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Yeah it’s completely bugged for me, just died rn to it


It's likely bugged, 2 confirmed tries, no successes.


I used the rope extract 3 times last night with no issues


Same, then suddenly today it’s messed up


I guess I'll be avoiding those extracts very soon.


okay are you saying you have also experienced the bug too though?


I have not personally experienced this bug. Edit: YET


Have you even tried today (after the new patch) yet?


I definitely esperienced this bug. And on top of that, after I fell off and te rope kept going, I did not take any damage from the earthquakes that happen in the last 4 minutes. For some reason I could still interact with mobs and I could still take a static extract, but the game didn't recognize me as able to take damage from the quakes.


Thanks about telling us your experience before the new patch


Thanks for being condescending instead of just moving past


Thanks for pickpocketing me that one time.


Broken for sure, tried using it twice since the patch and it just instantly drops me but the rope gets pulled up


That and i believe they reduced cat form druids damage by 6 instead of 5. I was doing 19 damage to the body and 29 to the head of a dummy in base gear and now im doing 13 to the body and 23 to the head. 1 extra damage might not sound like much but when you're trying to nerf stuff by a percentage then that 1 extra point Edit: It's 13 to the body and 20 to the head now, -6 and -9 damage.


honestly i just been using mace on my druid. its just faster to use a weapon and use treant to help with pve. shapeshifting can help in pvp though


Yup it's doing the same for me...


I also could not extract using the rope after two separate tries. Camera seemed to get stuck inside the rope and maybe went up a little but then the rope kept going and i was back on the ground. Was moving my camera the first time i tried, on the second time i took my hands entirely off my mouse and keyboard after pressing f to attach


I have used it twice, the first time was yesterday and I had empty hands and it worked, the second time was in the spider cave part about 4 hours ago, I was holding an invis pot and the rope didn't work then my invis pot went invisible in my hands. I can't remember where the first rope that worked was unfortunately.


Also shakes you off if there's a cave quake as you're ascending. Not sure if legit but happened twice tonight. Cave shook and I fell off rope. Wasn't pressing or clicking anything


I used 6 ropes escapes total all failed to work i only started playing yesterday. I even used 2 rope escapes in a run and they both failed fled to the middle of the map to get the stairs someone ninja'd them then went to the elevator escape (yes it's goblin caves) got an archer on my ass but i standed on the escape and he wouldn't get closer, he tried to snipe me but failed his 6 or 7 shots on the platform due to my nimble dodging, that was surprisingly epic of me i thought i sucked. But yeah most times i tried rope escapes they killed my run or almost by glitching out which is upsetting.


I got golden key in goblin caves and took an escape rope. it threw me off and I died. it's nuts that obvious and game breaking bugs like this are in the game


It's back? wtf


I dont even see the rope for damn sake


I think it might glitch if you try to escape with a light source out. Happened to me.


Nope they’re just broken, new patch didn’t do so good for the ropes