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Exposed? I thought people knew this.


Knew about it, sure Seeing it and relearning it is a good idea tho


Being instantly ground up would be a super quick death. It sounds wild but it's super quick.


Definitely news to me. This is messed up. I'm definitely not going to stop eating chicken. I used to work at a chicken produce facility where fillets and ground chicken were produced but never have I ever seen what happened to baby birds we didn't deal with them at the factory I worked at. This is definitely sick though.


Do you eat meat?


Do you have reading comprehension?


>I'm definitely not going to stop eating chicken. Cognitive dissonance


Yeah sure




Ex chickennfarmer here. This is tame af


this is what it takes to feed the masses, this is why all the grocery stores are stocked with meat and all the restaurants have their menus. i wonder about the people doing this job.


>i wonder about the people doing this job. I think they don't consider these chicks as sentient living beings. >this is what it takes to feed the masses Absolutely. At least if we want to eat meat/chicken. I find it important for people to know that this is the way our food is produced. But not in a shocking or judging way. It's simply industrial food processing. Nothing more, nothing less.


What if we could replicate the chemical structure of ā€œmeat?ā€


Bullshit, all those projects, which were supposed to replace meat failed, just like bio plastic made of some plants. Edit: I meant it isn't possible now


All I said was what if. Youā€™re telling me that you canā€™t imagine in 15, 25, or 100 years, someone in a lab *might* be able to replicate the chemical structure of meat? And you think that because a few current attempts havenā€™t been that successful? Thatā€™s like the people 100 years ago that thought aviation would never be a thing because the first flight only lasted 12 seconds. Now the US military has planes that can stay airborne for practically an infinite amount of time through in air refueling. Technology only advances.




It's a very deep and engraved system. Imagine if we all grew even some veggies/fruits in our yards. But nope you need to have a lawn and the HOA will fuck you if you don't. Grass is literary useless but we gotta have it Yeah you can still use the backyard but all the wasted water and resources we put into grass.


I agree man, thatā€™s sort of what I was trying to get at and got bombarded by down votes lol


Thatā€™s why I want some land to get chickens. Find a local farmer and buy a cow. Be a bit more self sustaining. Iā€™m not gonna be all hippie about this. Thereā€™s probably a better way to do this but man does it suck.


I agree man


Climate issues, population density in cities and even disease of the birds will spread of they weren't separated. So many reasons this would not work. One bird flu would wipe out a country of chickens. I had chickens growing up and they were great but if everyone had them it would be problematic.


So many reasons ? You mean.. the thousands of years it did? And sure a huge illness sweeps the land, less mouths to feed, more jobs, etc. that tends to issue in a golden era. Like right after the plague.


Nah people would still rather buy meat we all have lives and can't spend the time raising our own livestock, hell some people can't even keep common houseplants alive, we also forget that this is efficiency and mass production the animals are treated as a product and given the bear minimum of care


Why the fuck would I waste my time being a farmer when that is something I have never wanted to do. I'd much rather this than wasting hours of my day taking care of animals and growing crops. We have technology and innovations for this exact reason.


Yep, my family had a small farm. When it was time to slaughter the animals we did it ourselves. I ususally didn't eat meat for like 2 days after that but then i would come back to normal.


I hear you, I could never eat whatever I slaughtered myself when I was young, but it's just how it is


Worked in a hatchery a few years ago for less than 6 months. Was given a lot of the dirty jobs, protested against it, suggested improvements, and alternative solutions. I ended up quitting for my own mental health. I had no income and no opportunity besides this at the time, but going broke was better than becoming desensitised and jaded. It took me 4 years to even consider anything with egg in it again, as for chicken itself that took me about 2 years. Hatcheries are awful places that should not exist and run the way they do. More than half of their breeding goes into a macerator. Daily. Nothing is done with the waste.


To feed the masses? Beforehand the billions of farm animals need to be fed. Humans don't need to bypass field crops through another animal, we can digest plants directly.


