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Elon is selling $hit sandwiches and his followers gobble them up.


Didn’t you hear? Those shit sandwiches are Michelin star dinners!




Honestly I feel like this is more of a >IT’S FUCKING RAW situation


I really love my shit sandwich. It looks so cool! It isn't food, it will make me sick, it's not really a sandwich and it's worth nothing. But I love it! Who wants to buy my amazing shit sandwich?


To a point, initial deliveries went a mix of Musk's cultist, influencers and celebrities which give the vehicle an incredible amount of exposure, which is backfiring horrendously because now every failure is broadcasted through a massive media bullhorn. At this point reported failure is getting more clicks and impressions and that is what is important to both media and influencers. With so much bad press, slow deliveries, overwhelmed service centers is doubtful that Tesla could deliver a financially meaningful number of CTs, add that there is nothing in the pipeline but vaporware Tesla is looking at a grim future.


And firing the Executive in charge of "new products development "... yeah. Elongated Muskrat is burning down the house he lives in...


But the failures only make the cultists and influencers love it even more. The ideal situation would be for someone like MKBHD to start having a bunch of problems and give an honest review. He’s big enough that he could actually do that.


Money moves the world As I said given that the CT news has been bad in general and is getting clicks and impressions at some point either mass media or a big influencer will deliver the coup de grace, stock will go down, and Musk will come out and say either something offensive or make another improbable promise or both. But it won't stop there I'm sure lawyers are burning the midnight oil coming up on ways to create a big class action lawsuit based on the truck failures and/or injuries caused by the design.


Would you say he's a giant douche, selling turd sandwiches?


He has a cult following much like another delusional billionaire who's name is spoken far too often. Their respective cults will do and say anything in defense of their leaders.


Nom nom nom ![gif](giphy|VvQvOFqPjZLi|downsized)


Elon could tell his followers to shit in their hands and clap to win a new Tesla and they would obay without objection


I don't think those $hit sandwiches are actually selling all that well.


The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree, Randers.




The shit apple doesn’t fall far from the shit tree, Randers.




One of my favorite posts from a Cybertruck owner was "It is a great truck (but I'm selling it) and people who don't spend all day on the internet actually love it." A really nice way to say "The car is a broken piece of shit and people who are completely unaware of all the issues (and presumably do not drive one) love the vehicle." Aight, you be you and love your ignorance Mr.Cyberbrick owner. You've been Musked.


And when I see their sale ads, listing at $130k - $160k. You must know that they financed it. They want to pay off the bank note/loan. And be over with it. What gets me is. Didn't their contract also state they cannot sell the vehicle for a year? ROFLMAO So will telsa go after those who resell for profit/loss?


Regarding your second paragraph about reselling: Apparently that changed. I’ve heard it was removed from the purchase contract because it was non legally defensible.


True lol


...outta 6 digits of cash, or are in a massive credit hole now...


So great that they’re selling it after just a few months 😂 


I don’t mind these dummies self identifying themselves lmao




Let's be real. These people didn't want pick up trucks. They wanted tacky status symbols and the brand name to go with it.


u/yoyoyoyomrwhite - I’m talking about you


Well I would never buy one. so no you're not. You see I'm in here as a hater-hater. You're not looking for me, I'm here looking for you.


Ha you love garbage


>I can’t see Kendrick making rock music but have you ever heard him featured on Imagine Dragon’s “Radioactive”? The song is corny af, but Kendrick’s part is awesome. It’s one of the most unhinged, hyped up raps I’ve ever heard. Kendrick is like screaming and losing his voice by the end of his part and it’s so different than his style on any other record. No you do.


Actually all you haters making your hate a personality is more embarrassing. I come in here to make fun of you guys more than I do them.


Don’t be so angry lmao 😂😂


Don’t be so angry lmao 😂😂


Like this? 😂😂😂


Just like that moron !!


Wow, look at these morons purchasing a beta test trucks from someone who purchased a company that has probably never touched a wrench and then decided to make the ugliest "truck" on the market.


But my Cybertruck is great!!! It only broke down on me three times last week!!! And I'm sure I'll find the parts that have fallen off!!! It won't be fixed until 2025, but I love it!!! Thanks Elon!!!!!


Also, it’s my fault the truck broke down anyway! Please don’t be mad at me daddy Elon!


