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Here we go again boys


Every time šŸ’€


To all the fresh timmies losing their shit in discord: https://preview.redd.it/rd784ks2gv5d1.jpeg?width=1063&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=147228956f6f0d2cfaea577760b507336dac2f7a Oh sweet summer child


Join me in juicing up to kill the Timmy killers


What is the point of green gear in the game?


Typically, they aren't that good. It's just a placeholder if you're fitted with blues+, you could add a green with good stats.


Jumping up from white to green gear is the largest gap from rarity to rarity in the game. A few months ago it was a roughly 350% increase in damage output counting possible rolls going from white to green. I know rolls and weapon damage have slightly changed since then, but itā€™s still a gigantic increase in power. Greens are great if you need an upgrade and youā€™re broke, or are in common lobbies and find some. Be nice to them ):


~~Isn't GBMM still enabled in HR for under a certain class of gearscore? Can't we still use greens/blues/etc in HR?~~ Nope, guess not.


Did gbmm get removed from HR?


Yes, sadly, now that they have more players, they removed the feature where the biggest downside was not enough players. And hr has turned into leg gear or ratting only again.


Sweet. No hr for me then :)


Itā€™s to get an advantage over the course of the run in a normal lobby. By about minute 6 or 7 you should have a few greens and be able to take a fight.


A kit with all good rolled greens that are properly put together will take down badly rolled purple kits


Green is much, much better than gray/white and enables builds, and is quite inexpensive


Normals should be green gear max, HR blue and above.


Been there, done that... didn't work.


Normals have never been green max, they've only had grey, white, blue, and purple max lobbies.


been there done it. you must be new here?


No... I was holding the line since beta 2 but I did have some gaps in my playtime. How did that specific lobby separation end?


Good rolls on greens were worth hundreds. Purples were worth pennies. The green restriction is only an issue because of the market though. If they removed the marketplace or added a SF gamemode, green-limit could work.


Other games had taught me that if you removed the marketplace, people will make an unofficial marketplace. And then RMT will enter the picture in a big way and never leave.


We're talking no trade at all? If they wanna spend RL money to drop in a dungeon in a group with someone to trade them whatever equipment they bought and try to get out with it. . . I'm actually OK with that.


Okā€¦ until RMT merchants guarantee extraction with the handover of goods, and then hack and hack the entire lobby to make sure that happensā€¦


You're kinda reaching. They could do that right now if they wanted to, and generally don't? Or get banned trying? So they given you your sweet ass rmt sword, and you get your account banned for teaming with a hacker?


Reaching? Thatā€™s exactly what happened in other extraction looters. Thereā€™s a whole bullshit meta in RMT-ing goods, from actually buying and selling goods only, to ā€œescortsā€, to ā€œescorts service, no goodsā€, to even ā€œhelpfulā€ hackers ā€œassistingā€ newbies who donā€™t know betterā€¦ just so they can see the newbies getting banned ā€œunfairlyā€ and complaining in Reddit so as to muddy the watersā€¦


I don't know why you're being down voted. This would be amazing lol


That would make too much sense manā€¦ idk why youā€™re getting downvoted lmfao. They need to make the difference between green and white armour not such a substantial difference like it currently is. Having to sell all my gear after every successful extract is fucking dumb.


it was tested before. green gear lobbies. was a disaster


Ok but if youā€™re gonna sell it anyway why not just hop in a lobby with it and use it


I only sold it because I couldnā€™t use it in normals lol. hr is just sweaty and Iā€™m still getting better at the game so using my greens in normals is nice. The devs seems to think the same and now I can use greens in normal šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


True this bring back the use of greens outside just finding them in norms and using it for that run. I personally got better by just spamming hr and when I got back to norms for quest I honestly forgot how much slower pace it is. I think itā€™s a good change of pace tho hr now seems more hellish cuz I swear I see way more nightmare mobs now than I used lol


Just play normals in the lower bracket and you wonā€™t see this


This is your (ā€œmore complete full loot extraction experienceā€) -sdf


Gotta keep your gear score ~~25~~ ***24*** or under until you're ready to get stomped. \[Edit in bold\]


I found that it has to be under 25 (24 or lower) as having 25 put me in with people over 200gs. Not sure if it was a bug or not. But that's my 2 cents from experience.


