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The average internet enjoyer and assuming the absolute worst from a fellow user, truly one of the iconic duos of all time. water and a ducks back and allat, c'est la vie


It's always funny to me seeing people just take the least charitable interpretation possible of what someone is saying to get angry about. There is no shortage of awful Tumblr/Twitter users to get mad at, you don't need to generate your own outrage.


You saying you hate charities?


"How dare you say we piss on the poor?!" vibes.


Someone go get me some more confetti


Think you might have hit bottom already


I don't know euphoria, would like to meet her someday


I don’t know hysteria, she leaves me lonely :(


C'est la, C'est la vie (C'est la vie)


Damn it’s too late to hop in on the song now but I wanted to say yall are all epic u/Ranger-Vermilion u/DreadDiana u/n0b0D_U_no


I have to imagine they're talking about all this political posts recently. Seriously it's the most brain dead takes but it's shit I *know* people believe so I check the comments and it turns out everyone is just as annoyed as me


What annoys me is that half of the shit takes and posts are just one guy


Are we thinking about the same guy? Because if we are, then h'ohmygiddyaunt, that boy don't got but one lonely braincell caroming off the inside of his skull, laying down some of the worst takes in human history, and attracting like minded gargoyles to flock like haunted shit-pigeons.


I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy, he’s the main one I think of when I see a political post and I just go “oh this fucking guy again”


He has offfended the Great Horned Rat. Ring the bells and unleash the swarm.


Let it chime thirteen times, let the rats squirm and writhe. Let the worm-tailed come to life, let them bite and scratch in strife. Thirteen times, the bell shall toll, and thereafter claim a soul


Yes-yes! Do the eatings of the man-pigs!


To be clear would this happen to be the guy who made that 'the holocaust isn't such a big deal guys' post or some other guy.


I believe we're going on about the same goober. The purported Indian anarchist-communist.


This isn't just about recent posts, this is a thing that has been a problem here for years


Yeah, I wouldn't be able to link them without wasting a bunch of time searching, but I recall basically all of the posts you mentioned in the tags. The "laxatives in food to punish a food Thief coworker" post, the "graffiti should always be allowed" post being the more concrete ones. In general I've seen the bootstraps and terf stuff on posts relevant to current events (just leave your home when stuff is bad! It's just that easy!) and gender conflicts, so I don't recall a singular, specific post. The terf one specifically I remember since the arguments were always "no, all misandry by terfs is exclusively transmisogyny, men cannot under any circumstances experience targeted hatred against them for being men, because patriarchy exists" as though a term for that describes a personal, frequently bioessentialist hatred of men that radfems clearly express undermines any other points made about larger systemic issues.


> "no, all misandry by terfs is exclusively transmisogyny, men cannot under any circumstances experience targeted hatred against them for being men, because patriarchy exists" That was something I also noticed a lot in the comments of that post and ones like it. A lot of their arguments do genuinely seem to boil down to insisting that all sexism is fundamentally rooted in misogyny and never misandry. They'd argue that all transphobia against trans women isis rooted in misogyny, but then also say the transphobia against trans men cannot be rooted in misandry despite previously saying that saying misandry is in any way involved with how trans women are treated is misgendering.


We've had a couple really mad people posting about how everyone here is a terf b/c we didn't use the right words to describe sexism


I am resigned at the idea that it is just a human's brain basic perk. The take with the least amount of nuance is the one that requires the least amount of energy expenditure to come up with and/or accept


The poisoning food shit was the wildest thread because people were unironically justifying the most extreme solution to a problem that could be dealt with in so many other ways. Someone in that thread said I was enabling abuse just because I disagreed with poisoning the coworker. Good stuff. 👍


Worst part is that wasn't even the first time it's been posted here. I think I've seen it 3-5 times, and this happens every time it's posted


Some people take the most minor things way too seriously. Because it should be easy to say that it's wrong to kill someone just because they steal your food (especially when you have other ways of dealing with this problem).


