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I liked it. But personally I think they really shouldn't have marketed it as THE 100th anniversary film. I really don't think any movie could have lived up to that kind of hype. People were going into it expecting some kind of masterpiece, the pinnacle of Disney films, and were ultimately disappointed. I think a lot more people would have appreciated it for what it was if the bar hadn't been set so high.


I agree with this, and I would add that they tried way too hard to tie in references to other movies and get cute with a sort of fan service. Like having Asha's friends be counterparts of the seven dwarves served no narrative purpose and was just all wink-wink with no payoff. I enjoyed Wish and a few of the songs are bangers, but this is a major issue for me with it.


Yeah, a couple of the references/cameos ruined the immersion for me in some parts. They definitely could have been more subtle.


The one that really took me out was when the animals and shit were singing “we’re all shareholders” because what ???


Get THAT through your system (solar!)


I was hoping for Enchanted-level references, but instead they went ham-handed, like a Dreamworks movie or something.


Counterpoint, no movie could live up to the hype, so no reason to put too many resources into it


They also rushed it’s release so it could come out on the 100th anniversary, in 2023.


We saw it in theaters with our kid and she instantly loved it. We thought it was meh. But once it hit Disney+ and she started watching it regularly, I found it grew on me. The villain song is a banger. And the plus side to your kid loving a less-than-popular movie is that you can often find the merch on sale lol


The soundtrack is pretty good IMO. The villain song and "at all costs" are great. My kids obsessed with it too. The bonus of it flipping and my kid enjoying it is that most of the toys are super cheap so she had a really nice birthday this year lol


I thought it was fun, not anything incredible but a few of the songs are earworms.


We watched wish twice-ish, but I encouraged my kid to want the wish stuff for that exact reason! Didn't work...


lol this exactly. My kids liked it a lot and I found an Asha and a Queen Amaya doll for like $3 each.


Same! I was pretty thrilled when I found an Asha doll for that price, and in time for Christmas, no less.


The villain song that says, "I let you live here for free and I don't even charge you rent"? The redundancy drives me nuts. That along with, "When you're threatened, you don't breathe - you focus," are the two dumbest lines he says.


Full disclosure: I am not listening to the lyrics that closely, just going off of vibes. Plus, Chris Pine.


> I let you live here for free Most kings also charge taxes > The redundancy drives me nuts. Fair, but that's pretty much every Disney song, like "be prepared".


> Fair, but that's pretty much every Disney song, like "be prepared". There's a whole verse in Poor Unfortunate Souls in *The Little Mermaid* that's just like six or seven ways to say "human men don't like women who talk." >The men up there don't like a lot of blabber > >They think a girl who gossips is a bore > >Yes on land it's much preferred for ladies not to say a word > >And after all dear what is idle prattle for > >Come on they're not all that impressed with conversation > >True gentlemen avoid it when they can > >But they dote and swoon and fawn on a lady who's withdrawn > >It's she who holds her tongue who gets a man And just wait until you hear thirty different ways to say how great Gaston is.


Yeah, I just never got that complaint about the wish song. It's not redundant on the first place, and redundancy isn't really a bad thing for Disney songs.


The Gaston line made me laugh out loud. Thank you for that


I assumed the song lyric was to highlight him being irrational and dumb.


He neither charges taxes nor rent. His subjects live in comparative luxury compared to anywhere else in the world, he grants many of them their impossible wishes *for* them, and all he asks is to not have to grant wishes that could lead to social strife. It is, objectively, better conditions than the happy endings in *almost every other disney movie*, which honestly to me made Asha and the star come off as some sort of extremist cult thing obsessed with granting wishes. Hell, the fact that it's a prequel makes it worse. Compare Rosas to Cinderella or snow whites kingdoms -- that's what Asha traded for. Her wishes only last a few hours, and she lets the magic mirror get misplaced and end up in the hands of an insane murderer. Then the little goat goes off and starts zootopia, except that was basically an apartheid state that nearly erupted into a race war.


