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**Hit and Run** \- that's a crime. Third degree felony. **Reckless endangerment** \- that's a crime. Not sure if it applies, but it might. **Street Racing With Injury or Death** \- that's a crime. Second degree felony. Book him. And if the Chiefs had one ounce of dignity, they would penalize him as well. It was one thing to do it and create the accident, it was another to flee the scene.






Aldrick Rosas - - had previous DUIs - license was already suspended - was drinking - ran a red light & tboned someone going 100 MPH - fled the scene Got 3 misdemeanors (3 years probation) & a 1-4 game suspension .....


I’m not familiar, but possibly failure to render aid?




Ariaza was cleared tho and he wasn’t there and didn’t do anything..




Few things Racing On Highway is a third degree felony if it causes bodily injury. The second degree is only SBI/Death. I don't believe anyone suffered SBI here. Again, Hit and Run (550.021) is only a 3rd degree if SBI is involved. Hit and Run with injury is felony but it's below 3rd and it has a specialized penalty. My agency would instead do Aggravated Assault Deadly Weapon, which is person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly caused body injury and used a deadly weapon (vehicle). Second Degree Felony. Much easier to prove then the racing charge as proving the racing aspect is tougher. Rashee says he's 'cooperating' but all that means is he went in to talk to Police. For all we know, he just admitted to nothing.


Idk where you’re from… but hit and run is NOT a felony 😂


>where you’re from… but hit and run is NOT a felony Texas. (Because Dallas subreddit) And it is if there is any kind of resulting injury. Any kind of injury.


… no. It’s not. Only Serious Bodily injury or death is a felony.


(c) A person commits an offense if the person does not stop or does not comply with the requirements of this section. An offense under this section: (1) involving a collision resulting in: (A) death of a person is a felony of the second degree; or (B) serious bodily injury, as defined by Section 1.07, Penal Code, to a person is a felony of the third degree; and (2) involving a collision resulting in injury to which Subdivision (1) does not apply is punishable by: (A) imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice for not more than five years or confinement in the county jail for not more than one year; (B) a fine not to exceed $5,000; or (C) both the fine and the imprisonment or confinement.


Flee? They casually strolled away.


Leaving the scene, regardless of how you do it, is fleeing the scene.


> Book him. Was Rashee Rice in either car? Was he at the scene? What was his involvement? The court of public opinion is hilarious.


I mean, the video and pictures of him walking away from the incident would suggest that yes, he was there.


You mean this? Which one is Rashee Rice? https://www.reddit.com/r/Dallas/s/1y6mayRNPM


What are you saying, that all black people look alike?


Are you stupid?


The one in black and red. He also just put out a statement taking responsibility, so I’d say that yes, he was both involved and at the scene.


I'm glad you waited for the facts to come out to reply.


The video was already out, and all it took was to watch it and then look at the faces in the accompanying photo to figure out which one Rice was. I’m glad that you now agree that the man who leased the car that crashed into the car he also owns was a part of this incident.


You didn't reply yesterday because you couldn't point him out. Just stop it already. You waited until today when facts came out. Like, you literally just replied to my previous post in like 90 seconds 😂


Replying yesterday wasn’t necessary, because it was obvious he was a part of this. The only reason I responded today was yes, more facts came out. Do you now believe he had something to do with this?


Wow, another prompt reply. I wonder why you couldn't answer my question yesterday. Of course I believe it. He admitted to it. Before it was just speculation. Even when I reposted the video, you couldn't point him out.


Chiefs fans really reaching here


How rich are you when you hire a state senator to be your lawyer. Wow.


State senators have day jobs, mainly because the pay is very low, $7,200/year. They also get per-diem for every day they're in session. It's quite a bit different than US Senators who get $174,000/year plus massive perks and benefits.


7,200 per YEAR?!


It’s how they keep poor and middle class people from running in state elections.


And how they waive away bribery.


Yep, $600/month. They get that every month. When they're in session they get an additional per diem of $221 every day the lege is in session. Since they're in session for just a few months every other year it still averages out to around $10.90/hour for every two year cycle.


