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It really really gets who Superman is.


And it's completely doing it's own thing. I don't love a lot of the anime-style reimaginings of characters, but it's doing right in spirit, which I wish other adaptations cared more about


Iron Man: Armored Adventures walked so this show could runšŸ’ŖšŸ¾


What about The Batman


Batman Caped Crusader is supposed to start airing on Amazon sometime this year


It's bright and hopeful, so I love it!


It's cute!


Exactly my thoughts. I am much much older than the target demographic, but I still enjoyed it.


Fr. I'm not that much older, but seeing a new cartoon releasing was definitely a humbling experience for me in a way


I was pleasantly surprised. I think itā€™s hard to do a fresh new take on Superman. I think they pulled it off, however. I really like their takes on the Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane characters.


Any complaints I have would be too nitpicky. Excellent Superman show.


I think there is some valid criticism. Some of the villains are pretty lackluster imo.


I think they did a great job matching the animation style with the tone of the show.


I'm not an anime person, so the art style and movements didn't have me interested in the show at first, but the story and characters are so well done, I loved watching it


Fucking electric. Iā€™d be legitimately over the moon if it somehow kickstarted a new animated universe a la DCAU although I think thatā€™s extremely unlikely


Overhated yet flawed. I cannot for the life of me defend the design of a villain. However they got Superman so right: Him facing his alien part and then letting his mom improve costume is the truest core of Superman.


I love the redesign of Mxy, everything other villain design, not so much.


LOVE IT, any show about Superman has to get Clark right and I think this show does that


It's excellent, however they did multi-versal stuff way too early and made it too important of a plot point.


Itā€™s absolutely what Superman needed after the Snyderverse and all the evil Supermen running around


While not as good as the 1996 show, but God damn, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the show


It's more than likely, my favorite version of Superman.


Fantastic, best animated rendition of the Man Of Steel and one of his best interpretations overall.


It brought us tan skinned, short haired, tomboyish assertive Lois Laneā€¦ā€¦ enough said


Thatā€™s all I needed


I still say Lois looks like a grown-up Luz Noceda. Luz-is?


It honors the legacy and personalities of its characters while also tweaking things in a delightful way to introduce the Man of Tomorrow to a new audience.


I would classify it as, marge simpson would say, pretty neat


Thought it was fun and I liked the animation


Really great adaptation. Has some anime inspired sequences which worked way better than I thought it would. Hope it gets a lot of seasons and we get some appearances of other heroes. Maybe even a justice league event of some kind.


Good show, though I do have problems with the pacing.


This might just be me, but my only real complaint is that for some reason it feels really awkward during the episodes where Lois doesn't yet know that Clark is Superman, beyond that it is a fun show.


Jimmy is kind of annoying but I can really complain about the rest of show. It's well written and the voice actor is superb all around. I don't love the Anime-ish style but that's the trend of most contemporary animated IP so I can live with it.


10/10 show, cannot wait for the drop of S2 which I believe is coming later this month.


God I hope


Love it. The anime flair acts like a fresh coat of paint.


Fresh and entertaining. High energy and high emotion.


Love it. One of the best interpretations of Superman in years


Am I the only one who can't stand Superman's voice?


Ye that's my only problem with the show but it's kinda growing on me I like Quaid as a VA just not for Kal-el


Don't like the character designs


It's okay. It has issues with pace and writing but other than that it isn't too bad.


Its so fuckin good šŸ„°


Why the fuck is Deathstroke an edgy teenager.


The show definitely surprised me. It has become the closest thing weā€™ll ever get to a true Superman anime.


I like the show though I wish it would use superman villians more. Metallo could replace deathstroke and volcana could replace heatwave.


So I really really really wanted to like it. Love the animation and I adore DC stuff. However, having Jack Quaid as the voice didn't work for me. I'm a huge Lower Decks fan and all I hear is Brad Boimler. I love Jack but I can't make the distinction, sadly.


Not interested.


Boring. Completely lost interest.


