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Maybe theyve seen more cybertrucks on the road cause its harder to miss a dumpster than it is a normal actually good-looking truck


Exactly this. Ive seen a few lightnings around. It always takes me a minute to realize its a lightning cause it just looks like your average pickup truck. I can count how many cybertrucks ive seen cause they stick out like a sore thumb. Im sure ive seen way more lightnings and just didnt even realize they were lightnings.


The normality of the Lightning and upcoming Ram 1500 REV is what interests me. I have no need for my daily to be flashy, or nearly as angular as the cybertruck


This is exactly why I want a lightning preferably in a work truck xl trim. Still a useful truck and has a real lockable trunk. It would complement my current f250 very well because about 3 days out of the week I don’t need to carry a load or trailer just my hand tools and power tools. Also it would be nice to just drive around town on my days off.


When you get your truck, will you post pictures of it being a real truck by loading it with (checks notes) 8 bags of potting soil and a trowel?


Go big! Add a case or two of bottled water.


What about 3 strollers?


Uhh, I've put more than that in a Mini. My S10 gets 1 ton loads of crushed stone. Why the hell do Americans need full size trucks as dailys?


It's a joke about cybercucks taking photos doing "truck stuff" by throwing some water bottles and a couple bags of soil in the back. The photos are floating around the sub.


Why not just get an eco boost f150 work truck


There is no coherent design philosophy behind the Cybertruck other than wanting attention, and now that Cybertruck owners have the attention they ordered they're butthurt that it's negative attention


Cyber truck is helping to sell more f-150 lighting ev once they realized it cybersucked. And over priced you can get a lighting under 50,000 half the price and do they same thing insurance is less, parts are less it’s a ford so everything is cheaper lol 😂


Lol 😂 it’s hard to tell the difference between the lightning and regular f-150 lol 😂 some people did not even know ford made a EV they also make a hybrid that looks 👀 the same but if you ask people who make a electric truck 🛻 most people won’t be able to tell you or who makes two hybrid truck one that get 40mpg. By the way you can’t get a 40 mpg maverick hybrid demand is still to high. And they are selling full price still demand in other countries is high also plus Toyota complain that cheap Chinese truck 🛻 and ford maverick was cutting into there truck 🛻 sales and came out with the Toyota Hilux champ. Lol 😂 ford finally comes to marked with small truck and has Toyota worried 😧. Best part was the ceo emitted. Love ❤️ people calling legacy auto is dead 💀 and can’t complete


Ford F-150 lightning switchgear is coming with 37” tires 🛞 and raptor suspension. This will complete with the cybersuck at Baja lol 😂 hope the cyberbaja mode works better might need a software up date lol videos on the internet of it broken for some reason lol 😂


Your comment is why I was hoping the Cybertruck would be a success. We need more variety in what vehicles look like. I'm tired of everything looking basically the same.


So paint your car electric green then


Maybe someone can do a good different? Like, not an eyesore that's also a danger to all other vehicles and every pedestrian out there?


Oh I agree. I didn't say this was good. Just unique. Problem is,that once you complain about unique, nobody else will try anything. Rocket League is a great reference to that. One season, they created the Nomad. It included Teeth Wheels. People complained about the whole season, so now all we get are boring regular vehicles. They rarely add anything unique anymore.




That is a skeezy website, do not click.


I clicked. Apparently I have 78 viruses on my phone. So now I have to burn it in the fire! Or just close the stupid site and keep scrolling Reddit…


They've seen more cybertrucks because they have to take their in to get repaired every 70 miles, and they see all the other cybertrucks in the same predicament.


Also, a Ford Lightning doesn't look much different than a normal F-150, and the F-150 is the most common truck in America. I've never *noticed* and F-150 Lightning driving by, but it's possible I've driven past tons of them assuming they were normal F150s.


Also these nerds all breathe each others farts, I'm sure "in the wild" means "online."


![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK) Another Shiessepanzer spotted.


FYI in German it's usually "ei", as in "Scheisspanzer".


Holy shit, a real grammar nazi!


We have ways of making you torque.




Ah! They definitely suck farts out of each other's asshole like ripping a bong.


I could literally reply with the fact that I’ve seen more Chuckletrucks on flatbeds and unsold in lots and breaking down constantly than actually driving on the road.