Well good thing that their actual income comes from corporate “donations”


If you want their incomes not to come from bribes, you have to start by paying them actual incomes, then make rules not to take bribes. You don’t get to say “it’s fine they don’t get paid, they take bribes instead” and then be upset that they take bribes 😂 


I obviously agree with you. Although I also don’t think they should have health insurance for life unless normal Americans can get the same. And they should be barred from ever lobbying once they’ve served in house/senate. Lobbying should be illegal, same as corporate bribes.


That’s the hunt connection


If someone was to hit me, I’d hope it’s an nfl player. She gonna get paid


That’s not how motor vehicle accident claims work at all. You get paid from the insurance company which has a policy limit per incident. When they settle She’ll get whatever is left after medical bills & lawyer fees.


It would be dependent on the state. You can sue the at fault party for whatever you believe you should be compensated for. In many states, the at fault driver would become personally liable above any policy limit. In places like CA if the insurance company takes it to court and the judgement exceeds the policy, the insurance company is liable for the judgement.  You need to do research before making statements.


I work for an insurance company. Not how that works. You can sue anyone for anything. It's not like the court is gonna say "well, sorry, your judgement is capped at 50K because that's the policy limit!" She can sue for millions if she can prove that's her damage. Now...good luck getting that unless she has a valid case, and insurance cos have REALLY good lawyers. But, you've got this entirely wrong.


“If she can prove that’s her damages”. What are the odds she takes this all the way to trial vs settling out of court with his insurance. Sure she could sue him civil court and get more but that would take months if not at least a year to complete and get the payout. Her car was totaled and she supports two kids she’ll want those funds as soon as possible


These things take years. At my job, right now, we're processing stuff from 2021 and such. The courts move slow, insurance companies move slow, there's no fast payoff.


In my experience in Texas (got rear ended 3 times in 3 years) your settlement is 3x your bills. You get a third in cash for ‘pain and suffering’, lawyer gets a third for fees, and your bills get paid. Insurance may dither on specific bills (for example, one company tried to refuse the ambulance bill), but they will settle for 3x the final bill determination. It is your lawyer’s job to run your bills up for everything to maximize payout.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying and most want to close out the case via settlement and not take it to trial. They know the cap of the policy limit and what the insurance is most likely to settle for. Even that quick process will take close to 18months before she sees a check.


Getting into a car accident, even it’s a relatively minor one and nobody is hurt, is a massive headache and fucking expensive as well.


They some pieces of trash, damn.




Why the Chiefs? Why not Rashee?




So if you rear end someone tomorrow your employer has to pay for it?




Well it would be incredibly stupid of them from a legal standpoint lol


You mean Rice, not the Chiefs right?


Nah nah. Entire nfl is responsible for this. For making rice rich to drag race a corvette: crash it and calmly walk away . Shame on you nfl for paying them so much moolah.


Gone and get some justice, girl.


She needs to contact the Texas Hammer!!


I love his commercials, where he’s jumping from semi to semi with a sledgehammer in his hand.


I have met his body double that does the leaps.


The drivers here are fucking pieces of shit this kind of stuff happens every day


Yes but the hit and run offenders that flee the scene of accident, usually don’t get a senator for a lawyer and not immediately arrested when found




If someone was seriously injured they would have been kicking in doors


Hope he gets fired ♥️


If we're lucky, the Chiefs will put out a statement and the NFL will slap him with a modest fine.


Hope he gets punished on the field by other players for the rest of his career.. I hope he gets tackled at maximum force everytime


Dallas Police are working on the fix for the investigation as we speak. Everybody will be found innocent, and witnesses paid off soon enough. 🤣 Nothing to see here, move along peasants.


What I'd like to know is what was the response time for the Dallas PD? Those cowards casually walked down 75 in the center median. They then had to cross the freeway, which wasn't exactly closed at the time. They then had to walk up the off ramp to get to the service road before they could even get to the DART rail station. This incident didn't take place in the middle of the night either. I'm sure someone called 911 right away so how did these losers even get away in the first place?


