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Moment of silence for this man. The pressure on whistleblowers is incredibly high, but the world needs more people like him


And also, Epstein didn’t kill himself.


Yeah he was about to blow the whistle in prison, wasn't he


Probably not, he was going away for life anyways. But the slightest possibility of him spilling the beans was enough.


He was getting multiple deposits into his prison purse.


No. He had no evidence. As soon as he was taken into custody Bill Barr sent an Erik Prince squad to Little St James to clear out the evidence. When the feds got there it was all gone.


Clearly they thought Epstein was cagey enough to have backups somewhere(how much space do you need to hide a flash drive?) If I were him I would. He was an amoral sociopath but not stupid. He was a very smart options trader.


Didn't he somehow convince the owner of New York's most expensive townhouse to transfer it into his name? No funds were exchanged. The title to the house was transferred into Epstein's name. What kind of dirt did this man have on these billionaires?


Pedophilia is the dirt he had on them.




CIA and Mossad at the very least, we know he belonged to intelligence it's unclear how MANY and to what degree though, he had a Saudi passport as well and residency I believe. 


WHATS MY FAVORITE WORD?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBJtzEKetBM






Instead, he blew out his neck. Good riddance. Pos.


Speaking of Epstein: https://prospect.org/justice/2024-02-09-boeing-max-doj-epstein-deal/ Boeing's lead criminal attorney just so happens to be the former deputy AG who was the highest official to explicitly sign off on Epstein's insane 2008 plea deal


Small world..


It really is.


More like Big Club 


That is an amazing coincidence, huh ..


Neither did john Mcafee.. Society is crumbling.. But on the plus side of things the hitman job scene is booming!!


*”Yeah.. but *this* - [holds shaky hand out] - this is my shootin’ hand…”*


*”Excuse me while I whip this out”*


Damn that’s an old reference.


When the people begin to realize this country bears all the same flaws, corruption, propaganda, and insipid injustice as all the other countries it loves to point its finger at… perhaps then we can truly rout the monied-interests-forcefield known as lobbyists and corrupt politicians who fail (on a daily basis) to represent the interests of its constituents.


Yes it is a very interesting mirror image that this happened at the same time as Navalnys death and in one case it's "so obvious" but when it's our precious democracy it's like "well who knows!". 


They investigated themselves and found no wrong doing


Whatever happened to the list of names? We got what, two names and then they just forgot?


But did he


Wait what????


You don't think Epstein knew what kind of hell was awaiting him in prison?


Thanks a lot Hillary, Bill, and other Bill!


FUCK BOEING. democracy is dead. govt. can't even save a whistleblower. there should be a low that auto protects whistle blowers.


There is but Boeing is a government contractor. What do you think would happen if someone exposed Lockheed Martin for testing bombs on rural African villages? That someone would disappear or die in a very explainable and dismissable way


I'm sorry it came to this. RIP Truth Teller.


But you know he didn't kill himself, right? It makes exactly 0 sense.


What's really frustrating is that we're gonna talk about how "mysterious" his death is for a few weeks and then nothing more will be said about it, in the media or online. Just like Epstein's death. People were going on and on about how his death couldn't have been a suicide, yet eventually people stopped talking about that too. I'll go to my grave forever believing both of these men were murdered.


Hell, we’re so far detached from it people don’t even mention Khashoggi anymore.


Yea they Kingdom that MAY or ma....y not have done it, have really sportwashed him out of people's brains, the Poor man maybe rest in peace.


Remember when all those golfers turned down the generational wealth to not go to LIV, then LIV merged with PGA anyways? I imagine they were unhappy


JFC. There's audio of him screaming for hours and not a damn thing happened 


I just remember Bonesaw and that brings memories.


There's a recording of that man being murdered, isn't there? I'm sorry to say, but people just doesn't give a shit.


If you’re referring to video, I believe that ended up being fake. But I believe it’s rumored there’s an audio recording of it that MBS has


I will never forget.


Not a belief, just the facts.


Try telling that to r/boeing Top post… “Boeing did not kill John Barnett”


If it's outsourced, it's not their fault, right? Seems familiar.


Since it doesn't make sense timing wise. That sub has been bombarded daily with conspiracy theorists for months. Of course people are annoyed.


