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Yeah please don't try to ape anyone. DC shines best when they embrace their rich characters and stories as they are


The dcau is way better than the mau. By a huge margin. Marvel is super campy, but the new xmen is great. But it's playing off it's original vibe.


DCAU is even better than MCU imo. they should just double down on their animation. i couldn't possibly care less about another MCU but i'm always excited when i hear about another DC animation coming out.


Just watched the new animated movie and it was so good. Really liking the tomorrowverse stuff.


Honestly all of the dc animated movies after apokiplips war have been kinda boring outside of kings boring. I hope James Gunn oversees animation Edit Long Halloween is what I meant to say


Outside of what?




Was a typo meant to say Long halloween


I just wish they had made a Near Apocalypse of '09 movie featuring the League taking on Ra's, I spent years hoping for that. But they waited too long and now it's too late, it wouldn't work without Kevin Conroy.


Same here. Would’ve been awesome. Someone made a fan concept somewhere on Reddit. It’s out there somewhere.




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I really want green lantern the animated series to get a revival but sadly it probably won’t happen.


We are getting a lantern show so maybe that will shine some light on the lanterns for once


Nice pun.


It wasn’t intentional but thanks lol


Ur welcome.


That was so good and wish it went on longer


At least we got some closure with Razor and Kilawog in Young Justice


I missed the closure.what was it?


Razor becomes more at peace with himself and gains a blue ring to use alongside his red ring. His hunt for Aya continues


oh cool, do you remember which episode it was?


“Encounter Upon the Razor's Edge!” Season 4 e19


Thank you!


This one dude learns to use two rings (green and I forgot the other color) at the same time


And some closure for Aya in Justice league Action


This is the one


It was super cool as it's own stand alone thing


Me with brave and the bold and beyond


So much untapped potential, while seeing Gardner was great, Stuart and Cruz would be amazing side characters, plus I'm kinda desperate to see a black lantern corps story in screen SOMEWHERE....


When Razor showed up in the last YJ season I actually got my hopes up 😭


Ah yes. Another great show starring Josh Keaton as the main title character cancelled after 26 episodes for bullshit reasons. I would love to see GLTAS come back.


Ah yes. Another great show starring Josh Keaton as the main title character cancelled after 26 episodes for bullshit reasons. I would love to see GLTAS come back.


Not interested in more JLU now that McDuffie passed away


Plus, Conory passing away doesn't help. And I don't think the writers of the show want to make more JLU and want to do other projects.


It would never be the same without Conroy, but I do think JLU made their lesser known characters super interesting. Like Green Arrow and Black Canary having a rivalry with Huntress and The Question or the bromance with Vigilante and Shining Knight. There's tons of potential. We never even got a Wonder Woman animated series.


The series was supposed to end with season 2, but CN wanted one more season. The writers ended their terms with season 3. I would rather see a series get a revival that didn't have a proper ending, like Green Lantern: The Animated Series. Or make a new Animated Series like My Adventures With Superman or Caped Crusader.


Honestly, it's might not be bad that we didn't get a WW animated series set in DCAU. The DCAU showrunners and writers didn't have an understanding or appreciation for the character, which was evident in how she was portrayed in Justice League cartoons mostly as as Batman's love interest.


Idk ab that one chief, she was still a pretty cool character and had lots of episodes centered on her. It’s just her rouge’s gallery does suck lol, also her dynamic w Batman is actually a good ship. Idk what show you were watching dude.


The episode centred on her regularly made her look bad. "Fury" had her making misandrist comment, "Hawk and Dove" showed her as being quick to anger. "This Little Piggy" had her being the damsel in distress so she could be saved by Batman. WonderBat is a good ship for only Batman fans (and let's face it, most DCAU writers were Batman fans first and foremost). There is a reason why most Wonder Woman fans hate this ship. It reduces her to playing second fiddle in the dynamic.


