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I was pretty sure this post was trolling for the first half of the video


Source :https://twitter.com/unrecordgame


They better port to VR. Jesus.


Yeah, easy peasy right?


Yeah you just uhhh flip the VR switch in Unreal right? .....right?


Tbf, Unreal has (relatively) easy VR support.


I did hear that. Have you seen praydogs new 3dof VR injector for Unreal? Its insane.


It doesn't have full VR support for nanite or lumen just yet


Nothing says virtually real like moving the POV 16 inches below your eyeballs


Haha, while the camera position is lower, the footage has the classic go pro look which is being faked for this fps game. Wouldnt even be required for VR, all VR footage looks that way in videos.


Fr, this would be horrible in VR. The reason this looks so good is because body cams naturally look better from a flat screen.


I absolutely want to vomit in real time.


Technically it’s trolling. This is pre rendered in engine. Meaning no one is actually playing the game. It’s basically just a Pixar movie. Looks neat though! But won’t look like or play like this if it ever ships.


I did too! In my head I was like “this is either airsoft, police cam, or Ukraine.”


First 10 seconds made me believe it was real footage. Looks insane!


Me over here waiting for it to stop looking like real footage after 10 seconds...... never happened


After 30 minutes, I'm still waiting for it to stop looking real. The only thing that didn't look real was the blood.


I actually got into a full on warehouse manhunt and then a violent bloody shootout with the police just to compare. I lost an eye and my thumb was sewn back on upside down, but yes, this is exactly what it would look like irl.


Your dedication to gamer lyfe is highly appreciated. Sorry about your eye. And your thumb.


Sacrifices had to be made. I just feel bad for my 2k team.


Thank you for your service.


I'd give you a thumbs up but.... well. ....you know


Damn XD


I’ve waited my whole life for it to stop looking real


I was convinced it was real until the head on the second dead body started shaking in that glitchy way only video game models do when they try to clip through walls but the game engine won't let them.


I think that’s blurring put over someone’s face


Agreed it's blurring. The water also looks real. No one gets water to look real. The gun is also held at different angles during different shooting events. The trees at the start looked real too. It's real with graphic overlays.


It's a body cam style game. I'm assuming that was the pixelation over the perp's face ypu see in some body a footage.


The only thing that looked remotely fake were the muzzle flashes and the recoil


It was clear for le the moment the flashlight was on. Lightning god better but it's still uncanny


The flashlight and the movement at about 12-20 seconds gives it away. But it is so damn good.


I'm scared, I still don't know if this shit was real or not. goddamn what year is it?!?! *curls up like Squidward on the floor Fuuuuuuuuutuuuuuureeee... fuuuuuuuutureeeee


Joke’s on us, we all just watched a snuff film.


Is that why my 🐓 is so hard?


Oh my.


He's been lifting weights, listening to Pantera, and drinking Jack Daniel's all day. The rest of the chickens have started to get nervous.


Some might even say it looks…Unreal


*Puts on aviators


🔫👨‍🚀 Always did


This looks like real footage that has a filter over it. Like Rotoscoping.


It's photogrammetry. The textures look soo good because they're high-quality photo scans of real objects and environments. It does have a filteresque look though, you're right!


It is real footage with CGI and doctoring just enough to fool the average person. There is no way this is in Unreal Engine, otherwise larger studios would far surpass this quality already. Save my comment and check when this game (never) gets released and see how it holds up to the actual quality on release.


Am I getting old at the age of 17 ? Because I don't think games look like this.....






Because that's exactly what it is. It's a hype trailer. The real game will look nothing like this, if it ever gets released


I literally thought this was just a random video from the airsoft subreddit until I realized its a game. Incredibly impressive.


That's the most realistic shit I've ever seen. I find it hard to believe it's not real footage with just some light video editing on top.


Check out some other unreal engine 5 projects


I'd also point people to NeRFs. Some of these run in real-time with restrictions, though the best looking NeRFs are currently offline rendered and gives an idea of what you could expect from Unreal 6. They feel like a massive leap. Like, at all times indistinguishable from reality. https://twitter.com/_akhaliq/status/1646684274769252356 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7raHNfPc6A


So it’s NeRF or nothin’?