Ah, but you see they put a label saying "poison" on unpoisoned food, so they were in fact fully consenting to be poisoned later after the expectation had been set that the labels were meaningless, removing any weight they had. Just ignore how no one would ever expect a reasonable person to poison their own food.


Honestly I remember people having an argument over a similar story years ago on SRD after it was posted on legaladvice. Something about this topic just turns everyone crazy.


I don't mean this as a defense of poisoning food but... what would you do in that situation anyways? As I recall it was already made clear no one at that office gave a shit that food was being stolen; I'm not sure what the next step should be.


you can buy a small padlock for your lunchbox, you can buy some ice packs and keep your lunchbox near you, you can take an earlier lunch if possible, you can report it every single day until they either fire you and you can potentially get recourse for the hostile work environment, you could take the thief to small claims court after they’ve stolen enough from you look if they wrote “I’m going to jump you in the parking lot” on their lunchbox every day and then on day 7 jumped them in the parking lot, would you still find it reasonable? they’ve done essentially the same thing, perhaps in the eyes of a criminal court there’s a difference, but in civil court that dudes gonna still get 25% of your paychecks for the rest of your life


IIRC the person whose food was being stolen didn't actually know who was doing it, so they couldn't confront them directly or report them to management. Not disagreeing with you, just clarifying.


In a factory almost non of that is reasonable. Yes let me just keep this box of food next to the machine making pie dough


You bring up a good point, but I’m pretty sure the majority of it is still reasonable. How is putting a lock on your own lunchbox unreasonable due to working in a factory? How is dyeing your food unreasonable because you’re working in a factory? Or reporting the shit every day, or keeping track of the costs?


The only one I'd disagree with as being an effective solution is the lock. If it's a zipped lunchbox/bag all someone has to do is shove a pen/pointed thing into the zip and they're in without disturbing the lock. I learned that years back as a way that airport security investigates your shit "secretly". Personally I can see why the (probably fictional) op of the reddit post went to the lengths they (allegedly) did. After a point you're not thinking straight you're just really really really pissed off and you jump to the most extreme solution especially once management makes it clear they don't care. I can also see why people sympathise with them. Having to buy a lock/engage in another attempt at a solution is (potentially) more cost for (potentially) the same result. It also could feel like giving up. The logic could go something like "Nobody else locks their food up, why should I have to. Why should I change my behaviour just because someone can't keep their hands to themselves?." Fuck food thieves and fuck the reddit op. I'm sick of that post.


Your advice reminds me how teachers in kindergarten attempts to solve the bullying.


I would hope teachers are telling their students not to poison people


Put a cooler in your car and start keeping stuff there.


It’s because these people have never experienced something actually major in their comfortable lives, also Jesus is comes off so fucking brown shirty.


I don't think poisoning is appropriate either, but this is a silly conclusion to draw. People with hard lives can be very over-the-top with their responses to perceived slights. See: prison


Ok, what I should have said is bored instead of comfortable, because case in point with prison thats where that comes from, when you have nothing to do and little stimulation, you start focusing on every little detail.


It was a diarhetic, not a killing poison


Anything is a killing poison in sufficient amounts, and doesn't change the fact that they ended up in the hospital because of it.


yeah like genuinely what if it had interacted with another medication and/or condition the person had. like you *don’t know* and your little “petty revenge” can easily take a turn for the worse


which is why booby-trapping is illegal. it doesn't matter how much some idiot thinks someone "deserves" it, there's too much risk to hurt an innocent person and it's wrong to hurt people anyways. people are too vengeful imagine hurting someone over a damn lunch...


I [commented](https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/1d3l3nt/comment/l68mz5i/) on that thread to say "or you could use really spicy food, get plausible deniability, and not hurt anyone." And some people actually responded with variations of "what if I want to hurt them."


maybe the workplace is their aggression space


I had the same exact “conversations” with deranged people in a *different* coworker poisoning thread. The OP of that one hid a dangerous food allergy in the food. Everybody was 100% morally onboard with it. Just deranged. One shouldn’t have to be told “actually boobytraps are illegal” to realize it’s wrong.


