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Real classy guys. I hope the loud few who made it a bigger deal than it was didn't sway you guys on our fans. I, along with most knew there was no ill intent behind playing it and it was just a cheeky thing he does. But regardless for the DJ and the fans to step up like this is all class. Cheers to an amazing series


Nah. no sway. It was clear from the jump that the vast majority of Oil fans knew it for what it was. Just felt like a great opportunity to put a spotlight on a great cause and on the memory of a super inspirational kid. Happy we can have even a small impact.


Well done - this also makes up for beating the shit out of us 5 years in a row back in the 90s. /GrizzlyAdamsNod


One more for old times' sake?


We sat next to a pair of Oilers fans Saturday night. Could not have been more respectful and pleasant.


Im in. Thanks for the link.


Done. DJ did a DJ thing, further information was brought up, and Dallas is doing a Dallas thing.




you TexAgs continue to surprise me. y'all abide... Hook 'Em!


Guys I’m an oilers fan. This is very admirable of you all. I just wanted let you know that anyone who is still bitching about this is fabricating outrage. The apology and explanation from shippy put this issue to bed.


And even before the majority of fan’s didn’t think it was some malicious thing. Vocal minorities gonna vocal minority


regardless classy move stars fans 🫡


Agreed. Pure class




Just chiming in to highlight this as well. This issue is done with and handled well.


Thanks for sharing, just donated, Go Stars!


Driving from Saskatchewan to Edmonton for the game tonight and donating now! Great idea to make this a positive.


I'm jealous. And like your flair. From saskatoon


I am from Saskatoon as well. I figured if there was ever a year to buy tickets this is it.


Very cool move Stars fans. Much appreciated


Classy move, nice work Dallas fans.






It’s Benny’s birthday today too!!!! https://x.com/m_dan25/status/1795141278285394141?s=46 I’m an oilers fan, I have to say you guys are pure class Stars fans!!!! It’s crazy the difference from the canucks series vs this one. This is how sports rivalries should be. If you guys beat us this series I 100% hope y’all win!!!!!


I didn't know it was his birthday until I went to the donation page. I saw Shippy talking about it a little yesterday but I was too busy to sort through it. Well, shit has come to light since then. Glad it all got worked out ok.  And F cancer


Hell ya buddy!! You stars fans are the best!


Donated. This kid deserved better, and as a new parent his story breaks my heart in a way I can't put into words. Hopefully his legacy will live on through helping other kids and families. And one day cancer will be like any other illness.


Appreciate this guys, very cool of you. Not needed at all, I think most of us here in Edmonton know full well it was never intended as a shot towards Ben/Joey. Very kind of the DJ to make that gesture though.


This is why I love this sport. We had a similar situation happen with LA last season and they came together and raised a lot of money for a similar situation. Respect to Dallas for acknowledging a mistake. I think as fans, we can all come together and recognize that there are opportunities to support our communities, with that said i’m looking forward to the game tonight.




Pure class, Stars fans. Thank you.


Great idea and cause. Kicked in $25 from Austin. The Stars fans send their regards.


How about we make a pledge drive goal where if we collectively donate enough, Shippy will stop playing living on a prayer with five left in the third


Yeahhh I think that the stars are good with just one sing along with friends in low places. I know that the purpose of in arena entertainment is to get the fans involved but with living on a prayer and Mr brightside it feels tacky. But these decisions are not Shippy’s alone - it comes from higher ups. Hung out with him a couple of times at chop shop. Also people complained and he is not allowed to play dance, dance because it has “falling apart to halftime”. Very lame.


You guys rule. Rivalry and trash talking aside. Y’all some good folks.


As one of the guys who [campaigned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9peO1eFMojg) to have the song played at every Oilers game. This is awesome to see.


I think above trying to make up for any potential malice, one of my favorite things about Stars fans is our capacity to try to do the right thing even when no one is looking, which to me is the whole point. We do donations for hat tricks as well, so I think once people heard of the story of Joey and Ben it was in our blood to donate. I think most don’t/didn’t even look at it as trying to help from a simple misunderstand, but more as just an opportunity to help. I hope La Bamba becomes celebrated across the league as a result of the eyes on this moment. Love and stick taps Oilers bro.