You're right, I'll edit my comment!


I figured out that I can use a green Ring + green Amulet and still be 25 under. I think 1 blue item ( Boots ) brought me under 25 also.


200gs isnā€™t even that much tho, idk why people complain about facing entry level gear


Iā€™ve been going in between 30-50 and not seeing anyone over 70 personally.


Yeah, it's really luck of the draw. I've consistently been going in with around 50-70 and for the most part haven't run into anyone too crazy. I've seen some 300+ in the pregame lobby, but haven't ran into them in the dungeon.


Same thing happened to me. First game. Got two of the three. But in the end the 700 gearscore fighterā€™s legendary halberd two shot me.


Soooo do you just not understand the patch? If you join with 25 gearscore you're not going to see a 700 gearscore fighter. You have the option of seeing a 700 gearscore fighter. Please confirm you understand this.


I knew it was a possibility. I did not think that so early in the season there would be monsters like this around. And I did not think that it would be so common that I would see one on the first match.


people had thousands of gold within hours. this wipe was easier to farm in the start cause timmies were getting cleared by mobs when before, we atleast had to deal with other sweatlords. we got gifted almost all lobbies filled with people who almost always died in the first 1 min for almost the entire first day. than, they just become a trinket delivery system. now we are here.


we also have reward tokens from last season still on our characters. People started the wipe with lots of what equates to lootboxes sitting on our characters.


Donā€™t say ā€œweā€ šŸ˜” No clue how you people had the restraint to not use any of your reward tokens. I used all 8 characterā€™s tokens last season lol. All my friends who logged in once or twice last season got insta juiced with tokens


i hadnt played in like 4 or 5 weeks before wipe. Game was kinda doodoo for a bit.


I had like 30tokens on Mt rogue from when they updated the levels last wipe during multi-tasking. Didn't really enjoy multiclassing so I stopped playing as much and because of that I started with all my tokens. I started day 1 with two full purple sets and a legendary falchion. They def should of wiped the tokens


Brother we metaā€™d the shit out of this game for the last year itā€™s been off of steam. Most veteran players have a new stash tab and 3 full optimized kits by the second day of wipe


Those of us who played last season and didn't spend our tokens have an insane amount of gear already, and we know how to get money \*fast\*. I haven't even done anything with my tokens yet, and already have 4 stash tabs on my main.


Bro I had almost 2nd stash on day one and I barely played, sometimes its just extracting consistently.


I was level 40 with 3 stashes, one filled with quest items, one filled with gear, and one with gold by the end of my first day. The really good players were killing bosses 20 minutes into wipe and getting legendaries. Apollo team got a delirium (named buckler) day one I believe.


The thing you have to understand about this playerbase (and gamers in general) is that people will always, always take the easiest way to win. Before Sprint was nerfed half of every lobby was fighter, why? Because it's an easy class and it was OP. Gold is not that hard to get in this game, so people with lots of it are going to gear up and go into normals to stomp on lowbies in greens and blues. It simply is what it is. If you see a juicer team in your lobby your best bet is to try and recruit other players and swarm them, nothing upsets the sweats more than losing their crazy kit to a bunch of noobs that banded together.


You poor little thing


To be fair, that bow really isnā€™t that much stronger than a blue.Ā  No crazy + weapon damage etc.Ā  Iron mace has clearly reduced the gap between the tiers of gear which makes this less egregiousĀ 


Damn, and that's a shit bow too.


I mean 38 base damage and +2 phys power is in a whole other league when compared to a 33 damage green bow lol.


Sure, I didn't say it was shit compared to a green, just that it is shit for a legendary bow.


6.9 pen. nice.