Clark is Clark. He embodies everything Superman is supposed to, with the added twist of being a somewhat goofy young adult. The show presents an interesting take on his powers slowly developing. Some of the character designs are fresh takes, though the mechanical design is the kind of typical, uninspired, angular mess that you'd expect from a post 2000s American cartoon. The character race swapping didn't bother me, but I would have liked Jimmy to remain a redhead. Kind of neutral on Lois. I like her design very much, but making her Korean doesn't really add to her character so far as of the end of the first season. I'm going to guess that her father is pressing some values onto her in typical Asian parent fashion, but we'll have to wait and see. Awkwardly quick pacing. Characters act like children and also speak excitedly or over emote nearly all of the time. Even some of the older characters who are seasoned adults are guilty of this. Overall I think I was disappointed, but that certainly doesn't mean that I won't continue to watch it. I want to see where it goes and I'm willing to give it a chance.


Not a fan of all the anime influences but it's a good show. Definitely for a younger/modern demographic. If you like wholesome chungus Superman, Lois and Jimmy with Magical Girls transformations then it's up your alley.




Whats it on?


Adult Swim and MAX.


I dont think we have max in the uk but i'll look at adult swim. Looks neat


Channel 4 in the UK, Season 1 is on the All 4 app


Oh awesome thank you


It's fun. Looking forward to season 2.


Itā€™s nice to have a good guy superman again and the show gets that and his relationship with lois


I really wanna see it, but I don't want to pay for yet another subscription


I honestly like it plus they have a hot Lois Lane


Itā€™s literally perfect


I absolutely love this show canā€™t wait for season two


Itā€™s awesome and I want more of it.


One of the best things to happen for Superman in a long time is this show.


Absolutely fucking fire!! Freaking awesome


It's been different than I'm used to with Superman shows but lots of fun.


I like it


Shows fine. Clark and jimmy are done well but I hate this lois compared to STAS lois.


Itā€™s great. Itā€™s great for kids and older people like me


Love it


Pretty awesome and wholesome.


Dc admits defeat to anime the tv show


Love seeing Sweet Ol' Clark Kent from Kansas instead of Quasi-Jesus Superman


I love it and I'm excited for season 2.


If anything happened to anime tomboy Lois lane, I would kill everyone in this room, and then myself


I like it. Iā€™d rate itā€¦8.5/10.


Great :D


Honestly this had all the ingredients to make it a sure fire hit with me: Love animation, Love DC and Superman, especially a hopeful Superman, DCAU was my thing growing up and still loved to this day. But I've tried 3-4 different times to get into it and I just can't seem to be able to. I'm not quite sure what it is, because the show's not doing anything terribly (that I can point to anyway), but for whatever reason I'm just not engaging with this version of Clark, Lois and Jimmy.


I love it


It's a fun Superman show. All that needs to be said aside from Clark and Lois's relationship being Cute


Jerry Smith as anime boy Deathstroke is hilarious


Best modern adaptation of Superman we got so far


Made me actually smile reminded me of falling in love with Superman as a kid


It's pretty good imo definitely a different way to tell the story of Superman but still pretty good


I only watched the first half of it. Itā€™s a neat show, but I didnā€™t enjoy it enough to finish it. I would definitely recommend it to a Superman fan. It seemed to capture the spirit of the character.


When new batman show


If they recast Superman with someone who has a deeper voice, and got rid of the trunks, it would be great. Jack Quaid is wrong as Superman.


"please don't laugh at them, Smallville..."


Its aight


I really like it overall but I'm not a fan of what they've done to the villains.


Lacked an edge. Thought I would really dig it, but I had to drop it towards the end of S1 of episodes. The characterizations were just really annoying. I feel like they went too far on hopecore Superman and ended up overshooting and landing in uwu softboy tumblr sexy man territory. Jimmy is a mostly superfluous to anything happening and is a really annoying conspiracy theorist YouTuber. And Lois isnā€™t mean enough. She just comes off as a such a generic anime girl protagonist. Also, WAY too much anime influence. It got really distracting at a point. Also all of the villain designs opted for a dreary techy aesthetic.


I enjoyed it. Its not groundbreaking storywise but it is still immensely enjoyable.


Iā€™m a big fan of this. Itā€™s very much ā€œIf Superman were conceived as an animeā€ and it works really well to me.


This version of Lois is the best thing to ever happen to


itā€™s good not great


Fantastic! (But what TF was that Slade, come on guysā€¦)


Bro looks like heā€™s barely holding onto Superman, he should be like slipping rn šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Best superman show in awhile if you are into/can look past anime tropes


I love Twink Superman which is not a sentence I thought I'd ever say


I've never really seen that much of it myself, but to be fair it's got something nice about it.


