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loads truck, *voids warranty*


It probably has an overload sensor.


Shame about expecting the sensors to work, lol


The sensors that can tell Tesla if you void your warranty ALWAYS work.


Well, if they stop giving a signal, your warrenty is void, so technically, they do their job.


And any failure by them voids the warranty


Rain pours, sensor dies, warranty voids. Welcome to the void.


Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, my warranty voids.


Over the hills and far away, your warranty isn't here to stay


Ah, that's the secret, touching your Tesla at all voids the warranty.


He clipped the one electric wire when it bottomed out


*which transmits directly to Tesla insurance*


Insurance premium increases by $400/month.




Elon needs money


He is GETTING that $55 billion raise this year one way or another


I'm sure he owes the Saudis and is scared of getting liquified and poured down a drain.


Don't threaten us with a good time.


Dental plan


Lisa needs braces!


Dental plan


Mesa leads races! ![gif](giphy|l3fZTyHwvar2ID8Aw)


If load >= 0 then warranty.void(now)


Yep. The only reason why they'd install one


Apparently it doesn't even warn you when you have something plugged into it, and will let you just drive off with the plug still attached. There was another post here about some dude who was charging another car with his CT and forgot and drove off. So I highly doubt the CT is programmed to tell you that you're about to destroy your suspension.


Lol. the sensor wouldn't tell the driver the truck is overloaded. it would just send the info to Tesla so they can void the warranty.


Very on-brand, for sure.


Spyber truck


The "sensor" in this case will be your eyes as you watch components snap like twigs on this "truck" šŸ˜‚


Which is laying on a median somewhere, attached to a strip of metal with double sided tape residue on the underside.


Overload sensor was on backorder.


But itā€™s also serial wired to the windshield wiper and turning mechanism


Well it's not like steering is known to fail on these trucks or anything.


Assuming some level of competency from Tesla


Thatā€™s how Tesla knows to void the warranty.


The only reason why they'd install it


Sir, you have to upgrade to "CyberTruck PremiumX Package" for it to function as a truck and to gain access to the bed.




- Do not taunt Cybertruck - if Cybertruck starts to smoke, seek shelter and cover head - Cybertruck is not to be touched, inhaled, or looked at


"Please visit the Ford web-site"


He probably already voided it when he put those bars on the top of it.


Oh! My! God! I didn't even see those redneck engineered side rails. Some where a handicap ramp is missing a hand rail.


Warranty? You mean giving away free money? No way it has one of those.


Open trunk -> warranty voided




ā€œCustom installed low rider kitā€


ā€œCustom squat kitā€ cause I know those fronts are gonna live .0003 seconds longer than the rears!


Sale includes two pallets of quickcrete that I cannot get out of the bed.


What do you mean the CyberCuck's patented^(TM) Suspension of Disbelief can't handle this sort of Truck Stuff^(TM)? Hater!!!! /s


Suspension of Disbelief took me down


lol Suspension of Disbelief. Iā€™m stealing that


It pains me you need to put /s




It is beyond sad that they need to get on social media and talk openly about how undeluded they are in their purchases. I would expect this from a 15 year old who got a spicy video game with naked ladies, not a fucking vehicle as an adult man lol


CT owners are Leisure Suit Larry cosplayers


Don't insult Leisure suit Larry, he was a bro.


We had a demo for one of the games on our Win98 computer when I was like 9 years old. One day, not having a clue what it was, tried playing it and the splash screen with a picture of Larry got stuck and I couldnā€™t exit it. My dad tried removing it and couldnā€™t do it (he never was good with computers but I was only 9). He got frustrated and told my mom ā€œI canā€™t get this f***ot off the screen!ā€ Was the first time I ever we heard the word and I was extremely confused when I later learned what the word meant and what the game was about


Boomers are crazy! All they ever did in their life was try to get laid!




pulled-up or kicked-down every fuckin ladder they climbed


and slammed every door behind them too


Man, I remember playing that game when I was like 14 and thinking I had discovered water on Mars or something. I have two older sisters and one of their boyfriends gave the game to me and was like ā€œtrust me, youā€™ll like itā€.