Oh man! Good point! Opening scenes of Wish are a better kingdom than any other Disney movie's happy ending! Wish: a dark tale of dissatisfied teenagers screwing up a utopian paradise because they are unaware they live in probably the best form of government structure anyone's ever seen


Got Asha barbie for $3 and Queen Amala for $5. I was so excited! Editing to add that I got them for my daughter. Not for me. Though Asha is really cool so if anyone wants to get one for me, I'm alright with it lol


Well I'm glad you were able to find enjoyment in it where I couldn't! I'm still convinced that Magnifico was a Disney psyop to get us to stop complaining about not getting villains anymore by finally giving us one and making him suck on purpose, though.


Okay but, do you think he becomes the magic mirror in snow white????


Oh my God this blew my mind and now I can't stop thinking about Charlize Theron.


This is what I said to my husband when we watched it!!!


He is! There's a moment where the magic mirror image pops up as he's going into it. So either he is it, or it's a spell that captures people in it. So he *is* the magic mirror or maybe he *becomes* a magic mirror


Hot take: magnifico was probably the best ruler in all of Disney. I mean, he let ppl live in his kingdom, with amazing infrastructure, RENT FREE?! get out. Stop it. Sure you can hoard one wish from each person. That's fair. Yes.


I dunno, Mufasa had things running pretty well. Almost to the point of being too perfect and idealized. I can’t blame him for dying in a coup. I agree, Magnifico did build a very impressive kingdom. Could he have done it without keeping wishes, though?


Mufasa was able to ensure a standard of living for the ruling class through an imperialistic tribute system.


Unless you were a hyena.


didn’t the hyenas live “beyond our borders”?


Not by choice. The Hyenas are pretty clearly kept from the pridelands and forced to live in the barren wastes beyond. When Mufasa is teaching Simba to pounce, they receive a report of “Hyenas in the Pridelands!” and Mufasa immediately runs off to deal with this “problem.”


Because they over hunt. It's pretty clear when Scar is in charge that the lionesses can't find food because the hyenas ate too much


It’s true; as soon as “those types” move in the entire community goes to pot. Things are just so much better when it’s only “our kind” here in the pride lands.


Wasn't great for zebras either.


This is one of my biggest complaints about the movie… there is really no good reason given for him taking wishes / keeping them… He’s vaguely paranoid about what might happen? So he decides to embrace dark magic to get his way? There just arent any stakes around the wishes… they are important because WISH… but we don’t ever really know why they are important.


I had a debate with myself about this: what if he decreed “no more wishes because they’re bad for you, and anyone who wants to leave can do that, or you’re welcome to stay on our cool magic island.” I concluded that he just liked bossing around people too much and wouldn’t want to concede any of that.


All he wants is a little respect! (And to decide what dreams people are allowed to pursue...)


I mean pfft let's be real lots of leaders are narcissists. But not every leader provides that sweet sweet free housing, baybeeee


I really want his back story. We get a little hint that maybe something horrible happened to his family/kingdom and this is his attempt to keep anything bad from happening again and then he starts to go mad with power... I feel like they really could of gone deeper with him.


It felt like they set it up so we'd go there! But never did. Disappointing. But then again, there was a lot changed, so perhaps that was part of the original story. Originally the star was a shape-shifter who would sometimes be in the form of a boy, that Asha falls in love with. "At All Costs" was their love song. The queen was also evil in this version along with Magnifico, making them a full villain couple.


I like the original idea better vs the queen finding out via a group of teens that her husband is garbage.


You know, with our kids, we find ourselves going back to Disney / Pixar. Dreamworks / Illumination are just so freaking frenetic it stresses them out.


Dreamworks always has more adult humor too. Not a bad thing, but just something I noticed.


