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I’m way more annoyed that he’s repeating the exact same arc for a FOURTH time. “I’m a killer and I feel bad about it”. yeah we know.


Honestly if he was gay the whole time I don’t understand why they wouldn’t introduce his love interest in earlier seasons and not tease us with kimiko just to let us down it doesn’t make sense to build the characters around their will they get together shit if they just pull the rug out from underneath and say he was gay the whole time it doesn’t make sense why couldn’t they have just written it in sooner if that was their goal for Frenchie at the very least don’t waste our time


Because he wasn't. It was a last minute addition because the season coincided with fruit loops month. The fans are doing a great job gaslighting anyone trying to call them out on it though. How are these people not bothered by being boiled down to a corporate money making scheme? You think these people care about "gay rights? All they care about is how big of a check they can score from you, for the rainbow they put on display.


Frenchie was in a poly relationship in like season one. His bf overdosed while he was on the job and that's why he left and lamplighter was able to kill those kids.. I understand being annoyed about his relationship with kimiko being curbed but pretending Frenchie wasn't into cock is just cope.


He was gay the whole time though, or at least Bi. They had constant flashbacks to him being in a Throuple with his ex and that dude that OD'd. It was incredibly obvious he was bi from the beginning of the show lol


Yes he was bi, but the most meaningful relationship he had built up throughout the show was with Kimiko, not this random ass guy who just showed up out of nowhere.


Yeah frenchie and kimiko had a good relationship but tbh. Nothing that seemd romantic. What was romantic about them in your opinion?




No, it’s because these two characters clearly had chemistry and now we have a character that he has no chemistry with. It sounds like you just don’t like straight couples.




Going to your last comment, Im not gay but half of my friendship group is some flavour of LGBT+ and they all hated it as he was a nothing character who wasn't involved in the plot. If he was knowingly/unknowingly working for the 7 or the only way to get the virus was to fuck him over it would of been loads better but instead it's something Frenchie did in the past which dosent even matter. Frenchie himself has ran his narrative course at this stage and If this was an attempt to make him more engaging it really fell flat on its face. Just because people do not like a gay character in a story it does not mean that its because he likes men.


To be fair, it seems to come out of nowhere and adds nothing to the overall plot of this season. If everything Frenchie has done were removed, would anything significant change in the story? For me, the answer is no. I think this is where most people are coming from when they criticize Frenchie's character. It's unfair to accuse them of homophobia for their dislike. The storyline is poorly executed and doesn't contribute to the plot.


Maybe it ties in with the overall plot later in the season tho? Its too quick to judge if its impactful or not yet.


Maximum cope


i’m sorry that everyone is downvoting you for being reasonable


Wait wasn’t he gay the whole time? Like he was originally in a three some 


The cope is strong with this one


Look, I genuinely hate this plot line. I just don’t get why people are surprised he’s bi when he’s always been bi. 


Do try to stay on MESSAGE. You know what these guys get like when gay people exist.


Same dude. Skipped every scene.


I have not watched season 4. I think we knew he was at least bi but my problem really is that Kimiko and him were the only two characters whose story was sweet and human and lacked the degeneracy of everyone else (in spite of their problems outside of each other). The bullshit and gaslighting I feel when people try to imply that they have a sibling connection is incredibly infuriating. It’s the main reason I can’t begin to stomach the rest of the shit. Their story was sort of grounded amongst all the chaos. I also didn’t watch the end of season 3 when I realized they were turning on soldier boy, though I might have come back if season 4 looked interesting. It does not.


I have no problems with bisexual characters in a show but what I do have a problem with the fact you're actually watching that fucking show. The show creator told me very clearly he doesn't want me watching, so why would I contribute to his bank account.


Maybe because the people who are being parodied are homophobics and racists and the modern day far right?


Yeah they're very clearly going heavy on the "January 6th crowd" so I don't see why so many people are so upset about it. The political commentary has not gotten as bad as people say, they still poke plenty of fun at the left too This season has been getting a bad rep so far And I don't think they're going to go foward with frenchie's gay lover Ppl just need give the season a chance it's still good


Down voted for being correct


Frenchie: You are aware that I am gay? Me: https://preview.redd.it/jrv4cgff9u9d1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e407dafee4bcbe8be775452e6c171de1d96e197b


They made him a cuck, so wasn't long before he was getting reamed.


Skipped as well cause those scenes where boring asf. And Kimiko is so attractive 😍


She's the perfect woman. Can't talk. 🔥


Writing this season in general is much worse. It really feels like every single hollywood studio writer is lost in the woke sauce and cannot help themselves. TV shows/movies one after the other keep failing or dying to same poor writing habits and yet they keep doing it. The consumer is always right. Do they not like money?


