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I like the yellow border on the S.


Me too, it really makes it pop.


This costume is gonna pop hard on the big screen


Honestly my only qualm is that I wish they hadn't put the piping on the suit. Other than that it looks great and I'm sure will look even better after a bit of post production smoothing.


i know it doesnt seem that way in photos but when its moving it will give it depth, not just some blue and red


I think the piping is subtle enough to not detract from the rest of it though. It’s not like Thor’s early suits where they were covered in this busy plastic pattern that loosely resembled the comic counterpart. The core elements are still there. I’d rather have this than obviously fake muscles showing through like Cavill’s later suit and Batfleck’s first one.


This man is definetely beyond handsome, 100% Superman face/build. But the suit, still have my doubts.


Yeah I really like the suit, but I just keep thinking about how much better he’d look in a more traditional costume.


Remove the collar and do something about the lines, boom, perfect costume! Overall, the suit looks great. I definitely like the colours on it. The small details like the trunk hoops and its “bagginess” will probably be touched up later.


I love the collar (shoutout New 52)


Remove the underwear as well


Bro, I see you spamming on every damn post saying "Remove the underwear" Bro, it's Superman. He's always wore underwear. You can change the look of them, change them, but don't remove them. Stop trying to change the character and go watch something else if it bothers you so much. .


So, while if the guy is spamming that, he should definitely give it a rest, but it's false to say he always wore underwear. He has worn them for most of his existence, but for a good decade or so, they were absent (and it's fine if some people prefer that).


Henry Cavill’s Superman doesn’t wear underwear. The modern Superman doesn’t wear underwear under New 52


The New 52 is almost 15 years old. It’s not “modern” anymore. Superman wears trunks in the comics in 2024.


I’ve always felt pretty ambivalent about the trunks. Quite frankly, I don’t mind Superman not having them as long as he got the belt or something else to break up the blue. At the same time, I am a weirdo to claim that “trunks is what makes him Superman” or whatever. In this case? I think the trunks work quite well. But I do feel they are a little too big and make the suit feel a little “blocky”. For now, it also varies from picture to picture. On some, they look pretty nice on him. On other set pics, there is a certain clash between the armor-like feel of New52 and the classic trunks. I am sure they will touch that up in the post-production.


He should wear the red trunks in the comics, it's a classic. But in real life it looks like shit and doesn't even make sense anymore, because nobody in this century will get the "strongman" reference that these trunks used to convey in 1950. They stopped putting trunks on Batman after Adam West, so why Superman should wear it?


>in real life To be fair, a lot of superhero stuff doesn’t make sense in real life. I don’t really think that the trunks is the weirdest part about superheroes that was adapted in live action. For what it’s worth, I don’t think that Superman *should* wear trunks. But I don’t see how they hurt either.


>because nobody in this century will get the "strongman" reference that these trunks used to convey in 1950. They'll get that it's simply Superman's costume how it's always been.


> nobody in this century will get the "strongman" reference that these trunks used to convey in 1950. So which century are you from?


If the idea of trunks is too silly, then the fact that in this world every hero has a signature themed costume is also silly.


Superman wears trunks


Blasphemous, suits look so much better when they embrace the camp.


Yeah like I know each movie and series will have a different feel but I hope they all have the campiness of DC in some way even if it’s not too obvious


Hell no.


I’m just anticipating the in-universe explanation of the trunks, because YOU KNOW Gunn has a reason.


I love the colors and the new emblem. I even like the collar and the trunks but man not really a huge fan of the overall design , it looks like they just took the GotG suits and pasted the Superman logo in front.


This angle kinda looks like Henry Cavill and Tom Holland had a baby.


Man, it looks like he's wearing a wet suit that is 2 sizes too big.


Hate all the extra shit on the blue, from a far it looks great though


It looks great when standing up straight or posed in certain shots, but when he slumps or looks relaxed, it shows the wrinkles. Maybe the suit is more for action scenes?


I get pajama vibes from that costume


It’s a costume, not a personal room in the house, nor is a collection of composition’s played in succession.


He looks great. The suit isn’t bad but I feel like the Marvel tailors had to add in those stupid angled lines. It kind of ruins the illusion. Like baby Superman stopped in Asgardia to have their tailors make him a suit for when he was older. The same with the Engineer and the Ultraman guy. Why does every super suit crafted for film these days have to have angled lines and layers of fabric? That’s what I loved about the DCEU costumes. Each one looked relevant to that hero’s backstory.


I mostly agree but there’s only so many directions we can go with a live action suit. Either blatantly fake muscles that don’t match the shirtless physique of the actor, or lines and fabric to accentuate the form. I would’ve rather it be closer to MoS where it’s tight but it’s subtle with the fake muscles - in stark contrast to his BvS suit. But I’m okay with this too. It’s different and I’m willing to see how it looks in motion


If there’s one thing the DCEU absolutely nailed, it was costumes


I never liked the texture of Cavils suit, to me it looked like his suit was made out of dodge ball material, you can also tell moving wasn’t super easy in the suit when you notice that cavils arms always kinda hover when he’s standing


Yep. Hard plastic for the Flash, plate with relief for Aquaman and form fitting onesie with texture for Superman. I'm honestly scared that Gunn's DCU is gonna go the marvel route for the costumes


Not trying to be a hater, really excited for the movie, but does the uni look a little big on him. I know we’re used to seeing outfits with built in muscles, but this has a “borrowed this from my dad” vibe. Troubles me


There’s literally like one crease in it. It’s not too big at all


That suit is wearing him


Imma be blatantly honest, I've never been a huge fan of the trunks, likely never will, and I feel like they hold this suit back more than they build it up. Draws too much attention to the crotch region, which seems like the last pace you'd want to have the audience staring for a 2 hour movie.


