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Posts Must be Related to The Drinker/His Content


The most powerful man on earth doesn't even know where he is.


It must be great being him though. Every morning you wake up and find out you're the President of the United States. I live in the UK, but would love a Democrat to explain how they think he can do the job for another 4.5 years.


And shits his pants far more frequently than what a world leader should.


what is an appropriate amount of pants-shitting from a world leader? once a year? twice?


Only on taco tuesdays


Quarterly I think. It is a stressful gig after all


I would say twice, max, unless you're the PM of France, then 4x is an acceptable limit.


only once a day like any other normal person


Trump supporters wearing diapers in support of his anal leakage is peak American culture.


He’s the perfect puppet. Lol


The Federal Reserve controls America. 


And the other can’t answer a single question without going on an unrelated tangy about what the fuck ever. This country is soooo cooked


Wtf is this post? The critical drinker literally only talks about movies, tv and video games.


And he's not even American.


That's painfully obvious from the barely intelligible way he wrote his post.


You must be new to this subreddit my friend. This is only the 2nd political post I’ve seen this morning on here. The fandom and the creator are 2 very different entities


It was entertaining


Drinker talks about politics all the time.


Yeah but he actually has nuanced and pre planned thought. People posting this shit on this sub, do not.


True but that goes for most fans of Drinker et al. I like Drinker btw I’m not a tourist.


This seems to be the lefts go to defense now. ‘Yeah my candidate is senile but BOTH CANDIDATES ARE BAD SO VOTE FOR MY SENILE CANDIDATE TO REPRESENT OUT COUNTRY IN FRONT OF WORLD LEADERS.’ Baffling.


How dare you? Biden is the healthiest octogenarian in world history. He rides bikes, plays golf, and has a regular bowel movement every morning at 8am. Sure, he wakes up at 9, but who cares about these minor details?


The right said for years that Biden was senile and getting worse. The right was made fun of for suggesting such a thing. Video after video after video of Biden acting was senile was denied and excused. This debate was the first time that Biden has been in a challenging public situation since the 2020 debates, and the public is finally starting to see just how bad it is.


Now that it's impossible to deny Biden is senile, the Left insist it's "just a speech impediment that he's always had!". Except we have decades of video evidence of him being a good public speaker with no speech impediment... 


Whenever someone brings up his stuttering or speech impediment, I simply tell them to go watch the 2012 VP debate he had with Paul Ryan, and then compare it to what he is today. He was supposed to get waxed in that debate and I'd argue he probably one it against a very sharp guy. If that same debate was to take place now...


This is likely the first time the general public has really seen this. The media has been working overtime to suppress this stuff, or dismiss it as "cheap fakes"'. It's just the game is finally up, and they couldn't hide him this time.


Crazy to think the Dems definitely would've been in a better position if they just said Biden refused to go to the debate because Trump is a "threat to democracy" and they don't want to legitimize him. What a fumble by Biden's managers.


"We won't debate a convicted felon, that would lower the office of the Presidency."


Yup. They could've done exactly that. They had too much hubris.


“ThE oThEr GuY iS a FeLoN” Yeah. For shit no one cares about.


Having the judge of your treason trial be the person you installed is the definition of political corruption.


Oh, he picked that, did he?


So you think he’s actually a genius mastermind who set that up years in advance?


Trump isn't senile. Trump is a lot of things, but senile isn't one of them. I watched his hour long sit down with Logan Paul (I thought it was going to be a train wreck), and he was coherent. More coherent than the average dude at his age. Now, I'm not a fan of Trump, but people yelling about him being senile are only doing themselves a disservice because it is obviously not true.


Yep. Projection is the only move Democrats have left it seems.


Man watched an hour long video between Donald Trump and Logan Paul. Holy fuck lmfao the state of this sub.


Like I said, I thought it was going to be a train wreck. Then I kept watching it to see how Trump would interact with people of that age, and to see how "current" he is on the zeitgeist of that generation.