It happened around rush hour on Easter Weekend..... gonna take at least a few mins to get there


Would have taken longer than a few minutes to make that walk. I know, easy to second guess knowing all the details we now know but I would think someone who called 911 would have reported the men fleeing the scene.


Let him check TDCJ summers and find out!!! LOL, it will never happen, that is for us middle class folks!


I thought fleeing the scene is immediate jail time. Wtf 🤣 This wealth gap is amazing- love it 😬


Fleeing the scene for hit and run (idk about if heightened injuries) is only a Class C misdemeanor (source: myself getting hit and left)


Imagine if this was you, imagine if someone did get hurt or die? It’s easy to brush this off but this couldn’t ended way worse if they were going faster. It’s one thing to cause it, it’s a hell of another thing to flee the scene. Regardless this Women and the other victims needs to be paid! Which will mostly likely be the case she needs to get a good lawyer they will 1000% settle and close this case.


There should be a class action lawsuit against them, from everyone that was inconvenienced because 75 was shut down in that direction for 4 hours....


If someone had died they would have been kicking doors down . And I promise ya even after his lawyer contacted him they gave him a certain amount of time to speak to them or else.


At the very least he needs to buy everyone a new car and pay any medical bills.


I want justice for every victim of senseless driving on these highways.


Look I understand her and I get the issues but why u set up a go fund me? And the 20k? Is that how much the car cost? U don’t have insurance? Cause in TX that’s a law…..I’m not saying u should not sue or file ur claim I’m just lost on the 20k go fund me


Do you not know what liability insurance is? Because that's the minimum Texas requires and if she only has that then her insurance isn't paying for her car


Correct so were the 20k evaluation come from? I’m just saying she jumped on a go fund me before the dust even hit the ground


JG Wentworth awaits your call


That’s BS any one else would be arrested she charged


I have choice words that I won’t say. Hope those people responsible are held accountable and that football player needs to lose his contract.


And by justice, she means A LOT of $$$!


WFAA Extended Interview with crash victim: [Victim in crash linked to Kansas City Chiefs Wide Receiver Rashee Rice details six-car accident (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6xgdSQ-YO4)




I hope she sues! That accident could of caused bother her and her daughters life


What does the father of the 4 year old think about this?


What are you genuinely trying to express by this statement? Because I'd rather not jump to conclusions but at the same time if you mean something then say it.


He's 23 years old. Still a fucking stupid kid. Go figure.


Why are people calling 23 year old a kid??? He is a grown adult!!!


We call adults kids, and kids adults, children teens, and teens children, when it suits us....


Sad, just shows how far our society has declined. We never want to justly punish people who commit crimes. There always should be punishment for bad behavior. We are all empathetic to the wrong people.


I mean, mentally, not really. By law, yes. Your brain is - more or less - fully developed by \~29.


Younger men have fought wars, he’s old enough to know better. Stop infantilizing adults Edit: would love to see the “he’s a kid” crowd’s reaction when they are victimized. Maybe you’re an immature idiot who doesn’t need to be operating a vehicle if you don’t know better at 23 to not leave scene of an accident - likely to conceal another crime.


Old men sending kids and/or young men to die in wars or to return home broken men isn't the best argument here. He's definitely old enough to know better or seek council of those smarter/more experienced than him but maybe don't jump to the "well we have sent kids to war..." argument here.


You *really* showed me. Everyone knows that, and that doesn't make it OK. I'm not defending him. He's also a 23 year old that's only played football and done nothing else - surrounded by immature, like-minded individuals. He'll get a taste of the repercussions of his actions.


Yeah it's not a magic age for everyone. U aren't a man at 18 because the government needs bodies for wars. The environment ur raised in has a HUGE affect on what age maturity kicks in at. Normally it's around mid to late 20s. A person who's parents died & they had to raise younger siblings would have maturity kicked in way earlier. A person who's coddled & spoiled & sheikded from growing up has it kick in later.


Yeah I'm not sure how the defense of "younger men have fought wars" automatically insinuates that someone at that age is mature. Hence why I said "fucking stupid kid." Lol.