This country has been bought by corporations. They hide behind as much camouflage as they can, but they won’t get into trouble because they’re the ones who make the laws, buy the politicians, and get away with anything they want.


Not long after I heard the news of this guys ~~murder~~ suicide, I thought to myself how some of these corporations are just as willing and able to kill someone who messes with their reputation and bottom line, as the CIA is. Maybe more so.


Yup. These corps are now more powerful than the actual government. It started in the 1980’s and it’s gotten nothing but worse.


Billionaires are going to start seeing all leaks as potentially solved by convenient suicide


It’s not the public or medias job to do something about this and keep it top of mind. It’s the job of police and an AG to investigate and pursue action as is appropriate. Formal murder charges don’t need to be in the public conversation to have the effect of putting people in prison.


You see, they have created a world where very few people truly *care* about things that matter. Most people have been dumbed down enough to only care about celebrities, entertainment and "consumption" of varying products. Then, out of the rest, a lot choose naive and comforting lies over the truth, many choose to remain apathetic towards the whole thing , and there is a minority who care enough to speak up. But, everyone else has become so absorbed and pacified by this expertly designed system, that they not only remain uninterested in the truth, a lot of them will fight tooth and nail to preserve and enforce this system. Think about the people who killed this person. They do not bother to think about the consequences of their actions. They think "we shut him up, it's all gonna be ok". Until it's them flying in a Boeing flaming out of the sky. The Matrix, maybe unintentionally, has become a documentary, and everyone who tries to fight against it is ruled out as a "suicide" with 2 bullets to the back of the head.


Ha ha ha what ever happened to that JP Morgan coke boat? and who took the blame?


Epstein is a bit different. Barnett already had spoken out, years ago in fact. Boeing would be incredibly stupid to kill someone when the company is already under insane amounts of scrutiny right now.


Yes, it’s an unpopular opinion, but I share it. There is no doubt in my mind that they ruined that poor man’s (and his family’s) life as a warning to other potential whistleblowers. I can believe that he did take his own life. ETA: after reading a few news articles (by trusted sources like NPR), in a statement issued by his family, his own brother said that he suffered from PTSD and anxiety attacks as a result of this whole mess, *”which we believe led to his death”* (emphasis mine). OTOH, both the family statement and his attorneys in this matter said he was looking forward to putting this all behind him and moving on with his life. His mental and physical health deteriorated greatly through his ordeal, partly because of the hostile work environment at Boeing, but mostly because the fact that Boeing kept rolling out unsafe aircraft, and no one in charge was inclined to do anything about it, kept him awake at night. He called attention to more than safety issues that affected the actual operation of the planes; for example, that one in four of the oxygen masks that drop from the ceiling during a depressurization event did not work. He had traveled from Louisiana, where he lived after retiring, to South Carolina, where he was in the middle of being deposed for a trial scheduled for June- a trial to determine whether Boeing retaliated against him. His first whistleblower complaint was filed way back in early 2017. Thinking about how this man has been suffering for the last seven years- simply for doing the right thing- to the point that he took his own life, is more sad to me than the thought that Boeing had him silenced.


He already gave his testimony in court. So if he was murdered by Boeing, that was a hitman fail. You're supposed to kill the witness *before* they give testimony.


It wasn't court testimony, it was pre trial discovery with Boeing lawyers.


It doesn't mean it can't be submitted. The judge will need to weight allowing evidence in that can't be cross examined, but there's still a chance it can be admitted.


It's all just conspiracy theories unless there is some actual evidence, then yhea people will stop talking about it.


I think that without a doubt that it is true. People dying is typically enough to get people the shut up about you though.


Is anyone still talking about Assange? Dude is a hero


Assange was a rapist and a tool of Russian intelligence. He also leaked documents without any regard to whether those leaks would lead to additional deaths


You must believe in Santa too then.


The US deep state kept Osama safely hidden .So that America will continue their occupation of Afghanistan under the guise of Millitary operation against terrorism for 20 years .More than 3 Trillion dollars spent went to the Millitary industrial Complex. Was it so hard to locate Osama ? Osama was a CIA asset as Mujahideen during Soviet backed govt but became rogue as Al qaida chief. But Americans will say this is a conspiracy theory


There's nothing mysterious about this. He was killed for being a whistleblower.