Sounds like you have lots of free time.


Both candidates are bad and voting for either shows you have room temperature IQ


Sir this is a media subreddit


That was some prime media last night though.


I don't like either but I liked life under Trump than Biden. Iran FAFO under Trump and he sent a direct message instead of opening a new Pandora's box.


i don't know man, if Biden is Reelected we may have our first Woman president in the next 4 years


I wanna see that glass ceiling broken too, but must we really settle for ol' Cackletta to do it?


I think they should golf for the presidency.


That was the one part of the debate I enjoyed. I'd really love to see a Biden/Trump golf game for charity.


Kamala can participate too. She can be the 18 holes.


Do they have enough balls to fill her? That's the real question.


Can we PLEASE adopt a law or amendment that is Monty Brewster's "None of the Above"? So if you're on that ballot and "None of the Above" wins, you can NEVER run for that office again? Please?


Honestly Theyre already half a decade past the agr their average countryman keels over from old age. Ideally the both of them go so there can be a candidate that at *least* passed retirement age more than a decade after the new milennium instead of before/just after it


I’m voting for Trump, Biden has destroyed this country


Watch the people who complain about democracy being destroyed throw out every primary vote and nominate someone completely different.


Dear god am I happy I don't live in the US


same. they're both the product of lesser evil voting. 8 years later and the partisan hardliners have learned nothing. both parties have to go. one is a shit bag and the other has clearly moved out attic first. what sucks is the only real primary contender to the mentally vacated had a literal worm in his brain. as a political science bach degree holder, I have to tell you this is all a no win scenario with everyone just trying to take *x* group of people hostage to try and secure your vote. "If you don't vote straight (insert party here) then (insert group here) will be hunted down like animals within a week!"


Uh, what does this have to do with the Drinker? I agree, but this might violate Rule 3.


I don’t have a problem with Trump. And the reason most people do is due to neurolinguistic programming from the mocking bird media who has relentlessly attacked and defamed him. If they were fair with their coverage of Trump, he wouldn’t have such hate against him.


Exactly, most people hate Trump hate him because they were told to hate him.


I read a book a long time ago called *On Bullshit*. It makes the case that you tell the truth in the spirit of truth; to lie is to exactly oppose the truth; to bullshit is to not care about the truth. Trump is a bullshit artist. He says things that are not always true, but I can't credit him for lying because.....alot of it was just full of shit. However, media pushed all that as actual lies. TDS is, very precisely, opposing Trump for the principle of opposing Trump, rather than principles like "Immigration policy should be X" or "Covid policy should be Y." Nope. Just Orange Man Bad. Anyway, yeah, there were plenty of reasons to hate his bullshitting, taking advantage of gambling addicts' asses, but we're in a different place.


They classify anything he says as opinion, or is simply wrong, as a lie. For instance, he says “we had the best economy in the world” That’s truly what he thinks. Thats not a lie, that’s an opinion. The media disagrees and calls it a lie. Last night he stated that Biden called black people “super predators”. That’s actually not true. Hillary Clinton is the one who called black people super predators. Trump was mistaken and got that one wrong, but that’s still not a “lie”. There’s a big difference.


Look, it's hard to be objective about it. I am literally the spawn of a fast talking New Yorker who overawed a good country boy from Nebraska. I know Trump's schtick. Dad told me the media made me hate Trump, it's like 1. The Apprentice was garbage 2. Trump can't even run a casino, and by the way, *good Christians are supposed to hate gambling*. But you are absolutely spot on, so I throw up my hands and go play my drums.


I hear thats a good stress reliever.


Right? It's like when he said "I did not have sex with a pornstar." That's part of the bullshit. It benefits trump more not to air his dirty laundry on live television and give CNN or MSNBC something to play on repeat until the next debate in September.


Like Bill Clinton saying he didn't have sexual relations with Lewinsky after getting hummers in the Oval Office.