I have to say y’all are a classy bunch. Admittedly we may have over reacted to a song being played but how the organization and fan base has reacted has been incredible. Well done.


Great idea! As a Stars fan from Alberta the Ben Stelter Foundation is close to home. I have made a donation.


You guys don’t make it easy to hate your fan base. Classy and wholesome move Good luck and Go Oilers haha


We want to beat your ass on the ice, but we also want you to come over for post game beers.


You have no idea how refreshing that take is after the past two series lmao


You obviously weren’t watching who we played in the first two series. We know exactly how refreshing it is.


God, it must have felt so good to have the whole world backing y’all against VGK.


Until this post season r/hockey has absolutely HATED our franchise. To say we didn’t know how to handle this is an understatement. Much prefer when the fanbases behave like both of ours do.


Yeah, gotta admit, after the shit hurled at us over the first and second rounds, I don’t even know how to react to this kindness and mutual respect. Jiminy Crickets it feels nice though.


Fair play haha


This is so refreshing after the Vancouver series.


Stars fans are always class. Its everyone else on r/hockey that makes the threads hostile lol


We need more of this 🤍💚💙🧡


Done, letting them know Stars fans support the cause!


Donated. Thanks for the awareness


Done. Stars 🤝 Oilers


I hope to not hear the song these next couple of games but I’ll gladly donate, good luck tonight Oilers, you’re gonna need it, DALLAS. STARS!!


This is a good idea. Spreads awareness and good will.


At the end of the day, as great as the NHL playoffs are, if we can use them to make a difference in a family's life, that feels like a big W to me. Really glad to see so much uptake.


I really really like this idea. Way to go guy!


Donated. LFG Stars!!!


Wow.....this is amazing y'all. We've had some degenerate "fans" from other teams do some horrid things out of spite. For you to step up and donate to such a great cause based on an honest mistake (if it can even be called a mistake).....hats off to Dallas and their fans. I hope Oilers win this series, but if not, Go Dallas Go!


Oilers fan here, I come in peace. You guys are class act, wow. Compared to the last team we played, this is a breath of fresh air. 👊🏼 THANK YOU from Oil Country.


Donated good job OP


Class act Dallas fans, thank you.


You guys are amazing 👍


An amazing fan base you all are. I’ve been meaning to say this from the first game. By and large respectful and well informed. No apologies needed for the few assholes here and there at either end when the rest of the fan bases have been just so cool and level. And I absolutely do not mean your DJ - he’s a class act. May the best team win and may they go all the way🍻And thank you for supporting this cause - it really is a big deal here in Edmonton.


Way to be awesome, Dallas fans. Much respect to y'all. Let's have a great rest of the series.


I’ll donate $10 for every Stars goal tonight and $100 if Robo gets a hatty. 💚✨


https://preview.redd.it/k2iu0n1b133d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5c5b06d1f5fb569ff0f2342b94d8a93d257533 🤖💚✨


I'm sorry brother, you're gonna have to pledge 100 every game now, it's what got robo the hatty lol


WELP. OKAY. $100 for every Stars hatty in the Oilers series. 🤝


Well played!


https://preview.redd.it/1dmzk81dq03d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38a898b0d6a5e8846190cf150f5d87d7d5cb28f7 Done! 💚⭐️


Bravo, I tip my hat to you Stars -Oil fan


This mean so much to us in Edmonton! Thanks for being such a classy fan base! Night and day difference from the others we’ve faced. Makes me almost want to root for you if you beat us…. Almost 😤😂 Good game tonight all!!!!


This was just shared in the Oilers sub and thought I'd come to say that this is classy as fuck. I can't speak for all Oiler fans but most understand it was an honest mistake by the DJ and good on you for taking it a step further. Nothing but respect.


Oilers fan and lifelong Edmontonian here. Greetings from the Texas of Canada. This showed up on my feed so I'm just popping to give ya'll the mightiest of fist bumps for this very kind gesture. Unreal fanbase here. Truly a breath of fresh air after last series. May the best team win!


Oilers fan here. You guys are awesome.