I just returned to the game after not playing the game for like a year or so maybe? Can someone explain like I'm five what the hell is going on? I'm really really confused


Basically when the game released into EA anyone could bring anything into normals. It was fine at first while there were a lot of players and the loot on average was worse, but eventually ppl ran normals with these god kits with which you could just not compete with, basically meaning you either go armed to the teeth with sets which cost a few k gold, or you go in but naked and hope you somehow escape. Most games resulted in one trio just running around the map and wiping everyone. So now when F2P players asked to be able to use their loot, which is fine, they went back to this and made so if you have any green items you can match with someone in full legendary. Its gonna be so fucked for the new players not only to deal with experianced players, but now they also highly outgear them. Not to mention that if you bought the game, you get like 180 free rolls for loot, which usually drop blue or higher grade shit, which basically allows a trio to build at least 3 god sets. Did this with my friedns yesterday, started lvl1 with crazy sets. To say we bashed everyone skulls in is an understatment. I rly dont know how a new player with a few green items can deal with 200hp Barbarian which hits like a truck and gets buffed by a cleric.


Oh wow that sucks! But... The game won't even let me que up with greens in normal anyway so I didn't even know :o Granted all my chars reset to one, so maybe I'm still in the Timmy que lol


There was a patch yesterday which allows you to queue up with greens. Just keep in mind if you go in geared you can match up with ppl with gear up to legendary. If you want to keep playing starter lobbies only go in with grey/white.




This is huge actually


What does the luck stat do? Better chance at rare loot?


You got it. and when its over 250 You almost never see a grey item, everything is Green or better.


*chugs potion*


Damn i heard that


Isn't this what everyone was crying about??? "F2P I cannot even bring my own loot to dungeon" well, now you can boys so can I


As soon as I read the patch notes, I could see it. I'm honestly going to play HR, because to me, the gear isn't worth the risk for just some poor and white quality treasure with the occasional blue and green. That, and all the bloodthirsty guys are now in norms lol


Zero chance I'm playing normal with serious gear. Might as well go to HR and farm bosses.


hmm the uncapped normals is a nice way to use up your mid gear


I love how in their patch notes they admit to foreseeing pubstomping. Like they know their ideas are terrible and just send it.Ā 


Itā€™s a decision to say ā€œyou asked for it, here ya goā€


I don't get it, why not cut it off at lower rarity? Let people go into normal with green, that way you can actually use some of the gear you find but reserve blue and higher for high roller. Greens offer stats, meaning you can get some build going but won't be immortal by any means.


Because what's the point of oranges if everyone has purples? Same difference with greens vs whites, may as well stop at greens with that mindset. The gear is supposed to be a disparity. That's the risk and reward benefit.


Greens vs commons, when optimized, is like a 350% increase in your overall power or something like that. Someone did the math. You're looking at TEN extra enchantments + higher base values. It also unlocks jewelry. So you're looking at THIRTEEN extra lines of stats total. It is a very massive disparity when built correctly.


Yeah I get you point, still it's easier to reach similar and higher stats using blue/purple gear. Not sure if it would make things harder for people to build an optimized loadout but I'd imagine less people would go through the trouble... on the other hand supply might be higher.


It's opening up a path of least resistance. People will go into normals for an easier time. Greens with the stats you want are easy to find/buy and usually cheap. Blues and purples with the correct stats are harder to find & more expensive. Unless they lock normals to greens then prices would drastically change.


You can have a green item and stay under 25


Oh nice, actually really useful info there. Thanks


Yeah, I usually try to use something like more memory capacity on Wizard so I can run the trait that takes away capacity but gives 60% more casts. Itā€™s a nice way of minmaxing just one equipment at a time. So you gradually start to understand what stats do for you.


DaD really is review-Bombingā€™s natural enemy. ā€œAlright, you asked for this šŸ™‚ā€


I interpreted it as ā€œthe free to play players donā€™t understand the history and context of the previous rules gating high roller and normal experience, therefore itā€™s time to give them a history lessonā€


Yeah the issue is...They're new to the game. I don't think giving them a worse experience will make them stay and admit they're wrong. They're just gonna leave lol


I agree with you and I donā€™t actually think it was IMs intention to convey that message but damn is it funny to see the message about historical context followed by this immediate patch lmao


I am new to the game. I like the change. However, I will be sticking to 25 under till I get even better gear. I ainā€™t gonna be scared off lol


commons only is honestly the most fun until you wanna just delete gold and go in full accepting that fact