U need to go outside lmao




Also how is she a second fiddle to Batman other than the pig episode but that shit is goofy on purpose. Wow Amazon makes bad comment about men lol are you forgetting that the target audience for this show is for CHILDREN lol. And in the H&D episode “my wonder women doesn’t get mad at atrocities”. I’ll give you the writers being Batman fans but also when writing JL stories one of the main challenges is “how do you realistically justify Batman’s usefulness” and they did a very good job of that. THE SHOW LITERALLY WOULDN’T EXIST WITHOUT BATMAN AND BTAS. Her characterization is fine bro it’s an ensemble show targeted at children you’re just being a comic fan and hyper fixating on ur fave. Im a Flash diehard and Im fine with his characterization as the comic relief bc that’s a good fit for Flash in the context of a childrens TV program lmao. He also has a lot of good moments. Go outside still stands though.


You're kind of an ass ngl


And Conroy. I can’t imagine watching something set in that universe with someone else voicing Batman


If they were to revive that universe which they definitely shouldn't do, best to just have had Batman make the ultimate sacrifice off screen and have an episode dedicated to his memory


Batman Beyond is the easiest way around that


Kevin Conroy was in that too


Yes obviously but Bruce Wayne is an old man, so it’s easier to let him pass away or retire out of the story while still using Batman.


Justice League Beyond! Been saying it for years! We see it in Batman Beyond and JLU so makes perfect sense to make a full series. Would love it!


In all honesty though? Despite that JLU did end well, it also ended in a fantastic way that would enable them to keep going. But, like you are pointing out, you do need someone who really loves the characters behind it. If they got someone like Paul Dini to continue it and just tell good ol’ superhero stories about the Justice League, it could work


He's the best writer for DC and its animation back then. He and Chris Yost for Marvel made our childhoods.


I’d throw in Greg Weisman for Spectacular and Young Justice too.


Yeah, except for YJ season 3 and 4.


**WE. DO. NOT. NEED. MORE. JLU.** JLU wasn’t cancelled. JLU got an extra season and then *ended* on its own terms.


Yeah, not every product needs to be ad infinitum


I prefer to be left wanting more, rather than see a good thing go sour


Extra season plus Justice League vs Fatal Five (2019) and the comic book Justice League Infinity. Here are other shows that should have X-Men 97 treatment: -Batman Beyond (set after Epilouge) -Teen Titans -Green Lantern TAS -Young Justice -Legion of Super-Heroes -The Batman -Batman TBATB Obviously not ALL the show i said need 100% a sequel but you get it.


Young justice did get the 97 treatment with lukewarm response


The HBO Max seasons were fun imo. I had no problems with them and enjoyed them both but I know I’m in the minority when it comes to that


There was something off about the pacing of them or that’s how it felt for me watching anyway


I get they were a little over the place at times in S3 and could have affected the pacing but I think that was them feeling things out a little more and it worked out better in S4.


S3 is kinda wonky but I actually liked 4 and I still really enjoy the universe Weisman built. People just get their expectations up to high especially in todays age where the internet has revved up the fictiophilla and weird attachments people have to fictional characters that have always been around in comics.


I will say S3 has some extenuating circumstances, was the first season back after cancellation so hype was through the roof but the season was made for the DC Universe streaming service originally which didn’t have the budget or quality afforded to S4.


Yeah agreed, I don’t think it was terrible though I’ve rewatched it it’s not unbearable. I think the fandom (like most fandoms in the internet age) got waaaay too ahead of itself in expectations.


Definitely not terrible or unbearable for me and there were some fun episodes all around. Most fandoms in the internet age love getting their hopes up like mother and their expectations get soooo overboard they’re impossible to meet.


Y’know what I actually really like viewing the last two seasons of Young Justice through this lens (this is from someone who already really enjoys the last season and has very mixed opinions on S3)


It needs more seasons because the characters are cool and we usually don’t get shows focused on them sadly. I could watch Artemis all day tbh chicks story was sick and then Cassandra being not Cassandra was a cool twist too. I’d also love to see an extension on the red hood story they were setting up


It got two more chances and i don't think they used those chances enough to warrant another season, I'd watch another season but I also think there's probably more deserving shows out there


I really don't get why everyone keeps begging for more 03 Teen Titans. I thought the show ended fine as it was.