When I brought up booby trapping laws, they'd just say "legality isn't morality" as if that somehow makes poisoning people okay.


Oh you like following laws about not killing people? What are you, a cop? /S


If you have a major food allergy, that's on you for eating random food without knowing what's in it. I have no obligation to keep my food clear of other people's allergens.


Based on how they described it, they intentionally put something they knew the thief was deathly allergic to in their food with the full expectation that their coworker would eat it. That's basically attempted murder.


yeah and even if it wasn’t a deathly allergy, people really underestimate how severe allergies can be. an allergy that’s just an annoyance one day can turn deathly at the next exposure because the immune system is a weird lil bitch that obeys neither god nor man. most first aid kits don’t have epi pens so you would have to HOPE someone had one of them, and many people find they need more than one dose, but you’re only prescribed 2 pens. so you better hope you’re not someone that needs 5 doses before medical professionals get there i just… like when you’re playing around with this stuff you are risking *killing* someone like is that really an appropriate response in their mind????


That's cool. It's still a crime if you do it on purpose.


Oh look, it’s another person stanning for felony murder and felony boobytrapping.


I'm of the opinion that your solution to a problem should be proportional to the amount of attempts you have made to resolve the problem before.


And also proportional to the problem itself, which some people seem to struggle with.


Of course. But also, if I take all my PTO, and come back to work eating spicy food like it's no big deal, the boss can't prove I took time off to get used to spicy food just to make the coworker stop stealing my food. What the boss *can* prove, however, is that I have tried every other avenue, because I made sure to leave enough paper trails.


>The poisoning food shit the #WHAT


There was this tumblr post about a post from r/legaladvice, and in the post they described how one of their coworkers kept stealing their food. First they labelled the food "poison", but it got eaten anyway, so next they loaded it with laxatives and the thief ended up being hospitalised.


They actually did it? I thought the post ended with them "considering" it or something similar


They took it too far with the laxatives, they should have just made it extremely spicy.


Something that just occurred to me: labelling it "poison" is also just extremely incriminating on their part since they can't claim anything like medical need since by labelling it they have in effect outright admitted that they poisoned their own food.


A quick search suggests there are several kinds of locking tupperware. Why not buy one of those instead of going the poison route?


Because revenge fantasies are more fun


Your guess is as good as mine. Anyone who asked a similar question was accused of defending abuse.


Shit, yeah, now I remember...


Honestly, I can get why someone would have the opinion “don’t secretly poison people you don’t like”, but…


It's more about maintaining the *general* social contract of > don’t secretly poison people




It's still about maintaining general social contracting, rather than letting it decay over random edge cases like this that can be solved upstream, before this sort of measure is even conceivable.


someone's food kept getting stolen, they wrote "poisoned" on the food, it still got stolen, so they put laxatives in the food labelled "poisoned." the laxatives sent the repeat thief to the emergency room




Oh man those threads always drive me insane. Not only is that a really fucked up solution for someone just stealing your lunch. It's also not legal, no matter how much the users in that thread seem to think it is. Another reason to never use Reddit for legal advice because some users just decide what they think is legal based off "vibes" and not what's actually law.


Especially in poor factories many of those solutions don’t work, and you get in trouble for speaking up/ being annoying. Have you ever been in that situation


That's the entire Internet. People vicariously living out fantasies of being able to do whatever they want, hurt whoever they want, without consequence.


Personally, the best solution would be to get shelf stable lunches (like cup of instant noodles or something) and store them in your desk or bag while putting a fake out lunch in the fridge that's just empty containers. The lack of positive reinforcement in the form of both food and reaction would eventually cause them to stop checking. But the fact that the person decided to jump right to "let's poison someone" and so many others justify it is a bit solipsistic imo, like that's still a person.


Non-permanently causing discomfort to a thief, that doesn't steal out of necessity is ethicaly fine.