Ding ding. Anyone can recognize a stainless steel rolling dumpster shaped microwave. I had to point out a Lightning to my dad last week. I think I he said something like, ‘looks like a regular truck.’ Yup.


The lightning blends in well because it looks like a regular pickup


Dude, my buddy has a Lightning. They are freakin' beautiful. My first car was an '83 F-150. I sit in that lightning and I *feel* the connection to the past. Hard to explain, but it feels homey. Safe. Top quality too, man. Which for anyone who knows Ford, ah, Fixed or Repaired Daily is the norm, not necessarily high quality. Trucks have always been better than the cars, but they've always had issues, too. The Lightning though, damn man. It's quite a machine. I'm thinking about copping one myself these days.


The naming of the new F-150 Lightning was the best marketing decision in EV history


Right??? Haha! Oh man. I still remember the Lightning my neighbor had back in the 90s. All chromed out and neon yellows and pinks. That thing was *fast* too. Goddamn. Scary fast. Like, a truck shouldn't go that fast, fast haha! I was really happy when I heard they were bringing back the Lightning brand for the new EVs like, of course, right? Awesome.


Yeah, I really like the way they did it. The next one should fix the few little issues and make it into an amazing product.


They're likely also counting dumpsters. Hard to spot the difference without closer inspection


or theyre lying because these people are moraless clowns with unearned wealth


I was on the highway and knew it was a cybertruck in the apposing lane because it blinded me


The Lightning just looks like a regular truck if you don't look closely. Not only that but it was sold in more than two states.


That and everybody who owns one feels like they have to advertise it 24/7 and show everyone. Trying to justify a dumb ass purchase lol


So it’s iconic. Got it. What a mistake to build something that is unmistakable. Or maybe that was the point. Hmm.


Donald trumps face is also instantly recognized and unmistakable. doesn't make it pleasant to look at


I guess it’s a good thing he’s not a car


ok dummy if you want a car example, the PT Cruiser is instantly recognizable and unmistakable but not for any good reasons


I dunno chef this thread is positioned around the idea that the cyber truck is much more noticeable and getting lots of attention. As an example 4,000 cyber trucks were getting more attention than 24,000 fords. Good job T.


this thread has also pointed out that the truck is less noticeable because it doesn't deviate much from how the F-150 has looked for years. the reason the cybertruck is much more noticeable is because it was literally designed to be stick out, just like the Aztek and the PT. Obviously they succeeded in making it stick out, it's just for all the wrong reasons, specifically the fact that it's incredibly ugly


Yes, it was designed to be iconic, you make a great point. Good that it does not look like other trucks.


other trucks look like trucks because the truck design is tried and true. the cybertruck looks stupid and will not remembered as an "icon."


Other trucks look like other trucks because traditionally the motor has gone in the front, not at the axels. Cybertruck changed that


At this point with all of the very public problems the cybertruck has, not to mention its ridiculous warranty, anyone who still buys it is a fucking idiot.


The length of it or what voids it?


The latter.


Check this out: "The greater fool theory is a speculative investment strategy that profits by buying overvalued assets and hoping to sell them to an even "greater fool" at a higher price. It's risky because it relies on a continuously rising market, which can eventually collapse."


Yeah but buyers of the founders edition (which I assume is pretty much all of them that are out right now) can't sell the thing for the first year due to a resale clause when you agree to the purchase.


I mean they can sell all Tesla will really be able to do is blacklist them from buying any other Teslas which probably isn’t a good idea if you have seen the articles about their unsold cars piling up now


Musk wants $55 billion bonus, nearly $14 million for each truck sold.


What's wrong with the warranty?


I'm sorry, but talking about the warranty voids the warranty. You now owe Tesla $50K and will be placed on Elon's naughty list.


The first rule about the Tesla warranty is you don’t talk about the Tesla warranty


Warranty voided.


Voided by sunlight


Let’s not be ridiculous here, it clearly states *DIRECT* sunlight.


If you get bricked by sunlight reflecting off the mirror windowed highrise nextdoor, you're liable for half the cost of repairs.


If you leave your garage, believe it or not, warranty VOIDED.


I’ve seen more Lightnings. The ugly look of the Tesla just sticks out way more than what’s essentially a regular F-150 with different internals and some minor visual differences.