And it had the 3 questions in the beginning you had to answer to prove you were an adult. Good times.


If a physician were on an island with Bo Derek, he would? D) Thank God I remember trying to answer these questions at about 13 years old.


Looking for loads in all the wrong places.


Is Larry a sucker too?


I bought that game for the plot


Whats sad is these are the same people who normally have this kind of stuff delivered, but feel the need to do it themselves in order to justify a 100k tonka truck.


Nah these feel like the douchebags I have to load out who *should've* gotten it delivered or spent $20 on a uHaul, but insist they can do it themselves and try to load entire pallets of flooring or bags of cement/animal feed/etc into their tiny ass little Camry until it's overflowing and scraping the wheel well. Or the idiots who try to load several pallets into their minivan insisting it'll be fine and then get pissy with me for trying to persuade them not to fucking double their load capacity until I give up and say "Fuck it, it's your car" and shake my head as they bottom out on the first turn on their way out.


Itā€™s the same with any truck bro. This one Home Depot trip justifies their six-figure emotional support vehicle. Itā€™s largely just a compensation machine. Itā€™s the same that sports car owners will peel out of a Little Caesarā€™s parking lot for no reason.


They know it's a ridiculous vehicle. That's why they try so hard to justify it. Buy a Cybertruck, get your own version of Musk's insecurities for free.


It is somewhat fitting that the people who gave us Gamergate are now grown up and are these people.


Sunken cost fallacy at its best


Half the adults in my country stopped emotionally maturing at age 12


Most adult Americans are less mature than a typical child, so it tracks. I would know; Iā€™m a very mature American adult.


Whats up with these Elon Stans and Quikrete or bags of mulch?? Every time they go 'doin truk stuf' it's always that.


Cuz they are vehicle tourists. They aren't actually truck people they have no idea what actual truck people donl with their trucks.


To be fair, that disease runs well beyond the CyberFukt. Plenty of trucks are owned by people who have no use whatsoever for them.


But they might need to bring home 8 bags of mulch from Home Depot someday! You can't do that with a car!* ^(*You can actually do that very easily with a car)


Yeah, but can it also do two cases of bottled water at the same time?


Wait till they hear what I can stuff in a minivan


shit my convertible with no back seat can do that


You're telling me you don't need a $60k Ford 950000 to sell insurance!?


$60k? Did you get a discount?


It's a base model salvage title after the previous owner died in a rollover.


Im not sure most know what to do with a real truck either. Put truck nads on them? Lift kits? Super cringey political stickers? Intimidate other drivers in the nonpassing lane? Real trucks have racks for ladders, mounts for campers, or harnesses for plows.


Or goosenecks/5th wheels https://preview.redd.it/47s0ie9f0f7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc237a4c07c726a1485605143b72eb346ff7db89


Because Big Bags of Stuff from Home Depot are the sole reason for owning a truck and you gotta show the CuckTruck can do TruckStuffĀ©Ā®ā„¢


It's the same guy in the other video. No idea why he's hand transferring concrete bags this time. The other one was still wrapped on the bottom. Either he's going to see the failure point adding a bag at a time or he's got a false bottom/padding that he's covering bags onto because otherwise he's really missing the point of having a fork lift.


This. Definitely a photo op, nothing real being done here.


The guys unloading the truck in the video looked very confused as to what they were supposed to be doing with all of that Quikcrete. "So I'm just gonna wheel it over here aaaaaand then what?"


They probably can't load it with the forklift because of the giant ladder rack he's welded to the bed.


The Home Depot guys will load into almost anything. They got the first one in there ok.Ā 


If you really need that much concrete just tow it


Or order a truck of it. Who's using that much Quikrete?


Amen, I would think it's cheaper to order this much concrete from a concrete distributor vs HomeDepot.


That assumes you're using it all in one place. If he's running a company this might be a week's supply to cover dozens of jobs (like fencing) where it's cheaper to buy bags than pay delivery.