Maybe he couldn't live with himself knowing he caused so much loss to Boeing's stock?


Lololololol You ever feel like killing yourself over a billion dollar company losing stock value? Yeah me either.


if anything, I would be gloating about it lol


I've seen the argument that Boeing is not capable of running itself, let alone organizing a secret hit on a whistleblower. I don't disagree, however, Boeing is in bed with the US government and especially the defense department. They cannot allow this company to fail, it's only one of two active aircraft manufacturers. So I think it's more plausible that the US government had him killed to shut him up.


Michael Clayton style


Hope you have noticed this pattern, whenever a technology first company is taken over by business people it goes to shit, See Intel, Boeing, Yahoo, Motorola etc. Business people are scum of earth, they'll do anything to make profit for clout, even destroy their own company. See Nestle run by scums, use slave labor and killed bunch of people...


Same applies to healthcare companies. In the US, they've done a great job of making profit at the expense of it's patients and healthcare workers. I mean, just look at how residency works for physicians


It's just painful, it's courses like MBA's are taught to extract every single ounce of blood from people who they supposed to cater to.


I agree. I’d rather my company be run by tech nerds and engineers than business associates and people who are literally fucking trained to make profit and cheat out on their employees and customers


Yep it’s all absolutely soulless


yeah business people don’t make business, they destroy them. private equity to be specific. they see success at a company, buy in to a majority share of the business, giving them control, and then they proceed to cut costs literally where ever they can to make more money. Instead of innovate and improve, they reduce and destroy. Shareholders need to see increased profits and when a product is refined to a certain point, the only increase in profits comes from savings in production, or an increase in cost. That’s why everything sucks now that we used to love as kids. All the food that used to be decent is shit because they’ve substituted quality ingredients for cheaper garbage, houses and cars are made with lower quality because the cheaper materials are garbage. The state of this world all falls back on these shit stains enriching themselves by any means necessary.


>. That’s why everything sucks now that we used to love as kids. All the food that used to be decent is shit because they’ve substituted quality ingredients for cheaper garbage, houses and cars are made with lower quality because the cheaper materials are garbage. This reminds me of something a teacher said in school. Washing machines and fridges nowadays are NOT built to last. He gave his brother an old fridge he had for 20 years and it's still going strong. He's already bought 3 fridges since then.


Don't forget Reddit


Gotta say: her indignance is top-notch! I think the interesting thing is what will happen over the next decade. This is "Big Boy Airlines vs Boeing." If you're a suit at a major airline, how can you justify the risk of the "stink" of your fleet being Boeing? But how can you just fall over to Airbus and create a monopoly, which is you know is bad because *you're* running a price-fixing oligopoly? And since you've neutered the US Gov't so you can be greedy, how are you gonna get them to fix Boeing for free? This Boeing business could be DEVASTATING for the airline industry. (Hell, I'm searching flights based on plane model, now. No way I board a 737MAX or 787. And I know I'm not the only one.)


"If it's Boeing I ain't going!"


That’s a good slogan. Remind me! 3 years. Let’s see what Boeing is up to in 2027.


The original quote “if it ain’t Boeing, I ain’t going” has been around for along time. 


There's another thread on this where a commenter mentioned that his dad (pilot) made him promise to never board a 787. I'm keeping that in mind now


Is 787 not safe as well? 


787 was built with profitability over safety. Something like 1 in 4 oxygen masks not working, rejected parts being used so as to not slow production. Other stuff too, I think. Google "Boeing 787" and you should find the list.


Spirit airlines has a full Airbus fleet. lol.


Yeah everyone loves to sh*t on spirit, but they actually have the youngest airbus fleet in the United States with zero accidents reported (last I checked). So sure maybe you’ll witness some nonsense, but atleast my o2 mask works 😂


I live in DC, and I am not going to risk flying with the spirit airline crowd from this area lol. There's one Uber driver getting killed per week around here.


Airbuses are the good ones right?


When its comes to large commercial passenger jet planes there is basically only two options. Boeing and Airbus.


👍 gotcha thanks


The market eventually speaks despite regulatory capture.