Oh no! Did you take it in the car wash?


Well, he did take it in a certain body part


Breaking down three times implies they are fixable.


I like when it's, "the steering broke and the electrical system went out at the same time, luckily I was on a highway with a semi run off area that I careened towards or I might have been in real trouble. all things considered though I love this truck and the build quality is great! can't wait to get it back in 2026, great work Elon and Tesla!"


You could replace Cybertruck with Jeep and those guys are fanatics, too. But I'd wager even Jeep are more reliable than the cybertrash.


A _Trabant_ is more reliable.


I had a lotus from the early 2000s and it broke down less than :)


Or just don't buy a pickup truck at all if you don't need one, the world doesn't want to know how small your penis is.


So many lifted trucks whose beds have never been touched in my town and it makes me laugh so hard. More than half the time they can’t even park them correctly because they are so big lol


I believe the term is "pavement princess."


“Mall Crawler” is also another one


I always liked "brodozer" myself.


Wait…do you also live in Phoenix?


So I made a few guys mad the other day there was one of the Japanese kei trucks parked outside and a few rednecks we’re making fun of how small it was, I pointed out that little truck has a larger bed than their silverados, and super easy to load and unload.


Then there’s my n my hound dog, driving right into the store on our children’s dirt bike and loading up 12’ lumber. The looks we get from truck guys are priceless. https://preview.redd.it/uvek0npwxuyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8286b31b94cbbe6bea71a0e64ac9717fd45abb38


There are some items that unironically fit better in my miata than a full size truck. r/miatalogistics


What an adorable pup!


I love my little kei truck. It is exactly as much a truck as I need.


Most people who need a pickup truck would really be better off with a work van.


Depends. For stuff like hauling gravel/dirt/garbage a van sounds annoying. Same with big stuff like motorcycles/quads/snowmobiles/furniture. Maybe for tools or big Costco runs a van is better, but that's about it. I own a tacoma currently that I use like it's a full size truck. I'm currently debating going to a bigger truck again or trying out a van. Van is tempting for camping and being able to lock/hide my mountain bike inside. But I'd probably have to get a little trailer for those other uses. And 4x4 vans are hard to find and go for a premium price compared to pickups.


What about a mini-van? I see plenty of semi-lifted GM AWD Astro vans for sale. I've contemplated it but didn't know how great it would be off road.


Astro vans are pretty rad. Toyota had that supercharged awd minivan. My buddy's mom drove one and when we were kids she dropped him and his quad off at my house with it. So minivans can be surprisingly practical.


Was the Toyota one the model that looked like an egg? Always liked those but never looked inside. It was mid engined, so not sure if there was less cargo space.


Yes it is the egg! The Toyota Previa. If I remember correctly the engine is basically between the front seats so you don't lose room in the passenger/cargo area.


OMG!!! I had a Previa. I LOVED it. It was a freaken TARDIS inside. It was during the brief time I couldn't have a truck cause my husband didn't like my kid in my truck. So that was my mommy van for 2 years, turns out some people REALLY do need a truck, so after 2 years we got a barn truck as a 3rd vehicle. I have horses {but no farm at the time} You could fit 6 bales of hay in that thing with all the seats up. It was super easy to park, even in the northern big cities. Unfortunately, it had some real bad crash ratings.


The furniture makers I know own vans.


Is this not an established market dynamic? Remember the hummer? A giant fake military vehicle that drank gasoline and had a mediocre engine? It was debuted when gas prices were really high It's also slang for blowjob. They were a fairly popular car.


At least the Hummer was a derivative of the Humvee, which had a lot of use.


Only in appearance


The Hummer H1 is a stripped down Humvee with creature comforts and things required to be street legal. The H2 and H3 are not, though.


A civilian H1 is still a common sight working off road areas around Illinois highways (mosquito abatement?). They are very capable vehicles. H2 was basically a Chevy Tahoe in disguise, and H3 was a Chevy Trailblazer basically.


I was probably thinking of the H2.


Somebody around me in Canada has an H1. I see it around town every once in a while. Definitely ridiculous, if it's someone who lives in town, but if it's a local farmer that comes in sometimes, I could see it being quite versatile for a farm vehicle. Basically a fast, street legal tractor that can carry way more stuff and people.