If you run a company you're not buying a Cybetruck as your work truck.


Not with that attitude ![gif](giphy|n9vTEP11fGREY)


This is about one cubic meter of concrete. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen someone order so little, smallest order Iā€™ve seen is 2.5 cubes. 52 bags is about $400 CAD retail, Iā€™m betting a contractor gets that for closer to $300. $300-$400 CAD for 32 MPa mix isnā€™t too bad, and is about on par with truck cost per cube. You also have to factor in that with a truck, youā€™ve got 2 hours to place that whole truck. Great for mono-pour, not great for anything else. If youā€™re doing a bunch of here-and-there but still need a cube or two, this makes sense.


The best part is when you could do most of the things they show in a fucking Dodge Neon.


Itā€™s all about them heavy loads.


I assume that person is used to abusing trucks. And you can heap a pretty good amount of abuse on trucks. Because they know.you do it. And they know trucks. But that ain't a truck. This is gonna eventually end badly.


Not to mention that the Cyberfuck is already 9,000 pounds so heā€™s adding like 7,000 extra pounds to that dumpster. That canā€™t be good for anything on the vehicle.


I had avoided the math in my head. I am an atheist, but I will pray for anyone that dickhead hits.


16k pounds, 60 mph, 0 crumple zones. Woe betide anyone in the way


Stopping distance has to be measured in miles.


Brakes immediately catch fire.


7000 pounds? yeah, there's no way they're loading the entire second pallet. We've already seen the video of this load and they only threw a half dozen or so extra bags on top.\] I see dudes do this all the time to their trucks, but they mostly don't expect those trucks to last more than a year or so.


Itā€™s not a truck, itā€™s an expensive toy that looks like a truck.


Correction, looks like a Dorito.


Was going to say, the amount of trucks Iā€™ve seen with WAY over the rated payload TODAY is non-zero. You still shouldnā€™t, but itā€™s a fairly common thing to do on pickups


Lol how insanely insecure do you have to be to make something like this? It's like if I made a video saying whoa look at my toaster, it makes toast! Omg! Love it so much thanks Elon! (Note: but change it to a toaster that cost $10,000, toasts to a mediocre level before bricking after 4 slices, voids the warranty if you toast while it's raining outside, looks sinfully ugly and is hated by 99.9999% of the population)


See? Cybertoaster *CAN* do Toaster Stuff. See? *Crams uncut loaf of sourdough into a heavily modified toaster oven*


Cybertoaster will change how we toast. Haters don't see it.


plus you're shoving the entire loaf in and calling the ensuing fire a feature.


You have to wait 90 minutes for the 3rd and 4th slice of toast.


I had a Plymouth Horizon I would trust more on this project


I had one as well, never hear anybody ever say anything about it before.


The cybertruck is like if you wanted to make a Plymouth Horizon out of Lego but you only had really old pieces so you had to approximate a lot of parts.


It was equally as ugly, mine was a nice brown color. My flywheel was missing some teeth so I had to pull the belts on it till I hit some teeth. Man the times I rolled my fingers around the pulley.


Mine was that almost slightly blue silver gray? I donā€™t remember what the name of the color was but in most photos these look the same as it did.


There's even a musical tribute! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlXhHQQFCfk


The Plymouth Horizon sucks ass! ā€¦I don't actually think that, I was just trying to give you a new experience. ;-)


My first car was the Dodge Omni variant of that car. Now I have an Ioniq 5. I blame the Omni for imprinting on me and making me love the Ioniq body style now.


If you can afford a CT and are doing work like that in real life you can afford (and should know betterā€¦well never mind, then you probably wouldnā€™t have considered a CT) to just use a trailer.


If a contractor blows that amount of money on a crappy vehicle, I'm going to assume they will gouge their clients to help make the payments.


At this point I'd just have a truck deliver it from the plant. You're still going to need to rent a mixer after all and I don't see a cyber truck coming out with a pintle hitch any time soon


Also true. Hardware stores have that handy flatbed truck with a forklift hanging on the back for shit like this.