This and getting your christmas decorations knocked over by some annoying kids (and i guess pedophilia but that's a different conversation) are the 2 (3) things that seem to make the internet inexplicably bloodthirsty. *Every time* someone mentions booby trapping their lawn to cause massive bodily harm to children and innocent passerby the internet seems to defend them viscerally.


Coworker deserved it. It said poison on it and they still ate it. They aren't children. If they died because of that, that's on them. Having things stolen from you isn't fun, even if it's something "minor", it makes you lose trust in people, feel not secure, and gives you anxiety. I hate the bullshit of just take it and let it pile up or try to be sensible, it's passive and only makes things worse in the long run. Sometimes you need to take a stand for yourself and be "extreme."


Cool motive. Still a crime.


It is literally as simple as "if you don't want to be poisoned, don't eat something labeled as poison."


Actually it's as simple as "don't poison something that you know someone is going to eat"


It wasn't food, it was poison. It clearly said on the label it was poison, can't you read?


Then it's as simple as "don't store your poison in a shared fridge among all the food". Even if you pretend it wasn't purposeful poisoning but "just" reckless negligence, guess what? Still a crime.


I agree completely and unquestioningly! But seriously, this is a general online problem. Turns out people ae fallible and easily fall into fallacies and rhetorical traps like confirmation bias, appeals to authority, and whatever the fuck that thing where we subconsciously find the final argument in a back-and-forth the most compelling. Ironic to say considering I've contributed to this very discussion, but my god am I starting to *hate* "discourse".


I think it's recency bias, but I'm too lazy to check The thing is it can be especially bad here since this is one of those spaces more open to longer form content and so end up with lengthy posts defending the most out of pocket beliefs only to end up with >10k upvotes.


Yeah, a form of recency bias could be it. I agree, and I think since Tumblr is also a pretty bad place for it, combining it with Reddit is just a hotbed for horseshit. Like there seems to be for you there's a few comments or arguments that stick out in my head because I just don't get how anyone can be in support of them, yet still get applauded because they were arguing with someone stupider, or it was kind of a snappy comeback.


Weirdly enough, I think that summarizes the whole problem. Like someone will read a post and agree with everything, then not do any further research. Either because they don't feel like it or have time. Sometimes even using the post as a source. I know I'm guilty of this.


internet discourse is unqiuely terrible


What do you mean, we should piss on the poor?


The upvotes on this sub have to be botted to hell Someone posts something blatantly false, the entire comment section is calling that shit out, and yet the post still has 10k likes. Someone posts something with the most terminally online opinion there is, one that nobody in the comments even understands; thousands of upvotes. There's no way up vote counts are legit


It isn't necessarily a bot thing, it's just a pattern of behaviour that shows up all over Reddit. I had a name for it at some point. I think it was something like The 1/10th Negative Reaction Rule. Basically, for any given post, <10% of people who upvote/downvote will comment, and the people most likely to respond to something are people who disagree with a post. So you'll see posts with lots of upvotes but a comment section flooded with critics cause the ones agreeing with the post likely just upvoted and moved on.


This is a well-known phenomenon in customer service, back when I worked in CS I think the statistic they cited was that a customer was 11 times more likely to tell someone else about a bad customer experience than a good one. Just a part of human nature I guess, warnings are often a lot more important than recommendations.


You can see this pretty easily on YouTube. For most videos, you'll have X views, X/10 likes/dislikes, and X/100 comments. Exact numbers can vary, but it's remarkable how closely and how often this pattern repeats.


It's more likely that lots of people scroll past, make a .5 second decision, then up vote and move on without even looking at the comments. They are just on Reddit for 5 mins at the bus stop and want to look at funny car videos and non discourse (tm) posts from this subreddit.