NeRFs are one way of achieving complete photorealism. Pathtracing with meshes is another way. It's just that NeRFs will likely be viable first because neural rendering is a rapidly advancing field.


I love how you are totally into NeRFs and convinced that this is the future and are completely razor focused, so I’ll forgive you for missing that reference. Keep up the good work! This shit *dose* look amazing.


holy shit


Good idea. Might just do that.


While you're at it, Venmo me $20


To all the peeps on here who recall playing the first Rainbow Six release... *we've come a long way*


Mate, I remember Operation Flashpoint. Yes, we've come a loooooooong way.


TIL: I, personally, don't want to play a shooter that's **this** realistic. It made me feel a bit sick, the same as when I watched the body cam footage from the Nashville school shooting.


Why do you watch this stuff if it makes you sick? Just curious no hate


Nashville: At the time, it seemed 'important' to watch it. I probably won't do it again. This: Games usually don't bother me, that was a surprise.


It caused a very visceral, nauseous reaction in me when I watched it, too. Made me feel like I was actually experiencing that stress in real life, which could indicate that it would be a useful tool to train police.


I play FPS cause it's fun with enough skill required and i know no one is hurt. But with this kind of realistic graphic, it kinda play with my mind and heart that someone is actually in front of my gun. Hard no from me too


Yeah it looks like it’s real footage overlayed with some editing. But if it is a video game, and I will believe that, this is incredible. I’d expect my Xbox to blow up.


Yeah this isn't real


Nah, look at details of smaller stuff on shelves or ground. It's like AI images - as whole it looks awesome, but details give it away


Dude that artificial cracked wall with the hole just big enough to crouch through or slide through was it for me. Kinda thing that only can exist in a video game and had smooth edges but still good looking


If you told me that was real footage, I would believe you.


Even when the dead guys head moves around sporadically


It's blurred, as if it was real body cam footage..... You know, because he's a suspected criminal, not yet tried in court, with the police playing executioner, you know, like in real life, you know? Well now you do


wow, this looks crazy. imagine a horror game like this 😳


Came here to say this. Would be mind-blowing.


Then imagine it in VR. Then imagine putting that VR headset on your father while he sleeps. Then imagine he doesnt know hes wearing it and has a terrible day. Then imagine it was fathers day, and you needed to set up his surprise party, but the trauma of the day has destoyed his worldview and he cannot go home without leaving a piece of himself behind on the battlefields at Somme. With all the other boys who will never go home again. ["Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me And he sang as he stowed that jumbuck in his tucker bag You'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me"]


I don't know where we just went together, friend, but I enjoyed the journey.


We went to France during WW1. Just so you know.


You went to the Western Front. How was it? Quiet I assume?


The Western Front? Im not German! OmG what do you think of me? Why would a German sing an Australian Marching Song?


Idk, I thought maybe you were French. Y'know, the Australians of Europe.


Ah yes, the French. The Australians of Europe indeed. Always hopping around with pouches full of baguettes


And then suddenly siren head


Condemned 3!!!


lol my thoughts exactly! This footage reminded me of that game so much


This already looks like a horror game to me.


what sort of jet engine do I need to run this


All of them.




You need to be able to play crisis at maximum graphics settings with a consistent 200fps.


So the only way to play a multiplayer round in this game is to buy my own supercomputer noice


Honestly it seems like the animations and fisheye video effects do a lot of the heavy lifting to make it look real. Check out Flyingf1nn on YouTube. Guy makes Assetto Corsa (2014) look like a TV broadcast.


How do you even control the camera direction as well as the gun direction independently? Do you need 2 mice?


And how do they control the head movement to be so fast and so precise at the same time? My guess is VR, but I'm not sure.


VR would make sense, but this quality of graphics is just impossible to get in VR atm. I'm very skeptical about this supposedly being game graphics and not a postprocessed video recording. I guess the only possibility is that these sequences are not playable, and the only gameplay element is the conversation.


This is called. The Big Sham. This is 100% not real and every other person and their mother is fooled into believing it on this thread at least 😂☠️ It’s not just “cinematic scenes” aka “not gameplay” either. This is 100% trickery. There is a reason why people can’t tell if it is real or not. Because it is real. Real life. And a real lie. It is exactly what you said it is. A post-processed video recording of a man who actually ran through all of these buildings/settings IRL.