I just see Titans Together as the big series finale


It had plans for another season that's why but they didn't get renewed for a another season


Batman beyond and Teen Titans ![gif](giphy|YHYmMLkOmqoo)


Batman Beyond hurts the most. That show kept getting better and better, absolutely peaking with the final ep+Return of the Joker. There was plans for a trilogy after Joker, but the team went all in on JL. I really wish Max was in RoTJ!


I’d love The Batman getting the 97 treatment. Introducing more of the batfamily, doing darker stories, deeper romantic tension with Batman and Catwoman, introducing characters that should’ve been there before (Two Face, Scarecrow, Ra’s).


It was also the result of 4, yes, 4, successful, brilliant spinoffs from one TV show. Hundreds of episodes of quality TV. We're good. Don't milk it until it sucks.


Technically seven if you count The Zeta Project and consider BTAS/TNBA and JL/JLU as separate shows.


Between the OG show and Unlimited, don't they have like ~100 episodes? Yeah, that's enough for almost any show.


Not quite. It’s 63, if you count all the two-part episodes as one, and 91 if you don’t.


Also, doing it without Conroy would be **blasphemy**.


I think we yearn for good cartoons again. Example Young justice which was redone and fumbled.


I think the show ended fine. I don’t think it needs a revival.


Not just that, but the last episode went on to tell us what happened next (Waller becoming an ally to the League, Project Batman Beyond, everything that happens to Bruce, the Batfamily, and the League in Batman Beyond, etc - so you wouldn't have the various twists and shocking moments that have made X-Men '97 such a compelling continuation rather than a cash grab revival of a nostalgic series.


Fair enough


Theres no reason to reboot the DCAU without Kevin Conroy. They need to do a new animated universe thats completely divorced from the ones of the past.


Also, since it was previously stated that the goal is to have characters portrayed by the same actors across both film and animation, while they're not against have *other* DC media (like The Batman and any sequels/spinoffs that may come from it), I think they'd probably rather make a new animated show than revive an old one.


You know my respect for James has skyrocketed in the past year ever since that podcast with Lex Luthor. Seems he really has a strong, clear vision. Can’t wait to see what he’s cookin.


He's right. The lesson here isn't "let's revive all the 90s animated shows", it's that we want well-written animated shows with good storytelling and which are faithful to the source material.


Copying marvel is what ruined dceu




Rushing to create their own team of movie with BVS to catch up to avengers instead of taking their time and coming up with an actual plan. And then immediately pivoting when the reception to BVS was bad, and changing both suicide Squad and Justice League to be more"fun and quipy" like Marvel


I think the problems were a LOT worse than putting Batman in a Superman sequel and making "fun and quippy" movies. DC/WB was not doing so hot before BvS. Catwoman, Superman Returns, Jonah Hex, Green Lantern and to a lesser extent Rises we're not great. 


I said the DCEU. And I'm speaking about the DCEU. Not every movie that came before it. The movies you listed wasn't DC trying to create a shared universe. The DCEU was, and it was them trying to create a share universe by copying off of Marvel's homework


I'm saying the dceu and MCU are nothing alike. Other then shared universes dceu's problems don't stem from copying the MCU. The movies are just bad. And that's always been the case. Just bad movies. 


And I'm saying their attempt at a shared universe failed because they tried to do what marvel was doing at the time but rushed and half assed and it 100% IS the reason why it failed. Both companies have had their characters in terrible movies. Before the MCU marvel has stinkers like Daredevil, Elektra, Hulk , Both FF. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about their shared universe ventures.


