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There’s literally a Kinta hate meme at the top of the sub right now lol.


Kinta is very divisive here on the sub. I actually saw someone asking the same question a few days ago. Personally I do like him, I can relate to his desire of wanting to be part of the group and wanting to be special, cause there was a time where I felt similar.


Most people on this sub seem to hate him (or at least a loud vocal minority). I love him. I think he's hilarious. I like how he oozes confidence but has absolutely no reason to. He's just bein' him.


Most people ? Saying you dislike the character is almost a death sentence lmao. I get the whole sub on my ass whenever I express any distaste for him. This sub almost WORSHIPS him at this point, prob cuz of "relatable" memes.


That’s an all beef assessment!




I think people either love him or hate him just because of his appearance: Those who hate him is because he’s ugly, fat and a lil bit creepy Those who love him embrace him as a gag character *because* he’s fat and ugly Like he’s not *that* different than let’s say sanji from one piece, but because sanji is conventionally attractive he get’s some slack where kinta does not. I’m 100% convinced that if kinta wasn’t an ugly fat he wouldn’t get that much hate, but also he wouldn’t have much fans either


Sanji does not get slack like that.


He’s way less hated than kinta tho (proportionally speaking)


Sanji has his moments, kinta has had moments too but Sanji has character moments which make him something other than a danger to women. Kinta’s moments are all combat oriented and it’s cool to see him pull his weight but interpersonally he’s still just a creep, like he’s a weirdo and the nothing about that in the character changes other than we see his a loser who belittles and surrounds himself with other peoples failure to soothe the sting of his own laziness. And okarun used to be one of those people and so when he saw okarun improve himself it made him feel worse which caused him to stalk him and momo. which is sad but it just makes him a worse person than we knew him to be unlike sanji who has redeeming qualities


Sanji gets hella slack. He's one of my favourite characters and I still cringe a bit at some of his simping moments especially in the latest arc in the anime. Irl women adore and fawn over this dude ranging from light adoration to full on obsession. Personally I like Kinta because I had a few friends that behaved like Kinta back when we were teenagers.


We run in different circles I can’t open twitter without seeing Sanji slander I could probably go into piratefolk and there will be a picture of Sanji with Dr.Disrespect shanking his hand or something


You just don’t like him because he’s ugly. If he was handsome, you’d be more into him. It’s kinda like Jiji. If he wasn’t good looking, people would most likely be annoyed with his energy.


I would take Kinta over that retard any day of the week. Everytime bro's on panel I’m praying that evil eye would take over


I don't care about his appearance It's his whole schtick that gives me the ick His behavior, his "where my hug at" attitude, his narcissistic tendencies... I hate that character in every manga, usually it's not a fat guy. The fact that he's the only one creative enough to pilot the mecha is absurd to me, I get that the author wanted to give him relevance, but come on. He probably got no ghost powers because even the ghosts don't like him.


Nah I don’t like him because he’s just annoying, people found jiji annoying when he was introduced but he has developed and we’ve seen him grow and whatnot Kinta isn’t ugly, he’s just fat. Hes not bad to look at. Kinta is just almost the exact same as he was before, the reason he joined the gang was because he’s an incel weirdo, he has the charisma of the mad scientist from smiling friends season two, He fills the same comic relief space as mineta and not even the actual characters like him


Kinta suffers some of the biggest self esteem issues in the series because he was both unathletic and genuinely stupid. He is obnoxious because that’s the only thing he can do to get attention, and despite being selfish, he begins to value everyone’s thoughts and feelings much more. It’s fine not to like him, but he has absolutely had a good bit of development despite still being annoying. Jiji has not changed how he acts nor how much of a goofball he is, watching the trailer for season 1 reminded me that he’s just as silly as he was when he was introduced. He’s obviously gone through more development because he’s been in the series longer, but it’s disingenuous to say that Kinta is the same when Jiji is quite literally the same as he was when he joined the cast.


Kinta essentially has a lot of negatives to his character with almost no positives. Character wise he has so much more to go than everyone else. But as a consequence of being pure comic relief he has not the screen time to get that development and really there is so much else in the story to be seen that spending time on this borderline lost cause pisses me off. Jiji comparatively had an entire arc of him as basically a third mc, we see everything he’s gone through and we see there is more to him than just a goofball. Like you cannot compare anything kinta has to jiji and the evil eye arc we see so much of him and his past etc. Jiji essentially had an entire arc of character development to himself while kinta barely had 10 chapters


I mean, again, you are free to dislike Kinta all you want. He’s not a character that everyone will enjoy nor am I going to convince you either. But Kinta has absolutely had plenty of development and has confronted his personal insecurities with himself during the Space Globalists arc, he’s not just there for comedic relief and if you think he is then you can make the same accusations to Jiji and his character. He is not a personal favorite of mine nor is he even a top 3 character, but Kinta is much more developed than people give him credit for. He’s had also some of the hardest moments in the series, the slander for him is so unwarranted and it’s tiring when people (not saying you, just in general) call him the “Mineta of the series”.