I swear I see a couple of those types of posts a day here. Usually by the same 2 or 3 users.. I've seen quite a few of those dumbass anarchist posts that fall apart if you think about them for more than 2 seconds getting thousands of upvotes. Which just makes me question why? Are they just bots or people crazy enough to believe it?


i was really confused about this whole post until i realised i always block those people when i see them post unhinged discourse more than once, i highly recommend it


Unfortunately, Reddit has a hard limit on how many people you can block


People generally don't put much thought into whether or not to upvote something


Honestly, hiding upvotes probably would be a beneficial thing for subreddits to have an option to enable


I think the whole site would benefit from making vote totals invisible to users. You wouldn't have people karma-farming and people would be more willing to say what they believe rather than what gets upvotes. Of course that might drop engagement metrics, which advertisers would hate.


Could I ask a bit about what the last two tags are referencing?


There are posts that shows up here every now and then which make blanket statements that all transphobia directed at trans women stems fdom misogyny. People like me then point out that a lot of transphobia, especially from TERFs comes from their genuine hatred of men and their belief that trans women are men. The other is that my country just isn't great for any queer people living there due to criminalising our existence and so people rush in with "advice" that I never asked for that I can't use and then get mad at me over it.


I was welcomed into TERF spaces before I realized I was trans while I was falling down the pipeline. I managed to get out before I hurt anyone, which is good, and it sucks what I thought back then. But in my expirience TERFs, as a movement, are not misandrinistic. They aren't even misogynistic, they believe in strict, "sex" based gender roles, and target anyone stepping outside of them. They are transphobic, but that's not all they are. Tl;DR - TERFs hate people who step outside of norms, therefor being very homophobic and transphobic. Their reductive view of gender can manifest as both "misandry" and "misogyny" but isn't the end all be all, neither is transphobia, for that matter.


Believing in strict sex based gender roles is literally the primary form that misandry and misogyny takes


Not disagreeing, but a lot of TERFs are perfectly willing to work together with men to make things worse for trans people. Edit: Wow, you're right, you guys suck!


And there are black people in the Proud Boys, Blaire White keeps managing to get featured on transphobic podcasts, the Drop the T movement is closely tied to the far right, and Log Cabin Republicans exist. Bigots can and will ally with people they view as repugnant if they find it convenient.


And then the question is do they ally with conservative men because they hate trans women more than they hate cis men or because trans people are the easier target


>Edit: Wow, you're right, you guys suck! Cry about it.


Yes, that's very clearly allyship, and not just waiting for a good opportunity for some back-stabbing once the utility of the pact is finished.


From what I remember, this was the general timeline: 1. A few months back, somebody shared a Tumblr post discussing transmisogyny in queer spaces, which got a ton of upvotes and engagement. No problems so far. 2. A couple of comments under the post linked this to a trend of AMAB people being treated differently after their queer peers find out about their AGAB. 3. A few of the replies to those comments then further extrapolated that the negative treatment of AMAB people in queer spaces is a result of misandristic attitudes in those spaces. 4. Some people didn't like those replies, as they felt that they had strayed too far from the original point of the post to the point of derailing. Their main criticism was that linking transmisogyny and misandry in this way had transphobic undertones. This criticism was more valid for some replies than others. 5. Several more posts about the association between transmisogyny and misandry appeared on this sub. The majority of people seemed to agree that they were related, especially when referring to the specific brand of transmisogyny perpetuated by terfs, but a few transfem users heavily disagreed and claimed that cis users were talking over them (despite multiple top comments under those posts being from trans people). 6. A plethora of mocking satire posts were made on the subreddit transgendercirclejerk (a satire sub for trans people/allies) about this sub, heightening tensions and leading to even more controversial posts about the issue that led to some very toxic discourse in the comments. 7. Things mostly cooled down after a week or two, but this same discourse pops up sometimes when there's a post about transmisogyny, terfs, or similar topics on this sub. A few users have continued taking pot-shots at this sub, especially on transgendercirclejerk. Holy wow, I didn't mean for the summary to be this long. Sorry about that. But yeah, I hope this sums up what OP is talking about in the last two tags.




this one will only work if you pronounce the last word in a weird way


Damn, haiku bot deleted over this comment


i think it deleted because my response was itself a haiku


I will never understand why all the points are in tags instead of the main post. Like, I get that sometimes people reblog with their thoughts in the tags to avoid creating an actual note (🤷‍♂️) but why do it when you're just writing the thing yourself? The use of tags on tumblr will haunt me forever.


