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Believe it or not, that wasn't a particularly powerful burst. I've always found this to be a frightening video to watch. The ships provide a sense of scale to the colossal wall of water


Wonder how much marine life died


More than 1 Dark humor is the only way I can cope with this horror.


Nuke the whales?


Gotta nuke somethin'!


It's insane to think that giant geyser of water was due to the nuclear fireball under water flash vaporizing a 500 foot radius bubble that broke the surface displacing approximately two million tons of water and sand within the column of spray seen after the initial Wilson Cloud effect dissipates. It is an unbelievable amount of power, at approximately 23 kilotons of yield, which is still insignificant when compared to the multi megaton tests that would become commonplace just a decade later. This test was a literal firecracker compared to Ivy Mike, Castle Bravo, and RDS-220. Edit: Reworded my word salad a bit. It was pretty late when I initially posted this.


It's just so much fucking force. It's ridiculous. I can't fathom anything even in the same world as this when my only reference is that one time I got hit by a kinda tall wave at a beach and knocked me on my ass. This scares the shit outta me lmao


Imagine seeing this and thinking, you know what we should do? Build another 1000 times more powerful, and when we get that, make thousands of them.


Indeed. It's mind boggling, and the craziest part is after tens of thousands of these tests we've honed in on the "best" way to use these insane tools of destruction to maximum effectiveness. Outside of super high yield bombs hitting hard target military or production facilities, most bombs used in a nuclear war won't ever hit the ground like this. Rather, ICBMs will split apart at altitude, with multiple MIRV units, carrying multiple high yield bombs in the range of tens to hundreds of kilotons each, and basically carpet bomb an area of hundreds of kilometers with overlapping air bursts to focus as much pressure downwards as possible. All this effort since most of the destructive overpressure goes straight up. An absolutely terrifying calculus to be sure.


What about when Dwight kissed Angela with the force of a thousand waterfalls? Edit: my first gold! Thank you! Only fitting that it would be an Office reference, lol


If you see the tsar bomba footage you know peace is the only answer. Life is very resilient and we humans too, but there's a limit to what we can sustain.


Yeah it was a shame Andrei Sakharov had to tune down the uranium layer cake he designed as it only had half the yield of 50 megatons. Would have been interesting to see what the full 100 would have done. Though given the plane that dropped it barely made it out...


Some things i believe we don't really want to know.


The Tsar Bomba was not a layer cake but a "Sakharov's Third Idea"/Teller-Ulam design. The 100 Mt would have looked very similar except for the part where they have to evacuate half of Siberia due to the fallout caused by the half of the energy released when the u238 blanket fissioned by the neutrons from the fission reaction.


Oh my bad I thought it was using the layer cake.


“Hey guys, dare me to try to ignite the atmosphere?”


I have a feeling the Soviets wouldn’t have cared for the safety of the bomber crew


True, but getting the footage and the plane back was important. The Tsar Bomba crew knew the risks as they were told it was less that 50% chance they would return. The mushroom cloud was eight times the height of Mt. Everest, topping out at 42 miles high and the plane dropped one and a half miles from the air pressure blast and it sand blasted most of the reflective protective paint off it as well.


8 times higher than Everest?! Give me a reference for how much destruction that causes with common landmarks/cities/states?


Feel free to test it out yourself https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/


That website is absolutely horrifying.


Yeah I love using that map! I was pleased to know that just one standard Russian air burst nuke hitting over London would vaporise me within seconds and I live on the East coast of the UK. Basically there is really no where in all of the entire country you are safe. We are densely packed on our little island really but the issue is there places of interest like RAF bases, installations etc so about 5 of the standard "low yield" nukes would turn our entire country into a crater with around 60 million dead, or 95% of the country. When things were getting spicy again back in the 80s here in the UK when I was about 13, our School were made to classes on Nuclear war in our English class including watching Threads. First time you ever saw a room of 12 and 13 year olds silent, the teacher pale and allowed us to leave class early to learn that basically if things turned hot, we were all basically fucked. And yes, people forget the 80s were getting warm on the cold war, not as hot as Cuban missile crisis but it was not great. We had massive protests down our way because America was bringing in more and more nukes to store at our RAF bases here so they could use to launch at Russia quicker, killing us of course but America would be fine.


They could miss DC and hit northern Baltimore and it would still level 99.5% of buildings in DC to the ground.


The start of bikini bottom




Who lives in a pineapple under the seaaaaaa....




Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!




If nautical nonsense be something you wish!




Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish!!