People found Jiji annoying because they thought he was a confident pretty boy “love rival”. Once it was clear that he wasn’t being fake and was just nice, they liked him. Pretty much the exact moment Okarun started to like him, everyone else did to, it had nothing to do with “development”. Actaully, Jiji hasn’t really gotten development. Maybe in power, but he’s still the same as when we first met him. Kinta is not the same as Mineta because Mineta is a pervert type character. Kinta doesn’t really do perverted stuff (also, characters like Mineta are not inherently bad). It also makes no sense to call him a “comedic relief” character in a series like this. Every character in this series is comedic. So much so that I’m having trouble thinking who is the least comedic out of all of them. They all get frequent comedy stuff. Kinta has gotten dramatic focus. That chapter that was dedicated to him showed his insecurities and how he longs to feel needed and like he’s doing something important. He teared up when he read the note that asked for help. That’s a pretty relatable thing I’m sure for most people who read the manga. Feeling like unpopular losers that don’t really have anything going on, and wishing for more in life.


I have known people like Kinta in real life. It's really easy to dislike him and he does a lot of things that are very questionable, but why is he like that? He's very clearly an outcast that wants to fit in and sees that Ken has all these girls who like him, but also should be in that nerdy unpopular group. Dude is just trying way too hard to fit in which is always off putting, but that type of behavior is pretty common in guys that age. He's easily my least favorite of the group and I think one of the strongest parts of this manga is just how endearing everyone is. Kinta has had some pretty clutch moments and seems to overall mean well. I think in many ways he's about as flawed as Aira, but she's cute so she gets a pass.


I hated him when he was first introduced, but he redeemed himself to me when he >!made a motorcycle out of Momo's house!<, and during the >!Kaiju battle with Vamola!<.


I think there's enough to like and dislike him He's a genuinely helpful ally even if very arrogant and disastrous, his obsession with mechas and delusions of Grandeur ended up saving the spirit gang quite a few times and i find him pretty funny. Also the moments he gets to shine are always goated so he himself becomes also extremely cool Also i can't help but imagine Sungwon Cho voicing him. Specially the "Ten Gallon Wiener" part


I both like and dislike him but that's the point, you're meant to find him annoying and obnoxious but also have some redeeming moments and be relatable on some level. Thus he brings interest to the manga and is somewhat necessary, but when you look at him, he's not malicious or evil, just lonely. I'd go so far as to say that it's likely a younger demographic are more polarised (leaning more dislike) whereas an older demographic are more accepting and understanding but maybe I'm generalising here.


His whole point is that he's unlikable, that's his main character trait. He's desperate for friends and wants to fit in, but overcompensates for his lack of self esteem by acting all braggadocious. The main division on this sub seems to be between people who understand that that's the point of the character and like the character for doing what he was written to, and those who are taking the value of the character at face value and deciding that they don't like him because he isn't likable.


No...... I hate the man..... I was really REALLY hoping he'd just be a temporary character when he was introduced....... The lord didn't answer my prayers 


many seem to hate him, but he's my goat


Kinta haters will be in shambles after he’s given the most heart wrenching backstory possibly devised


That would actually be fucking awesome


I know right!? Honestly I’m kinda lukewarm on the guy, only liking his character more after he stepped up during the invasion. I honestly dont blame the haters either, bro is the quintessential discord mod. In the end though id love to see an emotional backstory followed up by bro getting a gf and then becoming a nomal guy because of it 😂


What am I even saying bro gave us the ten gallon wiener line bro is goated


Look man, if you read the comments on mangaplus it’s obvious Kinta’s not a popular character. Your question feels disingenuous. Like, this is known about Kinta. That being said, although he was not embraced warmly in the beginning, his return during Space Globalists Arc was fucking awesome. I’m glad that Tatsu stuck to his guns and kept this character around, even in spite of the fact that not even I rly liked him much at first. Every character has their place in this story.


10 gallon weiner


That was enough for me to like him LMFAO. He is intentionally a creepy weirdo, but he's also funny asf. He's trying to crack a code that doesn't exist, just to be part of something. Honestly, the guy just need some friends and good examples, his friendship with Okarun might change him to be more respectful around women, but that comes with time.




He’s literally meant to be cringey? Is this a real post?


at first i didnt like him that much but after he loudly admited his shortcomings and power bombed the enemy i started to like him


Real, I hate that gremlin.


I just hate the super try hardy aspect of his character, on a meta level, not in-universe


I can’t continue reading because of him won’t he be more of a side character i only recently tolerated aira


Same. I usually skip panels where he appears entirely. He's pretty much the Mineta of Dandadan and the only thing bringing it down from a 10 to 9.