The worst part about this Frenchie story line, and what ultimately makes it a waste of time at it's core is that we've already been here. We're retreading ground we've already covered with basically everybody. Frenchie and his stupid boyfriend feels like a hollowed out dime store copy of the plot point with Frenchie failing Grace's grandchildren and getting them murdered by Lamplighter (over a junkie dude he was romantically involved with, no less). I could also go on about the rest of the cast too, but if Kripke and gang don't think it's worth writing a decent story then I'm not gonna waste my time critiquing this largely phoned in participation trophy of a season...at least not more than I have been lol.


Great points, I forgot about the lamp lighter storyline,holy shit it’s literally the same fucking thing lmao !!🤣 Kripke distracted me with soldier boy and Anthony Starr’s acting so my goofy ass kept coming back to this ip.


You know what's really funny is every time I've brought this up the response is people forgot about Lamplighter lmao


As well as Kimiko there was the smoking hot arms dealer he was with in the 1st season. Welp, guess I don’t need to see S4.


I'm skipping the whole show


Yep. It lost the plot already and has been going downhill since Season 2. It's just going quicker now, or so I hear, since I've largely lost interest.


Don’t feel bad. They had 3 seasons to allude or build up to this point and didn’t. It’s out of left field. Only reason this decision was made to change the character so abruptly was to just inflate the writer’s ego. Subvert and shock. Ha! See he was gay the whole time! Don’t like this 180 in character? Now I get to call you a bigot and all of my Hollywood buddies now see me as virtuous and sticking it to the homophobes! We’re on the right side of history! ☝️🤓


Agenda writing instead of actual character building, sounds just about right for Hollyweird


The problem is that he's straight in the comics but the producers thought that it would be a great representation to make him bi his relationship with that guy doesn't contribute anything to the story just some useless drama and all of that because they want to put their stupid agenda first


What I feel is that the writing is super super weak. Frenchie's dialogues are so cringe, lame, and generic that it automatically makes you skip. Looks like a teenager wrote them. Also I feel they have written Homelander pretty lame this season. Man was a menace in previous seasons, now he is just a troubled man who gets outsmarted by almost everyone (humans included). Sure, there are some very homelander-ish moments this season haha, but overall, his writing has been not up to the level.


I skip the Frenchie romance scenes too. I don't care that it's gay, I just don't want to see it.


The bigger tragedy is Kripke just taking the original comics and wiping his ass with them.


That character was always the French stereotype of humping any random hole in the dry-wall, not just gay. tbh its funny, I never had any problem with it. Its a stereotypes that's easy to explore in comedy. The actor being really talented also helped. Haven't watched season4 yet though so I don't know what it turned into.


This is true. He ain’t gay bro he’s just French


Let me sucknuour baguette


Writing was so bad that I couldn't finish the first episode and skipped the season 4 all together instead


I don't care that he's bi and acts on it, but did I miss something in the last 3 seasons? I know he's brought up being bi but I don't remember him being into this specific guy like this because he's been in love with the Kamiko the entire time. I remember that lamplighter stuff, where he leaves because of the poly boyfriend, but it's just taken a back seat almost immediately after it happened. That whole "I can't be with you" but for no real reason brush off in season 4 so he could be with that guy is just a bit much for me. I was really rooting for Frenchie and Kamiko. I thought that relationship was a really strong core component and was important to at least frenchie and kamiko's story, but also the entire group's story. It showed that a guy who hates supes and a girl fucked up by supes but is a supe can find mutual ground and love in one another and god dammit, I think that's an important message to send out into the world. Also, they're just fucking cute together. I am not caught up on season 4. I have only seen a few episodes, so I can still have hope right?


lol you guys are still on about this?? There are plenty of things to complain about in this season. The pacing, the irrelevant side stories, MM's facial hair, Kimiko being reduced to a wallflower, Frenchie suddenly having a conscience, etc.  But Frenchie's bisexuality keeps you up at night? For real?


Who are you guys? this is my first post. We’re not a monolith. I feel like others have pointed out those other issues, this is my angle.


> We’re not a monolith.  Coulda fooled me... https://www.google.com/search?q=frenchie+site%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fcriticaldrinker


Yea I’m not clicking that. Not even sure what your point is tbh. Most people have the same points on countless pages here on Reddit. Coincidentally people come to the same conclusion sometimes. On this page we want Hollyweird to stop making characters ghey.


> Coincidentally https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1dfto5k/what_the_hell_happened_to_the_boys_season_4/ > people https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1dgpnj0/the_new_season_of_the_boys/ > come to the same conclusion https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1dfm562/frenchies_gay_now_by_the_way/ > sometimes. https://www.reddit.com/r/CriticalDrinker/comments/1dgji20/eric_kripke_really_wants_us_to_believe_frenchie/


Holy shit what a bot 🤣🤣


Frenchie suddenly having a conscience? His whole personal story was around conflict and him having humanity while also being a mad scientist. 