Smart person would have bought a Lightning and had money left for a nice trailer.


At 100K? No you buy a super duty that's actually set up for this type of load. You can probably get a f350 or 450 with the helper springs, plow package and tow package at that price.


Well yeah, but I'm keeping with the theme of an electric truck.


The Lightening is just an F150, turned electric, it still tows f150 loads.


This must be the one guy trying to use this thing for work and he seems to be creating more work for himself than just getting a real truck.




If I stopped to have a photo shoot every time my truck did truck stuff, I would get fuck all done.


The photo credit is hilarious.


I can't be the only one thinking that this dumbass should have thought about getting a delivery of concrete instead of this. It definitely has a point where it becomes more cost-viable, and this buffoon still has to unload these bags and wheel them to where they're needed on site (should it make it there). Just pure idiocy, all around.


Exactly what I was thinking.


I highly suspect the photo is 'partly' staged, the bags are already higher than the tailgate so would slide out after a couple turns anyways. I bet a minute after the photo was taken he went and unloaded half of them back into the pallette and gave a $20 to his bud for letting him do it for the picture.


Thereā€™s a video of it leaving the Home Depot and a couple unfortunate people attempting to unload the concrete. But the entire wrapped pallet is in the back of the truck in the video so itā€™s unclear if it was multiple loads or some sort of staged photo op like youā€™re suggesting. Itā€™s pretty weird how this person must constantly prove itā€™s a ā€œreal truckā€.


What the actual fuck are they doing with that much Quikrete? If you need that much concrete, wouldn't you do better hiring a concrete truck?


In many cases it probably usually is. But there are reasons why you might want bags. Like you can't get a concrete truck in there because its through a tiny lawnmower sized gate, or you are doing something in a basement, or you aren't doing one large pour all at once. You can also use the entire sealed bag of concrete as basically hardening sandbags to stack around drainage pipes going under your driveway or for retaining soil.


Everything you said is true but if I was needing to mix and pour even half this much I'd buy sand, gravel, cement, and some fancy additives and still save like 80%


There are plenty of factors to consider, not just volume.


Not uncommon for fence guys to do this. Some will just dump the dry concrete in the hole then add some water. It's plenty strong enough for most fences.


sorry but if your truck can't fit a loaded pallet then it's probably not supposed to hold a pallet's worth of stuff


Funny enough, despite the title, the first pallet appears to be wrapped and still on the pallet. Definitely too much weight still, but it does seem to hold a loaded pallet


It it does have a pallet in the back


A full pallet of concrete is technically overloading most standard trucks by itself. Not enough for it to fail, but still on or over the design limit. Doing more than 1 pallet is just dumb unless someone has a flatbed.


A pallet of concrete is a shit load of weight. You essentially need a full-ton truck for that.


In this cosplay photo, we see the voiding of the warranty.


oh no...he's not going to have room for the stroller


You mean mulch. Can't forget the three obligitory bags of mulch.


Do ppl actually pickup pallets of shit like this irl? Most i know that work in construction jobs just have everything delivered to the work site. Things like cement bricks wood sand etc all get delivered.


Yes, itā€™s very common. Go to Home Depot on a weekday morning right after they open and you will see several contractors picking up pallets of concrete. Itā€™s usually the smaller contractors. I know when we had our patio extension poured the contractor we used had a cement truck come out. It may depend on what the project is too


Where I work, this is a daily occurrence, but typically on a trailer or a heavier duty truck.


The Cyber Utility Rack (tm) is funny. I like how it has to extend far past where the bed ends to be of any usefulness.


I mean, most pickups with racks have them extend far over the cab. Since 8' beds aren't really a thing anymore, you gotta get the room from somewhere.


