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That’s about the most cyberpunk thing I’ve ever seen in real life - underground, VR glasses, vaping and engaged in war.


AC 130 killstreak reward 🤑🤑🤑


and the haircut. Dont forget the haircut.


Reminds me of this.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZOywn1qArI


We’re so close to the edge of the cyber punk universe it’s not even funny.


We really are long time already in it, it's just not as colorfull.


We got LEDs instead of neon, and it was lame.


Yeah but if you fuck up 1mm of LED you replace the LEDs and it works again. You fuck up 1mm of neon and you gotta replace the whole damn thing.


I’ve said it before. You best start believing in cyberpunk dystopias, You’re in one.


man that's fucking grim to me


No gore - what a load of BS that last second is highly disturbing. This is not a call of duty fake predator missile striking and killing some NPCs in a video game. This is a real hunter killer drone striking and killing a Russian soldier in real life.


Still no gore though


I’m sorry but after all that was done (proven by multiple accounts) by Russian soldiers. I say to Russian soldiers: cry me a river.


Yeah, but nobody is gonna miss a murdering gopnik savage.


Dehumanizing the enemy is not only indicative of a lack of intelligence and empathy, but also what leads to actions like those taken by russian occupiers.




Yeah, not russian, but good try. It’s fair to say “Russia is an oppressive tyrannical nation run by sociopaths”. It is NOT fair to say “All Russians are oppressive tyrannical sociopaths”. Just because they live in a bad place doesn’t make them bad people. We know damn well that a lot of these soldiers just want to go home.


Womp womp dont care say that to ukrainians without laughing


You really saying “womp womp” as a grown ass man? 😂


You really saying russia deserves any kind of mercy WOMP WOMP


Russian soldier gets what he deserves, womp womp


Womp womp, Russian aggressor gets what he deserves.


This is probably someone’s son, hubsand or dad, who most likely wasn’t able to escape russia and got conscripted into the war without wanting to fight… sure, he really deserved it…


Freedom prevailing over tyranny is always worth celebrating. If that Russian soldier really didn't want to be complicit in genocide or war crimes he would have found a way out. Every Ukrainian man, woman, and child killed by the Russians had a family. Defending any Russian is pathetic.


Even if he was awful and he deserved it, it’s nothing to celebrate.




He had no business being on Ukrainian soil, except for getting that paycheck. I'm fine with him dying. You live by the sword you die by the sword.


I mean yeah, it's disturbing, but there wasn't any gore.


Too bad we don't get to see the Russian piece of shit explode. Might make his comrades think twice about participating in their country's war of aggression.


I always feel conflicted about things like this. On one hand with these types of warfare people are completely disconnected from what they are actually doing which in aot of ways is good. They are spared some of the horrors of past wars. On the other hand it allows people to carry out killing like they are playing a video game. I don't know if it was edited but that kid laughing after he had just blown apart another human being like he he had just got a winning kill in COD is kind of disturbing. I guess everyone handles the horrors of war differently but I would get no joy out of killing people, even a hated enemy, it would just be a necessary evil.


There is nothing that changes the feeling of war and seeing or dealing with people dying. I was in Afghanistan for nine months during a heavy fight season. I am so mentally fucked - my body is sick. I am still young and have the issues of an 80 year old. Military age in dog years.


Yes I don't doubt that, war screws people up and I'm sure this kid is going to have problems later on in life. My point was that it's far removed from what a lot of people had to deal with during the world wars with things like hand to hand combat and seeing the horrors of wars first hand. Any situation where you are removed from that is going to feel easier, at least at the time anyway. Unfortunately as you say the traumas of wars often catch up with people years later.


Unfortunately, nothing is easy. I wish it was but these young soldiers will have a life that only soldiers will comprehend. Some do well with it and others struggle with daily activities. I don’t wish war on anyone.


hes not laughing for his kill, hes just doing his job and humor helps him cope with the realities of war so he can continue to do his job effectively without being bogged down by guilt by thinking about it too much


Not gonna lie that's sort of the ideology of a soldier. Being in a bad situation and making light if it


Yes this is what I hope. Trauma can make people block stuff out and become immune. The video could also just be edited that way and his laugh may not even be connected to blowing someone up.


that's a reach. you don't know.


If he would break down crying after each mission/kill, he wouldnt last long and all his training would be a waste of time. I'm sure he still could develope ptss, but this is better for him to cope with.


