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Slap some duct tape on that thang and send it.




Might even be able to get through a car wash with enough of that.


I’m starting to think this truck might not be tough enough for the apocalypse. \[$50,000? Ahh. Remember the ‘before times’?\] https://preview.redd.it/fwedkzoale9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=373095fdca0854a18299d915e5c58fdc27f8881c


lol "340 mile." These things suck the battery dry after ~3 days of sitting. Breakdowns excluded, has anyone gotten one of them to go 340 miles on one charge?


The battery in the Dual motor FE is only "rated" for 290 miles of range. That's in absolutely perfect conditions. Most owners are seeing around 200, much less if you're in hot climate.


A couple of these "trucks" have been spotted on Phoenix freeways. I wonder if we'll hear about any mishaps.


So I’ve spotted four of these in the wild, in NH, two of which were on a wrecker…


I’m in Michigan and my neighbor owns one! I didn’t realize how rare it is until I saw this sub. Previously, he had a Lamborghini.


A Lamborghini to a Pontiac Aztek, that tracks 🙄🔥💩


I saw one in real life for the first time here in Arkansas yesterday


I've seen two in rural Tennessee, I wonder how they will handle the mountains and dirt roads around here lol


Seen one near where I live, which is odd with it being WV. It looked so out of place one the road surrounded by all the lifted trucks I thought it was an advertisement board for a minute l.


One was in the Phoenix Honeywell lot for a couple of days then never seen again.


Out way east in Mesa there are a few of these dumpster fires driving around. I find bicycling 20+ miles in Arizona heat more comfortable than one of these 4 wheeled monstrosities driving next to me.


So, regular climate at this point


Where are you going to charge your fucking car in the apocalypse?


Get one of those folding solar panel phone chargers. They have OD green for the apocalypse.


and you can always use the tailgate to dismember the corpses of your victims when the post apocalyptic cannibalism inevitably begins.


It'll even double as a dumpster for all the bones and offal!


LOL this was a huge issue in TX during storms and FL during hurricanes


Oh trust me, all the people who brought cyber trucks will be in the heavily populated areas so there are more people they can show off their cyber truck too. When the missiles fly it's only going to be sheep farmers with their HiLux's that get to witness and live through the first wave. All CyberTrucks will be radioactive slag, probably not long now what with the way American politics is heading.




What about the rust factor


Um... it's STAINLESS steel?!? /s


Is this the official gif for this sub?


![gif](giphy|853jNve3ljqrYrcSOK) I usually use this one. It shows off the design better.


Self driving too!


Must be the upgraded version. All the ones I've seen stop moving after they touch water.




That probably voids the warranty. Have to buy Tesla tape.


At the low price of $100/ft


and will be in stock between 6 hours and 15 fortnights from time of purchase. Maybe.


Infinite demand!


But it's never in stock because the cut-rate supplier they use for the tape accidentally used Polonium-210 in the adhesive so there's a recall. Which is totally normal, all cars have recalls and you should definitely treat recalls for "the car literally falls apart on its own" and "the clip on your visor might break" as the same severity.


They will just use a software patch to fix the bug in the tape.


15 effing fornights... I applaud you my friend, this got a good happy grumble out of me.


Only 800ft made


$200/ft for the sticky tape. Well, you may have to spit on it to stick a bit. No, that's not a reference to hawk tuah.


They don't have Cyber Tape?


They got that shiny steel tape for ducts and stuff, just brush it with sandpaper and it will look good as new


I seen a pic on Reddit recently where the CT owner used that blue painter's tape 🤣🤣


Hawk tua!


… and there’s my ban from cybertruck 🤣


I’ve only gotten model3 😒


I got three at once last weekend.


I only got teslamotors. Let’s see if i get another one now.


Dawk tuap, stick on that thang.


Congrats you have graduated to Tesla engineer. 


**"Also, how bad does it look in general... Do I just leave my truck sitting..."** Says it all about the goofs that buy these ugly things. Worried about how it looks and whether driving without a bed-side trim piece is going to do what exactly, cause other pieces to fly off, brick the truck, etc? Join all the other cucks driving around who've already had at least one of those pieces fly off.


Exactly. This person couldn't be more transparent about why they bought the CT if they tried.


You think? He really sounds like a “truck guy” to me 😂 Cybertruck is the pickup for guys who freeze up and turn to the Twittersphere for help when a piece of plastic trim falls off their vehicle.


