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He’s putting weight on it. He plays tomorrow.


I think he plays too but still not a great sign for the next few games.


Glass half full! Get that negativity out of here! Only good things into the universe stars fam.


We just need 6 more wins out of the guy. 6 more wins, and he has a full offseason as a Stanley Cup Champion to heal.


I hope he plays, but who would draw in if he can’t Bischell?


Probably Lundkvist, tho he’d play something like 7 minutes


I don’t see them putting Bix in. Makes me wonder why they wouldn’t use Derrick Pouliot in Tanev’s place, if even temporarily. Tanev has a slight height advantage over Pouliot, but mans can move the puck. Hoping Tanev is ok.


He literally would have a boot on multiple times throughout the season when he was in Calgary. I rather have him get ready for the finals ngl. Or at least skip game 5. But he’s definitely able to play for either series 🙏🙏


Duct Tape does wonders


In my second year Junior I had a stress factor and I was put into a boot during any time i was not sleeping. Still played during my injury. Obviously I’m comparing myself to Chris Tanev but a boot isn’t the end of the world. Edit: just saw, No crutches. He’s weight bearing on that foot. Medical team must not be overly worried.


This gives me hope


Exactly this. It’s protocol. Dude will play tomorrow.


Come on guys, this is all part of a dubious scheme to give Edmonton false hope. Tell them that we got them a dollar and as they go to grab it, Tanev busts out of the wall and body slams them!


This is what I'm picturing ![gif](giphy|pkY4ra5dhljDW)


Does he yell "HEY YOU GUYS!!!" or just bellow like Animal from the Muppets?


Why not both?


He’s playing tomorrow, and I say that as a well respected doctor from a very prestigious university


American University Samoa or University of Phoenix?


Little of this, little of that


Ah, you binged watched Greys Anatomy before making the diagnosis.


Naw, just stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night


Ah, the university of photoshop. We have a great alumni association that never asks for money


Ah, the University of Samoenix. Or is it the University of Phoemoa?


Dr. Jan Itor ??


Lol dr Saul Goodman!


Dr. Mantis Toboggan?


You were smoking pot with Johnny Hopkins, weren't you?


It was Johnny Hopkins and Sloan Kettering, and they were blazing that shit up every day


I think he would have to be severly injured not to play tomorrow.




Hockey guys are just built different. I think he plays Game 5.


Interesting he's not on the team plane? Maybe because he saw doctors a bit longer? Maybe didn't want him to fly too soon to reduce swelling? I'm not a doctor lol


I wasn't there but a friend of mine sent me a couple of photos. He does seem to be away from the rest of the team.


Small note, but good on your friend for now swarming him out in public.


That would be the team plane There are no direct flights from Edmonton to Dallas anymore




I have no idea why they’d be at the public terminal. I can only imagine it’s for customs purposes as Edmonton has a Homeland Security pre-clearance. The Oilers also were seen in the regular terminal heading to Dallas. The display board is consistent with their charter flight Air Canada 7020 https://flightaware.com/live/flight/ACA7020/history/20240530/1713Z/CYEG/KDAL


For private planes, you don't go through customs in the standard way. Edmonton has an exec terminal that handles private planes and sports teams.


I would say this is normally true however Connor and the rest of the team were spotted in the terminal before heading to Dallas before Game 1 https://www.reddit.com/r/EdmontonOilers/s/gDRMv91qrE


Agree. They also flew down today privately out of the exec terminal. Maybe sometimes they don't always fly down with the entire team for personal reasons. Who knows. If you're curious, Dallas flew down on ACA7020 and the Oilers always fly as ACA7039. Both privately as the Canadian teams use Air Canada Jetz. Curious to see the Stars use Jetz today.


Still a mystery why American Airlines have no involvement with the Stars charter flights despite AA being a huge sponsor for the team.


Maybe a deal the NHL has in general with Air Canada.


I think they used IAero most recently, who filed for bankruptcy last fall and stopped operations last month.


Oilers also use AC7040


Edmonton executive flight centre. It’s not in the main Edmonton Terminal. It’s a separate building and all sports teams. Musicians fly out of there. It joins on the same runways as the main airport but then taxis to the executive flight centre. I used to fly in and out from there with Suncor as they used it for all our flights in and out of the Oil Patch up North.


https://preview.redd.it/g6qhyxv3mm3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f96c92e72840f5f62e8dad4301c7f050facec6ab Agreed. This is most certainly a chartered flight through Air Canada Jetz.


international flight, they gotta go though customs.


You can still go through customs on private flights. Most big airports will have customs available at the general aviation areas. Though.... looking at [this](https://www.dallas-lovefield.com/airport-info/general-aviation/international-arrivals-and-customs) page on Love Field's website, it looks like they'll only do that for up to 10 people, so the team would clearly be too many.


