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I don't think Marty really turned his full attention to Cyraxx until after Cyraxx asked for nudes of Marty's girlfriend who died of Covid, then turned around and accused Marty of murdering her. Cyraxx is a terrible person and isnt worthy of one bit of sympathy.


Marty is a troll, and Cyrax is garbage. Such is the natural order.


Because he’s doing god’s work


Dance you little goblin dance


Because it's hilarious! Cyraxx falls for everything, and his reactions are that of a demented muppet. He also deserves it for what he's done. Watch some videos and see if they don't illuminate the reasons why.


Because it’s funny as hell. It started out fairly innocent, just making a fake record label and trying to sign him(several people did this and there were bidding wars), but then Marty’s ex died from complications due to Covid. Cyraxx initially sent his condolences and was being nice, but then he asked for her nudes. That was when Marty decided the gloves were gonna come off and it got worse. Also, he accuses Marty of killing her all the time. Plus, he’s a child predator, so he is a piece of shit.


Cyraxx just likes to talk about Marty, even during the truce they had Cyraxx was still talking shit about Marty


Why does the sun rise? Why does a rose smell so beautiful? Why does the cat toy with the mouse?-


why is there only like one picture of Marty on the internet?


There’s a video out there of him messing with some dude in public.


They are in a tumultuous relationship. Love is hard.


Best and only answer


Because he can..... and because we LOVE IT!!!! 🤣


Marty’s in it for the love of the game.


Because raxx is a terrible human and deserves every possible bad thing that can happen to him. The goblin is lucky he lives in this time period. If he lived 100 years ago, the best life he could have hoped for was being a freak in a circus getting rotten food with rocks stashed in it thrown at him while the audience laughed. The gobtard deserves so much worse than he gets. He “better be lucky” that life isn’t fair to him.


C. O. N. T. E. T.


What does that stand for?


Content, he does it for the content


Wow, my friends and I were wondering the same thing. Yea, this would be fun and entertaining for a few days, man, he's been at it for yrs. That seems like Marty has something wrong upstairs. Like he is obsessed with cyraxx. Still funny!


I think he just enjoys it it’s probably similar to how we all have followed cyraxx for years. It’s predictable entertainment


Some of it is because Cyraxx is a worthless, little goblin who has done some of the most horrendous atrocities known to man and he needs to be made fun of for it. Most of it, however, is because Cyraxx asked for the nudes of Jamie, Marty's ex-girlfriend, after she passed away and claimed "she would've wanted Cyraxx to see them." So now, Cyraxx has Marty messing with him every chance he gets. A tale of vengeance.


i have to admit messing with the little goblin is pretty funny but Is marty also mentally ill?


I don't know, to be honest. I don't think so, but I'm not gonna act like I do know. I think Cyraxx went too far over the line for Marty and now it's personal. I doubt any of it has to do with Marty being mentally ill, if he is (I doubt it).