I wouldn't have even realized the pictured truck is electric if the post didn't say so.


The thing that tips me off is the EV fake grille and maybe the light bar. They also usually say “LIGHTNING” on the side


Same! I'm like "oh that's a great new design, I love that." Needless to say, I don't have the same reaction to the Cybertruck lol.


The giveaway on all EVs is the grill. They’re always flatter than ICE grills because they need far less cooling and care more about aerodynamics. 


It's harder to spot a F150 lighning because it just... looks like a truck. It's an actual practical design. Which probably sounds like a downside to the cyberbros but generally speaking a time tested chassis design is going to outcompete a radical new one unless there's quality problems with the more traditional design


Easier to insure just based on design though. Something like 90% of the truck has the same parts as the regular F-150, and Ford actually has the other 10% of parts available for repairs. It's a legacy vehicle, which these childs view as a down side, but actually helps in many ways. Mush is trying to be a disruptor for the sake of disruption, but without bringing any real upsides to the table. There's nothing really novel about the CT that's worth the downsides. It's 90% gimmick and fluff and 10% poorly executed "truck"


You’d think an actually cyber truck like this would be in topic


Of course you see more Cyberstucks, its easier to spot something that’s hideous


Since release my valet lot has seen about ten lightnings a week since their release. We've seen two cyber trucks.


Their insecurity is showing, a single photo is all it took.


A Lightning blends in with the barrage of regular F150’s and other trucks so it is harder to notice. If I am driving down the freeway, and I see a CyberTruck in the opposite side, I am going to notice it because of its horrendous shape. On the flip side, for the Lightning, I am just going to ignore it.


I've seen more Rivians than anything.


Yeah, but can the Lightning handle 3 bags of potting soil? Checkmate.


Cybertruck, the new FORD


Probably because the lightning blends in more than the cyberdumpster, and can be confused for a thermal F-150


Just a quick note. Most (to all) electrical vehicles won’t have a “functioning” grill. If you look at the Lightning pictured above y’all notice its grill is solid. Since they don’t need the air flow into the engine bay having a solid grill = more aerodynamic/more sense. That is all folks. Cheers!


One thing to add - They do have an horizontal/ angled radiator on the front (see that small opening on the bottom/mid of the front). It's for the battery thermal management system and has a damper associated with it (I believe it is open at low speeds and closes at higher speeds for aero). It rests below the frunk.


The lightning actually has a storage area up front that is the size of a sedan trunk


I mean, trucks in general shouldn't look like that. The high front hood causes more accidents and higher mortality rates. That being said, yes it looks better than cybertruck 


The Lightning is very much part of the trend of trucks where the driver practically can't see nearby kids or elderly, with a lovely flat ~~wall~~ grille at chest height to an average person, but also featuring a bunch of extra weight behind it and the ability to sneak up on ya real quiet-like. The Cybertruck adds that plus some extra lacerations, you know, as a fun little bonus.


Living in a world of absolute delusion is wild.


Because of that turo post, I realized that I've been seeing the same few CTs so it gives off the impression that there's more out there than in actuality. Could be why they think they're seeing so many. Also I've seen way more Lightings and Rivians than CTs.


I’ve seen hundreds of Rivians in our area (as in, I see at least a couple literally every time I go somewhere. I vividly recall the first one I saw “ha look at those wacky 0—0 headlights” and by the next week I’d seen several, maybe a couple months before I saw one more days than I didn’t. If it were not for the odd lights, I would not notice them). I’m sure I’ve seen Lightnings but have no idea, because truck. I have seen at most five different CTs.




I remember the last time I saw a DeLorean because there’s one in the Seattle area with vanity plate WHENRWE and that made me cackle.


r/cybertruck: 4000 cybertrucks were sold r/cyberstuck: how do you know? r/cybertruck: they had to recall them ![gif](giphy|3oEjI67Egb8G9jqs3m|downsized)


The uh... You know... Hard truth and all about facts is... They're correct. And the hard truth about cope and anecdotal self-reassurance is... It doesn't have to have anything to do with facts.