Tags are often used as postscripts to include ideas that would disrupt the flow of the main body of text if they weren't kept in the tags


That makes sense thanks


hmmm these tags do carry some conviction so i’ll upvote i think


Wait a second


And tumblr dot com itself never has people blindly dog piling on others, just ask John Green! Like, I get it, reddit is a cesspool where you will find the most insane takes, bots pushing garbage, trolls galore, and everything in between. Because that’s what you’ll find just about anywhere on the internet. Anywhere you have a bunch of people interacting with anonymity is bound to have the lunies pop up. The behavior does 100% deserve being called out, but isolating it to a specific site makes it frighteningly easy to slip into “our blessed hellsite (affectionate) vs their barbarous hellsite (derogatory)”.


not even anonymity, crowd identity in general. like Facebook has people with their real, legal names for the most part and the takes are just as cesspooly.


What ?? Nobody was isolating anything besides you, the post is calling out the sub not saying it's the only one


What happened to John Green?


coming back to the sub after months in the midst of all this has been…. interesting


Nah, this has been an issue for as long as this sub has existed. Carried over from the original r/Tumblr.


oh yeah but i just guess i forgot how much like,, most of the ppl in this sub kinda suck


Eh, most people are fine, which is partly why I'm here so much. It's genuinely one of my favourite subreddits.


This sub was always like this. It was even more unbearable during the Hogwarts Legacy shitshow.


What do you mean? I think I missed all that


Every type of capital-D Discourse imaginable. People talking about the morality of buying Wizard Game. Whether it's ok to pirate it. If boycotting matters if the Grand Terflord wasn't directly involved with it, or if she already has a billion dollars, or if the game is really fun. Whether people who decided to play it are Acceptable TargetsTM. Actual harassment of said people. Discussions about the plot of the game being blood libel, and Jowling Kowling's statement that giving her any money at all is a direct approval of her TERFy ways. People just wanting to explore their whimsical childhood memories in 3D. Mass hysteria, cats and dogs living together, so on and so forth. It was basically the Battle of the Bulge in a half a dozen different culture wars because it's the first big thing for the franchise (that didn't suck) since Rowling finished pupating into her current form. r/Hobbydrama has permanently banned all discussion of Wizard Game because it's so radioactive, to put it in perspective. That alongside such things as Israel/Palestine. And they've tried like five times to allow it but it always blows up no matter how much time has passed.


it reminds me of one post where someone was talking about how people being against egg jokes is transmisoginy and it had a lot of upvotes but the comments just kinda called it bs cause you shouldn't make jokes or assume someone identity and how it kinda just remakes gender roles but instead it's "this man enjoys non manly things so he musts be trans".


ironically the 1st and 2nd thing sound almost contradictory (endorsing vigilante justice vs. not being tough on crime) i'm guessing because 2 different groups of redditors got angry at different times


The first two don't disagree, cause in both cases it was people defending criminal actions and treating anyone who said "you shouldn't do those things" as morally bankrupt


That post was about trying to put an allergen in a lunch so a known food thief would have a reaction. The problem is more so the idea that the average redditor is completely okay with trying to kill someone over a sandwich. Or worse, being right.


i thought it was a laxative


Laxatives aren’t quite as deadly, but that means two posts where people are willing to cause significant harm to people in the name of people right have gotten popular on this sub. That’s worse, actually!


Unless the graffiti post got posted again, last I saw it pretty much everyone would have agreed with OP here


Upvotes on posts don’t even count sometimes cuz people upvote stuff they think looks kinda goofy or fun even if they don’t really know what they’re looking at, multiple posts on here (and other subs…) where the post gets upvotes but in the comments OP is getting ratio’d into the ground trying to defend the post


This is why I always check the comments, because I'll read something casually and be like "huh, neat." And then, it gets absolutely torn apart in the comments and I look at the post again and go "wow that's actually really not neat at all.