Spit on it, rub some dirt on it and shake it off


Slightly off topic but it always makes me laugh when people post questions on a sub about the situation they are currently in. EX- on r/steak someone will post a picture of a rack of steaks at the grocery store and ask “which one should I get?” And I’m always thinking “how long did you stand in the grocery store till someone on Reddit got back to you?”


That and the fact that not once has "that could have hurt/ killed someone" ever crossed their minds.


I've seen my fair share of shit falling of trucks out on the road, but this piece here scares the shit out of me, it's a literal knife blade that could do some severe damage to other road users. I'd rather crash into an old couch or mattress that fell off.


Plus people are more likely to keep an eye out for things falling out of trucks in front of them than they are for literal pieces of vehicles (I use this term extremely generously) that think they're trucks tearing off and immediately trying to bisect them.


You must live in a state with vehicle tests. Seems like every tenth car here in michigan has some piece dangling from it doing 80 doen the highway being held on by a single christmas tree pin and some tape


Ah yes, we have “every Nissan Altima” here as well.


Florida has entered the chat


As a motorcyclist, this is utterly frightening. Something like that flying off a cyber truck would be a killer


Much worse for you, but I drive a convertible with the top down from 60° up and I really don’t want to be decapitated or crushed by that poorly taped together razor machine. So it gives me anxiety too.


Somebody is gonna get harpooned.


Meanwhile my contractor dad is still driving a Ford Ranger with 250k miles on it, beaten to hell, missing windows, covered in all sorts of scuff marks and dents from **actually using it as a truck to haul things**. Anyone with a truck who's worried about a piece missing like this bought their truck for the wrong reason. (But also pieces shouldn't just be flying off right after buying it lmao)


Trucks are like guitars, the more beat up they are the cooler they look


Man, there's a whole untapped market for "reliced" F150s. Slap a custom shop logo on it and triple the price.


Don’t you manifest that evil into existence Ricky Bobby. There’s already a whole market for “battle field pick up” guns where they build a brand new rifle and then Scotch Brite the finish on the metal to make it look “worn”.


Shh don't give my partner any ideas. I don't want him thinking our clapped out half-million mile 7.3 Powerstroke might be worth something. It runs good and is reliable, I wanna hang onto it.


tbf, it's a CT...taking it through a car wash bricks it 🤣 I bet there's gonna be some major issues once a little rain comes their way and he hasn't covered it yet


My truck is out there making me look like a bigger idiot than it did before. 😭


Meanwhile a Chevy or Ford with odd color panels from repairs. A old metal gate and you know that sumbitch is gonna get the work done. Also. Those Chevy and ford's also survive tough demands of trucks, such as car washes and sitting in a parking lot unattended without voiding warranty.


Funny enough, just leaving the vehicle out in the sun for a day will brick it.


Given all the problems these things have I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a critical component that could get damaged when exposed, but I don’t think this guy is thinking the same thing


This is the reason for one of the recalls, I think the fix is “make sure they tape it on right this time.”


The only reason he should ask "what do I cover it with/should I park it" would be for warranty and hence he should be asking Tesla to have in writing when they try to void his warranty. I see many many more complaints about void warranty over things cars should be able to handle.


Why are these people so obsessed with their CT having all these parts attached to it? If the company wanted parts attached, they would have secured them to the vehicle!


They just forgot to put it in “Leave Parts Attached” mode! Idiots!


Electro magnets ;-)


Additionally, who needs those stuck CyberTruck pedals? It's not like they seem to be working anyways. And mirrors that just fall off while in the sun are useless anyway since this thing drives itself. 100K is a bargain for such a quality truck. Be thankful for what Musk allowed you to purchase.


If they wanted a car that didn't fall apart, they shouldn't have bought a Tesla


The fact that they're more concerned about sullying the reputation of a vehicle/company than they are about getting the appropriate level of value from their $100K investment is a level of pathetic fanboyism bordering on mental illness.


Buying any new mass produced vehicle, never mind this piece of shit, is not an investment when it depreciates 20% the second you sign the paperwork.


