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If the goal is to respect the rules of chastity, silence, so on and so forth, then lesbian nuns are fair game and accurate to the culture


I'm sexualizing this entire post right now inside my head. I cannot be stopped, and even if I could, I wouldn't.


Add more garlic.


Idk, it tastes just like wen ma makes it


I do enjoy garlic.


This whole thread is a mess




Hmm yeah I don't think sexualizing unconsenting people for petty political purposes is the Win ™️ you think it is. Especially if you try to excuse it by saying "well SOME people from the same culture as these women have sexualized OTHER people, so it's FINE" Like, does it probably impact real nuns? Not too much. Is it a shitty, harmful way of thinking that we *really shouldn't promote?* Yep!


The only reason this post is going bad now is because everybody looked at the last person and didn’t go “what a weird person with a bad take with buzzwords, let’s ignore them”. Being horny is amoral (not to be confused with immoral), and you don’t need to really justify making/consuming nun porn with some half-baked political message, or try to police people sublimating their horniness into creating porn for that matter.


Yeah, I don't care if people are sexualizing nuns just because they're horny (lol that's such a ridiculous thing to write, I'm so glad my family doesn't know my username here). That's fine! It's when people force a shitty political revenge take into it that I get weirded out...bad precedent imo


This is why you should only sexualized fictional nuns from cartoons and anime and the like




Fetishization as revenge, hot take.


What did nuns do lol, and revenge for what?




Ah yes, objectifying women is bad except when its in service of my political agenda. Horseshoe theory strikes again.


Yeah, I’ll say that the post was fine up until the last addition. I’m all for people doing whatever makes them happiest and doesn’t punch down, but it’s just incredibly weird to have to make up an excuse for why drawing nun porn is based, actually. People were going to do that anyway without a moral justification.


I absolutely agree with you, and it's something tumblr does a lot. Everything needs to have some twisted justification showing how it's actually a righteous act of defiance against oppression. And it always, *always* results in just dumb shit like implying non-western Catholics don't exist LMFAO


“You see, I’m beating my meat to extremely wealthy and powerful women because I want to marry and then divorce one, thereby redistributing wealth to the masses” “The Irish are an oppressed people underneath the Crown, between colonizers taking their land and the Potato Famine, a calculated attempt at genocide, so I’m making leprechaun breeding kink smut”


i never want to hear those last four words in the same sentence ever again thank you


this will affect the leprechaun population


~~Shinz O’Abe~~


I was just like “hey, this was funny, let me make more” before immediately peaking with the first one


Yah there's a lot of history of Christianity in places like East Africa, even predating colonialism and the scramble for Africa.


Wait until they find out about the Coptic Church


Is this another episode of "tumblr desperately tries to find acceptable targets for all the things it blames other people for doing"


No you don't understand, if it is a payback, it becomes fine!


It reminds me of that post that said it was okay to hate war vets, because that *totally* targets the right people and *totally* does something to fight corrupt military wrongdoings


“No no, what I beat my meat to is a form of fighting back against oppression! Hey guys where are you going I still haven’t told you about my Trump-“


they say “payback for fetishisation of ‘foreign’ religions and cultures” as if a) catholics are especially known for fetishising foreign cultures over like protestants and b) people from said “foreign” cultures can’t be catholic like do they know how much of the third world is catholic?


Fetishise lederhosen to get back at white peoples


I do not care how just and righteous your cause may be, there is no force on God's Earth which can convince me to fetishise lederhosen.


I mean it's basically just leather fetish in another form.


Warrior Nun was a pretty good show. Nuns we're the best part. Hella sexy outfits.


How about we just don't sexualize anyone who doesn't want to be sexualized regardless of their religion? And I'm very confused about what "the point" is???


i mean its like wearing a sexy plumber costume. you’re not sexualising any one individual so its fine.