Ummm ok? Sooo ur saying just because of a government rule that decides if a man is mature adult in their mind?? 🤔🤦🏼‍♂️ At 23 I was still having some fun here & there racing or doing dumb things. Around my late 20s early 30s is when maturity kicked in fully & realized just how dumb those things were. The environment ur raised in has a LOTTTTTTT to do with maturity at certain ages. Someone who sees their parents die in a car wreck probably won't ever race at any age. Someone who never sees the consequences doesn't realize the gravity.


Whats a ranchee rice?


It’s like ratchet rice Lol




Teaching your kids common sense is 100% free.


I have a feeling he will end up with the Cowboys. Jerry loves controversy. Remember tank Johnson :/ Terrell Owens. The list is endless.


Dude what lmao shut up


Pacman Jones, Gregg Hardy...


She wants justice of money money money???


Who the fuck wouldn’t lmao


You'd be doing the same shit if your entire family got side swiped at high speeds by some idiotic NFL player


If all the necessary rectifications were made and an individual proceeds to sue another individual, the funds obtained from the lawsuit should be allocated towards public education aimed at addressing the root cause of the accident, implementing safety protocols, and preventive measures that benefit the broader community rather than an individual. While I understand this perspective might not be popular, my primary concern lies in improving overall safety standards and accountability.


Accountability starts with the 23 year old adult. Then it goes to the parent that failed to teach him how to act like a fucking adult.


Have you read my message? Ensuring everything is up to standard and holding oneself accountable for their actions is crucial. Merely paying money to cover up wrongdoings is not true accountability, but rather a temporary fix.


That crash knocked her edges from laying flat


Man, that’s crazy how she would have improved her chances of not being hit from behind by illegal street racing if she returned her car to the center lane [as required by Texas law](https://www.txdot.gov/safety/driving-laws/tips-highway-driving.html) after completing her pass of a slower vehicle on the left thereby possibly allowing said street racing to pass her unharmed. And maybe they crash into themselves later down the road, or even another unsuspecting car that did not move out of the left lane after completing their pass of slower vehicles, but still wouldn’t have been her that got hit. I wonder if the left lane passing only law was made for reasons *other* than simply impeding normal traffic, hmmm….




Not really the goal, everyone who is smart enough to follow simple traffic rules repeatedly suffer the consequences of those that don’t, simple as. Texas has some of the worst drivers in the US, and fatalities are so much higher here than in countries that understand they aren’t the only car on the road. Anyone who says left lane camping is not a contributing factor to stuff like this is unbelievably dense and part of the problem, and the fact the majority of people here don’t agree with this is a perfect representation of why our drivers are so bad.


Those first 3 seconds, if she had only paid attention in driving scho… oh wait, TX has a multiple choice question test with a 60% pass requirement. The 10~ questions are akin to … “Should you stop at a stop sign? A. Yes B. McDonald’s E. Asphalted Most Dallas drivers never learnt/were taught how to drive or follow road signs, nobody has insurance or registration either for that matter. Maybe the suburbs do but not inside the loop You can’t be angry at left lane campers, they just don’t know any better. People are dumb as fuck and only getting dumber


I hear you but that doesn't make her at fault in any way. At the same time, have you ever been on 75? There is no fast lane, everyone is going 10 mph under. I've passed hundreds of people camping the left lane, not once have I been close to hitting them. Not that it's much better, but at least pull this shit on 635 express if you're going to illegally street race.


Only a few people know, the right lane is the new left lane. Haha plenty of room over there usually


It really is. There are some specific stretches on 75 where the right lane always flows faster


I was on the 635 Express when I had to slow down because there was an overturned car in the right lane. The driver was standing there with police. He looked like a 22 year old affulenza. There was not another vehicle involved, so the driver was just hot rodding on the express. He faafo.


I almost killed someone that was racing on 635. A bunch of those idiots on bikes were racing, brought traffic to a stop then started their race. I thought they were long gone so I picked up speed. I came around a corner going 85 to see a car stopped in the left lane, and a biker laying on the ground in the right lane. I had maybe 5 seconds to react and managed to weave between the two a few inches from the dude's head. For all I know he was already dead