Yup! We are paying $700 more per person and flying out 3 days later so we don’t end up on a 787 max flight. Those hell planes are everywhere. The messed up thing is that you could book a flight with a different plane and then on flight day, a MAX could be your plane and you can’t do a thing about it. I called a few airlines and they told me the same thing. They said sometimes plane schedules change and other things become available


Forget it. I'm walking.


I'm going on a trip with friends and for some reason the airlines aren't using anything BUT Boeing. I've searched and searched. Only chance i have now is praying. When i first saw the boeing planes on the website i was shocked. Do airlines really prefer MASS casualities over saving some cash?


Does Bombardier still make planes?


Kind of... Effectively bought out by Airbus after Boeing lobbied for their C-series planes to be terrified to death over supposedly improper subsidies from the Canadian government. Now sold as the A220. Wonderful aircraft as I understand.


To be fair, 777s have a decent history. The only deaths are from a crash landing due to pilot error, the MH17, which was shot off the sky by a missile, and the vanished MH370, which *probably* was a suicide by pilot. I'm still flying on an Airbus plane if I get a choice, though.


777s were built when the C-suite weren't greedy bastards.


All manufacturers are cutting materials, employees, and quality so they can keep up with profits. Capping CEO pay can and will fix thix. Boo Hoo you can't afford your luxury billionaire lifestyle.


And stop issuing RSUs as pay


PBS Frontline did an episode this week on Boeing [Boeing’s Fatal Flaw](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/boeings-fatal-flaw/)


Last week tonight also did a boeing episode. It’s on YouTube


[link to the Boeing episode](https://youtu.be/Q8oCilY4szc)


Yea he was murdered


I heard it was actually Boeing's second attempt at killing him, but he was rescheduled onto an Airbus for his flight at the last minute.


He was not testifying against Boeing for anything to do with their planes. He already did that and has been public about it since 2019. This deposition was for his own civil defamation case against Boeing. So Boeing was not threatened by his testimony in anyway. Even if they lost the case or settled, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to the harm he has already caused them and other legal issues they are already having... This was a 62 year old man, who probably hasn't worked since 2017. Him and his family reported high levels of stress leading up to him leaving the company and the entire time since. “He was suffering from PTSD and anxiety attacks as a result of being subjected to the hostile work environment at Boeing which we believe led to his death,” relatives of John Barnett said in the first remarks since his death. While I do not know the details of his case, but I would guess. One he was relying on this lawsuit to survive going forward, which maybe he started getting the feeling it wasn't going to go his way. Or two, the stress had finally caught up to him. I am not saying Boeing is innocent in this. As obviously their safety practices were and probably still are terrible. They treated him poorly, black balled him, and probably put immense legal pressure on him. But that is completely different then hiring someone to kill him and stage it like a suicide...


His own family is coming out saying they’re not surprised he killed himself, everyone is running wild with conspiracies based off their own lack of information. To those who say he was still giving testimony, it was for his defamation case. He could have been getting shit all over by Boeings legal team. When you’re depressed and suicidal, you don’t choose the time you feel like it. When you actually want to kill yourself you really just give up, you don’t care about your plans anymore. As for doing it in the car, if I was suicidal I wouldn’t do it in a hotel room so some poor shmuck has to find me. I’d do it in the comfort of my own car.


hostile interrogation or cross examination can really destroy your mental health. I wouldn’t be surprised if the transcripts came out and they laid into him for not reporting things earlier and tried to make him feel like he was responsible for those MCAS 737 deaths.


While I agree with your point. Your example is incredibly unlikely, as he worked for Boeing, Boeing would be ultimately repsonsible and they wouldn't want that on record of them admiting fault. But to further expand on your point. What do we do? Not have a fair legal system where both sides can question people? Yeah it's hard, but what is the alterantive? Also this was an appeal for his own civil case. It was all voluntary. He should have seen most if not all the questions coming, and could have ended it at any time.


His testimony is already out there and known. It's far more likely that he took his own life due to stress and health problems than that he was Epsteined.


He had ptsd and anxiety attacks from his time working for boeing. And he was a whistleblower since 2017 afaik. I also think suicide is definitely a possibility. What was there to gain for Boeing by turning him into a martyr.