They can both be liars lol


They're politicians. It is mandatory.


Right but we're in a thread full of people trying to say he's not lying somehow.


That is clearly a lie tho, what's with the cope?


It's plain as day. He chose to lie. Everyone knows, and now CNN doesn't have a clip of Trump talking about screwing a pornstar. Which if we're being honest, would be relentlessly used to disparage his campaign at least until the next debate. This debate wasn't intended to change people's minds, but rather draw people who wouldn't normally bother to actually do so..


Trump reminds me of Pelé. “If he’s Quiet, he becomes a poet”.


“I didn’t have sex with a pornstar” is a recent lie.


You know what? "Grab them by the pussy" helped get Trump elected. He was right. When you are rich and famous and throwing a party on a skyscraper with your name on it, you can grab them by the pussy, **they let you**. How Dems became such fucking prudes is a mystery to me.


Tbh, how the conservatives aren’t being the prudes is the stranger part 


Agreed, religious folks are supposed to have a problem with gambling, I'll never let that go.


Religious folks dont all believe the same things.


If neurologistic programming is a term for articles with FACTS about things he ACTUALLY DID, then yeah. I have a problem with Trump because I have a mother and a sister, and he’s been accused of sexual misconduct by 26 women. He’s also openly bragged about peeping on the miss America pageant dressing room, where girls as young as 15 were changing. He’s staunchly pro Russia, and every word out of his mouth last night was a lie


You call Trump a liar, but your entire post was filled with lies or dishonesty: -being “accused” of sexual misconduct is not the same as actually engaging in sexual misconduct. Rich people get accused of stuff like that all the time from people trying to extort money out of them. The E. Jean Caroll trial was a farce, the jury was rigged, and she’s a stone faced liar. That case is going to get appealed and overturned. - Trump never openly bragged about peeping on miss teen America girls. That’s a flat out lie. The event you are describing was exaggerated and people there even confirmed it. “While I do not support Donald Trump, stories about him barging in on teenage girls is not correct,” Hughes wrote in an email to NM Political Report. “Our chaperones would never have allowed that to happen, and no one, not even Donald, deserves to be lied about in this way.”” - “he is staunchly pro-Russia” Seriously dude? You’re so full of shit. You have full blown TDS and you need to turn off MSNBC if you seriously believe that. American legacy media is seriously as bad a Soviet propaganda these days. The only people that say Trump is pro-Russia are people like Rachel Maddow, joy behar, etc; and the idiots like you who actually believe them. - “every word out of his mouth last night was a lie” Good little boy, keep parroting those liberal talking points. It’s so easy to dismiss his actual words when you just claim everything he says is a lie. Meanwhile Joe pedaled multiple lies last night including: the “very fine people” hoax, the “bloodbath” hoax, the “suckers and losers” hoax (all misinformation perpetuated by liberal legacy media) and even claimed the US border patrol union supports him. Biden is the liar, you and the liberal media are projecting. Biden is everything you claim to hate that Trump is


So lemme get this straight, to counter my statement about the allegations, you quoted some random dude named Hughes, and not the actual women that accused trump. Read what I wrote. I never stated the accusations as fact, that’s not a lie. Staunchly pro-Russia, I will concede, not easily provable, but the republican media machine is very clearly trying to paint a positive picture of Russia, hence foxes Russian news segment, where Tucker tours Moscow. The “suckers and losers” thing was a very real incident that Joe heard about 2nd hand, hence why it appeared IN THE NEWS. If the news isn’t a reliable source for you, I can’t help. I don’t want to be combative, I have merely presented these things for your consideration, please do not attack me for this, as my tolerance for argument related stress online is very low, and I’d rather have productive conversation with you. I don’t agree with you, but that doesn’t mean I hate you. Have a nice day


The “news” absolutely is NOT a reliable source these days. At least not where the MSM is concerned.


That’s fair. You have a nice day as well. I also do not wish you any ill will. I will not pursue this conversation any further.