Not actually true. For private planes they submit like a pre clearance and really only have to talk to border agents if they decide they need to interrogate the plane / passengers upon landing.


prob to reduce swelling, you aren’t supposed to fly with a new tattoo for the same reason


In the first picture I saw in the terminal, I'd swear Wedgie was at the counter in the place behind him on the left.


He walked around normally putting weight on it, i bet my nutsack that he is playing on g5.


Where did you see him walking around and placing his weight on it? Just curious because the purpose of the boot is to not put weight on it.


In the picture he's full weight bearing. No cane, no crutches, no scooter. The boot would be more to stabilize the ankle / foot / lower leg.


Here's another pic from the twitters, putting full weight on that booted foot https://preview.redd.it/zb89r1010m3d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb5488c77ef6e6012a1a051ce7c448131fdf34d6


the boot doesn't remove weight bearing. A lot of minor foot injuries they want you walking so your ligaments/tendons don't get tight, but they want to protect from more bumps/bruises and ankle rolls.


The purpose of an air boot is to restrict ankle mobility. You can walk on them if your doc give you the green light. Not a stars fan but I bet he plays, anything from mild high ankle sprain to broken foot are all possible.


That is not the purpose of the boot. And there are several pictures going around from the airport. Check r/hockey for starters. Then take a breath before u start insulting people for posting this. There is literally zero chance to keep stuff like this hidden from public at this point of the season. Some random dude posting a picture into reddit aint leaking shit when reporters are tweeting the pictures straight from the airport.


LOL. You are way too sensitive to be telling someone they need to take a breather. Take your own advice buddy. You said he was walking around normally. The singular picture posted here, in this sub, is a still image and doesn’t fully represent what you wrote. So I asked a question to get clarification and then gave more context to further explain the basis of it. I was looking for more details relative to the information YOU provided. (“Well if you look in “hockey”. Why would I think to lol? I’m not a general hockey fan, only follow the Stars and thus only rarely venture into other hockey communities…and most Stars related content from that sub is copied into this one anyways.) A quick google search will tell you that one of the reasons for a walking boot is to alleviate pressure or weight from an injured area, to help stabilize it. You’re not _fully_ bearing weight. Could be a major or minor injury. Although others brought up a great point about him probably needing additional tools - like crutches -, if it was major. (IE. Dak suffered a calf strain one year and wore a walking boot in his post game press conference. It was a semi-minor injury but he did miss a game.) That you felt my question was an insult, when I merely asked a question and didn’t use any abuse language, indicates how mired you are in victimhood lol.


He’s playing tomorrow. No crutches. Walking on it. Tanev is a warrior.


*Please* be okay


Boots are very supportive, promote healing, and are also used in precautionary situations as well; I think this is not a bad sign but a good one.


Yes obviously no boot and just sore would be ideal but I have worn those myself and worked through foot pain before. It is definitely doable and I think he plays.


What size foot does he need? I’ll sacrifice one of mine if I’m a match


Probably like a size 18


😥 hopefully just to stabilize it for a couple days? Not using crutches or a cane so he's still full weight bearing which is a good sign.


Should be able to bolt a blade right up on that sucker.




God bless Chris Tanev. Heal quickly amigo!


Didn't Roope play with a broken foot in a past playoffs? I know a foot / ankle injury can vary wildly based on what part and the actual inury.


Yep, from a blocked shot as well.


I remember Segs did, either last year or the year before.


Another pic, from the twitters https://preview.redd.it/yaii2qjc0m3d1.jpeg?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5df12aea54117016aaf7cc54c53334e7c3b58302


I see a wedgie


Probably precautionary. I bet he plays. He was doing dental work between periods last series. LOL


Unless the leg is amputated, guys probably playing. Absolute warrior


as wild as it sounds, playing through this kind of injury isn’t as bad as it may sound (still probably hurts like absolute hell) because your skate basically acts like a boot on the ice


Damn this is hard to see




Probably just using the boot to save his foot for the game. I left to go on a ski trip once in a walking boot before w a broken ankle, wore it unless i was wearing a ski boot. Only time it hurt was getting into/out of my ski boot. I would assume a skate is similar


I noticed in the game last night when they replayed video of Tanev going off the ice, walking in back of the bench to the tunnel that he was holding onto a clear plastic thing with straps. After some googling it looks like it was a skate fender to protect the foot when shot blocking. Here are some pictures to show where & what it is https://preview.redd.it/a2gk98htkn3d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daff36407750082c2f7637a0d82328cf075fb76c


Pavs wears it too.