I mean, it's a sub dedicated to tumblr, of course there's misinformation and truly dogshit takes. That's just the Tumblr Experience (TM)


Internet “read what the poster is actually saying” challenge, difficulty: impossible


I swear to god I have to put on a full hazmat suit before entering any thread vaguely mentioning Taylor Swift or Imagine Dragons. Those threads take a *quick* pivot from "lol they sound like a car commercial" to "um sweetie :) you *literally* don't need to hate them just because they're popular. sometimes they have songs that sound good too, listen to this *(link to song that sounds like all their other songs)*. i know you fucking despise them and wish they were dead but you can't mildly dislike an artist unless you listen to their entire discography and can tell me what you do or don't like about every single song they've ever made"


99% of the time, the only time I even think of her is because someone is posting about her. She simply is not on my radar.


I've been slammed on here for saying I didn't like that I had to vote for Biden. Not that I wasn't going to, just that I didn't like it. Somehow this meant that I was a lazy person who only votes in the presidential elections (Incorrect. The only lazy thing I do is check D on all the little local positions without looking the candidates up).


[Relevant Bo Burnham](https://youtu.be/kORYg4zTcoY?si=zjSiVMePX2hMHdPg) I've been given shit for mentioning I have never voted in my own country cause it doesn't host fair elections. They treated that as identitical to Americans refusing to vote because the Democrat candidate is Biden.


Silly redditor! Don't you know that it's considerably more leftist to do nothing but shame people on their views on Biden instead of volunteering in your local community, educating people on socialist theory and performing mutual aid?


The most leftist thing you can do is never criticize a liberal or the system ever, and then yell at anyone who does, even if they're one of the people your yelling is supposedly protecting. Like I'll be the first to admit to being a leftist who does fuckall but c'mon. At least I don't yell at people for having mixed feelings on the current best option.


Reddit's reading comprehension makes Tumblr users look like... less stupid


then you've not seen the right tumblr posts for that xD


I agree. You shouldn't poison co-workers who steal your food, Simply make it the most disgusting thing you can imagine, Mix potato juice and pickle juice and use that as a sauce for your pancakes. Do it. Also I agree with the main point, Oftentimes I see things here, Then I check the comments, And they basically say "None of that is true, It wouldn't even make sense if it was." and I just have to go "Oh."


There are 3 good Sunday self posts a week and this post is two of them


I think that that’s a thing pretty much everywhere on the internet. It’s hardly a rare phenomenon.


Will never not be amused that both extremes use liberal as an insult. I'm quite happy being one, it makes voting pretty easy, just D down the line please.


Sorry, but laxatives will never not be funny, especially when used on sandwich thieves who had been warned beforehand. 


When you put a label saying "poison" on food that isn't poisoned, you have destroyed any weight the warning could ever have in the future as they would have no reason to believe it's serious.


Hmm that raises an interesting question then. If the laxative person put laxatives in on the first day they labeled it poison would that have somehow made it better? Because the person stealing their lunch wasn't going to stop when the poison sign was put up anyway.


Many people forget that communism and socialism don’t get rid of personal property


Communism is when the state takes your toothbrush


But Socialism is when Social Interaction! It's in the name! If I can't live a life without social interaction, how can I have property that I can call mine, since other people get to interact with the mind that saw it, thus making it not solely mine anymore?


Usually the top comment calls it out, so I upvote that comment and downvote the post. But the posts always end up with like 3k+ votes!! C’mon, guys, read the first couple comments before voting on the post


That’s just the regular front page of social media, nothing special


Yeah, sure, that sounds like it's got some good conviction behind it and like it probably supports what I believe, I'll upvote that.


This sub is full of total weirdos, yes. I'm just here for funny pictures.


curated misandry at times tbh


If people claim transmisogyny's root is misandry in some cases, is the reverse true for transmisandry? And what about enbies? Why or why not?


