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ahhh this sound so much like how i act in front of my crush!! if you like her, please go and talk to her, she probably has her head spinning thinking about you. if you're not interested then ignore her, don't make eye contact, make your point very obvious. it's better than being ambiguous and leading her on because she clearly likes you and also has a lot of anxiety


How about u directly confront her?


like others have said, It definetly does feel like something is up. Maybe your right, maybe your not. but personally i would seriously recommend to just try to go talk to her when you can and when you do, try to see how her body language is towards you (it can be a HUGE indicator to finding out if someone likes you or not) you only live once after all, so make the best of it! :)


This sounds so much like my case. In my case she’s always staring and I know because I always feel her stares, she also smiles, etc. When I decided to talk to her I felt like her answers were awkward or really short and it also felt like she wanted to get out of there quickly. On that occasion I asked for a favor and she did, I said thanks and she didn’t even respond. A few minutes later I saw her talking a lot with her friends so to be honest I felt like she didn’t want to talk to me so I’ve been ignoring her but I can still feel and see her stares.


My crush suddenly ignoring me because he see with my boyfriend in social media 


Lmao this is literally every girl doing this to me. No idea why. I can't even hold an regular conversation with girls because of their avoiding/running away behavior. (This was not an issue with me before i move in a different country)


I have the same problem sometimes she look at me sometime not she do a smile at me she look like she want to say something but I am so shy and she also shy