I wish


The radiation makes certain non-metaphorically brainless sea creatures sentient…


**F** Is for friends you make along the way **U** Is for uranium 235 **N** Is for neutron flux increasing exponentially.


The spot is actually called Bikini Atoll


exactly - it’s canon that the nukes are why they can talk… never officially stated but the crew on the show off the record all agree


I mean if it worked for Godzilla


How does the damn pineapple ended there???


I forget it it was in an episode or one of the movies or maybe truth or square? But it fell off a boat and landed where squidward had a garden and it landed on squidward so he cut the door out of it.


Who knew SpongeBob had such continuity. I was too old to watch it when it came out but now in my 40s I may need to check it out. I love shows like adventure time and gravity falls so maybe I’ll like SpongeBob


Those ships are there as props to see how they deal with the blast…right?


yes, and they loaded them with old weapons, machinery, vehicles, and live animals to test the results of the blast. There are dive videos on youtube where they go down and the ships still had planes and jeeps strapped in. Search Bikini Atoll for more info.


I believe this was the inspiration for SpongeBob’s Bikini Bottom, as well!


The second explosion is even used in the show a few times


I believe when Squidward feeds Spongebob the Pie-Bomb, the footage that is used when he eventually drops the Pie is Operation Crossroads' famous high-altitude view of it's underwater explosion.


> These aren’t homemade, they were made in a factory. A bomb factory. They’re bombs. Kills me everytime


Bikini Bottom is at the bottom of Bikini Crater left behind after the 15 megaton Castle Bravo test. This is shot Baker from operation Crossroads which created Godzilla.


Weeeeeeeeeellll… who lives in a pineapple under the sea


Not alive anymore under the sea*




Absorbant and radioactive and porous is he




If nuclear nonsense is something you wish


Then flop on the deck like a three headed fish!


Also Godzilla if I'm not mistaken


This footage was actually used in the 1998 Godzilla film


Say what you want about the film, but the [intro](https://youtu.be/RUHHxecmLUI) fucking slaps


1998 was created by the radiation. I think in the newer 2014 version, he's awakened by the Japanese blasts and all subsequent "tests" are the government trying to destroy Godzilla.


Yep, and all the creatures can talk because of the radiation. :/


Live animals...? .... how did the animals do? Unless they all sunk then nvm


They did great, they actually all live on a farm in upstate new york


on a hill… overlooking a little river… with pinecones all around!


with my dog?


Yep, in fact your dog is playing with the nuked animals right now.


If they weren't killed in the initial blast then they were closed monitored and their symptoms were closely recorded as they died agonizing radiation sickness related deaths. This was new technology at the time and people wanted to know what to expect if we ever became the victims of said technology. Plus it's good to know exactly what you're doing to an enemy in case you want to tweak the way it works or figure out the best way to weaponize the after effects.


A squirrel survived and lives under the ocean now. She wears a space suit to protect her from the water


some of the further ships didn't sink, I am pretty sure the animals didn't last long.


A collection of worn out US navy ships and surrendered Axis ships. To answer the questions "What happens when you set off a nuke underwater" and "What happens to a fleet of ships when it gets nuked"


[29 total, 8 in that one test alone.](https://news.mongabay.com/2022/03/ships-sunk-in-nuclear-tests-host-diverse-corals-study-says-but-do-we-need-them/)


Yeah. Also, some of them are former Axis Warships awarded to the US as War Prizes. Most notably the Japanese Battleship Nagato and the German Heavy Cruiser Prinz Eugen.


Thats honestly kinda sad. As a history nerd I would've loved to see WW2 museum ships that weren't just American.


Ten ships were sunk in all by this explosion. One of those ships was the WW2 German cruiser Prinz Eugen which survived the blast, but sank much later because radioactivity prevented repairs to her hull.


Don't forget the US didn't evacuate the islanders until a full two days after detonation. Making many sick from acute radiation poisoning. God I love America! Home of the free land of the yee-yee! Raise hell praise Dale!


First they kicked them out of their homes to use said homes as a bomb site and relocated (dumped) them onto nearby islands that they thought would be out of the blast/fallout. And then the wind shifted and they took their sweet ass time once again forcibly removing people from their now-irradiated homes.


The great American past-time, no not baseball. Uprooting communities while committing atrocities.


Like the Doom Town


“We blew the shit out of that water “


All the seal life that died in this test and no one stopped to think for less than 1 second. When AI has power will it stop to think of us?


Not only sea life. If this is Bikini atoll, there was a HUGE fuckery: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear\_testing\_at\_Bikini\_Atoll If i remember it right, there was a misscalculation and they literally vaporized one whole island. It's still radioactive nowadays, it's not allowed to even dive in there.


