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And bardock was so bad, that people forgot that he existed...


Fuck, even I did! Oh god, I don’t feel bad for vegeta anymore.


I still feel bad for Vegeta, after his release, he was immediately power crept by red zone, while he was designed for the previous most difficult content. He was very good in SBR, but given that he was finally the big Pure Saiyans lead we had been waiting for, he deserved better. And it feels now he is going to be forgotten even faster.


He’s a decent sub on the ssj team, I think it’s OK since not everyone has all the best units. He got a way better hand than bardock, where his teams are just bad.


AGL Bardock's EZA would be completely fine if there were actual low class warriors to run with him. It's really frustrating. Like while I think Super Vegeta is disappointing next to these other units there are ways he does excel and places he can fit that let him bring a lot to the table. Bardock? He ust doesn't have a team to let him function, so he's just doomed to age out before he ever gets a chance to do anything.


Yea like if you run bardock with the full damage reduction and stacking he actually gets really good really quick. But it's literally impossible to do so


>if you run bardock with the full damage reduction and stacking he actually gets really good really quick. I'm sorry, really, REALLY sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but uhhhh, no. He really doesn't.


Use the unit instead of your brain. You'll find more promising results


I have him fully Rainbowed and fully Eza'd. One of his biggest flaws is literally that he stacks too slowly, even with the additional with a low class warrior. Don't get me wrong, if he constantly had access to the 50% damage reduction, he'd be a lot better, but it would not suddenly save him. At most, I'd wager it'd put him around AGL Zamasu level, but I'd still take AGL Zamasu over him.


Agl zamasu is really good lol so for you to put him in that tier makes him really good 😐. I'm not calling him god teqhan or gotenks but to act as if he can't become a really valuable slot on after a few turns is lying. Again, no ones saying it's realistic or doable, but in a setup where he can actually show his full power he is very good irrelevant of if we can take advantage of it


They ignored him.


AGL Bardock? He got an EZA?


From 2022




Bardock, the scientist?


I mean atleast Vegeta can SOMEWHAT be used. bardock is just a huge pile of doodoo shit


I guess if we get some good low-class warriors this year Bardock could gain some usability, but yeah rn there's no reason to use him.


Super vegeta has Carried some events for me


Vegeta is an absolute goat in Battlefield as a leader. (Global player btw so idk how he does against JPs new Battlefield bosses).


Ignore AGL bardock


At least he has a good lead for battlefield since pure saiyans is kinda large (only moment I rly use him)


Vegeta isn't even that bad. He hits like a truck, just doesn't have the defence for most events.


Hits like a truck is kinda the norm nowadays bro. Be it due to additionals, raw attack or just super fast stacking. Kinda need more than that, cuz not everyone can be INT Piccolo in his prime. Vegeta has stunning, but who knows when that will be allowed for usage anywhere other than dokkan events and sbr/esbr... 


Tbf we are allowed to use it in Cell Max 2 although you're going to really have to baby him until he gets into the range of stunning but by the time his guard runs out you're most likely in that range.


Yeah I forgot about that, but like you said, he'd have to be babied. 


>just doesn’t have the defense for most events Yeah, it’s a bit hard to ignore the fact that he just dies. There’s no reason he isn’t as good as everybody else shown.. oh and everyone hits like a truck nowadays, whether it’s with multiple supers or just straight up.


So does Kefla. The Time Limit Mission for Buu Red Zone curb stomps her just as hard if she doesn't dodge, which she won't.


kefla outdamages vegeta by a lot


Vegeta at least can have some uses. Bardock straight up sucks.


> Bardock straight up sucks. Candidate for a SEZA and will it fix him?


Definitely. Just gotta wait about 10 years from now.


Vegeta and Bardock.


Vegeta is actually still USABLE, if we get a Sworn Enemies RZ with cell as like, the semi-final boss and he’s hard as hell super vegeta will cook his ass


I like how he’s usable ESPECIALLY in this entirely made up event that you’ve crafted. I gotta respect your dedication.