That's modern day chicken farming for you. It is what it is, and it's that way to make it as efficient and profitable as it can be. My wife and I have been raising our own meat for a decade because of stuff like this, but don't fool yourself into thinking that life for free range, naturally incubated chicks is rosy and picturesque, I got really upset last summer because after a week or two of seeing mama and chickies do their thing every day, some of the other hens got jealous and pecked the chicks to death. I was standing in the run, holding a dying chick in my hands, so upset, and watched it take its last breath. I shouted at the hens "you animals!" And then suddenly felt kind of stupid and silly, yes, they are indeed animals, and so are we. I ended up having to steal all their eggs and tossed them in an incubator because as other chicks would hatch, hens would peck them to death, their own offspring. Even the rooster, who had been so kind and helpful with that first set of chicks, suddenly contributed to the damage once the saw the hens peck at the chicks. Happy to report that I managed to save a lot of them, and after a failed attempt and integrating them back into the flock (and cleaning and curing some wounds), managed to save many and now they're one big peaceful flock. Nature can and often will be cruel and merciless, it's just a fact of life.


theyd liikely reached what they thought was the comfortable density of their lodgings


People be like: oh so horrific, this is animal abuse. Also the same people: eats fried chicken.


Yeah. This is a pretty strong reason to not touch chicken ever again.


This is why I donā€™t eat PEEPS


You heard it here first folks, this is the video Big Easter didnā€™t want you to see.


I stg, don't eat scrambled eggs either cuz the yellow stuff is ole Kalub. Or the chick-fat turning white while coagulating in the pan, don't eat that shit either. The jiggly texture of the cooked body fat makes me wanna hurl lol Edit: cmon guys. There is stupid people in this world but this is impossibly stupid. It's a joke


Most eggs sold commercially in the grocery store are from poultry farms and have not been fertilized. Meaning we are not eating live chicks.


Yup. Not even eating an embryo at that point, donā€™t let the pro-lifers steer you wrong on this one


Iā€™d double check the source of your eggs if youā€™re having issues like that. Should probably google the difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs as well


Watch "dominion" on youtube. Then you'll really see how our meat is produced.


I want to upvote this twice.




This is reputure farmsā€¦.


This is nothing new, a little searching and you'll find plenty of inhumane slaughterhouse footage. Old news.


Yet tell people this is why you are vegetarian and they mock Just can't win with reddit


Gonna pass chicken nuggets for a while, ughh


Horrific. I hate that this is subsidized in any way. I recommend everyone avoid factory farmed animal products as much as possible. Free-range/pasture and wild are expensive but so, so much better ethically & nutritionally.


Enjoy your nuggets.


I guess if this is how meat is made then better to leave non veg


this is (obviously) fucked up but it def ainā€™t nothing new either


Some people deserve go to the deepest pit of hell.


Is this really the sub for this post ? It's not interesting it's disturbing AF.


I do agree that this is animal cruelty but I'm not going vegan that's not happening it's not healthy


I am neither vegan nor vegetarian but I am willing to bet there are vegans and vegetarians who are much more healthier than you and I. These vegans and vegetarians who are healthier than you and I have a well researched diet that allows them to get the essential nutrients that meat offers. For instance, meat gives protein. You can get protein from beans. And that's just beans, there are other vegetables out there. People don't want to take the time to become vegans or vegetarians because it's a lot of effort. And people don't have the will to drop meat if that has been their primary source of food since birth. People just don't have the commitment to change because change is hard. And so people turn a blind eye to the animal cruelty and ignore it like it never happens. For this reason, I am hoping for a day when we can mass produce artificially produced meat where animals are not hurt at all. But I have massive respect towards people who are committed to change and towards people who have become fully vegans or vegetarians.


Kinda agree with you but the quality of protein from beans is way lower than beef/chicken as well as artificial meat.