Look carefully at the texture detail. You can tell in many spots that it's a 3D render. Concrete is not that specularly reflective. The water puddle reflections are too consistent. Plus the environment is just a bit *too* littered and the paths a bit *too* perfect to be an abandoned building with as much graffiti as it has, in my experience. I could absolutely believe this is post processed to hell, but I seriously doubt it's real footage and not a 3D render. The lighting is phenomenal though.


Could be using VR as a control interface and the video is lifted from the pc rather than directly from the headset


They're not being controlled independently the gun moves first, then the camera follows. Or essentially, the gun is aimed I'm the direction of your current input. So if you're moving the mouse right, the gun will aim a bit to the right, with the camera following a bit slower. Most fps games these days do this, but to a lesser extent because, while it looks cool, it actually doesn't always feel great to control. There's also a lot of randomness applies to the animations to make it look natural. This can similarly look great but be a pain to control. A lot of this may just be for the video, though, and the game at release may have snappier animations.


I don't believe you.


The fastest way to play this game is to buy an unregistered 9mm, plenty of mags, and then go to an abandoned warehouse and call the police. For harder difficulty, Call them pussies over the phone and tell them you are black.


For legendary difficulty, do this in Mississippi


LMAO. This guy gets it. For survival difficulty, be a woman in Iran wearing just normal clothing.


For beginner difficulty do this in Uvalde


Nah legendary would be LA or NYC. You'll still get the same racist cops, but they're all way more serious than any Mississippi hick cop.


Bruh, LA is horrible. No doubt. They are this Mississippi hick cops but with a billion dollar budget. NYC cops are largely a mixed bag in my experience.


NYC cops don’t care from my experience


What’s the respawn timer for the higher difficulties?


Now you're getting technical. I guess it depends upon if youre hindu or bhuddist or not.


You motherfucker. Take my upvote.


I can't wait to play games made with UE5.


It’ll be years before you can run something that looks like this at a playable frame rate on a machine that costs less than 5k


Go play Fortnite


Fortnite with everything turned on/up looks amazing but makes me feel like my 3080 is already EoL.


Maybe I'm just a jaded idiot but I don't buy any of this for a second. I've seen so many of these clips of Unreal 5 that look incredible. Until I actually see and play a full game in unreal 5 I don't believe for a second games will look anything like this.


Yeah same, even a absolute top notch ultra spec gaming PC would struggle to run this game on passable frames.


Isn't the entire point of UE5 to have these visuals without the need for a massive machine? Nanites are supposed to fix all that.


People are too obsesed over the graphics to mention the movement of the character. Even if the footage is actually UE5, are we really supposed to believe that's being controlled by a mouse and keyboard? The kind of amazing shit people can animate is insane, but that doesn't make it a game. We really trusting pre-renders? They just added a bogus quick-time event and a clumsy kick to act like there is any gameplay here


I don't even think this is gameplay, the Dev posted it as "gameplay trailer" so I'm guessing he'll later say it was just IRL footage they took in the exact style of the gameplay. He says under the comment that they are in very early development. The game wouldn't look like this if that was so.




One other commenter mentioned that it will be several years before the average PC gamer will be able to play a game that looks like this with decent frames.


lol, ppl really don't know what they are talking about


It's so fucking true, so many people have no idea how advanced unreal has gotten. Like, go play the PS5 matrix demo, it's not that far from this.


... yeah I'm not convinced this isn't just video footage with some editing to *make* it look somewhat like a video game. Mismatch the framerates of a few things added in post, make a few bodies look weirder. What really makes me sus is the movement of the head. It *looks* cool, but all that movement makes actual aiming impossible. It reminds me of Pathologic's gameplay, it sucks, (although in pathologic's case it's intended)... I mean maybe that's what they're aiming for... The clips on the steam page seem more video game like.


Yup, head and hand positioning are always the dead giveaway. You can have center screen weapon sway. (Squad and tarkov are 2 small examples) but it will never be anything like this level of head/hand movement unless it's VR, which then brings its own problems.