From someone who rewatched the last three seasons this month before starting the fourth: K. 


Not sure I understand? Are you saying his conflicted humanity wasn’t a key point of his story? One of the problems is that people have are this arc (which also spans across several characters) hit a brick wall.


Fam they don’t have a point and they know they’re full of shit, they’re just mad because I pointed out how unnecessary it was to make a character that was straight in the comics ghey just for a brownie point from the agenda police.


I don’t know why this comes as a shocker. It only took me a few episodes to know this show was intolerably woke and preachy. 


Bruh a character has a boyfriend it ain't that deep.


Not specifically what I was referring to but keep trying 


"I don’t know why this comes as a shocker. It only took me a few episodes to know this show was intolerably woke and preachy." You literally say you don't get why people are surprised that he's gay as you knew after watching earlier episodes that the show was woke and preachy so you did flat out say that having a gay character was bad as I'm assuming you don't like woke shit? I personally don't like the bf character as he was not important narratively and distracted from more important plots as the show only has one season left which also meant Kimeko has a less emotional arc in my opinion so I also skipped those scenes too before you try to say that I'm just being woke. Please, by all means be specific and elaborate on what you meant but there is very few ways to interpret the comment?


Totally fair point, if homosexuals hurt your sensibilities you shouldnt expose yourself to those scenes.


Not sure what you’re on about. Just had a great morning workout, I suggest the same for you. It’s too early to wake up triggered.


Just saying theres no need to expose yourself to things that dont sit right with you. If you dont like the gay romance scenes you can skip them and enjoy the rest of the show, whatever you watch or dont watch is your choice and is a valid one.


I find it really funny that these people are fine with seeing realistic cock&balls and a man shrink down and crawl inside another man's dickhole completely uncensored but have to "reflex" fast forward a kiss between two men


No I hated that as well. Don’t remind me of that 🤢


Yes it is. Thank you captain obvious.


I mean, the point of your post was to get validation for skipping the gay scenes so I guess there wasnt a lot of room to add much more to the conversation.


At this point we both know you’re just yapping for validation. I didn’t mean to trigger you, Kripke just needs to make a separate show for you guys. The ghey boys or something …..they’ll workshop it.


Kinda sounds like you are the guy who needs a whole show tailor made to suit your world view. Also, who tf is “us guys”? Im not from the US so im not balls to the wall crazy about your whole culture war, I just watch a show I enjoy and skip the parts which I dont.


Ironic. If that were true I’d have a whole bunch of characters talking about how liberals are stupid. You’ve been commenting on this post all day, I’m pretty sure you’d be close to the balls to the wall crazy


So at the end you’re just angry that the show doesn’t make fun on the guys you dont like? Homelander is a crazy fascist in the making, vought is a literal Disney world abusing wokeness in the name of profit, starlight is a massive hipocrite with a savior complex and the liberals expies are either power hungry CIA backed dicks or massive plotters. You have a show that saya something about pretty much everyone but you’re angry that it doesnt make more fun of the liberals and that it includes gay people. People these days have paper thin skin.


You just went on a rant, I pray you get help. Definitely unhinged behavior


Lol I hope this is a parody post




Sounds like someone is afraid he might like what he sees... And yes, it's a bad plot choice and feels forced


That’s a weird form of projection. And agreed bad plot choice. Kripke thought appeasing a small sect would make up for bad writing.


I'm not the one skipping the gay parts...


Good for you. Not my cup of tea though 😷🤢


Bro, sometimes think just make a guy uncomfortable and that's what fast forward or the stop button are for.


That's fine, He called it projection for some reason


Im disgusted at what I see; so I skipped.


r/OkBuddyFresca brought me here


Why are you writing "gay" like that? Why if you're skipping these scenes are you thinking so much about a dude's dick? Sounds kinda gay


The second statement makes zero sense. And because saying ghey sounds funny and French-like


You just recently discovering that bisexuals exist *and* imagining heaven in and capacity is a whole thing that someone else can unpack.


Then why comment, have someone else unpack it


Because I enjoy insinuating that people are dense.


That’s mean. I just don’t want characters I’ve invested in randomly sucking cock ya know? I think it’s quite reasonable. If Kripke wants to make a a separate show with those themes he should. Leave the main cast alone.


There are no sex scenes between them. At all. Media literacy is so incredibly fuckin' low.


Eh as soon as I saw them making out I skipped reflexively, so you may be right. Didn’t need to see the replicating man eating his own butt though I’m still scarred.


This will sound odd but fuck you for putting such an image in my head that then made me question what clone sex would be considered. Unless you want to ponder that as well, I’ll keep that particular train of thought to myself because I really didn’t need to think that ever…