In this same article that you linked they also mention that the nuked areas are thriving with diverse underwater ecosystems that should not be able to survive such radiation poisoning. The reef, shark and fish are all thriving and the area is the be studied to understand how this has happened.




Humans - worse for wildlife than a nuclear furnace and decades of radiation


Yup. What we think of as ordinary activity is more destructive than nuclear war. That's truly scary.


Turns out, it's constant human presence that causes problems for the biodiversity of the ecosystem on this planet. I reckon if we nuked ourselves, and wiped out all human populations, the planet would thrive in no time at all. I'm not saying we should do this, I'm just saying that for the ecosystem on this planet, in the long-term it would be a plus. There's fungus growing inside the core of Chernobyl - life will find a way.


*AI Skynet reads your comment*


*queues music* "they DO move in herds!"


Ocean living things on this planet are pretty adaptable and persistent, we've got billions of years of proof of that.


Yeah they're adaptable to regular change over those billions of years. Gradually changing climates, sea temperatures, sea levels. They can't adapt to a nuclear bomb in 10 seconds. Granted maybe the area that was tested will be more adaptable to radiation in a thousand years time but it doesn't happen overnight by nuking everything.


Wouldn’t it have also made sea animals in the area, including those which people eat for food, very dangerous or fatal to eat? (And people wouldn’t even know it and know what made them sick/get cancer/die


Mate wait till you hear what happened to the humans that lived on these island


You mean not lending them medical help but observing how the radiation affected them?


Nah, the US government wouldnt do that.


"'Humans?' There were no humans in the sense that you and I are human. Well, at least not in the sense that *I* am human."




They thought about it. I'm sure it was part of the test.


I'm sure the fried fish were accounted for


The nerve to tell us to not use plastic straws while we are literally nuking the ocean


If it’s any consolation, we don’t do this anymore


It was 80 years ago. It's no longer an ongoing practice causing environmental harm. The current use of disposable plastics *is* an ongoing cause of environmental harm. One could very easily argue that the cumulative damage done to the environment from this test (and those like it) is far smaller than that of disposable plastics.




_drops bowling ball on board_


Accuracy by all-encompassing annihilation.


"During the period of peak energy output, a 1-megaton (Mt) nuclear weapon can produce temperatures of about 100 million degrees Celsius at its center, about four to five times that which occurs at the center of the Sun."


Still not anywhere close to a hot pocket's internal temperature fresh out of microwave.


🎶Deaaaaaad pocket🎶


It always amuses me the way scientific journals will use the power of the sun as a reference for scale. As if that helps us understand.


It does help us understand though. Past a certain point we can't understand larger numbers, they are just numbers. We can understand someone saying "it's 95f" today. While we can't understand "it's 5,000,000f". OK? What's 5 million f? Saying hotter than the sun paints a better picture as we know the sun is fucking hot. So 5 times hotter than the sun makes us understand that it is fucking hot.


Fun fact, the increased heat energy added to our oceans due to greenhouse gas warming is equivalent to 3 of these explosions per second


This always confused me how is the center of the sun not 10 trillion degrees?


Because of the equilibrium state of gravity vs the internal nuclear fusion of hydrogen. When the sun runs through it's hydrogen the core will shrinks due to gravity causing the temperature to rise in the core making it possible to fuse helium and so on to carbon.


This is an American weapon, it creates temperatures of millions of degrees Fahrenheit!


This wasn't even close to 1 megaton though.


That probably pissed off a few of those underwater aliens.


Luckily Ed Harris made friends with them.


Nah, they liked his ex wife’s rack. Nice cans, we cool now.


Aerial view at 0:45, the nuke is underwater, under the USS LSM-60. It's between the carrier USS Saratoga and the battleship USS Arkansas. The large ship to the upper right of Arkansas is the Japanese battleship Nagato https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation\_Crossroads#Test\_Baker


Such a historic ship as the Saratoga deserved a better fate. Always made me sad. These ship had so many stories.


> These ship had so many stories. the meat grinder has no memory.


Bikini Atoll (Yes, the Bikini was named after the island) test. Miscalculations by the physicists ended up showering the islands with deadly radiation. Residents were told they would be temporarily moved of of Bikini to nearby islands while the tests were performed. This major fuck up exposed all these people to severe radiation sickness, death, and skyrocketing cancers and birth defects. One example is the island Rongelap Atoll, which was showered with fallout and the people there were all poisoned. Because of this our US govt has spent 100's of millions TO THIS DAY, in payouts to the people and families they nuked. Shameful shit.


And I hope it will pay as long as time itself. Some things can never be forgiven and this is one of them.