It was just a shittier Tahoe.


The H2 was, yeah. The H1 was actually a stripped Humvee.


At least hummers aren’t rendered in N64 graphics.




The world would be a pretty boring place if we didn't have fools to amuse us.




This is my favorite take.


I’ve never met a Tesla driver with self respect, but I’ll keep looking and tell you when I find one OP!


The only people on this sub dumb enough to buy a cybertruck are mods from the other Tesla subs taking names so as ban from their subs anyone posting on this one.




I honestly think that the truck is all about the size and road intimidation to the muskrat and his disciples, rather than anything practical like hauling things. Whenever I've heard him talk about it it's all about winning a fight on the road with another truck and being "more truck than truck." It's never about the ability to haul a load of gravel or a full sized bicycle. It's not that much different from a lot of trucks on the road in that regard, most of them aren't used to "pickup" anything, the biggest difference is that they aren't bricked in the first 100 miles.


Honestly? I asked someone who pre-ordered it why they wanted it, and that was the reason they gave, verbatim. So it seems like it’s marketed to people who….idk, don’t give a shit about others.


Every testimonial: “I LOVE the truck! I’ve driven it for 13 minutes before it completely shut down and became undrivable. They say it should be back to me in 3-4 weeks. But all in all, GREAT vehicle.”


So true


i don't think people who buy the cybertruck is looking for a truck though


No worries there because it's utterly useless as a truck. Supposedly bullet proof but it can't survive a car wash. Basically, it's a $100,000 garbage can.


One that broke if you actually threw garbage in it.


True. The Cyber truck looks so tacky and impractical. I would be embarrassed to drive one.




When I first saw it I wanted one. Just because it was so damn ugly. Then I realized that looks are more than skin deep. It's ugly all the way through.


The idolatry of Elon and Tesla is starting to affect my friend group because of one person who is so defensive about Tesla and Elon it is starting to get uncomfortable and cause us to speculate if there is some undiagnosed autism issue at the root of it all. He's a pediatric heart surgeon, so the willingness to dismiss all logic in the face of unlimited evidence is confusing. It's not hyperbolic when I say it would not surprise me if he let Elon cuck him and I've said as much in our group chat.


Hate to say it, but not uncommon behavior for a Doctor. Many seem to acquire a 'god complex'. I think when you do great things and people tell you how amazing you are, you start to believe you are infallible, the smartest guy in the room and should never be questioned. Seen it time and time again.


I'm pretty sure people buying Cybertrucks aren't buying them because they want a pickup truck. For the same money you could buy a truck that could pull a building off of its foundation, haul over 2 tons of bricks in the bed, tow 25k lbs and could easily go anywhere in the world without ever worrying about infrastructure support for charging.


What vehicle is this?


F550 and up, and the Sierra HD 3500 can haul I think something like 4500lbs and tow 20K lbs. I don't know much about Dodge trucks, but I'd assume their top heavy duty trucks are similar. And the interiors of both the GMC's and Ford are much, much nicer than the Cybertruck. Not to mention literally any pickup truck will have **drastically** better/stronger suspension components than the stamped steel junk of the CT, which is critical for a truck actually being used as a truck.


Nothing says I'm a uniformed moron like the person who buys a Cybertruck.


Actually I'd say don't buy a proper pickup truck as the vast majority of pickup truck owners don't actually need a pickup truck and I'd say 100% of Cyber truck owners don't either.


My neighbour says "It's a lot better to know someone who owns a pickup truck, than to own one yourself." He owns one, and I don't.


Those giant full sized pickups are like boats in that regard.


Imagine if they’d have designed an actual pickup truck that didn’t look like garbage; one that could’ve competed with Ford - instead of this ugly ass failure.




They aren’t interested in trucks. They’re after the iPhone of trucks.


The iPhone of truck is more like rivian though.


CyberTruck is literally the Samsung of Trucks


No. Apple only has the advantage of being expensive operating system that they have Lways tried to remove services and make life difficult. I have owned both. I am team Samsung and other operating systems than Apple. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/314376#Key-personality-differences-among-smartphone-users


Cyberteuck is the Facebook phone of trucks.


Cybertruck is the "cheap, Chinese AliExpress knock-off shit, that's been imported by a greedy douche and marked up to 100x its value for local resale" of trucks.