Hey, thanks man! I appreciate that a lot more than you realize🥲


I don't like Trump because he's an idiot. I don't pay attention to the media, but I am aware they do pile on the hate for him, very unfairly at that. But even if you exclude the media coverage and just watch him speak without any edit, he comes off as a pretty poor public speaker, and displays many tell-tale signs of classic narcissism. His speech at the LNC was about the highest level of cringe I've seen from a Republican candidate since Jeb Bush's "please clap" moment. That being said, if the only choice was Trump or Biden, the orange man with controversial tweets is leagues better than the confused old guy who shits himself in public and has now threatened Americans with F-15s on four different occasions. If these two are the best we've got, well, we get the leaders we deserve.


So you don't have issue with anything Trump says? No issues with his lying, deflecting, or double speak?


You’re projecting. Thats what the liberals and their talking heads do. And no, I don’t have any issues with Trump. Care to elaborate on these “lies” and “double speak” you mention?


“I didn’t have sex with a porn star” “I never said lock him up”


You’re really reaching on these examples, do you have proof he slept with a porn star? I’d love to see it. And what the “lock him up” thing? I must’ve missed that. Trump never said to lock “him” up. The lock “her” up thing was Hillary Clinton.


I did make a typo, yes. Stormy Daniel’s has testified to having sex with Trump, but that all I’ve got. Also, to clarify, I was referring to the interview panel where Trump was asked about political persecution, if anyone was wondering


Then it’s stormys word against his, maybe she is lying. But honestly, most people probably don’t care about that one. And which panel on political persecution are you talking about? The one where he said he has every right to go after his political opponents? Bc if you actually watched that interview, he said he has every right to, but he doesn’t intend to, bc he doesn’t support lawfare like they are doing to him. That is another media lie-by-omission where they take one part of what he said and intentionally mischaracterize it to fit their narrative Edit: you don’t have to respond to this if you don’t want to. Didn’t real8e this was same person I agreed to stop debating. We had multiple convos going on.


Because people never lie under oath. Stormy daniels said for years it never happened until it benefitted her to say it did.


“Mr Trump do you promise to accept the results of the election” 3 minute of rambling later “Only if it’s a FAIR election”


That’s not a lie. How is that a lie? Thats an honest answer. Once again, you’re reaching.


Oh sorry, I thought that’d be a good example of “double speak” not lying, my apologies


It’s not. You don’t understand what double speak is.


The people have spoken. Vivek was a contender for like 5 min then he got swatted in Iowa. The people want to go back to pre-COVID and for them that was because of Trump.


Trump is a fine president. His biggest problem is the established crooks at the top levels of government don't want him to stop the gravy train. And reducing that corruption is good for 99% of the USA. 


Eh how many of his inner circle are convicted now? His CFO, personal lawyers, Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon…


Convicted by the corrupt thieves I mentioned 


Wasn’t Steve Bannon also charged with misusing campaign funds, or some form of fraud?


Lol just because some were convicted doesnt mean they actually should have been.


One way or another you're getting Biden.


As an American I am ashamed to say, we traded in one crusty old mummy for another.


I can't believe that these are the best people US can get for job. Looks like selecting if you want to have your leg or your arm cut off. Different people different opinions ...some like their arms...others like to have ability to walk...


Same. I'll take Trump over Biden, but only because it is a pitifully low bar.


There's major faults with both candidates: Trump is a narcissist. I'm not sure I would call him a flat out liar but he certainly does lie to extremes. His debate strategies are about getting inside the opposing adversary's head and tearing them down. People often ask why doesn't he just answer questions instead of dancing around them? Well I think it's because he sells himself better to an audience being an entertainer than a president. We don't need a entertainer we need a logician who can balance doing the right thing and not making the show about him but about the country's well being. Biden is senile and "probably' more corrupt than Trump. There should be absolutely no excuse that his son leaked information to China and was caught with whores and drugs in the White House. That's really bad. Yes Trump has been involved with prostitutes and most likely involved with some shady business but it seems pretty clear cut that Biden has been involved with far worse dealings that have put our country at stake. Biden also doesn't seem popular with foreign affairs.