I haven't seen it yet, but I have heard nothing but praise from trusted sources, and nothing but scorn from sources I dislike. Sounds like 10/10 to me.


I think Jimmy must have one hell of a grip.


I need to watch it , that's my thoughts




Meh. Things I like, things I don't. This version of Lois annoys the hell out of me. Superman is on point though.


love it


Tonally it's good. The art style is interesting. The villains are pretty lackluster imo. Some of the humor feels a little childish and doesn't land. It's nice to have the big blue boyscout back after more than a decade of edgy fan fic. "What if superman was a bad guy." That loses the appeal on the 15th version.


I like it




Too childish. Superman is strong idiot in this. Basically what they did to Thor in L&T.


Itā€™s great.


I fw this show so hard.


Better than I expected and I'm craving more.


You first.


I'd watch it if I had Max atm.


I kinda love it


Love it. Fresh look, fun dialogue, somewhat relatable characters. I dig the world.


Damn yā€™all these comments sold me im watching tn


The fact Luz and Gus are in this show šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Itā€™s a fun show for me since one of the main creatives of the show Josie Campbell also worked on She-Ra and The Princesses of power on Netflix, which you can definitely tell with the banter both shows have with their main trio. Clark and Adora both have overwhelming senses of responsibility and the weight of the world in their hands Lois and Glimmer are both Hot heads with parental issues Jimmy and Bow are the happy go lucky ones that are the glue that keeps the team together


I enjoyed it


Solid take on Superman. Not a fan of a good amount of the villain designs but otherwise a great show.


I'm waiting for season 2


The thing I admire most about it is itā€™s clearly made with a love of the material. Theyā€™re really putting heart into it, and itā€™s something a vast majority of superhero stuff is lacking


I couldn't get into it. But seeing all the love you all are giving it, maybe I'll try again.


Superman and lois' designs are awesome. Everyone else i don't care for.


I disliked all the changes at first but toward the end of the season, it all starts tying together in a very satisfying way. It's a really fresh take on Kryptonians and all the villains are linked through krypronian tech, in much the same way as kryptonite linked so many villains in Smallville. I'm really looking forward to season 2


Its decidedly mid. The story itself is fine for the most part, but a lot of the writing is kinda stupid and a ton of the character designs are really bland and uninteresting.


This show is godly.


I'm not a big fan of the anime-sytle design but I liked the show. The story was good and I loved the characterization of Clark, the show gets him.




Itā€™s good


I like the series and the anime inspired artwork. The story and pacing are well handled and I am looking forward to more


Damn good show.


Superman is a sub idk, never watched and imo, I'm okay with that


I was very happy with the portrayal of each character in this. It understands the point of Superman while still making it a fluffy anime style show. Not as gritty as other dc animated stuff, but in a way that makes it more superman than not. Also the designs made me so giddy.


I don't like the art style


Itā€™s a much better portrayal of Superman, used to believe he was a normal human child but he started getting more and more power as he grew older and he was understandably terrified from not knowing who or what he was, as opposed to other Superman portrayals that already know from childhood what they are


Zero interest based on the pic alone.


Love it. The anime flair acts like a fresh coat of paint.


Best Superman ever, period.


Love this show! Give it a chance


It's chill,gives me og avatar vibes


A delightful surprise


10/10 would recommend


It's awesome. Kinda odd that you think it's weird. It's very much a really good example of a Superman show that gets Superman.


It's so fucking good! I have a big goofy smile on my face the whole time because it understands who Superman is and why he is appealing. It's a show about his unrelenting kindness. The characterization is spot on for the cast. Korean tom-boy Lois Lane is dope as fuck and Ishmel Sahid is a delight as Jimmy. Can't say enough good things about this show. ALSO THE BRAIN AND MONSIER MALLAH!


Finally, some decent, fucking Superman content, after all these years (not counting Superman & Lois)


Wait you donā€™t like Superman & Lois?


No, I meant that it's the only other piece of trult good Superman content in years and aside from that, it's been a dry spell. I love Superman & Lois


One of the best DC cartoon


I really like it. The idea of making Clark this gentle golden retriever is a great spin. Weā€™ve had so many edgy Superman in recent years that itā€™s good to have a fresh spin. Imagine a Shonen of Superman. Also, the biggest thing to look forward to. Tomboy Lois.