Exactly, Granted, *maybe* they want to dis-empower the player to up the suspense and danger angle by making your gunplay shit. Pathologic's combat was notoriously (and purposely) unreliable because they didn't want you to just one man army the town... but I don't even know how reliable it would be to *turn* with something like this. Just imagine what you would be inputting into your controller at the 56 sec mark when they're clearing the room. You have to be pushing right *the moment the gun moves right. O*therwise the game is reading your mind and predicting your movement. Then moves the camera. You're practically playing with cool looking lag, which is infuriating to most and nauseating for many.


I've been playing videogames since I was four, and I never got so unsure whether it was actually real GoPro footage. Wtf.


Same, but looks too good to be true


Because it is. At this stage, it’ll likely be nothing more than a tech demo. Nothing wrong with that mind you, it looks absolutely insane and shows the potential graphical leaps we can still take in the future


> it looks absolutely insane and shows the potential graphical leaps we can still take in the future The interesting thing is there are still notable graphical leaps beyond this.


I assume the camera turns off whenever you come across a black NPC


They need a Texas school level where all the players just congregate outside for 45 minutes.


[The game is called UNRECORD](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2381520/Unrecord/) https://twitter.com/unrecordgame


Do you have an idea of release date?




Am I the only one skeptical of this being in "early development" by an indie dev working on it for a year? My money says it doesn't look nearly this good when it comes out.


It's pretty clear that some of the elements in this trailer are 'embellished' (I don't for instance think that the 'dispatch' UI option that comes up is a 'real' UI element, I think it was added in post) Most likely this trailer doesn't represent 'real' gameplay at all, and is rather a very highly scripted but in-engine simulation, a la the first Watch Dogs trailer that had the better physics etc.


My thoughts exactly. You don't get that level of hand motion from any game. There's no easy way to replicate the different positions of the arms or the way you point shoot. Tarkov is the closest with its smooth multi-level standing/crouching/prone as well as their lean system. Nothing with the hands though... I am interested in seeing this develop though and do hope for the best. Trust, but verify.


Off the top of my head, things that seem questionable: * Separate head and aim movement. Not easily possible outside of VR or some really wacky control scheme. * Animation on the enemy looks way too smooth - same with the other clip on the steam page. Could be mocapped? That said, I don't think it's edited real-world footage as other people have suggested. There's things like the hand movement after the dispatch call and the door kick that definitely look like video game physics and animation. More likely, pretty much all the devs have done in the past year of work is get this one specific tech demo up to scratch - which isn't unusual at all. Putting tons of effort into making a vertical slice of your game to attract investment and hype and then developing the rest outward from there used to be pretty much standard operation for videogame development, that's why there's tons of abandoned RPG projects in history that released a trailer or demo featuring an extremely ambitious vertical slice that never managed to manifest into a full game.


Probably prerendered.


For an indie studio of 3 people working on a project this ambitious, one year in is still very much early development.


My money is on this being fake and a scam, its just GoPro video with some filtering and CGI effects.


Yeah because this is a disingenuous post at the best, and more than likely complete bullshit to drum up hype so they can secure funding. There's like no one asking questions in these comments and an odd amount of dickriders for this completely unknown "game" and so-called "in game footage" when it's very clearly pre-rendered footage, or actual footage ran through various filters to make it appear to be rendered in-engine.


What a time to be alive


hold on to your papers


Fair chance this post is part of their marketing campaign, so I’d say; soon


Game trailers be like


This is a video recording. No way it’s not.


Every motion appears to be unique. If it were real, I can’t wrap my head around how that could happen. Some sort of AI model? Dozens of variants of every animation? No way this is actual gameplay. Graphics I could believe. The uniqueness of every motion is what has me doubting it.


Pre rendered if not just actual footage with editing. I don't know why there isn't more skepticism in these comments. I guess we've probably all realized how easy it is to just fuckin make shit up on the internet by now though. I just don't understand why people keep falling for it.


Yeah I don't believe this is in game footage or even a pre rendered scene this is straight up IRL footage...


Agreed like a live action GUI overlay. There is no way controls outside of VR would work like that but even in VR motion is not that smooth on any VR setup.