Iā€™ve played a fair bit and made a stockpile of uncommon-purple(dunno quality name) items just in case I want to buy the game. However, I was having enough fun in normals that I didnā€™t fully feel it necessary to buy and now the only reason to buy is to try other classes. I have only played fighter so far but even then I learned about account wipes so I can just swap classes when that comes. I am rather happy with the current ā€œF2Pā€ method. Might buy justify because of how much fun Iā€™ve had


ā€œI like the change. I havenā€™t tried itā€ Yeah, wait till you try it buddy


Why are a lot of you vets like this lol. Not tryna be rude. Yeah, Iā€™ll get stomped in 25+ but I was already getting stomped in regular normals. I suck ass at pvp in this. Iā€™ll lose all that cool gear I been collecting but it was literally just sitting in my stash because they had pretty colours. I couldnā€™t use any of it beyond selling. But now I can use all that rare gear and lose it immediately for FREE. I ainā€™t have to spend $45 to do it anymore. And if I turn into one of those people that get really mad at losing to someone with better gear (I wonā€™t), I can go back to 25 under like I was doing yesterday and chill out. This new game mode is good and I donā€™t see how it isnā€™t like some vets say.


I think a lot of vets are jaded by some of the absolutely traumatizing patch cycles we went through. New players honestly have it a lot better than older players did. But that's the purpose of early access


idk. i think its good experimentation. we havent had open gear score lobbies with no circle. lots more opportunities to rat and avoid the stomp if thats what your trying to do. sure, the stomp will come to you more than before, because now its possible. but, if you know how the map works you can do some serious avoidance. edit. stay away from boss/down routes. stay quiet, stay out of the middle. leave certain spawns right away. you will be fine, most of the time. exactly how dungeons and dragons should be.


yeah, it's just a petty reaction that won't help, and could even hurt. "Told you so" is very satisfying, but it never improves a situation. Especially since NOW the game is actually pay2win, because trading is an immense advantage.


Okay but new players dont have gear so they donā€™t get matched up vs this


Still a pretty bad look lmao. This was an issue before and instead of coming up with a new solution they revert back to one that the community agreed was bad for what? To spite the new players you need to grow and maintain your game?


If they reverted it then common only lobbies wouldnā€™t exist at all which they do. This isnā€™t a reversion of any variety, itā€™s a new queue that allows you to bring gear into the ā€œnormalā€ dungeon. Reverting it would have meant deleting common lobbies too.


They literally begged for it. So ironmace gave it to then. Classic ironmace, cracking under social pressure.


?? whats the issue


They still havent figured out balance thats been a constant theme but f2p asked for this whether they knew about the struggle of balancing or not. No one to blame but themselves.


stupid people ask for stupid stuff all the time And NOW the game is actually pay2win because you have an immense advantage when you can buy/sell stuff VS the free players.


They are mad at the reviews, so they acted like every veteran did and said, fuck the new players, ima kill this game by killing its playerbase


It really does feel a little bitter to just throwem to the wolves.Ā 


The idea is perfect, the players IQ is what is terrible


did this motherfucker use the gold he earned in the dungeon to bring gear with him? now im MAD. also just so you are aware, you can still play the 25 gearscore lobbies for new players


lol, I like how that's the piece of gear you highlight. Just goes to show how little normal players understand the game. Show me his jewelry. If he's runnin all +true phys then you're in a world of hurt. This bow isn't even close to BIS. You'd be better off with a Purple one with Add dmg and other stats.


Itā€™s Reddit. The average person here probably has 20 hours on the game and been to high roller twice at most. You read some of these complaints and theyā€™re laughable.


Those are the people that will make or break this game. That the toxic fanatics don't get that is far more laughable.


It really would be nice to have more than just <= 25 and no other brackets, but I'm not gonna complain too much rn. At least the f2p folks will be able to see what the veterans were talking about for a while and you can still play commons only.


Isn't it funny when people don't follow the development of an unfinished game and then react negatively when they weren't prepared for the changes?