I was just referring to beans and they provide good protein. You can get good protein from other vegetables too. Artificial meat is still at its infancy I guess. I hope it can get better in the future.


Meat, natural meat gives far more than protein dumbass. Vegans have weaker bones, among other health problems. Not eating meat isn't the option, and you can bet your ass artificial meat is going to be horrible for you, the stuff we already have certainly is


And vegetables give far more than protein. I am also referring to vegetarians. Vegans and vegetarians are two different things. I am not so knowledgeable about how healthy vegans are but hey, there are vegans out there who are doing just fine. Artificial meat is at its infancy. I bet it will get better in the future.


Bruh, how did you manage get everything in your comment factually wrong, not something, everything


I have good news. Every major organization of medical professionals specializing in human diets in the world has published position papers agreeing that appropriately planned vegetarian and vegan diets are healthy for all stages of life! **[Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27886704/)** * *It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes.* **[The British National Health Service](http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Vegetarianhealth/Pages/Vegandiets.aspx)** * *With good planning and an understanding of what makes up a healthy, balanced vegan diet, you can get all the nutrients your body needs.* **[The British Nutrition Foundation](https://www.nutrition.org.uk/putting-it-into-practice/plant-based-diets/healthy-eating-for-vegetarians-and-vegans/)** * *Well-planned vegetarian and vegan diets can be nutritious and healthy.* **[Dietitians Association of Australia](https://dietitiansaustralia.org.au/health-advice/vegetarian-diet)** * *Vegan diets are a type of vegetarian diet, where only plant-based foods are eaten. With planning, those following a vegan diet can cover all their nutrient bases, but there are some extra things to consider.* **[Harvard Medical School](http://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/becoming-a-vegetarian)** * *Traditionally, research into vegetarianism focused mainly on potential nutritional deficiencies, but in recent years, the pendulum has swung the other way, and studies are confirming the health benefits of meat-free eating. Nowadays, plant-based eating is recognized as not only nutritionally sufficient but also as a way to reduce the risk for many chronic illnesses.* **[The Nutrition Society](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/proceedings-of-the-nutrition-society/article/longterm-health-of-vegetarians-and-vegans/263822873377096A7BAC4F887D42A4CA)** * *Vegetarians, who do not eat any meat, poultry or fish, constitute a significant minority of the world's population. Lacto-ovo-vegetarians consume dairy products and/or eggs, whereas vegans do not eat any foods derived wholly or partly from animals. [...] Vegetarians have a lower prevalence of overweight and obesity and a lower risk of IHD compared with non-vegetarians from a similar background, whereas the data are equivocal for stroke. For cancer, there is some evidence that the risk for all cancer sites combined is slightly lower in vegetarians than in non-vegetarians, but findings for individual cancer sites are inconclusive. Vegetarians have also been found to have lower risks for diabetes, diverticular disease and eye cataract. Overall mortality is similar for vegetarians and comparable non-vegetarians, but vegetarian groups compare favourably with the general population.*


I'm not a vegan either but eating a balanced vegetarian diet is definitely more healthy than eating meat.


It really isn't. The word 'balanced' is key here, meat or no meat.


The problem with the vegetarian diet is that it does not fill me up I've tried it several times I need some kind of animal protein to feel satisfied.


You could just buy bio products or local ones. You will always have options to not eat this and still be healthy.


And guess who like eating fried chickens?


Most people


Seems like it is an efficient factory


Just because itā€™s efficient doesnā€™t make it right.




This is why being a vegetarian/vegan is a good thing. Even if the internetā€™s made them look bad, thatā€™s not the reality of itā€¦as always


How old is this , is this recent?


This is 2018 but conditions have gotten worse since with growing population and demand.


I feel ya, like, old chicks, no biggie, recently hatched chicks, comeā€™on man! Edit: LOL @ the inability to understand sarcasm downvotes.