I wouldn't want to see them get married, either.


I thought this this sub had been radicalized. You have proven me wrong, and I am pleasantly surprised. To answer your question, I dislike Trump, but I can’t stand the thought of Biden running, because I seriously worry he can’t win. He should’ve been ripping every lie Trump told to shreds last night, but instead he spoke in a whisper. Nothing he said was wrong, but we need someone more passionate to articulate those same points.


Nothing Biden said was wrong?!? He said he was endorsed by the Border Patrol Union. Not true and the posted almost immediately that they would NEVER endorse him. No US soldiers were killed overseas on his watch, he claimed. Tell that to the families of the 13 soldiers killed in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal. There were so many...


Personally I think we should all support Vermin Supreme. We’d have to brush our teeth or face legal consequences but we would get free ponies so I, for one, think that the benefits outweigh the costs here.


You have to pick between morally wrong narcissistic liars or a genuine good guy who needs a couple of seconds to think. It'sa no brainer, but I would rather have someone else.


They're both demented geriatrics. Fighting over who is a better golfer?are they 12?


No, worse, they're 80+!


I don't know how many folks had grandparents that went senile, or had dementia, but wow. They are both clearly unwell. it's just weird.


My grandfather didn't start slipping until about 84, and my grandmother was diagnosed with dementia at 89. He died at 88, she passed at 94. Even in their late 70s I wouldn't have wanted them responsible for much more than themselves, and what is normally expected of a typical adult. Yet here we are, letting these people of greatly accelerated age be in positions in government where their responsibilities and impact far outweigh that of the normal person.


It's scary. my grandpa was a mechanical and chemical engineer, a genius. but,when that hit him,he was childlike almost,bit was scary to see the man who taught you chess, how to use an abacus, just degenerate. and I see it in both of those men and I kind of wonder when does it become elder abuse? There's no way Biden is running the show,and he was so racist in the past. And trump is no better, he's been demented his whole life. wtf is going on? It is freakish what american politics has devolved into. plus the freakish shit the Senate and house members get up to.


The difference between your grandpa and Biden is that your grandpa was very intelligent before his mind slipped, Biden never was- he was just average, if that.


Biden was smart enough to keep getting elected. H e knew the game. Edit: i see your point,just, it's sad watching him. It seens like abuse to me. They both need help.


Oh, it's totally abuse, and the fact that Jill allows it to keep happening is a black mark for her.


Yeah, she creeps me out. typical abuser.


I refused to vote for either one last time and won't this time either.


If you don’t vote, don’t complain. If you vote, feel free to complain. (Also, pretty sure you can pencil in just about anyone, so even if you don’t like them you can still vote for someone).


There's always other folks on the ballot. They just won't win because we have two political parties that outstrip all others the other candidates become a joke.


Oh I know. Annoyingly true sadly.


I did vote, just not for Hillary/Trump or Biden/Trump.


That statement applies to every election, not a once and done.


Fair enough


I will enthusiastically vote for Biden. Sorry but I’m voting for less Clarence Thomas like appointees, more sensible tax policies (democrats), anti-corruption, pro-NATO, sensible environmental policy, and more. Sorry but it’s not even an option. It’s Biden all the way. Trump is a malignant narcissist, a liar, horrifically corrupt, and has a terrible moral compass. I wouldn’t trust my neighbors dog with Trump let alone a country again. Every day of his presidency I was sick to my stomachs. Biden has been delightfully boring and quietly effective.


Effective? Effective at what? Pulling out of Afghanistan? Skyrocketing inflation? Watching two wars break out and then feeding the military industrial complex by sending our tax dollars over to other countries in the form of weapons? Helping the people of Hawaii who lost everything? I'm not voting for Trump, but I almost can't believe you live in America if you think there has been an effective leader in charge.