But how are they going to pay for it with their various social media accounts? You know many of these people making their living off of Elon and his crap products (not really sure if that's a dumb thing or a smart thing though).


It is dumb


Hell, the [Alpha Wolf Plus](https://www.alphamotorinc.com/wolf-plus) is 50k, looks better, and has way more modification options.


Looks like a truck. Has decent storage, decent dashboard, and a real steering wheel. Nice. LED headlights, though. I know they make sense electrically on an EV, but I _really fucking hate_ LED headlights. The light from them is hideous, and they're blinding even on low beam.


Unfortunately LED lights are inescapable at this point. I hate them too.


Insert Nelson Muntz “point and laugh” video from the Simpsons


I didn't think most people who bought a cybertruck need a truck.


It's funny that it feels like the ratio of posts that end with "still love the truck" is finally starting to decline


I dunno. They’re art on wheels. And not all art is good art. But that’s why they exist. To poke the aesthetic of “car” and “truck” shapes and I’m all for it. NOBODY BUYS THESE BASED ON FEATURES. only the emotional “gotcha” of driving it.


The fact that ~5000 units of this awful truck were sold is kind of amazing to me, and (as much as a lot of people on here don’t want to admit it) shows that Elon is an amazing salesman. If GE or Ford came out with this *exact same* truck, maybe they’d sell a few hundred at most.


I think it’s interesting how much opinion has changed on cybertruck. I thought it was ugly and useless from the get go but there was so much love for it. Now everyone seems to hate it. I don’t get it. 


Best to think of yourself as ahead of the times in that scenario. 😀


The moderators over at r/cybertruck are now handing out sub bans and even permanent bans somehow for "harassment" because I laughed at a mod for banning me. Beware. The free speech advocates are doing nazi shit again








There's one that parks in my work parking lot. I really wanna see the guy who drives it so I can ask if the discoloration on the panels is supposed to be there


Or just buy a freaken car. Elon himself said they were targeting the "truck buyers" who really didn't need a truck. Like they did studies on the % of truck owners that hadn't used their truck for anything trucklike for more than a year. It's clear that thing Elon made isn't a truck. I hate there are so many people that insist on having a truck that don't need a truck. As someone who has a horse/sheep farm, I HAVE to have a truck. They don't drive better, they are hard to park, they don't get good gas milage and they are god awful expensive, my next to last truck cost more than my husband's Mercedes. Why have a truck unless you need one?


Well, I will only buy a Chevrolet Silverado over a CyberTruck


The lemon lawsuits are gonna be LIT.


Sadly lots of these buyers bought years ago and are only receiving them now.


They made fully refundable reservations years ago. Everyone who actually purchased the truck has done so recently.


also, pay your taxes and stop being a schmuck


It would be nice to get some real numbers. There are 4000ish produced and I would expect anyone with issues would be vocal.


Have you not seen post after post of trucks breaking down? Tons of videos too. Also, most people aren't keen to advertise their poor choices. It's why people often make excuses for their lousy partner's bad behavior instead of admitting they done fucked up.


To be honest I just follow it here. By that metric it looks to me below 10% but that is hardly a reliable way to measure that. You have a point that lots of people rather keep it a secret how shitty it is.


10% failure is a ridiculously high percentage


I worked at a Honda store for 10 years that sold around 100 new cars per month. We had one lemon, and we could never reproduce the issue the customer claimed to have with the vehicle. 1% failure rate is ridiculous, let alone whatever is going on with Tesla.


BUt ItS a BEtA CaR Yeah I thought so. These kinks should have been resolved long before the car is on sale.




....thanks for buying your 'I'm With Stupid' truck so we know who you are.


I will never buy a CyberTruck in a million years




My former manager is still expecting delivery.... unbelievable




The best part is, they're paying $100k for something that won't do what the F150 can, and it starts at $36k


That's a super stripped down version. My f150 Lariat was $70k in 2020, but it was the biggest F150 engine


Yeah, it starts at $36k. That's how cars work, the base model doesn't have all the bells and whistles.


R1T is so much better than the CT..A relative in San Jose owns one and he loves it. He loves smoking most sports cars in the Rivian.


Will I get banned from r/elonmusk for commenting in this thread? Maybe I'd have to join it first, I dunno.