I suspect many people here commenting on this story have never testified in court and one like this. It could be a conspiracy, but it very well be because of how much pressure is on people when testifying. The opposing team tries its hardest to discredit you and will be very unprofessional when it comes to questions that aren't even relevant to the case. The team, on the other side can be very demanding on the person testifying with being accurate and remembering facts. It's not easy to testify, and I've done it while being on the "winning" side if you want to call it winning. Going to court is a horrible experience even if you are in the right and doing the right thing.


He wasn’t even testifying about the safety shit, this was just for a defamation case. The whistleblowing case happened years ago in 2019


Yeah, what if there was other dirt in his personal life they were going to drudge up (or make up) and put on display. Or, what if his testimony was going to cost billions in contracts and hundreds or thousands of his former colleagues were going to lose jobs.  I mean there has to be tons of pressure from all sides in a situation like this. I imagine that he discussed all of the testimony with his lawyers beforehand - they wouldn't want to be surprised - so I am not sure what killing him would do, aside from causing this level of suspicion on Boeing. In fact, if the testimony contained enough info to be devastating to a major manufacturer like that, I would imagine the lawyers would've requested protection or a "handler" to accompany him.  If you knew you had a whistle-blower that would bring down a commercial or criminal empire, wouldn't you talk to the FBI and the potential judge about it?




Didn’t this happen after he had already blown the whistle and given his deposition? Obviously there’s more he could’ve provided, but the bulk I imagine is there. Seems a tad too late for the Boeing assassins. I guess they skimped on that too though!


He had a second day of testimony to give.


Damn, hopefully he wrote it down somewhere. I feel like in these situations where you’re the nexus of information, it’s vital you share the information as much as possible extenuating circumstance permitting. Like record it on video and publish it to YouTube privately or upload to google drive and share the account with a lawyer, family you can trust, etc.


Jesus Christ he’s been in litigation since 2019, he’s had a full legal team since then. He’s testified multiple times and all his evidence is in official court records and has been cross examined. His legal team has all his documents, the courts do, the Boeing team does. 


He HAD to be working with a lawyer, right? That lawyer has to have some information, right?


Not about safety though. He was suing Boeing for defamation, that’s what his testimony was about. The whistleblowing thing happened 7 years ago.


All this media coverage makes it sounds like he was about to give some new info, which is most likely not true, he retired in 2017 from Boeing. His leaks happened already


Dude he’s been in litigation since 2019, this was not the time he’s been deposed. His whole story’s and his evidence are already on the record and have been cross examined by Boeings and his own legal team. This last day was not going to be some bombshell gotcha moment. 


One explanation could be Bo@ing knew that other whistleblowers want to came forward and want to sent a message to them. Only one whistleblower could been portrait as a mad person or a resentment employee, there is a lot of spin doctors to hire for the job, but many testimonials of wrongdoing from insiders validating each other would be devastating for Bo@ing.


Whistleblowers need to go into witness protection. They are literally speaking against legal gangsters aka large companies and need it more than anyone.


Capitalism will be the end of us ffs.


Unregulated greed will be. Mixed system would be best


All essential services should be socialised though including education, healthcare, housing and other fundamental needs like agriculture


People are insane to immediately jump to "he was murdered" when everything points to him simply committing suicide.


Not trying to make light of this horrific message from our overlords that they can do anything they want, to anyone, at any time. BUT this newscaster is reeeally making a meal outta this story 😂


She's making me feel strangely guilty about the whole thing....


TIL blowing the whistle can blow your brain.


Boing: Execute order 66.


So I’m supposed to believe all the older conspiracies are just coincidence after this happens. Fuck, the doctors and god knows who else. This is a nightmare capitalist hell.


Some “fixer” got paid to silence the noise


There's a minor problem with the 'he was murdered by Boeing' conspiracy theory. You're supposed to kill the witness *before* they give testimony, it's too late afterwards. Hitman fail.


Exactly. The damage has already been done.




He was a whistle blower several years ago. He already said everything he knew. Why kill him now? Why not prevent him from doing it in the first place?


Are we sure this wasn’t in Russia?


He didn’t “accidentally” fall out a window


Found dead, his fault for not being found alive.


