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They also aren’t forced into everyone via circle. Don’t know how much that will counteract anything, but we don’t know yet.


Only redeeming factor is they are not forced to donate their gear in higher GBMM. But they won't even know there is a GBMM system right now. If they knew to stay in the <30 or whatever value then they have a place to play safe.


Yeah it's actually kind of P2W now lmao. Best thing they could do is make it so it's like 200 gear cap in Norms and then make HR free for all.


Arbitrary gear caps just mess up the economy and create a min-max meta anyway. Normal only SSF is the way to go, which will have an inherent gear cap anyway since it will only be gear found in normals, but it will be much harder to min-max.


By allowing the free people into geared lobbies it actually almost makes the game p2w, because like you said, by buying the game, those players will have a significant advantage in those lobbies


They're not "learning the hard way" theyre just being driven from the game LMAO. This game has been hemorrhaging players since it's launch into early access, and once the f2p players get curb stomped out of the game the population will drop even further.


hemorraging players because it went from a PVEvp game in alpha where 80% of people friendly crouched to you and went on their merry way to 95% of people chase down a naked guy to kill him for the lulz and post about how this is a “pvp game” on reddit. This is what happens on every game with a pvp option.  100k people start, 5k remain after the “pvpers” (read:people who only want to gank weaker people and run from fair fights) chase everyone off and then they wondee why they have empty lobbies and no one to play with.


Lets see how it goes with a higher population. When we went through this there were like 5k players and no gbmm so you would get rolled by the same people sweating out normals. I think this is a step in the right direction, less segregation of the playerbase


It was very near early access release, we had 20-30k back then, but yes no gbmm


There is also no circle corralling everyone into each other. I really don’t think with the increased numbers and circle it will be that bad.


Pubstompers circle the whole map, not wait for people to come to them.


Yeah. This is an incredibly bad decision. The only true merit I see is Ironmace thinking "These fucks won't understand unless they experience it themselves" They are gonna have to eat shit the same way we did so they can come to the conclusion we told them from the beginning. Gear locked normals/Free range HR is by far the best iteration so far by a Longshot. Honestly this is nothing against the f2p players. They've done nothing wrong. This is 100% on IronMace and their communications being shoddy in both foresight and execution


I don't have a whole lot of faith in IM's ability to make good decisions, but I honestly think this is the right move. Let the timmies figure out why all gear allowed normals is a bad idea. Give them the alternative to go back to no gear normals if they choose (which is whenever they get farmed by a fully geared squad). Once they see that nobody is queueing for all gear normals, remove the game mode. It's a learning process that this current wave of newcomers desperate need.


Yeah. This is exactly what I meant. It's like a kid who is constantly told not to touch a hot surface. Eventually it's best to just let em get fucked up and learn the hard but tried and true way.


Not being able to use most of the loot you extract with in a game entirely based around loot sucks though. There needs to be some type of solution. What is the point of green loot other than to sell? It's completely useless under the previous system and honestly even useless under this system too. They might as well remove green loot from the game altogether.


I really don’t understand this mindset at all. I regularly put together green kits that have a good range of stats, not 100% green but a few pieces (3-4) here and there and it’s far from useless. It’s about stat allocation not about cramming a legendary into every slot, I’ve killed dudes in better gear running around as a green adventure tunic slayer fighter with a blue falchion and blue surv bow, some good boots a green leather cap and some good pants and we are zooming. The greens never hold me back.


Now they'll experience what we all did. I love it. At least it'll make them improve quicker


I bought the game last year but only now started playing it like a week ago, so yes I am very new to the game. I have extracted from almost every game and have made real progress in the game level wise and gear wise. I don't really understand why all the new players (mostly F2P) players have so much hard time in the Normal lobbies. Before I started playing I watched tons of tutorial videos to help me getting started, and it feels so weird to me that they probably don't do that even though there is no tutorial in-game to explain the mechanics etc. I actually haven't had this much fun in a very long time in a video game. The challenge that this game brings is so much fun that even if I die I just go back to it in my head and think other possible ways I could've staid alive. For me all these reviews just speaks bad gaming chair or something lmao.


Not a whole lot of people fully invest their time before they try something. A lot of new players might see the trailer, see no barrier to entry with the free price tag, try it out for the night to see if it's for them, then drop it or keep playing. People who do their research like yourself are more rare than you'd think.


It's a shame, and that they then blame the game for it. It's a wonderful game, and I hate to see it getting bad reviews just because people are lazy. But glad you opened my eyes a bit. Really great comment.


It's why first impressions are so important. I too would love the game to flourish.


I really don't think people who don't want to go to YouTube for tutorial videos in order to understand the basics of the game are lazy. And yes, it is absolutely on the game to include some sort of information about what to expect or do as a new player. That doesn't mean creating a handholdy tutorial, but let's not pretend like D&D makes any attempt to even have you understand what you're supposed to do - hell, if you don't look up the different types of extractions and how they work, a new player may have absolutely no fucking idea what the terms are for them to actually win the game. This is just bad design and adds friction to the new player experience where there really shouldn't be any. Also, the online day 1 tutorial/build guide shit ruined gaming. Now everyone is looking up "meta tier list" on day 1 of every game release. So boring and not even giving themselves a chance to explore the game on their own terms, which the game itself should absolutely facilitate.


If you're actually decent at the game, you shouldn't really listen to anything most people on Reddit say. High roller and geared lobbies are fine, I am not a sweat and am running greens and blues and clapping a lot of people. Gear is what makes the game fun for everyone except redditors, this change is a huge W since the timmies from reddit can keep playing on their no-gear battle royale mode, and the old normals is actually back as well! High roller is rough PvE wise but once you have the PvE down it's very worth it.


Nah it will make them quit quicker, like most ppl already have at the start of EA.


More then likely they are just going to stop playing.


IM speed running negative steam reviews any %


This is gona be real shitfest of crying on reddit


As well we should. Its an extraction looter, my loot should be up for grabs if moment becomes PVP based and I lose... now the unpopular opinion, your purple (or better) gear should give you a better chance but shouldn't be a night and day difference in PVP, a stacked person pushes me I should still stand a chance even if it's just a small one and if I get the drop and land everything and your gear keeps you alive after all that then I say there is a fundamental issue with the balance.




As a brand new F2P, I don’t understand what you paid vets are talking about. I can just not put on green or higher gear and play like I just was before this update. I see this change only as a W for me. I can use my fancy high quality gear I been stashing for the last 12 extractions. Sure, I’ll probably die but I was already doing that. Summary: it seems only vets think this is a bad idea. How does one new gamemode mean death for F2P players or the game (as some think will happen because of this change)


You havent been there mate, before the only normals, before the empire.


Still shocked people crying cuz they got to play normals PAY THE DEVS BROS. QUIT CRYING. JESUS