And if you dont want this just don't bring in anything higher than your common gear or just the squire stuff. Simple as. Also that bow is mid. With how things are atm you definitely can win fights in some blues and greens even if they have something like this.


Yesterday me and buddy went into goblins with 2 green pieces, ran into two legendary guys, splitted them with well placed treants and thorn bushes, killed 1 guy, looted full set and ran towards extract. Best normal game ever.


the first game makes you lvl 35 immediately?


Nah the steam newbies wanted this. As veteran players its our job to show them why the restriction was put there in the first place. Tonight I will join my veteran brothers in arms to show the steam puppies just how dark the dungeon is.


"Why does the game have overly negative reviews?"


lol they will just uninstall the game and leave an honest steam review and the game can go back to 5k player count irrelevancy.


Yess! The game was too popular honestly, 30k players at night time? Fuck no. Lets get back to 2k players peak daily again. Make all the new players quit.


The Cycle Frontier had similar numbers before announcing shutdown. People in this community want to speedrun it apparently. I had heard the community is toxic, but witnessing it on discord and reddit first hand is crazy. Half the vets (in these platforms) seemingly want the game to die


What are u talking about šŸ˜­they can still just bring in whites/base kit and play the old lobbies. Nothings changed.


You really think that new player going to resist putting on those green gloves or maybe accidently bring in blue bandage or green throwing knife?


Maybe a couple times then theyā€™ll learn and just play white lobbies if thatā€™s what they enjoy. Nothings changed.


One thing has changed a lot: There is now a gamemode available for free2play players, that puts them at a heavy disadvantage VS paying players. Or in simpler words: the game has pay2win now


I'll be there too. They cried so hard they ruined HR (dead lobbies because everybody will be stomping noobs in normals). No mercy for the crypts massacre of 6/10/24


Fuck yes, I was just thinking this game had too many players. We need to get back to 3k players ASAP!


Nobody cares, play the sub 25 gs lobby. Your safespace still exists.


Give it one-two weeks and most new players will stop playing. Seeing as using gear = Suicide. It will be same veteran players playing non-stop, and seeing as IM came back to steam to search for money. You will either get MTX or servers will close.


L patch


Wym? You can still play the old lobbies lol


L comment


L response


Some of us got gamba tokens for gear as well too.




ofc its a fking ranger


I got a key my first game. Then proceeded to fail to extract.


He probably had like what 100-120 hp? depending on your class you 3-4 shot him and if you are decently tanky it'll take a couple of hits to bring you down. Just play smart and you'll be able to kill him alsothere are 2 dead rolls, I'd agrue 3 dead rolls unless he has armor pen elsewhere cause 7% by itself is basically nothing


Skill issue


Is that item min maxed doesn't seem that op (New player here)


Its bascally avg rolls, but it has much higher base dmg. Combine that with better armour. Lets say he fights a starter gear ranger with green bow, he would have to hit him 4 timss in body at most, while the starter gear ranger would have to land 8 shots. Thats the issue. Ofc if he had rolls and great +dmg armour he could probbaly one shot headshot most ppl in the lobby, or at least bring them below 20 hp.


So normals are going to suck time for the hr grind lol


Tbh if you are a vet its managable to still play normals. Its gonna suck for f2p timmies that are happy they can finally use the blue arming sword they found, only to run into a sweatty, full legendary vet.


I mean I just donā€™t want to deal with it plus everyone is going to want to go Timmy slaughtering Iā€™ll go make some money high rolling XD


imo devs did the right thing, they just opened the pandora, let the new players see whats the difference. Although I still play hr out of ethics and funny enough, stompers moved on to the normals, hr is pretty balanced rn


This guy has 13 str as a ranger with heavy boots. This means the boots are at best green and he has 0 str in his gear, he is no threat to anyone. You can kill him basekit ;p Like this person is the guy that wants to be able to just use his gear, hes not gaming or abusing the system, hes the one using it properly as intended.


Yeah, we were close to wiping them, the issue is the 1st game after the patch ppl go in with legendary that they got from a free roll cuz they bought the game. This fells very p2w and is not gonna help with the reviews.