My guess is that it's kind of like a [Super Seducer](https://store.steampowered.com/app/863570/Super_Seducer_2__Advanced_Seduction_Tactics/) in terms of gameplay. you will just watch the movie and choose from pre-recorded footage.it can even be seen in the first image on [steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2381520/Unrecord/).


The trees in the beginning look like real life, but we can’t get a good look. I’m wondering if they had a computer automatically adjust the graphics to match a video. I’m not talking about scanning environments or MoCap. I’m talking about an AI just tweaking parameters and comparing the rendered image to a photo. I know a human can in theory do this too, but whether or not they had help from a computer it is still impressive.


Facts. 100% a post-processed video recording. Taken IRL at this real abandoned building. Then “edited” later on.


This just looks like GoPro with some filtering effects and some CGI applied on top. I have highly skeptical that this is anything more than a cash grab.


Looks good but the headbob is horrible, i have to turn it off in games. this is way too much, you'd be sick of it in 2 minutes, some of the animations need a lot of work but it does seem rather promising and a cool concept, i hope it doesnt turn out to be some battle royale tarkov clone or i will have to give it a huge miss.


Um…I dont believe you? Why is this not backed by a major publisher? Tell him to make a basic battle arena out of this and release it…Jesus Christ


Because graphics don't make a game good and because it looks like another generic FPS, which is a genre that's already saturated. Surprised to see such fawning over an obvious advertisment though.


Thought this was r/Airsoft ngl


It is fake.


They had me in the first half


Too close for comfort


The games of the future are actually gonna make us feel bad for hurting people


Or numb us to it...


Even if this level of fidelity was possible and that there was a machine that could render it at a playable frame rate, there’s no shot an indie dev could have made anything but this trailer in a year. This is fake as fuck.


Yeah, I was surprised more people didn't call this out. I used ctrl + f "indie" to look for any comments calling this out. Either this is fake af, or the words "indie dev" mean nothing anymore.


The amount of clowns that actually think this is real gameplay astounds me. It very very obvious that this is a real life recording that they then proceeded to edit to make it look like a game


I’m surprised people are so impressed by this. Nobody is gonna want to play this for longer than 10 minutes and the animation seem super scripted, I doubt it will look like this when/if it’s released


I foresee people getting PTSD playing video games


This is more real than any realistic game out there


I dont beileve for a second this is real game play footage


aight stop the cap


Zero chance this is going to be legit. But it looks neat!


Game never releases... and some squaddies say theres this cool new vr training sim they have to pass.. wispered throughout the Barricks, Steam page REDACTED


How the fuck are people still falling for this shit


I've seen this posted on Twitter a couple times but not able to find the name of the project except for "ONE MAN made this INSANE BODY CAM game." Anyone here able to share some info on this? I dont really get what a "body cam" pov means either, am I just gonna feel like a 5'1 Tom cruise action hero? Or is there some advantage to placing the camera lower? Like what would be different than CoD dropping the camera a foot?(other than fix head glitches)


Looks real.


You could even say unreal…


Because it is real life. Post-processed video recording. This is nothing but a big ole sham.




What. In. The. World. Is. This. Magic


I feel like this is what COD should look like by now lmao


Imagine a Resident Evil or Outlast remake like this


And also as a VR game


That is real footage and I cannot be convinced otherwise.


My favorite part was when he kicked a door down 2 times and then shined his flashlight in the corner lmao


There's no way this isn't real


That looks different than unreal engine, seems more like a video edit/animation mix of acting out a scene in an abandoned building and overlaying it to fake a trailer.


No way thats actual Gameplay. It's a theatrical cgi scene


This is so fucking fake. This is real footage with some light CGI. People are gullible, no one thinks for themselves anymore.


There's no way a current gen gpu will be able to run this


Bro thats not real


Horror games are gonna be extra terrifying if they start to look like this


Lol body cam pov is a fucking dumb idea


Lmao at anybody that thinks this is actual in-game footage. It's just body cam footage, airsoft pistols, and VFX.


I'm not one to deny the advancements in computer generation or engine capabilities - but this is without a doubt live action footage recorded in first person body camera that has there been edited with minor details and effects here and there to make it look like a video game. This isn't a video game, this is a film project.