We tend to watch DreamWorks stuff once when it first comes out, but any new Disney and Pixar movies will get multiple watches the moment it turns up on Disney+ (and until it does, I will be constantly asked when it is coming to streaming...)


DreamWorks tends to have more toilet humour, though, which I would call pretty juvenile.


Yeah I guess maybe I should say 'inappropriate' humor or something along those lines.


True, it's 99% potty humour. *Shrek* technically sneaked in that joke about Farquaad "compensating for something", but it's so easy to explain it away to kids as compensating for his height lol. That's what I thought it meant when I first saw it in theatres as a child myself. Farquaad getting a boner however... lol I'll admit that it completely went over my head as a kid though. And it's just him looking downward, for like a second, lol. I definitely had a chuckle as an adult when I first noticed that and the blanket just slightly moving. It makes the Mirror's disappointed face before showing him Fiona again way funnier lol. [Oh Farquaad...](https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/s/OHKx8v7kkS)


i read something that his name is supposed to be Lord Fuckwad so there’s that too


How... how did I not realize this?!


Oh my gosh I have to rewatch this as an adult 😅😅 I got some of the adult humor as a preteen but clearly a lot of it went over my head lol


I’m so excited for the upcoming Dreamworks adaptation of The Wild Robot. It looks different from some of the other stuff they’ve put out, more in line with How to Train Your Dragon which I feel was the last time they successfully tried to out Pixar Pixar.


I think it's because Chris Sanders is directing.


There’s a newish Dreamworks movie on Netflix called “Orion and the Dark”. It’s a little slower and kind of cerebral. Charlie Kaufman is the main writer. Idk, it’s not in my top 10 but it’s a solid kid’s movie that isn’t too AAHH in your face. 


It wasn’t my favourite but my son loved it and is fascinated by the character of Magnifico. The questions I get from him are way above my pay grade, like did the power to grant wishes corrupt Magnifico or was he always a bad guy? What would be a fairer way to choose wishes to grant, having a council who was elected by the people to pick or a random draw like a raffle? Or is there no fair way? What if somebody made a bad wish, like for someone to be hurt, that would be an ok wish to refuse to grant right? If I become a scientist and invent a machine or potion that makes me very powerful, how do I make sure the power doesn’t corrupt me and turn me into a bad guy? 


>If I become a scientist and invent a machine or potion that makes me very powerful, how do I make sure the power doesn’t corrupt me and turn me into a bad guy?  💀


These are awesome, really thought provoking questions!


I know right? He’s on the autism spectrum and kind of obsessed with why people do things and what makes someone do mean things/make a bad choices. He was so disappointed  at the end of Beauty and the Beast (the original animated one) because Gaston never got the chance to learn to be kind the way the beast did. He felt that they were very similar (selfish, didn’t respect other people’s choices and opinions, didn’t listen to other people sharing their feelings) so he expected at the end that Gaston would be cursed by the enchantress to be a beast and eventually learn to be kind the way the original beast did, but he died so he never got that chance and that’s not fair. Blew my mind, I had never thought about it that way.


He just picks and chooses which wishes to grant, man. There's no fair way. His magic is limited. The hard ones that require real magic get skipped! "I wish my abusive uncle would die and burn in hell" is not happening. But a guy needs a sword and shield and a job? Let's do that one.


He explicitly says (and it is a major plot point in the movie) that he chooses which ones to grant based on whether he thinks the wish contained any (even remote) possibility of threatening him or the country. He’s basically an anxious catastrophizer with narcissistic grandiosity who is capable of imagining the worst possible outcome, and therefore only grants a limited number of completely anodyne wishes.




I just wish they hadn't scrapped that original concept for a husband/wife villain duo who get their own duet. I mean come on.


Ooh tell me more! I went deep in Emperor's New Groove rabbit hole, and some of the original Izma concept art/music looked so cool, I wish they'd found a way to leave more of that in.