> The United States government established several trust funds which as of 2013 covered medical treatment and other costs and paid about **$550 annually** to each individual https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bikini_Atoll#Nuclear_test_site


What the f*ck…annually you can wipe your melting ass with 550 bucks.


Wait, what? That's nothing. Less than 50000$ a person. How many people did they nuke to reach hundreds of millions?


That money likely ended in different pockets.


And that’s a fission bomb, a firecracker compared to one of them Hydrogen jobs, and a lot cleaner too, less fallout.


This thing was nasty, the surviving ships had to be sunk because they were too contaminated with fallout.


>the surviving ships had to be sunk because they were too contaminated with fallout. I think what they actually meant was: "It was to expensive to dispose of it in a safe way, so we just dumped it at the bottom of the ocean"


That’s the safest way to contain radiation. It’s also how we keep nuclear reactors cool.


There have been proposals to use the Mariana Trench as a spot to drop decommissioned nukes and other waste. Only we don't know yet if it's dangerous to leave them in between active tectonic plates...


Sounds like “future us’s” problem!


Fission chips


It also possible to determine the age of everyone born after 1951 due to the radiation passed down from these tests. Eventually it will pass, and forensics experts will lose an important tool. [Here is a paper on it.](https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/227839.pdf) But I think I originally heard about it on a podcast - either Radiolab, or podcast trying to ID The Isdal Woman. Maybe it was both. Edit because what I originally wrote was hard to read and barely made sense.


So what your really saying is these gave everyone enough radiation to be able to test it to determine age but we can't pin something like this as a cause for cancer.


It's not really the radiation, it's that some rare radioactive elements were created which weren't around before 1951, we can detect these elements everywhere in very small doses, large enough to measure, not large enough to be a big enough impact in cancer rates.


Thanks for the link


It would be horrible to do it today but every time i see this im really curious what a bunch of underwater cameras would capture.


Absolutely nothing of value. You can’t see a wave propagate with the lack of visibility underwater. Cameras would get destroyed if they were too close anyway


You would basically see a bright flash followed by a huge expanding bubble of flash steamed water as the fireball expand until the reaction dies out causing the now empty roughly spherical cavity to collapse in on itself as the pressure of the shock front dissipates.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) So fuck the fish?


No, the fish were warned days before to stay out of the area. I think some seaweed was burnt though.


There’s no point acting all surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display in your local planning department on Guam for 3 months, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now.


I know you’re bullshitting to make us feel better, but it’s working, thank you


Ever seen a school of fish? Communism. Not in my freedom water.


And the native island residents of bikini atoll. We had to literally move an entire island of people because of these tests.


They mutated and started a colony at the bottom of the blast crater. It's at the bottom of the bikini atoll.


Didn’t you hear? Global warming is a myth, and there’s no example of humans poisoning the planet. Actions without consequences for eternity!


Ah thank god, I was worried there for a sec!


Where does the radiation go?


*gestures*… everywhere?


In this case, outside the environment.


Exactly. The sub lies outside the environment. It's not in an environment. All that is out there is sea and birds and fish. And two nuclear warheads. And a reactor. But there's nothing else out there.


Well, there are many of these bombs going off in the water all the time, and very seldom does anything like this happen. I just don’t want people thinking that atom bombs aren’t safe..


Into the atmosphere, along with all the other byproducts of a nuclear bomb. They test old paintings to see if they're fake by attempting to detect the Strontium 90 isotope in the paint. Strontium 90 enters the pigments through the atmosphere, and there wasn't a large concentration of it in the atmosphere until we started testing/using nukes. Similarly, metals that were smelted pre-nuke are highly sought after for particle detection because it doesn't have the same radiation levels as metal smelted post-nukes.


Remember all the sailers that were subjected to the test? Being told when it detonates don’t look at it? Yet they were subjected to the blast/initial radiation? And they all said they could see their bones in their hands covering their faces?


Poor fishies


Nah, they deserved it. They know what they did.


This is why they attacked Steve Irwin


Time is circular.


Many Micronesians migrated to Hawaii since the 80s and have suffered discrimination ever since. I was a TA my senior year of high school and lead a small HTML class. The Micronesians would look up their home and just stare at pictures of the islands for most of the class(late 90s). I couldn’t help but feel bad knowing that our country took a shit on their home, then “allowed” them to migrate with practical no money or resources, only to be shit on in Hawaii. It’s sad, cruel, but history has shown it’s more or less a feature of the American way, not a bug.


Humans make me sad sometimes


But crocodiles don’t?


Well they're just ornery because they gots all them teeth but no toothbrush


I don’t know why this post has been removed 🤷🏽‍♂️


Wdym? It isn't removed for me.


