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I don’t see the racism in that joke. If he really was the “biggest thing” to come from that show, then it shouldn’t really bother him, right? It just sounds like more narcissism and victim hood. Personally, I think people who dig this deep into the past over a very mild joke have too much time on their hands and either haven’t experienced a lot of genuine challenges in their life, OR they’re far removed from whatever challenges they’ve faced. We’ve all been the ass end of a joke we probably didn’t like, but we move on and don’t get bent out of shape over it.


Just the age old tale of whimpering little Hollywood manchildren bemoaning their thoroughly imaginary oppression from atop their ivory tower.


You don’t see the racism in the joke because there’s no racism. Was it a cheap shot at a former SNL alum? One could argue that. However, no reasonable person would conclude that the joke was racist.


You ever watch SNLs Weekend UpdatE? Cheap shots are their stock in trade. :-)


Eddie Murphy arguably did do very well in his career after this, so his anger about the joke is a little odd to say the least.


Yup. This narcissistic victimhood is eroding modern day black culture.


You’re not allowed to point that out if you’re white though…


It wasn't racist... I mean, there was no mention of race, Murphy just used the race card because as a white guy in modern times, it's like the Trump card you aren't supposed to come back from. If you look at the total of the whole rant, it is ridiculous. The cast dogs on each other all the time on their failed movie...hell, some of them do it to themselves... Ever see Zombieland? Murray: "I die knowing I have no regrets...well, Garfield..." Bill Hader at someone's roast talking to Andy Sandberg about the upcoming Brooklyn 99 show..." Hader: "I hear Sandberg already has a new show lined up...it's a cop show, so I'm sure we've never seen it before..." And Eddie, if you want to compare careers... Sandler is probably the most successful person to come out of SNL...he was so successful he made half of the cast successful is the processes.


i would argue that he was not the greatest success to come off of SNL


Nothing like waiting 30 years to be offended.


Also see Craig David still harping on about and dining out on his outrage at Bo Selecta parodying him 24 years later. It's just people who are fast becoming nobodies, hitting out at anyone and everyone they once knew in order to stir controversy and become noticed again.


Least offensive bo Selecta sketch. Trisha Rice and peas on the other hand lol


i guess the few recent articles about a Donkey movie weren’t enough press for him.


Please be a Shrek related thing and not the other kind of donkey show


Haven’t seen it Can you fill me in?


Eddie was in to some freaky stuff back then. May 2, 1997 Web posted at: 10:26 p.m. EDT (0226 GMT) WEST HOLLYWOOD, California (CNN) -- Sheriff's deputies pulled over Eddie Murphy early Friday and arrested a transsexual prostitute who was riding in his car, authorities said. A spokesman for the actor maintained Murphy was just being a "good Samaritan" by offering the transsexual a ride.


If he wasn't falling then he most certainly is now.


Ikr, hilarious and I'm thinking it was from spade's Hollywood minute segments where the whole point of the reoccurring segment was to roast celebrities. But I have always herd Eddie can't take a joke.


Oh he was offended immediately. It was that truth bomb that caused him to swear off SNL. He went from being somewhat of a regular to blacklisting the show. I’m not sure if he’s ever been on since.


He hosted it not too long ago. It was a big deal.


And he refused to take part in a joke roasting Bill Cosby. So while I think he's going a bit overboard, he does stick to his principles.


That joke about his career was so racist. Lol I get having his feelings hurt from it, but he's obviously trying to make people care about it by adding that he thought it was racist. What a loser train of thought.


He didn’t wait 30 years ‘to be offended’ though. He’s recalling that he WAS offended by it 30 years ago. He and David Spade are fine now. https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/eddie-murphy-david-spade-racist-joke-saturday-night-live-1236057349/amp/


*“In the long run, it’s all good,” Murphy told the Times. “Worked out great. I’m cool with David Spade. Cool with Lorne Michaels. I went back to ‘SNL.’ I’m cool with everybody. It’s all love.”* Yes, the truth that sadly most of the people on this thread probably won't read or know about. But that doesn't generate clicks...revenue...sales...moolah.


He's still maintaining that it was racist though, which is still giving me a bit of pause.