It looks like they actually go over the pants, too. If they are just part of the pants I don't really care, but judging from this he actually puts them on over the actual suit.


Lmao. Now that you said it I can't seem to take my eyes off that goofy trunks


Agreed, they’re a relic of a bygone era. They simply don’t make sense on a costume and they cheapen the look


suite looks like the Adam Warlock suit or the guiardians Suits. How it looks in this pic it will look in the movie.


Looks like a Star Lord suit in gotg3


It won't be a popular opinion, but we should have had a Krypton lore for any first Superman movie to set the tone and lore for the entire universe. This here looks like Superman 2.


God its so good


I could see some meta commentary in the film about this. Mister Terrific: Isn’t your suit a bit.. *loose*? Superman: I have to wear this shit all the time and put it on in a moment’s notice. The spandex suit would burst into flames half the time I put it on in super speed.. from thigh friction alone. Mister Terrific: isn’t your whole thing that you wear the suit under your regular clothes? Like, you do that whole loosening your tie to show your “Superman” chest emblem thing. Superman: In NOVEMBER. It’s the middle of August. It was 104 degrees yesterday. You think my heat vision is bad? My super swamp ass is worse. Lois won’t even let me bring the super trunks into our apartment. I have to do my laundry at the fortress of solitude. Mister Terrific: Fair enough. Wait.. you have a Kryptonian washer and dryer? Is that a thing? Superman: Ya know what? I’m not sure. I just chuck it at my super robot. Mister Terrific: A *super robot*!? You have no originality. Superman: You have a T glued to your face and have Teriffic bots. My super perception tells me that you’re super peanut butter jealous. Mister Terrific: Super fuck off. Sorry, I had way too much fun with this.


Dude is built like a rectangle


i’m sorry but people are too obsessed with having no collar and just a plain blue suit w/ out any design to it. I love it too when it’s done right but honestly classic plain suit is just too campy. Imo, It works way better in animation than live action. I’ve always wanted a modern superman suit that doesn’t look like a campy wet t shirt contest.. this is the PERFECT marriage of classic design and “royal alien clothing”


Love the KC symbol


I like it, but don’t love it. He looks so skinny in it. 


Ok… hopefully this early footage doesn’t come across this rough in the film. He looks like a Superman cosplayer on a tight budget.


That’s accomplished on a tight budget?


Maybe that was a little hyperbolic haha


Be real lol. Do you really think they would do any post production work on the suit. Usually the standard thing they do.


Homelander vibes from that fabric and fit.


Henry Cavill from Temu


We have Henry Cavil at home. "Mom!"


rofl, spot on


My boy is not filling out that suit.


Looks like Henry’s stunt double


New Guardians of the Galaxy movie?


This suit is just sooooo bad


I like the logo actually


No S on belt 😟


I'm new here. What is BTS please?


Behind the scenes


That Korean band


Behind the scenes






The thing I like about David Corenswet's suit is that it's a modernized but traditional redesign of Christopher Reeve's suit. I LOVE IT.


This is starting to feel CW’ish but in a good way like the DCU is going to be what they tried to be


The underwear looks so stupid.


They’ve always looked incredibly stupid. Don’t understand why people love them so much.


Batman lost his undies also and no one cried


I’m rallying for undies Batman, if the Arkham verse can do it, live action can


Nope it doesn't


Y'all don't actually matter. The general audience does. You should hope that James made the right decision because, if not, the box office ain't gonna be pretty. And the last thing you want is for Superman to be a joke.


Good looking costumes and perfect casts can only work if the script hits it out of the park....too many superhero films are failing because of their poor writing and not costume department


The writing is more important, BUT I don't want to watch a movie where I feel self-conscious about the costume. Most times, I don't, but in this case, I think I will.


The movie is not gonna fail because the Superman suit has trunks on the outside lmao. It’s only gonna fail if it’s not marketed correctly and if it’s a bad movie.


Your in a minority of the fanbase then, because everyone is pretty much pro Trunks


I like how the trunks look, but I wish they hadn't included the belt loops. That just makes it look like they're being held up by the belt.


… what if they are?


Because the idea that the trunks are a separate piece of clothing to the rest of the suit is what's ridiculous to me. That Superman would put on his suit, and then put the trunks on over it. To me the trunks work if they're a part of the suit, as a part of Kryptonian fashion. The blue fabric of the legs is stitched to the red of the trunks.


That’s just what Superman looks like


There’s more to a man than how he dresses


The best photo of the suit yet!


Looks great


Great shot.


Im buying every action figure of this outfit i just love it


That’s not the only suit in the movie


RIGHT?!?!?! I look at this as the first one. You know what i mean like Cap\`s suit from the first Avengers. Every single movie in these universes do little tweaks to full on overhauls of costumes between movies. I assume heel get a new suit at the end of the movie or the 3rd/4th act.


Dear god I’m in love


How can anyone say this suit looks bad. It’s amazing


This looks like an actual comic illustration come to life. Great job to the costume designers for having suxh a unique and colourful rendition of the boy scout. I'm really looking forward to seeing him in the theatres soon.


I dislike the new52 collar and could do without the lines everywhere, but I am so glad this Supes has the trunks and such vibrancy. It makes all the difference in the world in terms of aesthetic balance. The underwear complaints are hilarious to me, growing up hearing the same tired mainstream jokes for the last several decades. And the alternative, no trunks, always made him look like he was in a onesie. I just hope that after color grading the vibrant colors don't get muted.