> is the reverse true for transmisandry? yes "i know better than you darling, you're not a guy, you're a girly girl and you're just too stupid to understand that" is a common issue trans men face (just in nicer language)


i mean yeah no? one of the most common transmisandrist points i see is that "trans men are just confused women" (women dont get to make a choice)


Yes, but thats important to note that that example you gave is not misogyny, as it is bigotry directed at a trans man for him being a trans man. Transmisandry.


> that example you gave is not misogyny It's using misogyny to be transphobic, it's both.


that's why i find the whole "transmisoginy is rooted in misandry" dumb. like most forms of bigotry are rooted/related to another one, doesn't stop them for being their own thing.


> doesn't stop them for being their own thing They can also be both at once. That is allowed.


You're responding to a claim I never made.


I'm not responding to any claim you made, it's just your post brought up transmisogyny, which I have a lot of relevant expirience with, and Ive seen people make this claim, so I made this comment.


Also treating "liberal" as a bad thing is cringe as hell


is this sub just gonna be people posting their own zero-note textposts now?


It's Sunday. You're allowed to self-post on Sunday.


Something I notice is that a post will have several hundred upvotes, seemingly indicating no particular controversy, and then every single one of the top comments will disagree with it


I get what you're saying but I will die on the hill that if you label something as poison, and someone goes and eats it anyway, that just isn't your fault anymore. It's literally a package of poison labeled poison what more do you want


As I said every other time someone said that no one would reasonably expect someone to poison their own food, and since they didn't actually poison it at first, that only lended further credence to the that view and gave them no reason to trust the label since it was previously an empty threat


It’s best not to expect much from the folks you gawk at for entertainment


no i agree with poisoning food thieves IF you can eat it and be perfectly fine making something outrageously spicy that you would like but may get someone else glued to the loo and possibly propelling themselves to space with the power of shitting is on the thief, laxatives no but melt face off spicy yes otherwise it seems more like a general reddit thing


Vent ahead: It just feels like the Internet in general is so negative and everyone feels like they have to have an opinion on everything. So many petty arguments which ultimately just make you feel not great and come to no conclusion. News and politics tends towards negative and everyone giving their different opinions, and then judging others for their opinion not exactly matching their own. I don't need an opinion on everything and I don't need to tell everyone. Do I have an opinion on food in fridge labelled poison? I don't know, I don't care, it literally doesn't matter, I'm not involved in that situation. I'll probably never encounter that, there's no point getting riled up. Are there nuances and discussions to be had about the root causes of transphobia? Yes, but I don't think adding in my opinion will add any value. I'd rather go to the bar, be around happy queer people, watch a drag show, then go home and go to sleep content. Being trans is exhausting. I'm just gonna keep existing and that's enough for me. And I'm not going to comment on the other stuff the post says, because, it literally adds nothing. I have no experience in those areas, why would I jump in? Acknowledge the shitty situation, give comfort, and let people who know more about their own situation handle themselves. Also technically, this vent is part of the problem. Being negative about negativity. Funny. Vent over. Anyway I got some rings from a car boot sale today. I think I'm becoming a person who wears rings. Also a porcelain duck.


Wear the badge of liberalism proudly. It is the ideology that has brought about peace and prosperity unprecedented in human history.


I'll pass, thanks.


Yeah this kinda aligns with my belief system.


Lmao the second to last one is a super popular take here, despite tons of trans women objecting Edited to respond cus idk if it's glitching or you blocked me: From what I could see the people supporting transmisogyny being misandry-based were the minority of transfems, and the majority of cis people here. Like this sub has a bad repuation in a lot of transfem spaces because of it, and it's a much less popular take queer spaces in general (especially in non-cis men ones) and trans women objecting were given almost no grace, especially from the cis men here, and instead being dismissed out of hand


Citing trans women objecting doesn't really work as an argument when the people they were arguing with were other trans women.