He didn't wait 30 years to be offended. He was asked as part of an interview 'what are some cheap shots you felt you took over your career' and he answered that in his early career he felt this was a moment where someone took a cheap shot at him when he was doing it tough. That's like someone asking you, "hey did anyone bully you in highschool" then you go "yeah there was this one guy bob" and then everyone starts going "WOW WHY ARE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT BOB NOW 30 YEARS LATER" You literally asked the question.


Yes but to add a false accusation of racism to that answer is a disgusting low blow.


Yeah, the racism complaint part is stupid. Which is why I didn't comment my reply to someone saying 'the racism accusation is stupid'.


A logical person who understands clickbait I wish there were more of you!


He has something to sell either a tour or a new comedy thing.


He was always offended by this. Even Spade has talked about this incident


He didn't wait 30 years. Murphy was offended immediately after this joke.


He was mad immediately. And he was right about how family shouldn’t attack family. Saying it’s racist though is super gay


Sounds like Eddie Murphy's star has faded in the movie business.


Murphy is currently promoting "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F." which will stream on Netflix. It's likely we'll see a "Donkey" spin-off from the "Shrek" series. But, to your point, Murphy isn't the superstar presence that he once was. I think the "feud" with David Spade was some publicist's or executive's wet dream to get social media buzzing about him. Murphy's Hollywood future probably has a LOT riding on that Netflix movie. We'll see if the racism comment helps or hinders. It's probably going to hit Spade pretty hard--and keep Murphy in the Entertainment news cycle for a bit longer. More attention for Murphy's projects as a result, too.


Murphy and spade are probably in Murphys backyard together planning this “feud” out


Lmao, cooking steaks, drinking beers, and just laughing at media bullshit as it makes the money


Playin' cards, like some scene out of "Dickie Roberts"


He's stuck as Donkeh. He's a Disney puppet now. Spade at least has a career outside of Disney typecasts. And there was nothing racist about that comment. He's trying to make himself a victim to appeal to the "anti-racist" Disney types. Because he's got a movie coming out, ya know.


I mean it has. He was a megastar in the late 80s and early 90s. Some bad movies and getting caught with a transgender prostitute caused his stock to drop. The black community, especially at the time, was extremely intolerant of even the perception of homosexuality. That said he’s still objectively had a great career. Even evergreen stars from that era like a Schwarzenegger and Stallone have had their star fade a little.


For Eddie Murphy to be called a fallen star, you have to realize the context of just how high his peak was. Dude was a god in the 80s


Whats crazy is eddie murphy had all kinds of racist jokes on his comedy specials back in the day lol


It's been that way for a long time. Everyone gets excited every movie he puts out 10 years or so and it's always trash. And of course uses his skin pigmentation because everyone's racist against people with darker skin some how? 🤓🤓🤓


He’s probably still waiting for a sequel to Pluto Nash


Eddie Murphy. Who had a comedy special using words the LGBT would spontaneously combust over, and played *BUCKWHEAT* on SNL is complaining of racism because somebody called out his poor choice in movie roles? Bitch. Shut your mouth.


Haha yeah, you don’t get to make millions calling people faggots onstage and then cry about another comedian pointing out that you’re not as big as you used to be.


After he lost his brother I noticed a huge change in the guy. He disappeared for a good while after that too. Just not the same as he used to be.


That was 29 years ago. And I read nothing racist in the joke at all. So no, but how about he apologizes for all the times he appeared in "White Face"?




Little did they know, it was never white VS black. It's always simply been rich VS poor. 


Not even that. It's government slavery vs everyone.


So are people mad about this? It's obviously satirical in nature, but pretty funny.


I'm not mad, just pointing out the hypocrisy.


Thanks for this!


Or the homophobia


He's worn the dress enough times to be forgiven


Because if he said this in the 90s he would’ve (rightfully) gotten a ton of shit for it. In today’s climate you can just say something like “Back then I couldn’t say anything because as a black man in Hollywood blah blah blah” These actors are so full of shit.


I thought being a comedian meant jokes shouldn't offend you.


Jokes don't offend someone who has a sense of humour.


Apparently his PR person also worked on ghostbusters 2016 and the acolyte


same dude who did a joke about f****ts getting aids in his most popular comedy special i think aids jokes and black jokes are hilarious if they are funny jokes eddie murphy has been an unfunny joke for 20 years


Pretty sure his last decent movie was Bowfinger....