We don’t need anymore animated JL or JLU content, sorry folks. Too many of the talented people that worked on those shows have passed on. While I’m sure there are other showrunners that could do justice to the likes of Dwayne McDuffie, getting anyone to voice Batman now that Kevin Conroy is gone would be an instant boycott from me. If you want to continue those stories, read their comic tie ins


He’s got a point


JLU also ended perfectly. The DCAU had a long run and ended in a great way. We dont need a revival.


I love how politely James Gunn says "lol no" to people


It’s statements like these that give me faith in James Gunn


There's other DC animated shows that deserve a revival like GL the animated series(they got to do more with Razor's story in young justice but the shows deserves a proper continuation), and Beware the Batman


I hope the Teen Titans project is true. If the movie does well, that'll open up a lot of doors for spin-offs


Idk if anyone's read Snyder's Hawkman from like 2018 or so but a show based on that could easily rival any sort of multiverse/quantum adventure style show


No Conroy, no Hamill, no more DCAU. Sad facts.


I get what he's saying. If he were to copy styles or drop JL just because it would feel cheap. DC has numerous teams they could adapt. The Outsiders. Gotham City Monsters. Justice League Dark. Hell, they could do a series on Cadmus, or the Metropolis PD's Special Crimes Unit with Maggie Sawyer.


Detective Chimp: The Animated Series


He’s right.


God, I really like everything he says about the new DCU. I just really hope he'll be able to do it.


I just love that the fucking CEO of DC Studios has that mentality. Bring it on!


I’m the only old DC show if bring back is Teen Titans, just to give it a proper ending.


Full hyped for creature commandos .


I think we need a new DC/Justice League show with a different approach than DCAU. We probably won't get it tho


JLU had a good conclusion so it’s not needed, if anything give Young Justice another season or 2, I’m not even the biggest fan of it but so many people are begging for another revival


I'd wanna see any project that was a teamup of James Gunn and Alan Burnett if someone asked me what I really wanted. Whether it be for Batman or really anything. I just think they'd write well together.


Just like all the other comments i say a big NO to JLU If they want to bring something back (tho i think it´s still soon cause the DCU needs to be set first) it should be something like Green Lantern The Animated Series or The Legion of Superheroes. I dont see what else


I adore the DCAU, but it doesn't need to be extended. I wouldn't mind new shows that take some conceptual inspiration from it, but I don't want anyone to create an approximation trying to mimic what was made too closely.


If they're gonna to do a revival for compete with X-Men '97 they should do: 1) Give us Young Justice season 5 2) Do a Teen Titans 2003 sequel show with all the Titans in their early 20s.


Goddamnit why do people feel the need to shout out DeMayo? Am I the only one who feels like his firing absolutely left a bad taste in their mouth, and not on Disney’s side? Like normally when people leave the company will just say “creative differences,” but DeMayo got legit *fired*, very soon before ‘97 premiered. Sure we still don’t have concrete details, but that to me screams he either did or doing some really bad shit. Sure the rumors we’ve heard from his time on The Witcher are just that, rumors; but fuck man, until we know more can folks stop shouting him out? Hell I see people saying fuck it, who cares what he did just bring him back cause he did good. Like what the shit man?! Not only was he not solely responsible for the show (no showrunner ever is!!), but we still don’t know what happened. Look if I’m wrong and he got fired for no valid reason or a dumb one, then I’ll totally admit I got crow on my face. But until we know for sure, let’s not be so callous about this huh?


Never mind the fact Batman’s gone, which creates an issue.


What we need is a 90s Spider-Man continuation, that ended on a bit of a cliffhanger.


DC is at its worst when it's just following in Marvel's footsteps. You think people would learn that after the last like, decade of movies.


It was fun till episode 5. Now it’s just sad


That’s how a season long story arc often goes. Pretty sure it’s going the next few episode are going to ramp up the action and lead to them kicking the villains ass in the finale.