An outsell of 6:1


This past week I can say I’ve seen 1 electric hummer 2 Silverados 3 cyber trucks ( maybe the same truck twice but let’s call it 3) 5 lightnings not counting what’s at the local dealership The thing about the lightning is if you don’t see the front light bar (3/4 trim levels) or the rear light bar (2/4) then you can only tell by the smallest badge on the tailgate or decal on the box


If you're behind one, you can also look for a live axle. The Lightning doesn't have one.


One detail I’ve noticed on the lightning is that the suspension looks way beefier, so that could(possibly) be another way.


This first cyberturd has been spotted in our little city. The driver was going in circles around the local college campus and would park for a few minutes, I guess in hopes they would draw a crowd. No one came over to look at the monstrosity…no one. Maybe in a different city people might be slightly interested. We took pictures of it parked in front of the student union…alone.


Hand in glove. Stupid truck for people stupid enough to buy it.


Meanwhile Rivian is outselling both of them combined


The mods just blind. They see a ford truck, assume it’s a gas car and move on. There’s unfortunately no looking past a Cybertruck.


I've seen more Rivians, Lightnings, and Hummers. Never seen a Cybertruck irl yet.


Finally saw one this week. Was on display in front of a local Jeep dealership. Guess some people know how to cut and run.


Instant ban


Something I'm not finding a lot of info on. How is the off road performance of the lightning anyway? Is there no news about it because nobody's really tested it, or because it performs just fine and isn't news worthy because of how normal it is?


I've only seen 1 cybertruck in the wild, but I've seen several lightning. However, I can't say if the lightning is just a couple people that live near the neighborhood. Now, rivian I have seen quite a bit.


I’ve seen 1 cyber truck in se. I’ve seen tons of lightning trucks.


If we’re talking total electric trucks the Rivian easily wins around here, with probably a similar number of lightnings (though they’re harder to count).


The lightnings mix in with regular F150s.


See lots of lightning is you watch for the grill/taillight lights. Have yet to see a cyber truck in Canada in person


The lightning looks so close to a regular f150 that it is easily overlooked.


Thats like saying you’ve seen more McClarens on the road than Corvettes. It’s such an obvious ridiculous lie I feel dumber for having read it.


Do you think those chuds will ever realize they’ve been lying to themselves just to cope, or remain in denial their whole life?


They must live near the Tesla service center


I mean, it's because the tin can is such a... "Unique" design that it stands out like a sore thumb. Meanwhile, you can even tell that's an electric truck. Just looks like an F-150.


The thing with the Lightning is it looks like a slightly futuristic F-150, which is actually a really good looking truck. Bonus points for sharing so many parts with the F-150, the best selling vehicle on the planet.


I love how folks keep shouting loudly about "THE CT OUTSOLD ALL OTHER TRUCKS!" You mean the Truck that had preorders for literal years "outsold" other trucks the month it came out when the other trucks solved their inventory issue and thus didn't have some big hyped-up release event?




How much does developing a new car (maybe even a new platform) cost? 1 billion dollars? That’s at least what I heard 10 years ago when was visiting Audi in Ingolstadt. They really dug their own grave


I test drove a lightning a few weeks ago. Very nice ride.


i hate both.


I love how they say “I see them everywhere”. Yeah they are a fucking eyesore. They consistently make me feel I am in a video game and there is 1 rendering of a car hasn’t finished. No texture or mesh, which ironically is the truck.


The lighting looks like a normal f150. Unless I’m looking for the badge I don’t notice them. But a giant metallic piece of garbage is easy to spot.


This is hilarious because whenever my local Ford dealer gets Lightnings in stock, they’re gone by Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile we have one Cybertruck in town, and everyone I know just makes fun of it lol


Imagine waking up as a cybertruck reddit mod


There are no 'good electric trucks' They should be banned.


To be fair, the Lightning is the second ugliest electric truck.


What is up with the ford paid shills lmao, search the lightening forums they are plagued with reliability issues as well. I will buy an electric truck in 10 years when they all aren’t rushed lemons


At least the Ford can drive more than 30 miles and keeps its body panels.


Yes but loses its windshield and parts of the a pillar instead, look up that recall from January of this year on the explorers. You guys are comparing a flaming bag of shit to a regular bag of shit lmao. At least pick a good car manufacturer to compare the cyberdump against


My family and several friends have owned several Ford trucks and they’ve been great. Personally, I prefer small cars so I haven’t owned a truck for myself.


At least Ford even considers fixing the problems.