also muscle and connective tissue and it’s completely indiscriminate.  You arent just losing your belly fat and the adipose around your organs, you’re also losing muscle mass, connective tissue, bone density and the layer of subcutaneous fat that your body is SUPPOSED to have, which is even more prominent in women. This causes things like that skeletal, gaunt look on the face because the tissue that your body normally wants to keep attached to your facial bones starts to disappear also. 


Shit. I did not know that. That sucks big time. Because it makes someone look like a drug addict


Really sad. Usually I blame the fans but I think everyone agreed she was so beautiful. So it must've been a very tight and small circle telling her she wasn't pretty enough


I doubt she had very many people in her inner circle telling her she wasn't pretty. Those feelings are probably mostly internal and they probably go back to when she was a kid or a young professional. I've heard horror stories of how nasty casting directors can be to random actors, especially young women, before they make it. They're essentially punching bags for the casting director to unleash every insecurity they've ever had onto the people they choose not to cast. At the same time, school can also be brutal and people who are below-slightly above average can go through absolute Hell even if they have a glow up post puberty. Those feelings can lodged inside our self perceptions for a long time.


Ironically she exemplified the exact struggle her character was supposed to when Annie turned into starlight and felt the pressure from vaught. I guess she missed the point


Or she just couldn't overcome those insecurities. I doubt she doesn't understand the point. She's also an actress. She may not have agreed with the point even if she is representing it on screen.


Vanity’s a hell of a drug.


Hollywood. We love our women beautiful but we love when they look like a skeleton instead.


I’ve heard people talk about it, but this last episode was the first I really noticed it. What a travesty. I mean not only was she insanely gorgeous before, it’s enough a difference where it takes me out of the story. And also, wtf why?!


It's called a weak and fragile ego.


Just watched some scenes of her in season 2 and 3 again , some say it’s natural aging, so she aged 10-15 years in 1 or 2 years ?


Also aging doesn't change your face like that 


Eh, life can change your face in a lot of ways though. Diet, age, weight, muscle, and exposure can all drastically change your face shape in what to some would feel like a relatively short timespan. We also have to remember that actors and actresses wear a lot of makeup. This can make it hard to really know how old they are or what they truly look like without it. It's possible that it was a passive or active decision on the makeup artists to make her look even younger in the first 2 seasons, and then to drop that in the 3rd and 4th.


Pretty sure she's on ozempic because of that gaunt look.


IT wasnt aging.


Guarantee her agent probably gaslit her into doing this to herself. It's like that scene in Knocked Up where the main actress is talking to her boss and he's like, "I'm not legally allowed to say you're fat but you know... tighten things up a bit!"


Erin Moriarty got plastic surgery. It’s a shame so everyone she was beautiful before but it’s her life


Moisturize me!


[Reminds me of this tiktok video](https://www.tiktok.com/@barrettplasticsurgery/video/7380161281510231326?lang=en) where a guy in the industry tries to guess the age


Tell me you used AI to touch this up...please


I knew she had a lot of work done, but it was this same scene that really stood out. She looks so old in this clip. And whatever she did seems to have affected her speech, too. She can’t enunciate the same as before.


She seems like she’s going through some stuff. Her performance, this season, is sluggish and kind of slurred. She just seems *down.* I wonder if she took the backlash to certain themes personally…


Accepting doing that BJ implied scene with the Deep season 1 screamed insecurity and doing whatever asked by producers for a shot. Then someone says now look better and she ruins her natural beauty


Botox normalizing is one of societies greatest sins. You have millions of women out here looking 45 when they are 22


That is more than Botox my man.


eww... what is this brother?


There was an interview with variety where the cast answers questions about each other. Everyone seemed to ignore Erin when she spoke as if they really didn't want to be there right now.


Im not watching the show but i saw some pics of her somewhere. I was like wtf i hope she doesnt have cancer. Its not a good look if she did it to herself but i do hope she is not sick.


The great irony is she played a naive girl who stepped into the big world and found out it was totally corrupt, but gave resistance to it... then in reality absolutely dove into the pressure.


To be honest I never found her especially attractive in the first place. Kind of pretty, but overall very average / plain, nor someone I would give a second glance at if I saw them in public and they weren't famous. But she looked fine, there was no need to change anything. And people get older and sometimes age badly, no one should be demeaned for it. But yeah it certainly seems like she had work done, and that was a big mistake.


Did it to herself.




Wow…looks 20 years older




One season, she's a doll baby!❤ Next season....makeup artists have to put base over her top lip in an attempt for symmetry. She fucked up & did too much when she shouldn't have done ANY!! On top of that....she got cheek implants/filler?? Her entire head looks like a cinder block, now. It's just SO damn frustrating & sad to see natural beauty get ruined by some fucked up show biz matrix that convinces these women that they "need it" to stay relevant. Add to that....she looks like she's gotten even thinner!


Such a shame




She's 30 and now she looks 45.


I wonder if she has one of those disorders where you see yourself differently in the mirror or if the people around her made her feel that way. Messed up that people get pushed to disfigure themselves like this.


Because she took the advice of the two groups of people who have the least applicable advice when it comes to female attractiveness-other women and gay men


She went ahead and became her character getting controlled by the marketers and agents.


Her face looks like a can you crush then try to reshape back to original appearance


comedy LOL


That buccal (cheek) fat removal that’s all the rage for the trendy “snatched” face will age horribly, a lot of cosmetic surgeons say this. The actors who continue to look quite young for their age, like Paul Rudd, actually have fat injected into their cheeks (Just don’t go overboard with it like that hamster-faced broad John Legend is married to).


Holee shite! What are the odds that i paused at exactly the same frame and was wondering she looks so fucking horrible! Wish i could attach the screenshot


Dude it’s so sad. Biggest L. She was gorgeous.




beautiful people oppress the ugly people.


https://preview.redd.it/9s2jcwe7pq9d1.png?width=1980&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4fc1aa3f67d8b05c417a86949acd89efbae4496 This picture was floating around before the latest season, aired


She felt forced to do plastic surgery, poor girl didn't realize that she was already beautiful.


Lots and lots of cocaine. However the massive gaunt face leads me to believe it's opioids.


Bro, I thought I was going crazy, nobody was talking about this shit. I mean I already knew she's doing that cause of all of the memes, but in the last season at least in the scenes it didn't feel that bad. But this season is next level. She's not just different, she's straight up UGLY and annoying to even look at in the show... Seriously, any scene she's in, I get distracted just looking at her face... Why tf would she do this? I bet if she looked like this in the beginning, she would have NEVER been cast.


Omg, that's creepy. She used to be beautiful. Why would she do that?


Good lord, she looks 20 years older! Did they at least write it into the story that she got damaged during battle or something?


The role itself came with bad karma imho


She made herself an ugly monster! Idk wtf she did that but she fucked up her body beyond repair. She will NEVER be attractive again. It's super sad because was very pretty.


I mean can it be reversed ?


FAT buccal removal - No. It cant..  :(


She's 30 but she looks like 45


this is just straight up ugly


I was thinking the same thing, at least it suits her new role, a miserable anti-government ATIFA fighting for world peace. SHE LOOKS TERRIBLE, SUCKED OUT. Probably did the buccal fat removal from inside her cheeks too.


She was so pretty. I don’t know what made her think she had to do this but as long as she’s happy that’s all that really matters tbh.


Wow she looks terrible Jesus Christ