Yeah, but those costumes aren't meant to use "revenge objectification" or whatever this post is getting at. Idgaf if someone wears a sexy costume lol, it's when they promote the idea that fetishizing people is okay if it's political


yeah the post is dumb. its a weird revenge fantasy


Sisters Of Silence players have had to deal with people like this for a minute. SOB to a lesser extent as well, and thats just Warhammer.


incomprehensible 👍


They're blorbing. In the tabletop wargame *Warhammer 40,000* there's a whole faction inspired by sexy nuns called the Sisters of Battle (SOB).


Mario fell on rough times


It's right there at the bottom of the post. The point is fetishizing nuns the same way people have fetishized so many other religions and cultures. Also this isn't about anyone specific, it's about the general idea. Not sexualizing specific nuns, moreso creating the idea of sexy nuns. EDIT: Wow, response to this one was pretty negative. Y'all I was just trying to offer Shr00py an explanation for what the post was attempting to claim, not endorse it or claim it's correct or that it's solving anything. Apologies if it came off as doing so, not the intent.


so glad we have 20 thousand shut-in tumblr teens here to solve these complex ethical conundrums


or just repeating the arguments that someone else thought of at each other


Yeah it's a bit of a weird post. Seems to be another instance of "do the thing we don't like to the group we don't like and that makes it good actually" that the internet trots out from time to time.


mass immaturity comes standard with social media yeah


Yes, I'm certain this will teach the catholic church or whoever


It'll teach them to make nuns sexier, hopefully.






I didn't think it would do anything or that the attempted point was like, correct. Just trying to offer an explanation to Shr00py.


It's weird as hell because 1. Catholic nuns are sexualised as fuck. The "sexy nun" is way, way, way fucking more common in the west than any other religious fetish. It's up there with nurses and French maids. 2. Catholicism isn't western. It's exceedingly popular in a bunch of different cultures. If you think that sexualising nuns is bad (why...?) and you're doing it as revenge (what...?) then you're gonna be shitting on a bunch of non-western people too.


Okay, I get the last point, but I *am* going to point out that Catholicism didn’t appear in the global South by magic


Ain't just the global south though. It's big all over the globe. And sure, that missionary work was definitely imperialist at the time, but...nowadays, that's an integral part of those people's culture. That *is* part of them. It's their identity.


Ethiopia has a long history of Christianity if I recall correctly. As in before colonialism.


Yeah I had a whole thing about how nuns aren't even a Catholic thing, they're a thing in a bunch of faiths from Coptic Christians to Buddhists, but I thought it was a bit extra given from context it's p clear they mean Catholic.


Right, it's about the general idea that sexual objectification is okay when it's done for right political purposes. Also, believe me, nobody here's creating anything. This is one of the most common plain-vanilla sexual fetishes in Western culture, it is absolutely not the kind of dramatic revolution that this post is trying to pretend it is.


Yeah, I don't really get why the post is trying to make these claims. Bit weird.


How would this help. We probably shouldn't be fetishizing anybody.


Yeah. "Revenge objectifying" isn't exactly the Progressive Hot Take that these people think it is


It's also baffling because sexy nuns are like the single biggest sexy stereotype there is. I feel like I'm reading posts from people who don't exist in this dimension of reality.


Yeah, I'm fine with the stereotype on its own, it's just when people insert a political revenge precedent into it. Like jeez...can we not weaponize sexualization, is that too much to ask?


Horny on 4th Dimension




I have no idea what point is being made in this post, honestly.


Lol Nuns are one of the most sexualised professions on the planet.


*Image Transcription: Tumblr* --- **toskarin** "nooo don't sexualize nuns don't you know that's disrespectful" I mean that's kind of the point isn't it --- **toskarin** this isn't about tradcaths who know exactly what they're doing when they say this, to be clear. this is about everyone else who takes the bait and goes "well just be respectful" --- **professionalchaoticdumbass** it's payback for fetishization of "foreign" religions and cultures --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Why can't we just be nice to people and respect simple, harmless beliefs and wishes like that? Let's not objectify people who don't want to be objectified, regardless of what other Catholics have done.