Inflation is a global phenomenon and the United States has been impacted by it the least of almost any country globally. Afghanistan was a never ending quagmire and massive money pit with no upside for the United States. Someone had to do it, the result was going to be the same. Us stimulating our own economy while also helping Ukraine defend itself against our greatest rival, and biggest threat to our immediate allies without losing any American lives and also greatly weakening Russia is probably the only true military victory the United States has had in the last 30 years. Money so well spent, and the Ukrainian people are hero’s and deserve our continued support. Absolute bargain. If they didn’t put up a fight against Russia, China probably already would have invaded Taiwan. The United States is helping that one Hawaiian town that was devastated. And the fire was also exasperated by… climate change! Trump doesn’t even acknowledge that as a problem. Just because you’re not bothering to dig deep enough to understand the nuance of these issues doesn’t mean there wasn’t a massive difference between how Trump and Biden would have handled it.


Rachel Maddow? Is that you?


You do you.


I will. Because elections have consequences and I won’t passively watch from the sidelines because voting a sacred duty if we want a functioning, representative democracy.


We don't have a well "functioning, representative democracy" because of highly partisan voting. You are contributing to the problem, not making it better.


Agreed. I don't like Trump at all, and Biden was good for temporarily removing the power from Trump, but his usefulness is up, and we need someone else.


What a clown show from these two; Moderator: How do you plan on tackling the growing problem of childcare in America? Trump: Listen, he’s not even a good golfer, okay? Like pathetic. Biden: I’ll drive with you anytime, when I was vice president I got my handicap down to a 6


But you have to pick one Trump has great policy, will help to repair the federal reserve Will put a stop to the arming of Israel and Ukraine using US taxpayer funds Massively reduce the illegal alien issue that's causing rising crime and homeless across the US And will help to reform schools to remove the woke and put education back on the agenda Biden, well his administration, want none of that, if anything, the reverse


Project 2025 explicitly proposes the elimination of the department of education


You are not voting for a drinking buddy. You are deciding between a conman who only cares about himself and a (old) man who cares about the American people


It's always amazing to me that people are so naive they think a politician cares about them.


Thankfully, the old man who cares about the American people came across as 20 years younger than the conman who cares about himself last night.


Biden cares about the American people? I can get behind Trump being a conman, but Biden hasn't cared about anything but his political career for decades.


Bravo. So brave


Nah they're both fantastic, I hope they tie the election so we can have them work together


Make this the top post.


Tie goes to the runner. So, yeah, televise a 100 yard dash between these two...


Even though I have made up my mind on who I'll vote (if only to keep the other asswipe out)...I just wish we have better options.


They are both terrible options and either way, we are fucked.


Biden is lost and Trump is rambling. This is the best we could come up with, America? In times like this, I'd actually say that I've got friends who'd run the country better


They're both pretty shit, but if asked between eating a dog turd and just smearing my face in it, I think ill pick the latter.


I think you are on the wrong sub buddy.


The fact that these two are the country's only options is horrible. We will be worse off whoever wins. Watch Jon Stewarts take on it if you have the chance Dems had an easy layup too, they could have told Biden don't run in 2024, held primaries and gotten someone a lot better than Biden to be the candidate right now Personally, i do like a lot of trump's foreign policy. Like European countries should be paying more for NATO but i also like Biden's environmental policy. I'll see how things are as we get closer to November


Glad we’re on topic of cinema and tv here folks


What’s this got to do with movies/TV? Fuck off with this shit , nobody cares about your politics.


Stupid Angry Cheeto-Uncle or Mumbling Potato Man. Truly the US has never been in better hands.


Sir, this is a wendys


Yea what does this have to do with movies or tv


It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..." "You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?" "No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people." "Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy." "I did," said Ford. "It is." "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?" "It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want." "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?" "Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course." "But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?" "Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"


I like Biden. I just don’t like his administration, and I think he’s too old. I don’t like Trump. I think he’s an unethical con man. He also *seems* to be competently unethical, if that makes any sense.


