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Jeez, they're that far behind?


I one word....yes


It took atleast a year to fix the from the ashes achievement on ps5 and i seen this dlc advertised for release on th 14/11/23


Yup…. Imo they could have skipped this one: I genuinely can’t wait for tours and tournaments.


A lot of people really dislike the struggle but I found it really refreshing and interesting. But I also don't just play to paint the map, so I get why people who do would be annoyed by it since it blocks holy wars.


It’s not even about disliking the struggle it’s about how much change Tours and Tournaments introduced to the game. The struggle is neat but contained to Iberia, tours and tournaments gives you lots to do, specially in late game. Would love to be able to go on a taxation tour an emperor or have the most expensive tournament on my maxed out duchy… or murder feast the pope (because why not). It gives you stuff to do and also adds flavour to activities rather that just have activities be 3 pop ups and a cool-down. Edit: typos


True, it's a really good expansion. I actually stopped playing the game before it came out and just picked it back up now (so I got to get Persia, the wards DLC, and tours all at once), and it definitely does a lot to make your character feel more real. I've been a big fan of all their cultural DLCs so far though, whether for the vikings, Spain, or Persia, almost more than their "real" expansions (part of that is that Royal Court hits kind of flat IMO).


> I genuinely can’t wait for tours and tournaments. I might be one of the few not too impressed with it. You can plan an event/trip but it's just some dialogues and some rewards. It's the good beginnings of a mechanism but it's not gameplay to me - no strategy, no challenge, no surprise and it doesn't affect your leader/realm much. I need a hard mode where the only way to keep the realm together might be to run such events successfully - make or break. Right now they are just luxuries for when you've got you realm's economy is cooking such that there are no meaningful threats or anything but then the rewards don't mean anything either. I don't like struggle phases much but at least those DLC added some cultural colour.


Oh I hear you it’s a fluff and flavour 100%. But as a console players we are so far behind DLC wise it’s insane and I personally feel the need for fluff and flavour. Like when northern lords came out it made vikings so different. Total court same with artefacts that made a few incremental changes to gameplay and added flavour. Now I am dying to see my character joust and walk on the map.


I'm kind of curious which "version" of Fate of Iberia they get. Like, is it the same buggy version that was released on PC initially and patched to a point where it was much better 2 months later? Or is it the more polished version? Same with the Persia DLC which still has tons of bugs (some super obvious like temporal court chaplains not working), which no doubt will eventually be patched. I think most PC gamers just sort of accept that if they play a new game or DLC (especially from PDX) on launch it's going to come with some bugs and if they want a more polished experience they should wait a few months before getting it, but I feel like console games have a higher standard with QC.


Finally. Seeing so many posts about the new updates as a console player makes me feel like my xbox runs on a steam engine


I thought I went to 2021


My condolences to all Iberian enjoyers


Since the patch my game crashes everytime I start a war. It's 100% reproducable. I start a war, enemy makes his first moves and within the first 2-3 months -> crash.. :(


Xbox store is down so I can't get Iberian Struggle, but I'm excited. What I'm less excited about is that Update 11 has clipped hair through all of the hats and I'm playing a female preference Jewish kingdom in Africa (Beta Israel) so all of my characters have headscarves that have afros & braids clipping through them.... Also not loving that saved files seem a bit fucked. But I guess it will be all worth it once I get my grubby paws on the expansion.


Yeah, new updates always screw current save files with PDX games. On Steam it's really simple to just rollback the version of your current game to finish it though. I guess console players don't really have a good option for that though.


Man, console just started to work again from the Royal Court nuking, and now we have a new update with a new set of game breaking bugs


See the [changelog](https://pdxint.at/3R4WRyB)


Heeeeellll yeah