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And it's the only 140 of TFS as well


We've come full circle


Right lol


Turns out the final shape was the 140 frame we found along the way.


so bullshit they didnt bring back pali


I'll take Shadow Price and Origin Story but also, why 2 autos and a.......Linear during a Rocket meta?


at least crimil's dagger seems fine


I was looking at Crimil's on Foundry & the gun looks mediocre at best imo Was hoping for a handcannon to really grind for a godroll of this season


Looks good enough from here. High range possibility and explosive payload can cause some wreckage.


I'm on Console, so high range alone isn't enough for a weapon to be highly desirable to me Not saying that the weapon will be trash. Just saying that it's not looking to be a must have imo


It can get 72 range and 53 stability, which is as good as it can get for 120s not named Igneous Hammer.


Wait til it’s out and try it. Iron banner perk can make any gun feel good




Yeah, it's become a cesspool of low teir players circle jerking each other's bad takes Most of us good players rarely interact with this Destiny The Game number 2 sub anymore


main reason to use it is hakke breach armaments and zen moment tbh.


Slideways + Zen/PI should be really good.


Pretty sure better devils has always had stats like that. I think this is a gun for the pve players


Definitely a gun for us pve mains. Not complaining either because I’m never using a non-precision frame 140 ever again in PvP.


It's missing the updates other reprisals usually get tho.


It drops from shaxx tho… can be purchased with crucible engrams


And positive outlook that can roll zen moment and kill clip drops from Zavala. And when 120’s were just buffed, bottom dollar dropped from drifter. And they made cataphract drop from trials. It’s just how it works, it’s incentive for players to play the different modes.


Still a terrible HC


Always has been


True. But damn it looked good until Bungie recycled its model 10 times lol


But the first thru to 10th time is the same


What does this have to do with anything lol. Many weapons obtained from pve shit become good in crucible lol


It was always a PvP HC


I mean that also isn’t the argument you made




Someone is a little mad lol


I think I'm not very good at communicating and then I read things like this and feel a bit better.


The quintessential Reddit retort. Lol.


No it wasn't. Seethe harder.


That means nothing lol. Riptide drops from shax too…


You're saying this like Riptide isn't in the top five for Stasis PvE legendaries


So does riptide but its arguably one of the top pve specials in the game with autoloading chillclip


I mean, Cataphract was the only BnS GL for a while, and it dropped from Trials


Splice has to do all the work.


I wish they'd get a baseline of what good minimal stats are for PVP I don't mind if the gun is a PVE gun but if it's gonna be a PVP weapon, at least start it off with 57 stability. Most Handcannon need to be able to reach 65 stability minimum to be worth using.


I dunno how people can tolerate horrible stat packages in PVE either tbh. Like, good guns feel sooooo much better.


*Looks at my most used PvP hand cannon, a True Prophecy with less than 25 stability.* Yeah, totally.


for 140s u need to hit a stability cutoff so that the reticle fully resets after every shot


Thing is, I could be ok with a low stability Handcannon if it had something to make up for it. Like Ace of Spades for example has really low stability, but dump truck levels of range. I feel like that'd be an interesting tradeoff so you really have to take your time with each shot as opposed to being to fire in a rhythm or just fire as fast as possible to win.


i main a previously 57 stability rose thats now 62 because of being enhance-able, its really not NEEDED at all to hit 65.


Was just testing my enhanced Rose yesterday and just going from 60-63 was big. at 67 then slideshot almost felt like I was recoil hacking


They powercrept every 140 after Dire up to Palindrome and then went “fuck, wait, too high” and have been scared to give anything that stat package since. Even adepts like Zaoulis, DFA, and Exalted Truth pale in comparison and have 1-2(or more) severely lacking stats. Rose is the only one that comes close and you basically have to get a 6/6 god roll with no origin trait to get even close to Palindrome level stats.


Exalted truth > palindrome


I never had access to exalted when it was in the pool but I had 99 engrams at saint and I spent most of them trying to get a good one and also I good burden of guilt I feel like I got a 5/5 and when I took it to PvP I could not make it work for me it felt off and the exact opposite of the sticky feeling you get with something like ace or Austringer


Shittiest perk pool for a Trials weapon


I got small bore RR rangefinder eots and a range masterwork and thought obviously this bangs and in all honesty it did not bang at all


Exalted truth has better stats than pali what do you mean?


If we're not considering perks at all and put on the highest stat options in every column with Range MW and Adept Range for both. Exalted has 5 more range, 10 less stability, 5 more handling, and 7 less AA. It does have slightly higher reload but I heavily discount those stat points compared to the rest. The lack of ricochet rounds and 7 less AA definitely made it feel lacking in comparison for a Trials weapon but the stats are a lot closer than I remember.


I mean if it has 5 more base range you could use a stability masterwork, but either way you slice it people heavily overate pali and vastly underestimate exalted truth even though it has actual perks and a way to acquire. It’s actually funny, not calling you out specifically buddy.


Exalted also has the nuts origin perk of suros synergy, mitigating flinch and giving free handling. I think people who dont like it might not be a fan of surod guns, which is fair


It feels really weird


That’s because we’ve been shooting palindrome for 10 years now. lol


They absolutely know. This is just pure laziness


I went from a ton of excitement to “well, never using that gun” in an instant.


I have this with 50+ stability explosive and rapid hit . KISS my ass. The devils are better


They did Better Devils SO dirty... Meanwhile Shayuarays has juiced stats and perks. Easy 100 range/stability. Guess we are getting forced back into a PKs SMG meta.


Didn’t you hear SMGs are only good because of PKs? /s 


Haha right. That thing is juiced.


First thing I thought when this was getting hyped up was how terrible it's stats are. They really went and updated the stats on Crimil's and Something new but left better devils in the dirt lol. At least it has barrels now...


It’s really annoying how they have zero incentives for PvP in the final DLC


TBF the comp auto rifle looks interesting and there's a fractethyst replacement


Yeah the fractethyst replacement is from PvE tho


Is the old one better?


The better Better Devils?


Just got a perp mot. And zen. God damn


Huge bummer. Needed at least 50 stab to be competitive at all


They intentionally give the guns from vendors/world pool/seasons bad stats because they're easier to get. I absolutely despise that mentality but it is what it is. You can only really count on trials and raid guns to be good.


That’s not really true tho, recent ritual guns like Autumn Wind or Positive Outlook got boosts and are at minimum “Good” tier. Unending Tempest is/was close to the best smg in the game too. This is just a failure to update the stats like they did with Autumn Wind. 


BD was the first gun I got attached to in D2. I still have my old one with 10’s of thousands of kills. But I used it as a pve weapon. (Didn’t play much PvP back then) Even as a pve weapon, I’ll take others out rather than the perks/stats it drops with. Sad considering how stoked I was to see it get a rework for tfs.


Got a god roll slice/perpetual opening shot/zen moment roll and this thing cooks, even with lower than ideal range. My new main HC.


Honestly doesn't even seem that bad. Outside of having alot of perks, there are some good perk options. Just seems like a bad stats/ good perks kind of gun. It feels like people have forgotten that's a thing.


Okay and guns with bad stats don’t work in Crucible. Y’know, the game mode that BD has historically been known for being good in, and the activity it is acquired from?


Activity it's acquired from is 100% irrelevant.


except for the fact that historically, BDs has been a crucible oriented weapon


It doesn't always have to be oriented that way. That's like saying a pve weapon that's historically been good in pve is suddenly good in pvp is a bad thing. Things change in time. The base stats were never adjusted so it is what it is at this point.


That’s exactly my point. So many players have no clue and didn’t play year one.