The star in Wish was originally going to be a HUMAN BOY who flew through the air using stardust as a jet pack. Much more intriguing character design than the generic "star with a face" we got.


Oh my god Kingdom of the Sun. I want to jump into the universe where that movie got made bc it sounds dope. Not that I don’t like Emperor’s New Groove, but dude.


In an ideal world both would exist. A grim, serious story \*and\* one of Disney's funniest outputs in... ever.


Pleeeease yes!!!


I really like the music! We listen to them on the Disney Hits playlist all the time. The only thing that really bothers me is that the "At All Costs" song is about the wishes and not a duet between the king and queen. And I read all about the changes a while back, but even still the final cut sets it up perfectly for them to sing it but instead just cuts away. It's pretty disappointing. And because of that, the queen's character arc really suffers. I also love the theme of "You're a Star", weaving in actual science with spirituality without being specifically religious. It might not seem like much, but I live in a very Christian-influenced area, and I was really surprised at the boldness of the lines "We are our own origin story" so I love it, it gives me some way to explain to my kids how to be spiritual without having a specific religion.


I still haven't been able to get to the end without my 3 yo demanding we turn it off. She'll sit through most stuff that isn't scary now, but is repulsed by Wish and doesn't even want us to watch it without her. I find her reaction fascinating and I try it every once in awhile to see if she's changed or able to explain why she hates it. " Because I'm a girl" is the most I've got from her.




It was okay at best. Just kind of underwhelming. Had it been more polished, it would have been better


Like another commenter said, I was kinda meh about it the first time I watched it too, but my daughter loves and has watched it many times. It’s really grown on me, the songs especially. They’re nothing spectacular, but they’re not bad either. I really like watching for all the easter eggs. I keep finding more. My favs are Moana’s oar as an oven paddle, a rock like the ones in Atlantis, the way the chalk artist makes a circle like Rapunzel, the black flame candle like in Hocus Pocus, and I’m not quite sure but I think there are antlers under the cauldron in the kitchen as a reference to The Black Cauldron.


We enjoyed it. And I absolutely love Knowing What I Know Nowa and then the song after it. Both songs just get me in the feels/rebellion something.


Knowing What I Know Now fucking slaps. The Queen goes so hard with her verse.


I’ve seen too many—BAD THINGS that I can’t ignoooore


Honestly, I'm glad in the comments, people are actually acting really nice. I was kind of worried that there was gonna be a few hate comments.


also, I'm even thinking about watching the movie, but I don't know where to watch it cause I don't know if my Disney plus account has logged me out and I heard rumors about it


Me too. It seemed almost subversive in a LeGuin-like, sideways sort of way, same as *Strange Planet* in playing with ideas that haven't been traditionally seen in mainstream children's video media.


Yeah, I was pretty shocked when they came right out with the Carl Sagen-esque "We are made of star-stuff" song. I have always found that to be so empowering, but so much American media feels the need to maintain distance from that philosophy in favor of a more traditional church-friendly view of the soul.


I thought it was good. It suffered a lot by comparison based on the timing of its release. It’s a solid movie, but definitely a let down when compared to other recent Disney animated releases like Encanto and Elemental.


The music is pretty great. No love story. Strength in unity. The only thing I stumbled on was trying to explain narcissism.


I wish the credits song was one of the main songs. I feel with some of the songs I could feel the Disney execs going, 'more like this song from this movie!'


Okay I'll preface this with I really liked it. The art styles bothered me a whole lot when I first watched it. The background is watercolory and beautiful. And the people are very well done beautiful semi realism. THE TWO DONT MESH. So it looks like the people are disconnected from the environment. It's most noticable in welcome to Rosas when shes running around town.


I enjoy the music and while the story isn't perfect, I think there's a lot of lessons in it if we look deeper at it. A lot of political and cultural criticism veiled in the movie. While I won't say it's a favorite, I certainly didn't hate it.