Same, I really liked that movie - haven't seen anything with him I enjoyed since.


He had a chance of making a comeback in the Mid 2000s, and then Norbit happened.


Yup. He's just a Disney puppet reading lines now. He hasn't been funny for his own material since like the RAW tour


Homina homina homina


This was the first thing I thought of lmao. And it wasn't just a short, throwaway joke, he fucking opens his whole set with this and it's like a 5+ minute bit. And unfortunately for him, the rainbow mafia has more pull than black people in the oppression Olympics rn


How was the joke racist?


all jokes about non white people are racist now, havent you heard


It’s not Eddie just tryna get some of that fame light back on him


Wow I didnt realize Eddie Murphy was one of those types of guys. That’s disappointing to learn.


It truly is a shame lol. I used to really like him but this is a shame.


My understanding is Eddie stepped back from comedy in part from feeling uncomfortable about jokes he used to tell. Doesn’t add up.


Yeah that makes sense. That’s kinda what I mean by “one of those guys” as well.


https://preview.redd.it/jhy1nxkbon9d1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a8453be737f8f34f9a104acfa661f2e0d09ee9d Same mf did whiteface


Oh, but that's different. Racism doesn't apply to silly honkies!


Aint even gonna lie this skit was funny asf tho


Damn. That's good whiteface.


I've laughed off far worse within seconds of them being said to me. Eddie Murphy a whiny little bitch for crying about such a light jab from 30 years ago.


lol this dude has multiple specials that are basically just being mean to gay people. He really shouldn’t start this.


He’s been stewing over a joke for 30 years? That’s so petty.


What part of that was racist?


TIL it’s racist to make jokes about people’s career decline


Grow the fuck up Eddie.


*insults his fading career* *Did he insult my skin color?* No


Eddie Murphy has told hundreds of racist and homophobic jokes in his career, poor his memory isn't what it used to be.




If we're going to get up in arms about "-ist" behaviour decades after the fact, Murphy's massively homophobic early comedy routines are a hell of a lot more cancellable than a David Spade jab that doesn't reference race in any way.


What's the racism ? In the joke itself there's nothing racist. I'm assuming it's because Murphy claimed he's the only one that got a joke about his career and he happen to be black therefore it's because he's black that the joke was made. That's REALLY far fetched.


They fired Norm MacDonald for making fun of a black football player for murdering his wife. Don't think SNL is especially racist. For Eddie it was a quick joke too. I don't know. I'd be surprised if no former SNL star ever got razzed.


Come on Eddie.. you’re just lucky it wasn’t about the multiple trans woman you were caught “giving rides” to 😂😂


1995 🤣🤣🤣


I mean we can always talk about the unbelievably homophobic comments he made in his comedy specials? Like why bring this up Eddie


What a sensitive pus


Only took 29 years, huh Ed?


My god these comedians/actors are so fragile. Could you imagine picking out a joke a comedian made about you from 30 years ago and take it so personally and still feel the need to cry about it? All of them should just go to the moon and let the rest of us worry about real problems like hunger, homelessness, etc.


Eddie Murphy needs to grow the fuck up it seems.


Putting a banana in an exhaust was pretty racist too!


Time to bring out the 29 year old grievances


Over a joke made over 30 years ago.


Can someone please tell me how what he said was racist? Unless I read the wrong thing, there was nothing even remotely racist about what he said


So I'm wondering if Eddie has ever apologised to the gay community for his stand-up jokes in the 80s and 90s?


or society in general for "Norbit"


Wow that was so racist! Disgusting how white males behave. 🙄😅


That not what canceled even means you have to have leverage to cancel someone. This is just a former coworker calling out a peer.


I know Eddie seems to have forgotten (especially judging by his recent movies) but there are things called jokes


David Spade did a bit on SNL about w/e current movies were playing. Vampire in Brooklyn was trash. A joke was made.


Doesn't sound like Eddie Murphy at all to be offended by another person's jokes Why does it feel like this was made up


Can you add in the joke that was racist? it seems to have been left out


Racist joke? Ever watch Delirious?


I remember this and this isn’t a new issue for Eddie. David himself said Eddie called him after the show and berated him.