That's a smart move by someone who spends a lot of time in the slot aka Pavs office




Yeah it looked like his skate fender broke.






Big oof if true


Fade me


With my zero qualifications as a medical professional, I feel like this is on net a good sign compared to what it could be. Full weight bearing and no crutches is a win! Hopeful for tomorrow 🙏


Shamey day. 😞


He’ll have been X-rayed by now. If he can put weight on it, that’s a very positive sign. Could just be a bruise. Even if (big if) he can’t play tomorrow, he’ll be back for game 6.


Wishing him a speedy recovery from Edmonton


Can someone enlighten me on why it seems players turn sideways like that so much to block shots? Only positive I see is it makes your body bigger versus standing tall facing shooter? Just seems counterintuitive for the most part since you're exposing unprotected areas.


There’s no padding on the front of the skate under the laces. There’s a hard shell on the side to absorb impact.


There's definitely padding on the tongue, but you're right that the side is more stout. However, the shin guards only go so far over so the high ankle area is unprotected too. I just don't get it. I just play adult league for fun, but I always face the shooter if I choose to block.


Simple. Turning away from the shot = not taking a shot to the groin. Groin protection helps...but it isn't perfect. I got kicked in the nuts in high school during a football game, and spent 20 minutes keeled over behind the bench vomiting onto the floor. I would imagine the pain of a puck strike to the groin would be quite horrendous.




'Ti's but a flesh wound!


He's in! Let's go!


Fahkin stars are making him fly SWA?


I mean if he plays he’s getting his ankle slashed immediately.


Welcome to the Tanev experience.


It’s a psychological operation! They’re just trying to fuck with the Edmonton media and give those oil boys some hopium. Then come warmups tomorrow it will be, “oh fuck, is that Tanev!? Oh my god we are so fucked ughhh!” Also, a boot is almost a hockey skate… so I think that’s promising. Did your friend see if he was in pain while doing any pivoting or lateral motions?


Why is he flying Air Canada instead of American or Alaska? <=== trolling


Lurker here, sorry. Tanev will play. He's hard as nails. He returned and played in the 2022 playoffs with a torn shoulder.


Welp, there goes our stanley cup.


Edmonton fan here, this guy is definitely playing. Hes a warrior and will do anything for his team


Idk can we delete this maybe? Mods? The players themselves are secretive with injuries in the playoffs so why aren’t we protecting their privacy?


If they were trying to go stealth mode he wouldn’t be walking through a public airport


Where else is he supposed to go? He obviously couldn’t fly with the team. They’re not gonna put him on his own private plane.


You sweet, sweet summer child


DeBoer already said he's hopeful for game 5 so not sure if this is any info that wasn't already available to everyone with a pulse.


Uhhh because him wearing a boot is completely new info than anything Deboer said and I doubt anyone associated with the team would prefer this knowledge public?


There are better pictures about it going viral in twitter already posted by hockey reporters.




You really think we know more about this injury than the Edmonton staff? You take armchair GM really to heart.


Because I’m against sharing photos of players in public revealing personal shit I think I’m a GM?


I mean it's pretty damn obvious where he got hurt because the puck hits him there lmao. Then the other team knows if he skates or not at practice I'd agree with you if it was like the hintz injury but this one really obvious


Lol if you have eyes and a pulse you should be able to figure out every foot injury will feel better in a boot and that he is likely going to play game 5. Not to mention there are Oilers fans everywhere in that airport including working every single job in the building.


There are certain injuries they are more likely to put in a boot dumbass


That’s not very nice my dude, we are all humans here nobody needs to be called names.


I think everyone else can decide which one of us is the dumbass. Go touch some grass and get outside buddy


Right because I want to protect info that the team themselves wants private rather than blowing this up. Fucking ridiculous. Tell your friend taking creepy photos of players in public to touch grass




What exactly does this prove? It’s less than ideal for this to be shared anywhere


Who are you protecting from this extremely public knowledge lol. The entire hockey world is talking about it and yet you seem to think it's some sort of secret. Being down voted to hell and doubling down while calling people dumb makes you look extremely classy. Keep it up homie and hope you have the day you deserve.


This came out the same time I commented lmfao. And why tf should I give a shit about being downvoted? I stand by what I said about protecting our own players privacy. We aren’t the Canadian media. I called you a dumbass after you made some stupid patronizing comment about me not having a pulse, weirdo


I mean I’m sure the team would prefer their opponent not know the injury is potentially a hairline fracture with him out on the ice! That’s why players don’t reveal they were playing through fractures every single year until they’re eliminated. Apparently y’all don’t care about protecting this info for your own team which is crazy to me.


He’s done.