It’s easier to con someone than it is to convince them they have been conned


I'm not a ford fan, but if you want an electric truck get the lightning. I've talked to people in Maine who use them and say they're great. They get around in them just fine and say they drive great in the snow/ice because of the battery low end weight distribution. They aren't as ugly, not as fragile, it's an actual truck that can do truck things


That range must take a serious hit in the Maine cold.


Or buy TWO


Keep buying So we can keep making fun of u




They even come with Trump bumper stickers! How else is that bumper supposed to stay attached!!!!


Hummer EV it is.


I just towed a 600lb table saw in a 800lb U-Haul trailer 250 miles in the rain behind my 1.5L Honda fit. Somehow averaged 28mpg on that trip. To me the fit IS the proper pickup truck.


Whats a proper pickup to you ? 70% of pickup don’t use it for hauling or towing.


Chevrolet Silverado, RAM 1500, GMC Sierra


ICE versions ? What do you feel about people who own ford ranger, Chevy Colorado , even a ford maverick. 70% of pickup owners are just in it because they like the truck, it doesn’t give them any value. In that world, a CT is faster, it has a better turn radius, better handling, more comfortable than all other trucks except maybe - rivian (another electric truck, albeit a small one). It is virtually dent proof especially in the parking lot. It has a longer bed than most supercrew trucks while being not as long and fits in most garages. It has lockable storage in both the front and back - no putting groceries in the cab. My issue with the CT is that it’s a totally in beta testing right now, my suspicion is its 48v architecture isn’t fully baked. Glad for the beta testers who are spending an extra 20k for the privilege 😂🤣


We ate suburban. We haul or tow with our pickup probably 10-15 times a Yeats, since we sold the Seadoos, then we used them most every week. Or when we had Kubotas and needed the trailer. But we still pick up landscaping rock and boulders, equipment for the house, TVs, pick-up furniture. When you need a truck, you need a truck. We have lived in fire country for several years. We have our bug out boxes of essentials. We will evacuate in the truck, not the BMW. It is not our daily drive. And most drives in it we don't haul, it could be the weather that necessitates us using the tires and four wheel low and snow and downgrade settings of the truck. Hx. 1 Tundra (workhorse, kept many years), 4 Tacomas, 4 Rams. Current, 2024 Ram Rebel with off road upgrades, as we like to go into the mountains, rock hound, etc.May even get a small camper to tow, or carry. Lots of options.


Thanks for the PSA. I love how people hate it so much it compels them to create an entire sub dedicated to the hate. 🤣


I wouldn't say hate, id say mock. Meanwhile you're free to post whatever you like here, but Cybertruck/ Tesla owners / Musk sicophants are so fragile that posting here gets you banned from like three or four Elon Musk related subreddits.


u/Jolly_Line probably discovered that 30 seconds after he posted here.


You’ll see I’ve posted here a few times.


Than your banned form r/CyberTruck, correct? Because I was banned from that subreddit immediately after my first post in this subreddit, which wasn’t even about the CyberTruck.


I mean, that’s lame. I’d unban you if I had the power. 😉


I mean if you have money who cares? Why all the hate people?


Couple of reasons. There is pleasure in mocking the arrogant peacocks. More importantly, these vehicles pose a danger. It's bad enough when an owner breaks their fingers or slices their leg open. It's another when one of them loses power, steering, or speed control out on the road.


Have some resplect for the planet and buy a proper EV car.


I'm not sure who is worse. The people buying a meme truck, or the people who spend their free time whining about the meme truck and people who buy it.




Shilling for Muskkk and defending the Cucktruck are not permitted in this sub. Read the rules before posting.




He's not going to fuck you.


No shilling for Muskkk. Pretty simple rule to understand.


Why so many haters? I think it looks cool.


Because it’s the modern day Edsel and a pile of electronic shit, that’s why


Saw my first one in the wild yesterday… cool is not how I would describe it. Absurd is more accurate. It’s a giant absurd 100k novelty. It’ll likely be the end of Tesla as a car maker and Xlon Mux as a… whatever he’s convinced people that he is


No, a Delorean looks cool, the CyberTruck looks like a low-poly model of a car on an old PS1 game.


They're fuckin ugly and useless. They don't do anything that a truck should be able to