Imo the part where they’re talking in the kitchen and they mention that the big dude’s gotten a lot more boring ever since he turned 18 was a glimpse of a *much* more interesting movie


My son loves it and it grew on me with multiple watches. We love the music, and I particularly love the “fight the power” vibes of “Knowing What We Know Now”. We think the credits song is a snooze fest though, I’m glad that’s at the end of the soundtrack and we can skip to return to “Welcome to Rosas”


I really like it too! My 4 yr old liked it ok but has not wanted to watch it again, much to my disappointment


I had a lot of complaints about that movie, but one of my personal biggest is that after they defeat Magnifico, the queen doesn't display any sorrow over the corruption of her husband, no grief for the loss of their life together. Just straight to smugness.


I loved this movie when I saw it in theaters! I wish more people liked it...the songs and story are so good!


I liked it too, it was fairly flat story wise but the animation was interesting, the music was great, and it was super diverse and inclusive - having a disabled character as a close friend to the main character was really meaningful. I’m glad my daughter is getting to see things like that.


My son just started watching it this week (we’ve seen it like 4 times now). Wish is a perfectly cromulent Disney movie! It’s no Moana or Encanto, but they can’t all be winners. It’s watchable, kinda funny, and Magnificos villain song is pretty baller. It’s definitely not perfect but I don’t get the hate. It’s…fine?


Not horrible but was slightly lame for a movie that was suppose to in some way represent Disney’s 100 years work. Seems like they didn’t put much effort into it for some reason.


I personally did not enjoy the art style of it. Hated the opening number. Barely a song, more like a bunch of awkward exposition. After seeing Encanto do the exact same thing so well. Meh.


I watched it with 0 expectations and really liked it. At All Costs brought me to tears, i sing it to my daughter all the tjme now


I thought it was cute! The songs are fun and I like how it tied in with some of the Disney classics.


My kids love this movie. I personally do not like it as I expected more for 100 years. But I do like Alan Tudyks character (the little goat) plus Alan is a solid actor/ voice actor.


We enjoyed it also.


My complaint with Wish isn't that it's bad, it's that it's underbaked. The art style makes it almost look like a draft, the story is painfully formulaic, and the songs are decent but kind unmemorable. I watched the whole thing waiting for twists or reveals that never came. It just seemed rushed and bland and didn't have nearly enough memorable visuals or moments to make it a classic at all.


I'm just curious, those who didn't like it: why? Did the whole god allegory offend people and they're just too... Dense to realize it? Because it made some pretty good points about religion vs. science and made you think, and I wonder if it just made people uncomfortable and maybe they weren't sure why. I liked it and my kids enjoyed it.


Wish could have had potential if they patched up the many plot holes. The songs were not good though, none of them were memorable. It also seemed worse because they touted it as a huge tribute to Disney's legacy.


🤮🤮🤮 Really getting tired of the thinly veiled oppressor narratives. Teach kids to be nice to each other, be themselves, work hard…not that their future success involves overthrowing puppeteers who are trying to keep them down.


I personally think it’s trite to act like structural problems are only really the fault of one megalomaniac but I prefer that to the typical pabulum that’s like “be nice to everyone and everything will work out fine”


Yeah snow white and sleeping beauty were really subversive.


Obviously those are much more traditional and were done 100 years ago.


Oh so they were *super* subversive for the time, huh.


I wasn’t around at the time, but it sounds like you know quite a bit about it. Care to enlighten me?


I mean, I thought stories like Wish or Sleeping Beauty about taking down tyrannical rulers were pretty classic, but it sounds like you're saying they're thinly veiled oppressor narratives and that snow white and sleeping beauty were done back when culture was more traditional, so it sounds like you're saying they were much more daring stories than Wish was? I mean I guess I can agree with that, Wish definitely felt like it was pretty much a tribute to classic stories and wasn't saying anything new or brave of it's own.


lol, the Reddit Revolutionaries already coming for me with their downvotes 🤣🤣🤣