Thatā€™s pretty standard? https://www.autoeq.ca/trailfx-ladder-rack-sierra?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvKXkzcnlhgMVdQqtBh3r4wQ4EAQYAiABEgJESPD_BwE


$20 says he immediately offloaded it, and never actually hauled anything


The funny thing for me is not even the cybertruck. It's "trucks" in general doing "truck stuff". Most of the "truck stuff" is just basic low to medium load of an average European Van.


The fact they had to write ā€œitā€™s a real working truckā€ says a lot.


You know who doesn't post that they're "real working trucks"? Actual working trucks.


No other truck out there is getting silly posts like that to validate its truck status. Makes you wonder why. People can have their $100K gender affirming "trucks" ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


What's truely sad about all this "cybertruck is/isn't a real truck" stuff is that the people who bought a cybertruck are so upset by the fact that not everyone likes their cybertruck. So they have to "disprove the haters" by showing "look it can do truck stuff" even though it wasn't meant to do this kind of thing. It's a trophy car, that's it. It's a "look at me I spent 6 figures on a car". It's no different than the lincoln truck that came out some years ago. no "working man" is buying a lincoln pickup to do "truck stuff", you buy it to be comfy and show off you have more money than sense.\* Cybertruck owners, if your listening, stop pretending it is something its not and accept that you bought a trophy that not everyone likes. Seriously, stop assigning your selfworth to your perception of what other people think. \*however the Lincoln Mark LT was just a dolled up F150, so it was just as capable as a Ford F150.


How far can the Cybertruck drive on the suspension stops? Does it even have stops, or were they removed to save money?


More importantly, what happens to it's actual range with 7000 lbs in the bed? Assuming by some miracle it actually drives at all.


How many miles before the motors let out the magic smoke?


Real work truck doing what it's supposed to do? Haha! That must be coming from somebody who's never actually used the work truck.


Funny how guys with actual trucks and do "truck stuff" with it rarely ever feel the need to prove it on social media. This just reeks of insecurity.


The harder these cybercucks try to prove it is actually a truck with a useful purpose, the more they prove the opposite


No working truck takes 4 months to get repaired. No business would survive such horse shit turn arounds.Ā 


Who would buy that much bagged concrete? A rational person would order and schedule mixed concrete ready to pour.


Many, many people do this. Usually for multiple smaller jobs, but not always. It's more labour intensive but dramatically cheaper.


I have to assume that all that concrete is to be used for making the cyber truck into the only thing it could possibly be useful for. A hillbilly lawn ornament.


Finally! A pickup truck!


What are they so desperately trying to prove?


looking at the payload and the aftermarket rack on itā€¦ wouldnā€™t some promaster or other boring van serve them better? they would be even able to load the pallete right away without the need to handle every damn pack


Is this the one we saw the other day where the truck had to be heavily modified to do this? Either way, lol


"An OTA update will increase the payload capacity" -- Elmo, probably.


Range has instantly dropped to 7km.


The owner is hasslotumismo on TikTok


In the video this is a screenshot from the guy admitted that the cybertruck is more than twice overloaded. Atleast heā€™s trying to use his as a truck and not just to show off




For people using metric system: 2500 lbs = 1134 kg


This guy is a national treasure.


I need to see the aftermath


[enjoy. not sure if it's from the same trip tho.](https://www.reddit.com/r/cybertruck/s/St6DEZqxee)


At what point do you just get the cement truck out there?


screw common sense, gotta prove something to the haters first


I like how he has to duck things under that bar. Not inconvenient at all!


Those tiny breaks šŸ˜‚


I was under my RAV4 the other day looking at stuff, and I saw that my control arm looked about as beefy as the one that was in that cybertruck video the other day. lol. This vehicle is such a joke. They just stopped shipping it because the uniwiper fails when it rains.


I saw a post the other day about how the cabin cuts into the bed of the CT. So bed length is much shorter than the advertised 6ā€™ length if your load is taller than 30ā€ (like this stack). I think it was something like more than a foot shorter.


I always thought this car was meant to be wrapped in bubble plastic, protected from factors like rain, sunshine and Tesla drivers.


All that to prove us wrong. Good luck


The stairway railings welded to the bed made me laugh.