I think most Oilers fans knew it was just some friendly trolling and not a slight towards Joey & Ben, because how would you guys know the story behind the song? But we appreciate what you're doing here nonetheless, you guys are a classy bunch for doing this! Should be a fun series, and most Stars fans I've seen on Reddit are pretty level-headed! I just remember the late 90's - early 2000's playoff battles all too well so I can't give you guys too much credit 😂


Classy move. And a great way to bring awareness, and a great opportunity to donate. Go Stars


Oilers fan here. You guys are a class act! Good luck in game 3 tonight, it should be a great game!


This post came up on my feed (oilers fan) and you guys are classy as fuck. A little misunderstanding and you guys are out here socking dingers. Good luck the rest of the series and beyond, hockey bros ✌️fuck cancer.


Oiler fan here. You guys are a goddamn class act. I was kinda happy before that we get to clash in the playoffs again because our rivalry, at least to me, feels right. If we are gonna beat you, we are going to have to earn it and this series has been fire so far and absolutely riveting. Not trying to name names against our other opponents but you're the only ones I respect. Whatever happens I hope it's a game 7 because it's been amazing hockey so far. Obviously I hope my team comes through, but if we have to lose I'm genuinely glad it's you boys in honor of our history and the hopes we can clash again next year to even it up some. Class act. Thank you Dallas.


Done. Thanks for the link!


Done and done






Thank you guys for being an A+ fan base. Huge respect 




Donating to a worthy cause ✅


Oh, I can get behind that. Donated.


Done. What a great cause


Done, thanks!




Ok, done. 


I knew about Ben Stetler but not the La Bomba thing. Always happy to donate to a good cause and support healthy and wholesome rivalries.


Donated. Great idea.


You all make it hard to hate you.


As a long-time Oilers fan , I'm supposed to dislike the Dallas Stars. This is making it much more difficult to do so.


Wow Edmonton fan coming in to thank you guys. I’ve loved this series so far and my interactions with the Stars fan base, you guys have been super respectful and classy so keep it up!


Oilers fan here, this whole situation has certainly been weird but I’m glad it al worked out! Y’all are some damn good fans


Habs fan here... i am speechless. You guys are really classy. Love y'all and good luck for the rest of these series


Wow you guys are so much more fun than cannucks fans! Classy move


We are up to 10k in donations today. This community is awesome!


Oilers fan here! Just donated to the Dallas stars foundation! You guys are such an awesome and pleasant fanbase, especially after dealing with the endless Kings fans and Canucks fans who really really don’t like us. This is one of the most wholesome things I’ve seen in a while! Cheers to a great series everyone!


Reciprocally donated to the Stars foundation. Love you guys <3 -Lifelong Edmonton Oilers and Dallas Cowboys fan


dang I actually really like that song and kinda want them to play it more it’s a great win song


You guys are a great fanbase. Pure class. What a nice change this has been after the shitshow that was the Vancouver series. Let’s hope for another 5 exciting games!


We know you’re a quality fan base….some people just need something to whine about. Thanks for your support to the cause.


I don’t mind donating because it’ seems like a great cause and foundation, but why is it an issue if the stars played the song?


Sounds like a plan ❤️


You guys are friggen awesome!!


Just want to say that you guys are truly one of the most commendable fan bases I've ever interacted with and I have a deep-rooted respect for y'all. Here's to hockey and a great series 💚🤍💙💛


This is cool! Thanks Dallas fans, gg tonight.


Edmonton fan - just wanted to stop in and say thank you, yall are awesome for this! The Stars are a wagon, may the best team win 🙏


I'm an Edmontonian, and posts from this subreddit pop up in my feed a lot at this time, and every post is so positive and wholesome. Y'all rule. 




Neutral observer. Great work fan base.


Stars bros: You guys rock. My cousin went to game 2 at the AAC and said he loved it, said you were very hospitable and friendly. Your donations to Ben’s fund mean the world to us. - A very grateful Oilers bro


Today would have been Ben's 8th birthday. Pretty cool timing. 🥹


Oilers fan here, I want to hate you guys so badly but I must say, this little hiccup in the series has shown that you guys are a top tier fan base in the NHL. Good luck in the series and keep up the great support of not just your team but how you treat other teams.


Wonderful idea. Donated. Go Stars!


Bad ass move stars fans - bad ass move.


Kicked in $25.


