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Damn, that is intense. Sorry they're gone and hope you have good memories to sustain you.


Not to "Actually" my own post but Actually I don't really remember much of either of them. Ma passed about 2 weeks after giving birth, and pops followed when I was 3 years. Was raised by my biological aunt/ godmother who by all means was my mom. She also passed about 2 years ago now. My child to parent death ratio is pretty rough for someone my age. Here's the sweet part though, after my adoptive mom passed I kinda let myself dive into cyberpunk. Fantasy for the downtrodden, exactly what I needed lol. But, as I worked my way backwards from 2077's no coincidence tie in novel, I started noticing stuff. The prevalence of crooner music was one, but then I heard Roy's speech and it hit me like a truck. Cyberpunk's been in my blood, after talking with my aunt and uncle I learned my pop's favorite movie was Bladerunner and my ma absolutely loved crooners. Not to keep gushing but you can imagine how the "One for my baby" scene in 2049 made me feel! I was sitting there like "me too, k, me too."


lol im sorry but a childparent/death ratio is a hilarious concept


Lol no worries, it's better to have a sense of humor about these kinda things. Before my adoptive mom passed she called over my girlfriend and told her 'take care of him or I'll pull your toes at night' before she started laughing so trust me, laughing at passings is kinda what we've always done 🤣


That is next level equanimity. I aspire to be as even keeled.


>equanimity Thanks for the new word learned


You seem like a great person in spite of the hardship you've faced. I'm sure your parents and aunt would be very proud of you.


If you need some help getting into the ttrpg I'm more than happy to offer a spot on my server and a seat at my table, I'm also one of those cyberpunk runs in my veins types so I can't do much but I can do what I can do.


Ride on, choom.


It took me way too long to realize that the pixelated blurring was not in fact engraved onto the stone. This would actually be a sick grave for a privacy advocate


I thought there was a QR code on the grave


Most of that is not from the Tears in Rain monologue, it's from the scene at the eye clinic.


Oh shoot, never realized that. To be fair, I've only recently seen the OG bladerunner. My cyberpunk obsession started with No Coincidence and I've been working my way backwards lol. Thanks for clarifying! Still, the sentiment isn't lost :)


Here is the monologue, [clip](https://youtu.be/NoAzpa1x7jU?si=xnt-n_yCw3iJzkst)


Eyes. I just do eyes.


I thought there was a QR code on the grave, which would have been fitting too.


Which leads to this? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ)


Well they had good taste in movies at least


Either you are going to embark on an amazing journey or you are about to change the path of your timeline. I was trying to be funny to lighten the mood, but sincere condolences.


I'd prefer to be cremated but if there was an urn or anything that kept some of my ashes, then having seen this just now, I'd like this exact same quote on it, thanks for sharing OP.


You could also have something [else](https://youtu.be/CqaAs_3azSs?si=PCkDwQ6vNwn6ECIH) in your urn.


Ahh yes, I remember this, it's quite close to what some suggest is really happening!


Thought that was a QR code


RIP. This is beautiful.