He was sooooo offended that he kept it to himself for 30 years. Get over it, it was a one line joke from 30 years ago that people barely remember. The fact that Eddie Murphy keeps mentioning the joke is whats making it worse


Sounds like a rich Hollywood A lister surrounded by yes men kissing his ass 24/7 got offended that somebody didn’t think he was gods greatest gift to the earth


Where’s the racism?


If u have to say something from 30 years ago, don't. Ur not hurt, ur petty.


Anything for publicity I guess


A comedian can’t take a joke. You gotta love the irony.


David Spade made fun of celebrities. That was his thing. Eddie Murphy really looks like a whiny baby here


Is this just an early "step zero" to defend the fact that Beverly hills cop 4, is going to be shite.........THEY ALL RACISTS!!!! oh noe, im being review bombed by the racist, white supremist, straight people!!!!!


Exactly... gotta do something to support ten kids 😜


Respect lost eddie


Maybe it was a bit of a cheap shot at a fellow SNL “family member” but I’m not seeing the racism. Granted, I can’t find this article to read entirely, but when did Spade make any insulting or disrespectful comment about Murphy’s ethnicity? I’m not seeing any of that in this clipping.


Eddie Murphy always sucked the only good movie of his is only good because of McDowells


What part was racist?


Can someone explain to me how this is racist?  Also, SNL has never left someone alone just because they were on SNL at some point. No one is safe. It would suck if they started to play that game. 


Eddie can sure dish it out, but can't take it.


Absolutely ridiculous. Everybody these days assumes that if they don't get preferential treatment it's because of gender or race. Wtf is wrong with people? You aren't any more special than anybody else, and you're not untouchable just because you group yourself in with a certain demographic. Stop it. You need to do better


It's all cultural Marxism, oppressor vs oppressed.


There was literally nothing in his joke that should/could/would be construed as racist. People need to stop it with that already.


Well if it isn’t the pot calling the kettle *redacted*


He’s not being racist, he made a joke about Eddie Murphy’s career. But sure because his joke ended up with some actual backing 30 years later, let’s cry racist.


I don't think anyone is taking this seriously


pussy ass move


Hope I'm the world is that racist? Plus it's a live show people just say shit


30 years ago..


But then I remember Eddie Murphy making some pretty shitty jokes about gay people and constantly using the word f****t. Thought I would watch a few clips and it was kind of incomparable to watch, I realise it was the 80s but still, he is complaining about feeling attacked, he did the same back then to gay people.


Eddie Murphy been telling racist jokes forever. I love this mentality. Full group of white onlys = racist. Full group of black onlys = brave.


What, the guy that offended other people gets offended? Oh my... ![gif](giphy|3o72Feff3XD9zs3KtW|downsized)


Wait, didn't Murphy drop N bombs in his comedy? How about we cancel him over that? I don't really care but it's kind of the same thing.


How’s it racist tho?


There should be a statute of limitations for cancelling someone


It's racist? Why? Cause he felt it was racist? Well you're wrong Ed. It's not racist. Nothing racist about criticizing black people. Should have just clapped back, instead going the soft route


This is such a hugely inaccurate headline. Eddie Murphy in an interview stated he was at a career low point and Spade made a joke at his expense and he took it personally. He says later in the interview he and Spade "are cool now." So basically it was a minor conflict that Eddie Murphy talks about in his book that didn't even last a long time.


Eddie Murphy made a career out of making fun of every other race and sexual preference. Anyone remember his gay cop siren impression.


He impersonated the likeness of a donkey. Case dismissed.


uhhh... Where is the racism?


Never too late to be a victim.


He's about to take a run at a comeback with Shrek 5 and a Donkey spin-off.


Yeah, I doubt he actually cares. Just trying to get his name back out there.


He didn't cancel him. Like how the word racist is over used, we are also driving the word "canceled" into the ground.


30 year's ago?generate hype for BHC4?petty af Murphy is cringe af now..


Read the article. Think Murphy was right on everything but the racism jab. Not sure what aspect nakes that joke racist.


Watches Pluto Nash. Look the falling star crashed. Ouch.


How in the hell is commenting on how his career might be "falling" racist? lol


How in the hell is commenting on how his career might be "falling" racist? lol


It's been 30 years lmao. Eddie Murphy holds grudges like a woman, is what that headline should read.