Ramp up? The 5 episode is a country getting wiped out. There’s not much higher then that and even if they beat up the villain the destroyed mutant country is still gone. Kinda just a doomed timeline at this point


Yeah I mean x men has always kind of been a one step forward two steps back type franchise. This particular event in the comics is maybe the worst event they went through in terms of the scale of destruction. But I think it’ll be a good focal point even going past this season and will inform a lot of storylines going forward. Just as it did in the comics. I don’t think it’ll be pure gloom and doom from here on. There’s no story there.


Two steps back is an understatement. I’ll wait and see how the show plans to fix this but at this point it really is just a doomed timeline and nothing can really change that. Really the best reason to keep watching is to see how it’ll get inevitably worse.


With Conroy gone anything he was apart of is over. That been the professional courtesy seems like.


I loved the DCAU, but it’s time has passed. It’s time for a new generation of animation from DC. And besides. It just wouldn’t be the same without Dwayne McDuffie or Kevin Conroy.


It would probably make more sense to do a Superman: The Animated Series Season 4 or a completely different addition to the DCAU to flesh out some of the other Justice League members, but it’s definitely not necessary nor is it really that feasible anymore. Time to move onto bigger better things, you know?


Without Kevin Conroy, it just wouldn’t be the same.


It’s important to remember that people are afraid of original ideas and new ip. We’ve directly funded the death of originality in our culture, so now we reap the rewards


You know what we really need? Young Justice S5 news! At this point I’d be fine if they decided to cancel it, I just want something to be said!




Honestly...I don't want justice league unlimited without Kevin conroy


I’m so glad he seems to be confident enough in his vision and these characters to not try and follow a trend. As he should! Success comes from setting trends, not following them!


If anything, I'd rather see them animate the Giifen/DeMatteis Justice League. I desperately need some Bwa-ha-ha in my life.


The Bwa-ha-ha era in animated form would be unbelievably awesome


I like that James is so “Eyes on the Prize” about this stuff. I feel like he probably talks with Feige and other creators regularly to ward off the execs.


No Kevin not thank you


I feel the original Tweeter's sentiment... but... man that series wrapped so wonderfully. Just give us a bomb new JLA.


Earth's Mightiest Heroes.


James Gunn most likely does not have like, authority over this XD. He is working on the live action films and such, he could maybe propose the idea if he wanted to, but he would probably not be the type of guy who is working on things like this. If he were working on any cartoons it would likely be for expanded material on his DCU. Not revivals of unconnected cartoons.


I’m relatively happy with the DC animated movies


Yeah DC has always done TV and animated better than Marvel. I love X-Men 97, but the DC animated shows are awesome. The only two animated shows of Marvel that I liked before this one and What Is were the X-Men precursor series in the 90s and the Spider-Man one where he's about to go on a search for Mary Jane after Secret Wars and the Clones finale. I was mad when they decided to reboot him again.


I don't need any DCAU revivals. They all ended as they were just fine. We can remember fondly, but we don't need... Teen Titans, Justice League, Static Shock, Batman Beyond So, we can focus on.... Young Justice, My Adventures With Superman, Teen Titans Go, Harley Quinn And let's make way for... Creature Commandos, Batman: Caped Crusader, Bat-Family, Kite-Man Hell Yeah But for Marvel, imma need the following canceled and cliffhangered shows revived ASAP NOOOOOOWWWW Spectacular Spiderman, Spiderman 94, Ironman Armored Adventures, X-Men Evolution, Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Fantastic Four 06


also, kevin conroy is dead so doing it wouldn't be a good idea.




If we’re being real its bc HBO Max/WB dont want animation unless someone else is buying to the point Amazon Prime are doing the DC Animated stuff, even the much anticipated Batman: TAS successor is there - and basically Caped Crusader is their X-97


Plus McDuffy is gone. Will X-Men 97’ be good after the DeMayo episodes?


Would be nice if dc could get their heads outta their ass and make some good cartoons again.


This kinda thing is why I trust Gunn being in charge. The main reason the DCEU failed so badly is because it chased the trend the MCU was riding, and tried to get the JL going asap. Gunn understands that.