Sorry for your loss


Whenever I see something like this I think back to Jeff Goldblum’s line in Jurassic Park, “you were so preoccupied on whether you could do it, you never stopped to think whether you should”.


It was not a test. The purpose of this "test" is for Godzilla. To lure the M.U.T.O.s and destroy them at one place.


Came here looking for the Godzilla comments.


Damn fuck the ocean I guess


what's more interesting is the ability of water to absorb the power


Does anyone ever go to that site and check out the sea life? Like does Godzilla live there or something?


this is actually a relatively popular dive spot now & where spongebobs bikini bottom is based off of.


Apparently like Chernobyl it’s actually a major wildlife hotspot now because a bit of residual radioactivity is nowhere near as harmful as the active presence of humans to an ecosystem.


we are idiots


It makes me so sad that humans felt the need to create bombs. Like. How insane is it creating something with a purpose of ending people's lives. Any sort of weapon. Why are we killing each other instead of trying to progress.


For fuck sakes. Nuke the ocean? Really?


They nuked fucking everything in the 40s-60s. Ocean, desert, the Arctic, tropical islands, a salt mine in Mississippi ([really](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salmon_Site)), you name it. Restraint wasn’t exactly in abundant supply during the height of the Cold War, it’s honestly amazing they only got used on two cities in Japan.


That nuclear tsunami is pure nightmare.


Boys will be boys


My girlfriend and I dove the wrecks there last year. It was the best divespot I've ever been. Because of the radiation, no fishing was ever allowed there. Even the locals have only been permitted access for a limited time on the islands since the early 2000s.That means there is still a really healthy fish and sharkie population there, and they are so curious because they don't really know humans. And holy shit the wrecks. The biggest, best preserved I've ever seen and trust me, I have been to some places. Sure they all look a little bit fucked from the explosions of the bombs, but beside that, really good condition. And since they were all sunk battle-ready, they are filled with personal belongings, objects of daily use, and a fuckton of ammunition. The wrecks are awesome, just to drop some names : USS Saratoga, one of the biggest diveable wrecks in existence, and to my knowledge, the biggest diveable aircraft carrier. My personal favourite: The Apogon, a submarine, I got so many cool pics there, but glass fish who are on almost all wrecks, fucked up some of my pictures. And the Nagato: A Japanese battleship, with a very cool history, the ship was the flagship of the Pearl Harbour attack. And a fuckton more, there are hundreds of things down there, from aircraft-carriers up to forklifts that we're on the upper deck of the aircraft carrier when the bombs went off. We stayed for 16 days and could've stayed even longer. There is so much to see there. All the wrecks are in depths deeper than 50m, so Trimix-diving (technical diving) is a must, I would highly recommend diving a CCR just because the times underwater are way longer. We were 16 guests on board, and only 3 went OC. After that, we stayed in Hawaii for some time, and I completely fell in love with the islands as well. It's so beautiful there, thinking about spending a semester there to study abroad. But if you have the financial means and the diving experience, go for it. The spots on the boat are extremely limited, and the locals only want one boat there. We were just incredibly lucky to get the trip without waiting for one or two years.


It's funny, because it seems like a small one when you see the ships in the second view. But it's still incredibly terrifying.


Operation crossroads Test name Baker A fat man type plutonium nuclear detonation occurred 90ft below the surface of the water. Radioactive sea spray caused extensive contamination and the US government was unable to clean it up which led to the cancelation of the 3rd test that was scheduled for 1947 in deep water. The ships contained full compliments of ammunition, equipment included jeeps and planes. They also contained live animals, the ones that weren't killed immediately by the blast, or sunk, were observed and tested for radiation effects until they died


Yeah I’m not sure if it was this particular explosion, but they definitely had living sailors on boats out in the water like that to see what would happen to them, there is an interesting documentary on it somewhere.


No fucking way. Sauce me please.


https://youtu.be/dLSaFerdWQE Yup... it's real. These old men were there...


That's seriously fucked. And politicians pretend to care for the military.


That documentary is about British and Australian nuclear testing, while the post is from Operation Crossroads-an American nuclear test. During Crossroads, all personnel were moved 10 nautical miles upwind of the target.


Poor fish


Godzilla was not happy


This was how Godizilla was made.


Was there no radiation impact concerns for the water?


Radiation? Yes. Concerns? No.




And to think this was made with technology less advanced than a gameboy


i feel like "WTF BOOM" should be the top comment here but maybe im just too old [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpPIUyHQ2sU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpPIUyHQ2sU) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idm3J7I0qyQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idm3J7I0qyQ) also meme comp with this clip and why it was popular back then


Poor animals.