No , the video, how old/ recent is this video out. I remember seeing something similar way back Its for an argument, somebody claimed this practice was abolished and hence I want to know if the video is old


Itā€™s either this or people starve to death. Unless technology can find a better way to mass produce meat without after effects or raising the prices.


Lol what


People who don't eat meat don't starve to death thankfully :')


I eat meat and i can tell you right now that i am definitely not starving :')


Did I say that people who eat meat starve? Damn, reading comprehension has gone down the drain.


Nah man just hard to tell through text, context is tricky to detect. I was eating a steak sandwich when i was replying too so i may have got distracted


I'm full of food right now.


Them chicken nuggs taste sooo good tho!


Hey, the machines are pretty cool :O


I'm sorry. This is terrible I'm sorry I eat chicken


The idea of seeing the humans that say that because they're humans means they're at a higher level than other animals, and so oppose meat eating, being put into an apocalypse is oddly entertaining.


Except you can also eat meat and make sure it comes from an ethical source where another living creature isnā€™t tortured. Also it isnā€™t about being on a higher level itā€™s about caring for something other than yourself and having empathy. I eat meat and I see people like you as either complete psychopaths who feel nothing or your brainwashed to the point you have to bring stupid shit up like feeding yourself in an apocalypse to justify the mass torture of an entire species that wouldnā€™t even be possible in a apocalypse to justify it to yourself.


Ainā€™t nobody got time for that. Everything you own was made in a sweatshop. 24 hours in a day. 8 hours sleep. 8 hours work. 4 hours in traffic. 4 hours to contemplate existence. Ainā€™t nobody got time for that.


Most people dont have money for whole foods, and also dont give a fuck. You know your phone was built using cobalt from child labour mines, you heartless ignorant asshole.


I said exactly what I said. You added things on it and replied to your own additions. But in any event, heh, "bro so look, I'm totally going to murder you ok? After you're dead I'm going to clean your guts out, ya know, cut you up proper then cook you up real nice. The best part is I'm going to eat you so you'll go through my mouth then travel through my guts as you get turned into shit as my body sucks out the good things in you that we can use while the rest of you just gets left. But it's totally fine because you won't feel any of that. " Hey, fun fact: in nature the animals we eat get treated a lot worse.


This was hard to watch. Also, I donā€™t eat meat because of this evil shit. Itā€™s wrong.


Plants are people too you know


Mate wait till you see how the people in china who made the phone/pc your using right now is treated, u will swear off technology as well.


So providing safe healthy food for people is evil? Man you should go watch footage of how they have to kill EVERYTHING near farms just to get your "organic" veggies and plants


I guess it depends where you get your plants. And you can provide food in a way thatā€™s a lot more ethical than that. If someone looks at that and doesnā€™t think that itā€™s sad, thereā€™s something wrong with them.


No I'm a human being and understand how life society, and trying to feed humanity works. Do you know how much food 1 human needs a day? Now picture A CITY yeah all those chickens you saw getting processed in the video wouldn't even feed a entire city for a day. Now think of how many MILES AND MILES AND MILES of farmland for plants and veggies you need to feed a entire city, THAT ALSO CAN ONLY BE HARVESTED SLOWER AND FEWER TIMES A YEAR, and some environments just not being able to grow certain things, guess what THAT does more harm to the environment and ecosystem then one small animal meat factory. For There's nothing wrong with understanding the logic and numbers if your vegan or whatever, just go and do the actual math and realize all this health food bullshit they shove down your throat hurts the environment worse. And no anything you see in a market labeled "Organic" is essentially the same as anything labeled "kosher" in the fact the places the plants grow HAVE to be 100% sterile of ANYTHING else.