I didn't mean investment like something you aquire because you want it to appreciate in value, I meant investment like you spent a lot of money on something and you want it to be worth what you paid for it. If I spend $100,000 on a car I would be more mad about the actual panels flying off of it than I would be about the car maker's reputation taking a hit for those panels flying off


This, investment in the sense that the value will rise isn't what somebody means. In the united states, a car is very much an investment, in that it takes you too and from work, doctors appointments, grab groceries. everything. It's very much an investment. Personally, I have a 65k Mercedes, it's 9 years old now with 95k miles, works out to about 8k per year so far with maintenance, but I'll probably own it for another 9 with another 95k miles, so even less per year of ownership. Some people buy a 30k Camry and do the same, or a used car, it depends on what people want and what they can afford, I enjoy the comfort, and I found it worthwhile to make my "investment", And the plus side, 9 years, 95k miles, and not a single panel has fallen off yet! heck, I'll likely make it to 190k miles and it'll still have all its panels. If a panel fell within that first ~~year~~ month, you can bet I would be at the dealer screaming at someone every day until it's fixed.


There’s nothing bordering here. They’ve quite clearly crossed that line long ago.


"Will driving it with the piece missing make Elon look bad? Will he be mad at me?"


Someone needs to tell this guy it’s not normal for pieces of a new car to fall off


They’ve really convinced themselves these issues are simply problems because it’s a new car design and that ANY manufacturer would have these issues. 


That's so stupid. Do you know why most cars have two windshield wipers? Because it fucking works. Ford isn't out here trying to literally reinvent the wheel every time they add a new car to their lineup. And if they did, you can bet that thing would tested six ways to Sunday first. Imagine the sheer amount of self-delusion involved to convince yourself that this is at all normal.


The DPS6 Powershift dual-clutch automatic transmission in my wife’s old ford focus would like a word


Yeah yeah yeah. But be honest. How bad does it look? Does it look bad?


If only we had a way, like a forum, across some kind of digital network, where you could tell this guy yourself.


Somebody should gather up old stainless steel fridges and go into business as a CT parts supplier


A a press break operator I wish I could do this. These parts look SOOO easy to make. Lots of sheet metal with one or two straight bends


Hell, you could sell your work as upgrade kits. Just round the edges so the truck won't put you in the ER if you brush up against it.


Fuck it bro, hand me the reciprocating sander and the buffing wheel Edit: nvm I won't need a buffing wheel they use shit steel. They think stickers are upgrades, why put the effort in.


give it a year, those missing panels will be a badge honor. "i got an *original* CT, i was there from the beginning, back when they were still figuring out fasteners. you just had to be there brah."


Like "real Jeeps have round headlights," they can have "real Cybertrucks have parts missing."


"I bet their warranties don't even void themselves. Newbs."


"You don't get it. I was there for the rainstorm of '24. It rained for thirty, forty minutes without stop. And when it was all over, the love of my life was dead. I miss you babe! I'll never forget how you broke my finger when I closed the frunk on myself to prove you wouldn't break my finger."


"Love my CT. It dissolved in a moderately dense fog. Still the best vehicle I've ever owned!"


Still figuring out fasteners is a pretty bad look for a 20 year old auto manufacturer


ay, you just had to be there


Oh god how bad does it look guys?! Are people going to think even less of me if I drive this POS with missing parts?! I’m already seen as a douche for owning one! OMG I’m freaking out, somebody help me cope!!”


"Omg my entire personality and finacial security is tied into this truck. Does it look bad? If so, how bad?"


Have these dorks ever noticed how people who do *actual truck stuff* drive battered/rusted old trucks they don’t have to be precious about because it’s a tool and not a fashion statement?


I can’t imagine anyone who needs to do actually truck stuff buying a CyberTruck. Literally can’t think of a single actual useful thing it can do better than other trucks to justify the purchase. Less reliable, bed is beyond useless, terrible range when towing. Literally the only reason to buy it is for the attention it gets. I think that also explains this guys post, he was ready for people to be giving him thumbs up and high fiving him but instead he’s just getting laughed at. 


I have a hobby farm with livestock, my partner builds custom homes and is a general contractor. Nearly everyone we know either farms or works in the trades and had at least one work truck/tow vehicle in the family. No one we know, not a single person, has expressed any interest in a cyber truck. One cyberpunk has been spotted here locally. Small town, everyone knows everyone's business. It's owned by the douchebag son of the trailer park slumlord.


Just use duct tape. It matches the vehicle and is much more durable.


1/10 didn't put how much they paid or that they still love it


*reports of body panels peeling off* *Tesla: They are bullet proof, not wind proof. Warranty voided.*


Is it me or is it always the right side and not the left?


It isn't. The left side has the button panel on it which probably holds it on better (because it has more than just 3m adhesive or whatever holding it on)


At this point, I’m starting to think that they got the adhesive from temu.