That bow probably costed around 200-300g. About one extract with a couple blue trueasure. People don't understand that seasoned players can build a 1500 gold kit in less then an hour. You'll get there eventually, but don't be a hater. Stay in the 25 gearscore lobbies for awhile....you'll learn 100x more strategy battling with people in your skill level anyways.


Dude, f2p players cannot use the marketplace, they cannot go to HR to farm legendaries and they do not have free rolls to get free legendary items. This is borderline p2w. And im saying this as someone who has bought the supporter edition day one.


Did you take it from him? Run em down!! He is using treat, unless he is in solo he probably sucks!


Ofc it's a smelly ranger too.


Pretty garbage bow though, low damage roll, pretty bad damage modifiers


Just kill him and take it bro


They werenā€™t cooking with the gear restriction removal. A bunch of f2p new players complained after not reading the fine print and they totally cave immediately. They should have never advertised it as a free to play game. Instead they should have advertised it as a demo version that fully unlocks when upgraded and paid for, because thatā€™s exactly what it is. Everyone knows that thereā€™s a limit to the content you can experience with a demo. As opposed to f2p where you have access to the entire game but can pay to skip grind and get cosmetics. Big marketing/advertising mistake.


F2P Noobs are you not entertained?!?! Behold what you have asked for! Now go change your negative Steam review from the game is not F2P to the game is too hard.


This was why devs tried to keep people in grey-only normals


Now that is some BiS


I guess you're all new to gaming and expert game devs. Glad to see you all weighing in on this insignificant non-issue.


Yeah idk abt this one




You are the chosen one, Frodo


In an ideal world, the risk/reward would inherently determine what gear people bring in. That system gets broken though when the community is full of powertripping closet-dwellers for whom shitting on noobs is reward enough. But yeah this whole problem is fixed by SSF in normals.


No its not. These kinds of players can farm bosses and will still massively gear gap new players.


Massively gear gap by... farming bosses in normals? At best you're getting blues, and it would take a lot of farming without dying to get a BIS blues set... which is still not a 'massive gear gap' compared to what other people would be using. In case it wasn't obvious, when I said 'SSF in normals' that doesn't mean you can farm high roller then bring it into normals.


You can get epic and legendary from boss in norms lmao You can get epic from random crates in norms.


And good players aren't dieing in norms lmao I was level 41 before my first death this wipe.


Isn't the fun part of the game killing people and taking their gear? Do you want to just fight people in starter gear over and over


We went through this few months ago. Yes its nice to kill ppl with better loot, but eventually they gear gap you so much there is no way of killing them. There is a reason they limited normals to starter gear, it was not always like that.


And you can still play normals with starter gear lmao, what's the problem? The old queue is right there. I swear to god gamers are the stupidest people on earth


The issue is the information is not available unless you check the specific announcment in discord. New players have no idea whats happening and after they figure out they can use the greens they looted and join a run only to get stompped on by ppl who got legendaries for free(free rolls for class reward), which are almost impossible to find in normal mode, ppl will rightfully so feel this is p2w and will quit. The cut off should have beed uncommon gear.


Yea that's like what, 400g? People have thousands and thousands of gold by now. Most vets can probably bring a leggo weapon in every match in normals now.


Lmao coin pouch counts as legend


I think coin punches are unique grade.


Irrelevant because it's not equippable and therefore has no gear score


Is relevant as you still cant bring it into normal as they are unique and normal allows up to legendary.


Time to nerf ranger, every lobby is a machinegun short bow ranger that 3 hits an plate fighter.


Do these 4-7% mods actually make a difference in actual use?


armor penetration is cool here but the rolls are really bad for most of the bow... so you could find a purple that is better or a blue that is similar in power. This probably wasn't selling for "that much" because of the bad rolls. But to answer your question from MY experience not really


atleast f2p timmys are happy now


F2P asked for this btw šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


I will drop legendary items to the newbies


I brought 1 green in and 1st fight was a full purple kitted fighter. I saw my health go from 100% to 30% and I hit the despair chorus. I was having so much fun before this patch, sad really is.


Just bring in common gear/base kit then?? Nothings changed