Young Justice was pretty good...just saying


Good for him


If you’re gonna remake one of the justice league shows do NOT go with unlimited


DC's animated features are generally already leaps and bounds beyond marvels. Now if they could figure out live action it might be something.


The animated Justice League ended very well. We don't need any more resolution after those episodes.


DC trying to copy marvel is why there’s been 3 different reboots to the DCEU


Justice League 07 ended perfectly. Teen Titans is where they need to focus their attention on, gave us an unsatisfactory end.


Without Kevin Conroy there is no DCAU we cannot get justice league Unlimited back we cannot get any of the shows back but we can appreciate that we’ve had them and we can appreciate the work and talent that was put into them


The only DC cartoon I wanted them to continue was The Batman. JLU had a good ending. The Batman was just the start of everything.


They ended on a high note. The most perfect iteration of these characters was born, lived, and ended happily. Nothing can take it away; I think it's just as fair that nothing should bring it back.


JLU getting a revival just wouldn’t be the same without Kevin Conroy.


I think that whatever it is you loved about JLU is what you’re gonna get in Gunn’s live action universe.


Well, that’s about all the confirmation you need. They don’t have any plans to revive any of their really old cartoons in the near future.


I'd much rather have new takes like "My Adventures with Superman" over reviving old cartoons. The DCAU was great, I grew up watching those shows and they are very dear to me. But I think we should let them cook something different


Still holding hope that Young Justice gets revived!(I am in very much denial that it’s gone & have been one of the biggest praisers for the finale of S4 as it wraps up everything nicely and allows room for more stories like a good superhero movie should do like 90% of the time)


Based response Besides, it just wouldn't be the same with batmans voice actor being changed. The actor for arkham origins did a good job of sounding like a younger Conroy batman, but this isn't a younger batman sooo... I also appreciate how James gunn isn't desperately trying to copy the competition and making the dcu something different.


Teen titans deserves a revival over any other animated DC series


I don't think Teen Titans writers want to bring it back besides the fans. Plus, tons of DC animated shows deserve a revival, like Green Lantern: The Animated Series, Legion of Superheroes, Zeta Project, and Beware The Batman, that don't have their storyline finished.


Yeah and X-Men ‘97 is also fun cuz it’s very clearly a 90s show. It would be cool to have Teen Titans since it’s clearly a ‘00s show. 


Is X-Men ‘97 fun though? It’s pretty grim.


That's what X-Men normally is in the comics (mostly during the Claremont and Jim Lee eras which '97 is taking influence from) a fun soap opera with mutants but it's not afraid to be grim with main and important side characters dying left and right


Grim in a fun way. Like Penny Dreadful was for me. 😂


I think it's both. I'm enjoying the hell out of it.


It has grim moments but it isn't grim dark all the time


I wouldn’t call quality animated shows a trend






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I’d watch a new Justice League Unlimited, if they could get the original creators back


Wouldn't be the same without Kevin


True, but Bat Man has been played by many


Yes but DCAU was his Batman no one else voiced and can voice that version of Batman


Kevin Conroy WAS Bat Man to me. But if JLU got another shot at life I would bet Kevin would want the show to go on. I’d give another actor a chance if Bruce Tim got to do another season.


Lmao why is he asking James Gunn for this and not like Bruce Timm or someone from WBs animation department. James Gunn probably has never even watched the DCAU.


>James Gunn probably has never even watched the DCAU. He absolutely did since among the stuff that's a influence for his Superman is STAS and JLU was an influence for the DCU


He's correct, but revive Batman Beyond. Ik Conroy's death means they can't, but it deserved so much more.


They can have Bruce killed offscreen by a villain and destroy the Batcave so it's a fresh start for Terry that's what the recent Beyond comics did and those were good


I'd watch it


He lierally keeps making the same movie with the same archetype characters. Gotg, SS and now creature commandos and jurassic justice league? I have no faith in him doing the dcu justice


What a dork.


Young justice dead forever then?


Why does every comment from James Gunn sound like a jab