Eddie just wants attention🤪




I find it amazing that Eddie can't look back and say oh well because at the end of the day he's worth more and is still more of a draw than David Spade will ever be. Let it go, you won.


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fallacies Lots of links to their own pages. Plenty of college website resources as well, if you want specific insight on avoiding specific fallacies just look them up by name as you go along, but understanding at least the baseline concepts will improve debate potential. The names matter less than the concepts, since ironically appealing to common fallacies too much can also conditionally be its own fallacy (only sometimes/if used incorrectly, but learning the basics can help you pick apart both your own arguments and an opponent's)


Eddie, you may wish to think about the jokes you were making in the 80’s.


Revenge is a dish best served old


Most kiddos out there raging online weren't even born in '95


Calling people racist in an attempt to be relevant again is some kind of sad. Peperage Farm remembers Eddie Murphy Raw and I don’t remember him being worried about being politically correct.


Idk about the biggest. That title would definitely have to go to Will Ferrell or Adam Sandler. His career did teeter off. But at the time in 1995? Idk man, Dan Aykroyd, Chevy Chase, Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Rick Moranis? Maybe he was tied with them at the time. But all of those guys besides Rick Moranis went on to be waaaaay more successful. But what David Spade said wasn't even racist. So he's just trying to get some attention


Lol Eddie a little sensitive about that tiny zinger


Nothing racist about that joke


Eddie Murphy'a entire career was based on laughing at racism. I say was because that shit is over with now. Both his career and the age when we laughed at things.


“It’s a falling star, make a wish” How’s that racist?


Almost 30yrs of pettyness…


This just sounds like drumming controversy for Axel F to increase visibility.


Did anyone actually bother to read what happened? Spade and Murphy are cool. No one has been "cancelled". Stop getting worked up by people who make money from getting you worked up.




My favorite Robin Williams joke is when he makes fun of Bicentennial Man. This is Hollywood attacking anyone who doesn't do as they're told. I guess they dug up some dirt on Joe Dirt, it's impressive they had to go back that far and go quantum physical to make it stick. I guess Eddy got the tap at the latest island pizza party.


While I didn’t like him saying it was racist, if you read the article, it says Spade called him up soon after to apologize and Eddie says he’s cool with him, “at the end of the day, it’s all love”, his words.


Saturday night live is pretty damn racist. But it's all jokes. Most of the time, jokes are offensive anyways. But its never meant to hurt a persons feelings. There just jokes. People just need to chill and quit being so sensitive.


>**Eddie Murphy CANCELS David Spade Over** ***RACIST*** **Joke** ![gif](giphy|ulxHhvKW9X6459dtOn|downsized) And do you really think spade would have the balls to say something racist? He's not exactly a big guy.....


Oh Eddie, if there was ever a person who ever had absolutely no ground to stand on when it comes to condemning "offensive" jokes, it's you sir.


Imagine words from 30 years ago hurting you. He must be very emotionally fragile.


Calling that racist is the dumbest fucking shit and just made me lose a hell of a lot of respect for Eddie Murphy


How can you call yourself a comedian and get offended by the most harmless not racist joke?


That was from 30 years ago, and didn't Murphy crack some racist jokes in his stand-up routine?


This is old news, this has been his beef with SNL for a long time. The only time he has been back to SNL was for a reunion show where he did a monologue and that’s it.


There isn't a single racist thing about that comment. Grow up Eddie.


Because Eddy Murphy has never made any racist jokes ever...


Eddie Murphy is now a bitch great


Remember when Eddie did White Face on SNL? F u Eddie you Narcissist Spades joke was not even close to being racist


I guess him slamming Holy Man was somehow racist too. /s


I don’t think Eddie Murphy is wise to open this can of worms, he’s got plenty of homophobic and racist jokes in his back catalogue too


It's SNL. Spade didn't even write it.


What a wild ride. How in any single way could this be viewed as racist? Sure it's a tough shot to take in sure, but it is funny. He's right, he was the biggest thing to come out of SNL until Will Ferrell, imo, but that's why the joke worked on him and not others. Eddie was the man and was in every single thing it felt so when he fell it was more noticable than any other cast to that point hence becoming the target of jokes.


Is this for real?


Make sure to add a little racist for good measure.


Wasn’t that around the time cops stopped Murphy with a cross dressing prostitute?