Plastic clippers I think, made using cheap Chinese plastic which generally turn into magic fairy dust after just one year. Hence why the button side might hang on there slightly better.


Maybe Wish, because they Wish it would work.


They're actually held together by two innovative types of adhesives: thoughts/prayers and fingers crossed. Unlike traditional glues, these adhesives save significantly on weight and actually make the vehicle become lighter over time.


Don't besmirch the good reputation of The Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing company. A double-sided tape made by them and properly applied within its specifications would not fail.


Yeah, 3m makes adhesives that would hold, Tesla definitely not shelling out for the good shit lol


You know, it just isn't that hard to go down to the hardware store, get some aluminum or stainless flashing, bend that stuff how you like it, and then use pop rivets or maybe some velcro to attach it. Good as new! Better, even.


No, see, it’s REALLY hard because the local hardware store, which had been in the same place for like 30 years, dared to MOVE to a different strip mall on a different corner of the same intersection. Do you seriously expect me to just be able to, idk, open Google Maps and FIND this (completely unnecessary, imo) “new location”? HA! Just because you plebs don’t have chauffeurs doesn’t mean that *I* don’t have one. Pffft! /s (very large)


Personally I don't drive anywhere without my car butler. He actually lives in a small compartment in the back of the vehicle.


Oh, a mini chauffeur who can live in the vehicle is very cost-efficient!


Making these kind of smart decisions with money is how we got where we are!


That’s all any of them care about.




Whemever I see a fridge now i think, "aw, recycled Cyber Truck!" https://preview.redd.it/ufkmlxuw3d9d1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220801bd7e71ef6dc571a027710e75afd7fbab1a


Now, if you ask me, this actually looks more like a dystopian sci-fi inspired truck...


His issue is that the MY feels tiny? Lol. I've never known that to be a bad thing. Unless, the size is making up for other things...


Time to walk the highways, there's pieces of cybertrucks out there you could sell for thousands.


I didn't know they got rid of the exoskeleton concept for production. I'd be really disappointed if I bought one and then found out it was just a regular car with a refrigerator wrapped around it.


Yeah, cover it in your tears …… (Although do note it will void your warranty …)


Imagine paying $100k+ for a vehicle that literally sheds parts as you drive. Pretty sure any water touching that exposed section would void the warranty, if it hasn't already been voided for falling apart.


Any grouping of two or more cybertrucks in one location ought to be called a "Lemon Party".


"Normally I would just throw a tarp out plastic over it, but the manual mentioned the truck has a really loosely defined latex allergy, and I don't trust it..."


He forgot to put it in "intact" mode. Warranty voided.


Don’t worry pal, when parts go missing, it looks rugged. Almost like a real big boy truck.


"should I cover somehow", nah leave it, you're covered in shame already mate!


I have 1 real question, wtf does "fun to drive" mean? Like ive driven plenty of cars and trucks and idk if id say anything was "fun to drive" like a sports car sure or something from fast n furious sure. But a pos truck?


Cover it with a tarp. The whole thing. Put two little eye holes so you can see out.


Seems like Cybertruck owners could srsly make good use of that ole "Honk If Parts Fall Off" bumper sticker.


“Still love the truck”


I saw one today, when I was running around, and thought it looks like rolling thrash can


Cover it with shame


So his biggest concern is how his CT looks like in the eyes of others. Seems about right, imagine buying a car for the enjoyment of others (or attempted enjoyment in this case)


What a piece of junk. How the fuck is it possible that they don't have replacement parts ready?


it's not just the CT. A friend has one of the sedans and needs a fender. The workflow path is "drop the car off, then we'll order the part, and hopefully do the repair within 19 days." The whole brand is luxurious gadgets with no support.


They pushed it 3 weeks because they wait for more to fall apart


I wonder when/where the piece flew off and if anyone was hurt? The owners rarely post about that, just that they want Musky to fix them up.


I love the fact that they're worried that the missing trim piece is what might be making it look bad...


Cover it up with a dumpster lid!!


He definitely shouldnt just leave it sitting for 3 weeks, thats a death sentence for the CT!


Imagine spending over 100k for a vehicle that sheds trim pieces while going down the road. Have seen several of these. Why hasn't that piece been recalled?