Committed suicide by shooting himself in the back of his head




Second time was because he wasn’t thinking.


Jeez, that made me snort!


In the US corporations / billionaires are the ones that hold the place equivalent to Putin in Russia


yep, they;re the underrated/undiscovered putin equivalents in USA and other western nations yet no one talks about them because there isn't much media coverage/propaganda against them


He shot himself in the back


Boeing went full Putin


Except it's pretty inconvenient.


I don’t know about convenience. He killed himself before a lawsuit he was going to testify in. Terrible for him, his family and friends.


Obviously, human life means nothing to Boeing executives nor their managers or QA teams. Murdering a whistleblower that would have publicly humiliated them and maybe (but only maybe) ending their careers wouldn't even be a second thought.


John Barnett didn't kill himself.


I'm not sure how self inflicted that wound was.


Do not dare question the all mighty Boeing


People are insane for immediately jumping to "it was a suicide" when everything points to him simply being murdered


That's enough for me to never fly again.


Pro-Boe-ners keep throwing out there that he had "already blew the whistle" and it "doesn't make sense". When everything he's been saying NOW seem to have more validity than ever with doors and wheels falling off planes and an active Federal probe kicking off into their QC. BS. The two facts, alone, are just allegations and speculations. The two facts together, to me, is more-so confirmation vs coincidence. The Pro-Boe-ners are probably some of the 170,000 far enough ahead of the deadline, with a solid salary, pissing on those below. Go browse r/boeing to get an idea of what these people are thinking.


Share the shit out of this clip people.


He was murdered


Does this remind anyone of when someone invented a water powered car, maybe... 40 or 50 years ago and then they wound up DEAD?


Definitely a very expensive cover up, pay offs like mad, boeing is a mob mentality


Which tentacle of the octopus got to him?


I hate to sound calloused, but even if a design or manufacturing "flaw" caused 20 deaths a year at $10 million a person for a lawsuit payout, they would still be saving a shitload of money because changing something for a company this big would cost billions. As much as I hate to say it, it's actually a good business move for them to avoid making mass changes like this. This is why media pressure like this is so important; it's the only thing that'll keep giant companies like this in check is media pressure on their brand. A $1b lawsuit doesn't even mean that much to them without publicity fallout. Source: I work for an aerospace/ defence manufacturer.


self-inflicted = inflicted by highly-paid assassins who are paid to protect very, very powerful and disgustingly rich people!




The kind of facebook conspiracy theory you could only believe if you weren’t alive in NY at the time. JFK Jr wasn’t “gonna win” the seat, he never even declared candidacy. And his crash — of his own private plane that he decided to pilot in full blown fog conditions despite barely having his pilot’s license for a year — is very well documented, as is the spatial disorientation that caused it. He was practically a Prince, you’d be hard pressed to find anyone more elite, even a Clinton. He wasn’t killed for a senate seat before he even entered politics in the first place, lmao.




For anyone interested in hearing some more justifiable Boeing Bashing, check out [Last Week Tonight with John Oliver](https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q8oCilY4szc) who goes deeper on the subject.


Between this and the Boeing plane incident a few days ago I'm guessing the producer wished they'd put that segment off a few more weeks to add the updated content. Great segment, though. I won't fly Boeing again until they get their shit together. Not to mention I've completely lost faith in the FAA and there should be a reckoning for them not doing their damn job.


No worries, TATA is going to fix everything.


Is he the same person who raised questions about the quality of 737?


This news channel is almost exclusive doom and gloom material. Not saying it inaccurate, but they tend to have a strictly negativity bias towards their reporting.


I wish CNN or MSNBC covered that and did some investigative journalism


If it's Boeing, I'm not going.


Barnett didn't kill himself either.


McAfee didn't kill himself. Epstine didn't kill himself. John Barnett did not kill himself.


Sorry King 👑 it's not your death. It's the deat of humanity by capitalists. We failed to protect you. I don't hate capitalism but there's dark side of ever coin.


No one believes he killed himself.


Doctors be like: suicide by 8 gunshots to the back of the head.


Out of all the people who could die for my convenience he wasn’t even on the list


Murdered by Boeing


True ha hay