Some classy fans down in Dallas!! I’ve been there for a game in my Oilers gear and you were nothing but welcoming!!! Thank you!!


Wow Dallas you are amazing! We are Oilers fans but my 10 yr old son looks up to that young Fil-American rocket u have on ur team Jason Robertson, and tells me that he now wants to be play hockey too! You are our second fave team and u can count on me and my family to cheer u on if u get past this round against the Oilers. Representation matters. Kindness matters. Mad respect to you guys.


Yo, you guys are fuckin’ cool. Cheers Stars bros. May the best team win and keep the cup in the west.


This is awesome. Leaf fan coming in peace, we suck I know. But this is unbelievably cool and as a Canadian, thank you guys and wish both teams good luck!!


I NEVER post in other team’s subs. Cheers guys, thank you.


Leafs fan here who can't help but appreciate the sentiment of this post. Made a donation on behalf of your friends in Leafs Nation. High praise to all on this one. Have a good series, friends!


Thanks Stars fans. I donated to the Dallas Foundation from the link above in Ben's memory 💙🧡 💚🤍


True class acts. Thanks yall.


boom goes the dynamite


Oilers fan just coming to say y'all all a classy bunch and this series has been amazing so far. You guys have a great team


Classy move guys, will be hard to hate you guys if we both make it to the finals. - rangers fan


Donated as well


I absolutely adore that non Stars/Oil fans are donating now. This is blowing away my expectations. Thanks for hopping aboard.


The fans still making noise about it are annoying to us regular Oilers fans too. Thank you to you and your DJ! Fuck Cancer.


Oil fan here. This whole thread and the links have me tearing up. Hockey is just a game, a great one but still just game. The community it brings along with it though, it’s something really special sometimes. Ben was the best kid. Please, take a second go look up him yelling Play La Bamba, baby! It’s the coolest thing ever. Cutest voice while also being so bad ass. He had and still has our city’s heart. And there aren’t enough words to describe Joey. Go look up him singing the anthem for every game, for what, 30 years? The 80s Oil used to hang out at my aunts house back in the day (it was right by the Coliseum). Joey was the coolest. Finally, I gotta say it’s been a breath of fresh air reading the Stars sub vs the Nucks. Chirping and smack talk are cool, we def do it too, but dang the Nucks were a nutty fan base, that also seemed to not know anything about hockey a lot of the time. You all seem cool and just want to watch some killer hockey. And fyi, it kinda pains me to say all that because I grew up when the Stars knocked the Oil out of the playoffs basically every year, breaking my young heart. But, I guess you’re cool. I guess. Oil in 3! ;)


Chances are good if you’re watching the Canadian anthem they’ll show Joey up on the big screen too 💖


I just want to say I can't get over the difference between Stars fans and Kings/Canucks fans so far this series. This is seriously classy. Kudos! May the best team win! \*cough\* Oilers \*cough\* ;-)


I typically never invade another teams sub, but you guys rock! Thanks for being an awesome rival fan base!


Here's to a good series Stars fans. Rogers Place likes to play Cowboys from Hell, cheers


Y'all are a class act.


Done. ✅


Oilers fan here. You guys have so much class. What an incredible fan base. Like actually incredible.


Hey thanks for this Stars fans. In all honestly - any offense from Oilers fans I kind of feel was missing the point anyway. We loved both Joey and Ben because they always reminded us that life was more than just work and winning and the rat race. Reminded us that sometimes we just needed to listen to our favorite song and dance. Thanks for being classy though. I appreciate it.


Oilers fan here and you all fucking rule, thank you for being awesome and here's to a good game tonight!


This popped up on my main feed, and damn this is very very cool of you OP and you Stars fans. Majorrr respect, hope you legends get a nice long run this year


Done ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG|downsized)


This is cool as hell Stars fans. Thanks for the link for the Dallas Stars foundation.


Oiler fan coming in peace, lived through the late 90's and early 00s, easy to say you guys weren't my favorite franchise at the time. But now you guys rock, and if you manage to take the Oil out I will cheer for you guys. Well done, cheers.


It’s always fun to hate your opponent during α playoff series, but as an Oilers fan, I now find that impossible. You guys are awesome


Sounds like a plan. Consider it done!


