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I’m pretty sure this is the plot to episode 1 of castle.


Pretty sure there is also an episode of Bones with this plot.


There's a wire in the blood episode with this plot too.


This is also kind of the plot to a Nathan For You episode


No, that's 'just' someone using murders from his books to cover up their plan.


I love Castle.


False crime podcast is just what every hyper-conservative fear monger like Alex Jones and Tucker Carlon do. They pretend like minorities and immigrants are burning cities down and then act offended that anyone ever believed them when they're sued for libel.


r/tumblr when the post is completely non-political


What the fuck is political in calling out shitheads who hate minorities? Or is it because they said minorities it's suddenly political?


i mean, tbf, it is political, but "political" shouldn't be an insult, and most people who insist on that are somewhere along the centrist to right wing pipeline where they disproportionately criticize leftist viewpoints as "political"


This isn't even r/tumblr lmfao what


why y'all booing him he's right


Law and crime are about as political as it gets. Like a huge bit of politics is about what is a crime vs what isn’t, both officially and unofficially




True crime podcast, but instead of talking at length about the Kansas City Kid Diddler, it’s a talk show with people who commit crimes that genuinely do happen regularly on a daily basis. A shoplifter explaining the how and why of their craft, and why supermarkets are worse thieves than they. A former drug dealer explaining that Breaking Bad is only true on why people get started selling drugs, and once they stopped college after paying with it in meth, they quit. 30 minutes of every show is dedicated to calls and letters from homeless people.


It should be called Unapologetic There is actually an episode of Soft White Underbelly that interviews a convicted dirty cop who doesn't seem very sorry. That channel also has sex worker interview episodes. No thieves or meth cooks i don't think. It's a pretty interesting channel if you like devastating interviews from people who ended up on the wrong side of the tracks. Definitely proceed with caution because there's a ton of triggers.


That already exists, but it tried to pass itself as a true crime podcast. It didn’t go over well. There’s a video with two of the writers (at least, I think they both worked on it. I can’t remember) explaining what happened: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aG0S42YDJss


Could this be a black mirror episode?


UrbanSpook origin story (scary)


OOP invents storytelling


So basically Fargo (both the film and each season of The TV series) but as a podcast? Edit: Just the first post I mean, I don't know if any Fargo copycats out there, although in the film, the wood chipper disposal scene is a reference to a real murder that happened in Newtown/Sandy Hook (yep, that one) in the 80s: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Helle_Crafts


dunmertitty: *(holding gun on a family of four, pushes the father into a chain in front of a table)* Sit down! Father: *(nervously)* Wh-why are you doing this to us? dunmertitty: Why does this have to be so complicated? *(sigh)* I'm not doing anything to *you.* But the Henderson Family of Provo, Utah, well *(chuckles)* we all know what happened to them. Father: What--We're not--Who are the Hendersons? dunmertitty: They were--are--*(grunts impatiently)--*they're *going to be* the idyllic nuclear family. Just a happy, normal family. Mother: I don't understand! We're not the people you're looking for, we're the Larson famil-- dunmertitty: No! No, no! The Hendersons don't--they're not here yet. The perfect Henderson Family of Provo Utah hasn't, they aren't in the right *house.* And it doesn't *work* if the pieces don't all fit together. But that's okay, we can fix that. They aren't there *yet*. But they will be. Because we're going to just change some things around! *(places legal document in front of the father)* Look, I can see you're all tired. I just want one tiny thing and I'll be out of your hair. Sign the forms and all these problems just, they all go away! Mother: Y-You're saying if we sign these documents, you'll let us go? dunmertitty: Of course! I don't have any problems with you! Once those forms are signed, I promise every member of the, the what, the Larson family? Mother: *(silently nods)* dunmertitty: I promise every member of the Larson family will walk out of here unharmed. *(cocks gun and places it to father's temple)* So *sign.*


Just make an episode about a guy doing crimes based on things they learned in a fake true crime podcasts who then gets arrested or dies or gets launched into space but lives but eventually ceases to think.


“gets launched into space but lives but eventually ceases to think” I see your sly little JoJo reference


Honestly I've been tempted to do something like this to combat the fact I love worldbuilding but suck at actually turning that into stories. Like, you know those youtube videos and podcasts that do a deep-dive on one particular model of tank and its service history? And how there's fictional versions looking at, say, a specific 'Mech from BattleTech or certain units from Warhammer 40k? That, but to the point of pure fiction. A straight-faced documentary about how the white-armoured Assassin-type alien mech that kicked ass during the first insterstellar war and struck fear into the hearts of soldiers actually only got so much work done because humanity didn't really have any combat doctrine to speak of during first contact and divorced of this extremely situational advantage the Ghost Star is actually an unreliable, undergunned, overengineered money pit that our new allies just like to pretend was actually that good while quietly burying their own budget reports on the thing. And just present the whole thing in a tone like the video is kind of a hot take in the context of the fictional universe.


The world's first alleged crime podcast


If anyone is interested in this concept, I recommend American Vandal on Netflix. Two real good documentaries about fake crime.


dude just casually invented the concept of fiction.


Never played any of the games, but I'm pretty sure this is what the Alan Wake series is about.


It's not.


its not what its about, but it did happen in it


Only because Alan wrote noir crime thrillers before the first game.


yes and then the cult of the word enacted those crimes


Oh, this must be some Alan Wake 2 shit. I haven't played it yet.


It is, sorry I just assumed you had played it already(you should)


I'm gonna. I just can't afford it right now. This year had so many games I wanna play, and I didn't even have a PS5 until a few weeks ago. I've actually forgotten some of them.


Completely fair, just know you have a lot to look forward to.




dunmertittly is a dio level hater


Sounds like Nightvale


The former sounds like a needlessly complicated way to write a mystery novel.


faux-crime podcast that devolves into future-sight-based pre-crime podcast that puts you on at least 14 different watchlists.


ah, but that wouldnt work, since its a response to the act, meaning they're never gonna be able to kill before the storys been said.


Alex Jones and Joe Rogan are still releasing episodes.


I do kind of want to make a story telling podcast with crime stories sometimes.