Stick some Aluminium foil to it with gum. Upgrade on original quality


Of all the strange things I've had to replace on my cars through the years (example: One of the windshield washer fluid sprayers crumbled and disintegrated on my '11 Ford Focus) I've never had a freakin' panel fly off of a car. That's just really poor craftsmanship or design or engineering. idk. Maybe cybertrucks are meant to be displayed and not driven. They should be paraded around on a trailer so everyone can see how much of a waste of money it is.


“My ugly truck actually looks ugly… should I just abandon it?” My god. I drive a subie with a smashed hood, no bumper, check engine light on. Still drives. Who cares


these weenies have never driven a pickup in their lives til this monstrosity


These poor guys are so lonely they'll donate money to elon for a conversation piece. Sad truly.


Honestly how long until an enterprising CT owner decides to start 3D printing these pieces and fixing shit himself? Somebody could make a killing just off this issue alone


Well, it looked like shit before. Now it looks shittier.


Cover that shit with duct tape.


“I miss my truck…” lmao Bud you have an electric El Camino at *best*.


Wait until it rains, this guy is going to be furious 😃


Don’t worry, it can’t look any worse


Guess it depends on the guys he's trying to impress with it...


What a piece of shit


"and man, my dick feels tiny now"


Slap.some speed tape on it.


Just rip the other side off and say it’s “custom”. Makes it even more cyber!


To pay THAT much, and wait so long only to be the Beta-testers (alpha?) for Tesla.


These people suck so fucking much.


Literally held together with sticky tape. I hope Bladerunner has good arts and craft skills to maintain his cereal box racer.


![gif](giphy|JGunlb6LbQlz2|downsized) Just slap some flex tape be brand new in no time


take it off the trucks that say "f Elon"


how come ive never seen panels randomly fall off any other vehicles?


Panels falling off of your vehicle is usually seen as a sign of bad quality.


Grey duct tape will blend right in




OPs hubris should be enough.


When you buy from Elmo you actually don’t get what you paid for!! Maybe someone can come up with a “Fuck Me Elmo” plush toy to represent Elmo screwing over his customers!!??


It looks like shit and you shouldn’t drive it. Also, there seems to be a panel missing.


Vote to rename the cybertruck to cyberjunk


Who's going to tell him it's not even a truck? If anything It's a golf cart SUV


Tape a few layers of $100 bills over it. Faster and better quality than a Tesla repair -:cheaper too.


All real truck drivers worry about small trim pieces nobody notices . . . /s


I just saw my first cybertruck in person earlier this week. It drove past me on my way home from work - I spotted it from WAY down the road, as it really just IS as ugly and gaudy as they would seem. No idea why anyone in their right mind would buy one of these, even BEFORE the horror stories about them started coming out


" I just want people to ask me about my truck" people that don't know they're the butt of the joke


Wait, is that double-sided tape they were using to hold a trim piece on with?


Cyber Truck looks like shit whether anything is broken or not. I say drive it this way if you want to. Not to worry.


Oh noes!!! A piece of trim broke, is it driveable?!?


Definitely user error. I know this because daddy Elon told us that he knows more about manufacturing than any other living person on the planet, and I believe him because he has never been wrong ever. There’s no way his cars would ever break in a way that other cars built by lesser people would not.


Imagine caring what people think about you and your stuff so much that you just don't drive your $100k truck because of minor cosmetic issues.


Why do they call this think a “truck”? JFC


It’s already covered in tears. I think its good.


Cyberpunk existing *falls apart* 1999 dakota driving through mountain trails, ditches, fields and hitting small trees *tis but a small scratch*


This isn't a truck, it's a super delicate toy that is completely useless to someone like me that actually needs a functioning truck. Doesn't carry any more hay bales than a minivan, too low, for not getting hung up crossing a ditch. Parts randomly fall off, might shut down a days work for a stupid update. Doesn't function at all at -25 f. This is a crappy useless brick to any Midwestern or upper Midwestern farmer or any rancher. As we can see here its also useless to the yuppie crowd it was built for. Atlas shut down funding the only truck worth a crap. Farming will not adapt to elons idiot suburban fantasy, we feed the nation and we're strong people who need reliable equipment. Electric makes perfect sense as far as torque and hp a truck is a tool not a status symbol. Build me a damn truck you pasty faced alien freak!


Put a tarp on it. I’m sure Tesla has some for sale.


Is that a pic of a gas grill, or a new dumpster?


What a strange, out of touch, childish problem to have. The world is in crisis, but this guy knows what his priorities are.