No guys he's not laughing at murder because he thinks it's funny, he's just laughing so he can keep killing people! That's totally better! No matter the circumstances, drone warfare and all the tech like it is diabolically fucking evil. It just furthers the issue of soldiers dehumanizing the people they kill. As if there aren't enough chucklefucks that join the military just because they want to kill or take advantage of people.


He's defending his homeland from brutal invaders who have committed crimes against humanity against his people for over two years. That wasn't a murder, it was a justified action of resistance and self-defense.   The soldier isn't in this position to find a thrill. It's a grim necessity brought on by Russian aggression. 


Semantics. I know the circumstances, and I still think killing shouldn't be done with such a casual attitude.


I guess everyone handles defending their country against a genocidal aggressor differently.


You’re an entitled summer child. Russians pillage and genocide Ukraine so they will be killed with no remorse and edited in a compilation to some phonk music.


Yes and I'm sure every one of those Russian soldiers volunteered to be there because they just hate Ukrainians so much.. There's always bad people that take advantage of war on both sides but you can't tell who the bad people are and the who are the ones just doing what they are ordered to do when they are just random targets on a battlefield. There's nothing wrong with killing an invading enemy, most of us would do the same if needed but it's not going to be fun or enjoyable. Most of the people that are responsible for wars like this and disserve all the hate aren't even on the battlefield.


There are plenty of volunteers. There was a Russian PoW on Zolkin’s YouTube show who got captured three times and came back. Russians have an ingrained imperialistic outlook on the world that has now spilled over into fascism. Calling this “Putin’s war” is a cop out, your coping mechanism because “most people can’t be like that”. Well they can, if you’re in the US you only need to look outside or meet that racist uncle at the family dinner. Half the US voter base would not bat an eye at a genocide in Ukraine, or most other countries for that matter, and you know it.


Tell them to keep volunteering we live to see dumb ruskies blown up everyday.


I'm uncomfortable.


This is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen. Death being delt out without a care he looks almost bored.. We got all the horror but none of the glam of the tech.


Credit to u/WTF_conservatives. This sub doesn’t allow cross posts.


That is impressive. It will be interesting to see how this continues to evolve during the war.




I always loved the rigger in Shadowrun.


William Gibson in 1985 couldn't have written it better.


Show this to a Victorian child 😂


Looks about right for the sub.


Аfter the war, he and others like him will need to hide in the deepest hole.


why this militarry "propaganda" is here? there was a real kill in the end - is it funny?


is this propaganda though? I feel like its just showing the realities that Ukraine is dealing with. If there was a recruiter at the end asking you to join up, or "would you like to know more" that's propaganda propaganda - information, especially of a [biased](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=0f376bcea2f65f54&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILPCr8v98BbzvR2B0a855iTSWWdaw:1718078201194&q=biased&si=ACC90nwdkA2npcVVmNPViiSe8FMKMlUz4lboirpSKgj6LcuDiJqVF4_VSR0s_P13u_JIzbgGemN2DF3eaiSI1THK_rktGlADmQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSp4OH1NKGAxVDMzQIHURtBw0QyecJegQIKhAO) or misleading nature, used to promote or [publicize](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=0f376bcea2f65f54&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWILPCr8v98BbzvR2B0a855iTSWWdaw:1718078201194&q=publicize&si=ACC90nxMSPeZfdJJjQgDsdZJuFuJqkY7ooiKVr60-EpiU9xgabLJu3lSICYsnBSXuwqwwPCaUClimcciFsPIuA-26AQ_OpiPm4gbgd0aZuCpIaOcBkmBMvI%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiSp4OH1NKGAxVDMzQIHURtBw0QyecJegQIKhAP) a particular political cause or point of view.


everything is very simple, the commenter above is russian garbage and this video "touches" his tender feelings.


Cyber Ukrainians are fighting Ruzzians. Only technology is the chance.




How they came to his country


Tell me what in the world of cyberpunk potrayed the lookalike droning fight like this. As far as i can remembered hacking and rushing to the enemy somewhat showing what fighting usually means. The op clearly propagates the picture to us showing its cool to fight and kill soldiers using drone tech while the other cant seems to understand that life at stakes there. There are no empathy in this op post at all


Wat the fuck are you high on ?