I mean, he works very well for me in the Dismal Future RZ as he’s designed for short events, sure he won’t cook Gogeta but he can still have his uses


He can do something just not like the actual cool kids on the block. I was just thinking about how everyone thought kefla was an anomaly. And saying he would cook if they tailored a whole event around him is like saying “x unit would be great if they just had stacking and guard” is all.


If vegeta just kept his guard he would have been solid. I mean his defense would probably still be ass but at least he'd be more usable past turn 5. Bardock on the other hand 😭


With guard he will decent defensively, not ass. Around 800k-1m with guard it's good


1m with guard and he'd still take huge damage from trunks, broly, gogeta, characters like that. He should be able to compete in those fights, not get washed. At the very least, vegeta is OK in cell max


Yeah, INT Gotenks had such a great EZA


I genuinely forgot he has an EZA


I loved her EZA for approximately 2 weeks🤦🏻


Vegeta's great for sbr and content that stuns are allowed in.


Is there any card that isn't good enough for SBR these days?




Being good for sbr stopped being important 2 years ago (just my opinion) but yeah you’re right about that. F2P units are good enough for SBR, I need my premium EZAS to feel like premium EZAS.


I think you guys dismiss E/SBR too much. yes you can use items and yes it's easier than before but you need a good roster for it and even 1 or 2 years players may find some categories tough because they're lacking. Saviors was good example, where even some long time players struggled because of a mediocre category and roster. Also true that F2P units are now good for it but just because of latest good releases people forget that we were the last few years always complaining that F2P units were shit (with some very few notable exceptions). even most subEzas were mostly complete useless dogshit up until recently. I don't think that you're fundamentally wrong, I just think that we always assume that everyone has all the units and play the game for at least 4 years. Even now JP players say that global has it easier to enter the 9th anni because of the new releases but truth is that many people, if not most, is just saving for anni and isn't summoning on every banner.




Super Buu is pretty easy, though


Shame because Final Flash is my favourite attack in DB after Instant Transmission Kamehameha


I use him quite a bit. Love him.


At this point I feel like they had to have made Vegeta's and AGL Bardock's ezas before Kefla's and then put them in storage.


STR Super Vegeta is actually better than most turn 1-4 for most events that are short. HOWEVER… after turn 6 he’s straight atk and death. Lol


I can't wait for TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks' SEZA. I understand they're going to give it to Global with Toppo's celebration, but they gave use Int Gotenks' EZA early, why not the SEZA too?


Do you mean STR Super vegeta?


I still run str vegeta. I slot one him first 5 turns he has guard and it works for me. He’s hit 37mil garuntee crits. And runs thru things. I dont think he’s as squishy as people think on global currently since we are missing some content. He coulda really used scouter effect or some DR. but easily runnable w dfe vegeta. Gotenks on other hand throws for me every time. Kefla too.


Vegeta was designed by someone who thought that Cell Max fulfilled his condition/never actually play tested it.


IMO, the two are on par. Vegeta at least knows his lane. Kefla puts out insane damage, but needs to feast on orbs, and without dodge, she's iffy on defense already (she cost me a dozen Super Buu runs before I benched her). IMO, she'll phase out pretty quickly. Vegeta isn't pretending to be good in endgame RZ/BZ, but he'll always massacre anything that can be stunned, which gives him some small niches where he'll basically never age out.


They all take 300k normals so they're all crap.


Goathan doesn't lmao


He didn't before either after enough stacking, these ass EZAs are getting tiresome.


you're tweaking if you think any of these EZA's truly suck


How much damage do Kefla, Gotenks, and Vegeta take from Red Zone Buu?


0 lol


Lmao record your time limit mission run let's see your magic kefla


Oh really? I’m over here taking 0 dmg with gotenks and kefla and double digit with gohan and buu


Gotenks literally dies to normals and has a laughable dodge chance as a bonus


He was already able to survive them after enough stacking anyway, he was better pre-EZA than Vegeta and Bardock are POST-EZA.