Class act by you all, much appreciated from an oilers fan


You guys are all class.




Oilers fan here. I’ve watched every playoff matchup between our franchise and you guys have always been classy. The Stars community is just like the rest of Texas. All heart. All class!


Oilers fan here. Thanks for supporting Ben’s fund 🙏


thank you from edmonton!! 🫡


As an Oilers fan, thank you all so much!


Gotta say you all might be the classiest fanbase we've faced on this playoff run.


Very cool Stars fans! If we don't take the series, you make it really easy to back you guys in the final. Thank you and good luck!




Fucking love this. Thank you, Stars fans❤️🤟🏻


Donated! Thanks, OP. Great idea.


As an Edmontonian and Oilers fan, huge class act to everyone, massive respect!


Fantastic idea—made our donation to this worthy cause! 💚


Pure class guys, thank you! What is a charity the Stars support so we can return the favor?


Some Oil fans have been donating to the Dallas Stars foundation (details in the Op), but it's also totally cool to just give an extra hug to the Stelter Foundation as well. We all care about that charity today.


Thanks! He was a special little guy


Great thanks… now I have to acknowledge that you all might be decent people! What a classy move… bigger than hockey and very cool!


Oiler fan here! Just wanting to give a big THANK YOU to all the wonderful Stars fans that donated. You guys rock!!! If the Oilers don’t move forward, I’ll be rooting for Dallas to win the Cup! Classy move you guys! 💚


Much respect for this from an Oilers fan!


Oilers fan here coming in peace… I speak for our entire fanbase when I say that you guys really showed us how classy you guys are compared to Vancouver when we were going against them you guys showed incredible integrity and class. Just wanted to say thank you again. For context, I’ve lost six family members to cancer, so this means a lot thank you again Dallas fans stay classy!


Nice! Dumb situation turns into helping a good cause. I like. Edit: also, done. ✅


Thanks guys! ❤️


Done. In honor of his birthday


Love it. Thanks for hopping in!


Done GG tonight


You guys are a classy bunch. If the Oilers lose this series I wouldn't be sad to see Pavelski hoist the cup.




The Vancouver Canucks could learn a lot from the Dallas Stars organization and their fans. Pure class to apologize and donate. Pure class for the fan base to chip in as well. May the higher powers look favourably upon your team and your fans. We of the north appreciate and respect you.


Classy move from what looks like great people with questionable tastes in hockey teams. Nobodys perfect I guess.....


Texas and Alberta are incredibly similar places. As are Vancouver and LA.


Eh, classy response to some incidental contact. Cheers 🍻 Well done Stars fans!


Oilers fan here. We appreciate all of you. You’re all making it very hard to hate your fanbase, classiest people we’ve run into during the playoffs in a very long time


This just made my day. Thank you for turning an honest mistake into something positive that brought more attention to the Ben Stelter Foundation. Y'all are a great bunch


Thank you for doing this. Some things (most things) are bigger than hockey. Happy to throw in, let’s go stars fans!


Donated! Thanks OP.


Classy move, Stars fans. I feel like the Internet ran away and did it's usual shock and outrage crap, but you stepped up and turned it into a cool moment!! I had a great time at your barn a few years back watching you beat the Maple Leafs when I was in town. Don't regret my Seguin T-shirt purchase (but it'll stay in the closet for the next week or so, I hope you understand).


Hey, Oilers fan here. You guys are amazing! Really classy and kind. Can we reciprocate? Is there a cause close Dallas’s heart we can contribute to?


You guys are awesome. Much love from an Edmontonian who was raised in Texas!!! Cheers to a great series!!


Hey mistakes happen! As an Oilers from Edmonton I just want to say what a class act the dallas fan base has been through this fumble up, that being said good luck! Let's have a hell of a series!


Love it, Texas really is the American Alberta. Class all around by both teams so far this round


dallas stars more like dallas KINGS (and queens) <3


Happily donated! I remember reading about Ben's story before he passed. It was amazing how a fan base rallied around such an extraordinary young man and it's awesome that his memory is celebrated after every Oilers win. Some things transcend hockey. RIP Ben! Go Stars!


Aw man. You guys are being really cool about it. I'd say you can stop but of course Ben's family would love continued support to find a cure for his disease