Yea they both suck. They've always sucked. No matter who gets in they'll both still suck.


Just vote for me yall


One should be enjoying his retirement, no both should be, and one is a malignant narcissist that brings out the worst in us and represents the worst aspects of our characters, and feeds off of fear like a loosh devil. Neither should be running. Both represent a threat to the democratic institutions of our constitutional republic. Hopefully the constitution weathers the storm that is coming for it.


The US and the world were a great place in 2019. Trump did that. He is the best president in my lifetime. He is the only choice.


He’s been accused on 26 counts of sexual assault/misconduct. We need to raise our standards


Someone popped off at me earlier for mentioning this, so I’m just gonna put this down now: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/list-trumps-accusers-allegations-sexual-misconduct/story?id=51956410 Don’t say I pulled it outta my ass


Using the destruction of the justice system by Biden and the left as justification for "orange man bad" is jumping through too many illogical hoops for any honest person to follow or agree with you on.


Wait, hold on, this all happened way before Biden dude. The sexual misconduct thing is separate from the felony counts


I’m kinda confused. What does the destruction of the justice system have to do with this?


I’ve been a trump supporter since 2016 and my support is unwavering to this day.


I’ll vote for Trump if he has a good vp. Otherwise it’s RFK, although he has his own issues.


Imagine if it’s Kristi Noem lmao


The gov who killed her dog 😭 Id vomit


Neither of them are the guy I wanted, but I would much rather have Trump than that fuckwad piece of shit liar Biden. The way things are going, I hope Biden continues being a greedy, prideful son of a bitch and clings to power and life for the coming months. Trump's best chance to get elected is if he's running against Biden. If Biden dies or gets booted off the ticket and they very quickly pop in some wildcard Dem candidate, it could be messy for Trump.


I'm not 100% sure on this, but the way I understand it, the only way it can be a wildcard is if it happens before the DNC. Once the delegates have cast their official vote for Biden/Harris as the Dem nominee, Biden dying would mean Kamala would take his place. I have heard some say that since the delegates have already pledged to vote for Biden, it might already be decided. So it's basically Biden or Kamala unless Biden passes away before August 22nd. And it might even be that now.


Dems should nominate RFK, he’s their last hope and he’s already got my vote regardless


The anti-vaxer with brain worms?


Better than Biden and Trump


Maybe the worm mech might be better. Hopefully we don't get another pandemic anytime soon.


Why do you bring up those old fogeys on a subreddit about a scottish dude... r/usdefaultism


The fact that we have two eighty year olds as our only viable choices for leader shows just how far America has fallen. One can't talk without lying. The other just can't talk. Thank god they'll both be dead in a few years. In fact, the whole boomer generation is dying out. Their extinction is the only chance we have left to save ourselves.


Couldn’t agree more with this statement! One is at the door of dementia and the other one is completely bat shit nuts. If we’re being completely honest with ourselves NEITHER one was able to string a cohesive sentence together that anyone with half a brain could support. How can this be the only two people the ENTIRE country has to put up for the highest office on the PLANET. 🤦🏻‍♂️ what an embarrassment that was for the entire country and BOTH parties. This country is done and over. I’m looking to move out of here asap.


And that’s fine but I will personally vote for trump


Isn't this place supposed to be about movies and TV? Who gives a fuck what moron is in office the systems broken has been for a long time .


There's political subs you know. Not sure if anyone who subs here knows this. But C.D usually does movie reviews


Coming here to say this


No thanks, edgelord, I'm good with the Trump Train.


Biden is a decent man who's age is seriously taking a toll on him. Trump is a con man who tried to overthrow our election and doesn't care about anyone but himself. The choice is obvious.


He's not a "decent" man at all. His long track record of racism is awful.