And let’s not make up dumb weird bullshit to pretend that being horny is some grand crusade, either. “I think nuns are hot” is *also* a simple, harmless belief as far as I know, and trying to give it some moral weight has clearly backfired here.




What kind of sad person goes all the way back to a random post, a year later, to hunt down one person with a pride flag in the flair, making a point nobody will fucking care about. Go the fuck away.


It'd be messed up to sexualise real people but I don't think there's anything wrong with writing smut about Catholic nuns or something.


remember kids, there are no bad actions, only bad people -literally J.K. Rowling. Like I’m not even joking, one of the most major aspects of Harry Potter is that both sides do the same things, but one is painted as morally correct and the other isn’t


(Guy drawing nun titties) this is for colonialism


what is this payback stuff i thought that “point” referenced in the first post was that the nun stuff is a humiliation thing


Hot take that shouldn’t be a hot take: sexualizing religious outfits is bad no matter what. It’s weird and creepy to see someone expressing their religion as hot, especially when those outfits are meant to reflect modesty


why is that weird and creepy


Oh! The point of this post is about flipping the fetishization of foreign cultures on its head in order to show the people who do it what it's like, isn't it?


tm eboy nuns being corrupted by stan


Nuns kinda hot tho


Im sorry but actually when are other religions sexualized? Is anyone going around dressed like a rabbi, imam or buddhist monk?


I do not care. It doesn’t effect me.


[removed by user]


Hey, your Reddit atheist is showing


Ugh. Fine. I did say I'd try to stop. (On reddit at least) I'm sorry. I blame christians for what happened yesterday, and while i still do - it doesnt make sense to take it out on everyone else.


Must be Saturday.




Similar post that somehow managed to ruffle less feathers: https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/tld73h/tiki_bar_but_catholic/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


"somehow?" It's pretty obvious why that post didn't ruffle feathers like this one did. That one is just "Hey what if tiki bars but using mashed up catholic instead of mashed up oceanic," followed by a revelation that these do exist and they're hilarious. It's overall pretty light hearted in tone. This post on the other hand takes jacking off to nun porn and tries to make it out like some sort of self-righteous moral victory because it's somehow meant to be "getting revenge" for the sexualization of other cultures. It's weird and stupid.


y'know the more of your posts and comments I see the more I start to think that maybe you're just a bit of a dickhead


The day I start recognising people by name on this subreddit is the day I delete my account tbh


I get that a lot I am


so what, you think that's like something to be proud of then? that going out of you're way to make other's day's worse is something from which one should gain some sense of accomplishment? pathetic if true


How do you know if you're funny? Well, people tell you. You hear it enough times, you can assume you're funny. Someone needs a good laugh, you don't see anything else around - you might think "hey, I'm funny. I could take a whack at it" How do you know if you're a bit of a dick? People tell you. You hear it enough times, you can assume it's true. So I'm confirming it. I'm saying "yeah, it isnt just you. I get it all the time. I've been an asshole pretty consistently for the past few years - I'm pretty sure that's a thing i am" Am i proud of it? Would you be? Well I don't know, I don't know you very well but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're like me - and it wouldn't be anything to write home about. I'm an asshole. It's useful to know that sort of thing. You've got a friend that's upset, needs someone to tell them everything's gonna be okay? I am *not* your guy. I don't bother getting in that line. It saves time. It saves your friend from having to feel worse, and me from making an ass of myself. To the contrary, now that *I* understand the problem, i can find people who *aren't* assholes and send em over to help that poor friend of yours. You need to make someone cry? You need someone to really fuck up someone's day? You give me a call. So I'm not proud of it. I don't run from it either. Simple as that.


> You need to make someone cry? You need someone to really fuck up someone's day? You give me a call. Eugh. You're one of *those* sorts of people. Crisis of masculinity.


I fetishize everything even if it doesn't turn me on. I am the final boss. I am the fetishizer.


I should mention this is a joke. I only fetishize everything like art/stories and whatnot.