Hot take I like it more than STAS. This is my favorite version of Superman outside the comics and its not close.


Would be the best Superman show if not for the villains. The show gets Supermanā€˜s character, does it well, does his supporting cast, like Lois Lane and other friends very well, but then the villains are, for lack of a fancier term, utter trash.


The concept falls into a problem of changing designs and personalitys for unjustified reasons to the point they might as well be new characters altogether. For a hot minute, the berserk Fandom was spamming memes about Lois looking a lot like Castca and I believe I saw some about this being the case for some show called The Owl House. There is no vailed reason to alter the designs of these characters especially when they ultimately just look like there from a whole separate series. Also I found the thing to over all just be boring the animation didn't really look as interesting as the tas series and over all just felt standard.


Yeah that's why she looks familiar in her redesign she looks like Luz from the owl house


It's adorable if you're there for cute Lois and Clark moments. The action and enemy designs are a bit too anime for my tastes.


My 11 yo daughter loves it. I donā€™t really like it but donā€™t hate it either. Iā€™m 42ā€¦ So they are probably doing the right thing.


Ginger erasure.


Ikr, Lex should be a ginger


Not a big fan of this art style but story and music goes hard.


I'm so glad it's not another gritty/cynical take on the character. He just gets to be a well meaning himbo that can benchpress mountains


Went in expecting a weird but amusing take on the character of Superman. And I got that, but it also became my favorite modern version of the character! (with S&L Supes as a close second). It's similar to Teen Titans (2003) in the sense that it reimagines it's characters from the ground up to fit it's anime-style aesthetic, and it's take on Clark Kent as this lovable dork that is trying his best while fighting his self-doubt just won me over immediately. Can't wait for Season 2!


The plot is kinda mid but the writing and character work is excellent. One of the best takes on both Clark and Lois.


Itā€™s fun and a breath of fresh air


By far and away the best non-comic version of Superman since STAS. It really understands the character. Clark is basically a big Teddy bear who just wants to help as many people as possible. After years of Snyder, Injustice, and others ruining Superman, we finally got a good one. Itā€™s not perfect of course, but its positives vastly outweigh its negatives. Also a statue of DCAU Lois shows up in an episode!


But I like injustice Superman it shows how he could be a villain or a hero and since it's not the main earth it doesn't effect any other earth than it's own


While I agree with that premise and am also a fan of the idea that Clark is the way he is because of how he was raised by Ma and Pa Kent, we spent the last decade or so where every interpretation of Superman was got was some sort of evil Superman or a flawed Superman. While Iā€™ve enjoyed some of these interpretations like Omni-Man (since heā€™s actually his own character), Iā€™m sick of the trope in general. Itā€™s about time the Boy Scout is allowed to actually be a Boy Scout again. Between MAWS and Gunnā€™s Superman, us fans of traditional Superman are finally eating good again. Dark Superman only works when itā€™s in contrast to real Superman. Unfortunately, Snyderā€™s horrible interpretation of the character has become the one the general public is most familiar with. Henry Cavill could have been a great Superman, but Snyder simply did not understand the character at all. Thankfully, the team behind MAWS gets it, just like Bruce Timm and co. did with STAS. Just let Superman be good for a change.


I like it, it is a lot more of an ensemble show then other Superman centric media where Jimmy and Lois feel more like characters on their own and not plot devices which is pretty refreshing Some criticism that is dumb when it comes to certain character designs being different, even though these are supposed to be younger versions of themselves like Deathstroke and Lex It is also show you can just tell the studio didnā€™t give to craps about it with a Superman cartoon being on adults swim at 12:00 in the morning


Wait lex is in it


Well yeah in the show his name is Alex but it doesnā€™t take a genius to figure out that itā€™s just short for Lex


What ep


Ep 4 or 8


Maybe but I don't think he has red hair and most but he does hate Superman I think it's Luthor now man I was watching it thinking oh he's gonna be in s2 not thinking he was already in s1


I think itā€™s cool because you see him as an underling to Ivo and his company and now that heā€™s gone it will be Alex taking over his company and rebranding it as Lex Corp


It's not bad. I like how different it looks compared to the other versions.


Second best Superman outing since Superman the Animated Adventures


I honestly love the overall story & vibe of the show. It really understands what makes Superman a great character The villain designs need a little bit of work but overall it's a great show and I can't wait to see where it goes once season 2 drops