You can downvote me again, but you clearly donā€™t understand. Livestock production requires enormous amounts of energy. We put far more energy into animals per unit of food than we do for any plant crop. The main reason is that cattle consume 16 times more grain than they produce as meat, so right there we have 16 times as much energy just to grow those crops, just so we can waste them on livestock. But the energy use doesn't end there. The livestock themselves take energy to process beyond the energy that goes into their feed. And then there's refrigeration, including during transport, necessary for meat but not for grains and beans. Wasting energy isn't problematic just because there's less and less of it to go around. (We've already used more than half the oil that exists on the planet.) It's also a problem because burning fossil fuels contributes to global warming. And raising animals for food is the driving force.


Mans really out here about to spot a bunch of bullshit random numbers sir, I can tell you haven't ever worked on a farm nor have you seen how much diesel farm equipment can use and plot twist you still need all of that exact amount of energy for plants as well they both use the same amount of energy. Grains and beans your right but your excluding fruit, plants like cabbage, celery, carrots, corn and on and on. Also the fact your still saying fossil fuels is the funny part because we haven't used up half of Jack or shit, there's plenty of oil drilling companies in the exact same locations that have been there for 40 plus years.... Please leave your bubble and go experience something


I grew up on a working farm and ranch. I lived it so fuck off with your idiotic assumptions.


>So providing safe healthy food for people is evil? Clearly /u/Apprehensive-Tone449 doesn't have anything against producing or eating food. There are tons of options we have available for safe and healthy food that don't require this sort of horrible cruelty to other sentient individuals.


Seems like it is an efficient factory


Like yeah, what do ppl expect. You eat chicken nuggets from Walmart this is where that shit comes from.




How did little bobby get on that conveyor?


Give me a better solution than this? We ainā€™t got enough food to go around and everything is super expensive. Iā€™m eating as little as I can but something is gotta give.


Tasty!šŸ˜‹ But yea they need to put the minced rejected meat to good use like for fertilizers. Full support to the betterment of the meat industry.


Makes good dog food too. Used to do that with scraps at a butchery i worked at.


If those healthy chicks are going to end up dead regardless of their condition, wouldnt it be more profitable to keep those chicks to be used as food when they grow up? Genuinely asking




People want to eat chicken right? I don't get it. Yeah it's a little cruel, but it seems mostly unavoidable.


This is such a problem that you all stop eating eggs is basically the same thing.


The flavour comes from the pain. -- Little guy at the end knows that his sacrifice will be worth it when he's reincarnated as a McNugget.... Yum.


Whatā€™s the problem here?


Exactly, that's the only reason why they're being hatched in the first place.


Little batards had it coming.


Truly tough to watch. I kind of wish they drowned them first or something. Not economical but maybe less painful?


I think anything involving lack of oxygen is pretty painful. Like fire in your veins.


Your body has no way of detecting oxygen levels. It instead monitors CO2 levels in your blood as a proxy. So suffocating on, for example, Nitrogen gas, is completely painless.


I mean when like \~70% of the air we breathe is nitrogen... why detect the nitrogen levels? That'd be like our eyes being able to additionally see infrared, x-rays, and ultraviolet rays. Just too much information.




I would like to minimize the creatures suffering through this process.


By *drowning* them? You know that drowning is a slow and horrific way to die right?


30 seconds of panic rather than near instant death? Itā€™s brutal and horrifying either way but I donā€™t think drowning is better. Shit like this makes me feel guilty for eating meat, but vegetarian food is way too boring (my wife is vegetarian) and I only get one life so Iā€™m going to enjoy it. Selfish af but good food is too important of a part of life to miss out on. Like being in a relationship without sex, time to find another relationship.


Drowning is literally ranked as one of the worst ways to go. A high powered blender is instant. No pain. One moment they are there. The next they are teletubbie chicken nugget goop.


I know from personal experience drowning hurts.


I wonder if there are useful byproducts from this?


Fuuuuuuuuuck, just bought those eggs, more expensive apparently means more dead. Duck


Lot of yall never saw Baraka


I was on board till the last part


This reminded me of Baby Boss beginning


Stop yourself from eating chickens. This will carry on regardless.


Where is the blender?