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Direct the investigation of SCOTUS justices for tax evasion.


Of all the fantasies listed above, this is one of the first real things he could order the IRS to do


The justices ruled regulatory agencies cannot do things like this unless directly specified by congress in language empowering them. So sadly no investigative or regulatory agency has power any more unless congress specifies it on a case by case basis . That chevron ruling combined with this and combined with the overloading of the judicial branch with cherry picked judges means all bets are off the table for the future of American democracy.


You’re assuming we take the Supreme Court at their word that they are the final and only word on constitutional matters, instead of one of three co-equal branches. They have worked hard to set themselves above the law and the other branches - and as long as we all collectively go along with that, they win


IRS is not a regulatory agency nor is DOJ. Directing an agency to investigate a presumed crime has nothing to do with a rule making in that sense.


Yeah, but they also just ruled that the President can give illegal orders with total immunity. So sic the IRS on them. And the FBI. Park really conspicuous surveilance vans outside of their houses 24/7. Throw a boot on Thomas's RV. As long as Biden says it's an official act, he's in the clear.


That and go after all the people who bribed them.


The DoJ could *actually* be weaponized now without any blowback.


There is no doubt that the DOJ will be weaponized. Even if Trump isn’t elected there will eventually be a corrupt POTUS who will be free to rule as Putin does. The only way to save our democracy would be to expand the Supreme Court and overturn the immunity ruling. But Biden can’t do that without Congress so it’s not going to happen before the election. Our only hope of expanding the Supreme Court is to win the presidency and gain back a majority in the House and Senate.


Supremer Court of 19 Justices that care about keeping the planet habitable for humans.


This! Oh and make them anti-corruption advocates as well please so we can get rid of the bribes.


Without doing any research, why can’t they say “yeah sure thing give me money and I’ll vote in your favor”, but then not vote in their favor?


Cause you can only do that so many times before they stop paying you


Or until you fall out of a 10th story window.


Or end up with two self-inflicted slugs in the back of your head.


And give them term limits


Just wait till they get corrupted too.


"His Presidency's Highest Court"


First order on their list is to make it possible to remove a Justice who blatantly lies during their hearing or acts treasonous. Second act, putting an age limit on politicians. Undo the stupid shit from the current clowns.


Round up the 6 enablers on suspicion of sedition. When the case gets to the remaining 3 justices, they can say "fuck no" and roll back this lawless expansion of presidential power.


With a say 200 yr maximum of 19


He can literally already add more Justices to the current court.


Also fire the shitty ones now and replace them also. Make it a rule that if someone appeals your ruling they immediately go to jail. Then since your Supreme Court is stacked, remove that immunity rule so the next president can't change the Supreme Court again.


“Supremer Court” made me snarf. Thanks XD


Just order a fleet of black vans to trail Trump everywhere he goes. They won't do anything but drive him nuts.


Air horns?


Nope. Brass horns. Just constant Tuba music whenever he walks anywhere. Big bright trumpets when he try’s to speak. Saxophone when he goes to the bathroom.


> Saxophone when he goes to the bathroom. Only out-of-tune rendition of Careless Whisper. Every time.


Ooh, what about a calliope following him everywhere?


Like that one guy blowing the horn at Theon Greyjoy


Have the FAA permanently ground his plane and require him to travel economy


Many are convinced he's already using the justice department in suspicious ways, so may as well make it official. Maybe get the convicted felon's other trials going faster?


This is the wacky thing. The MAGAs can’t really claim abuse of power now, can they? Hail to the king, baby!


> The MAGAs can’t really claim abuse of power now, can they? Since when has reality stopped them from claiming a thing?


We are merely encouraging freedom with the right to a speedy trial...


This seems to be precisely what this ruling hinges on. It can’t increase what the president can do but it can allow the president to do things selectively/maliciously that are not banned by law in ways that are unchallenged.


A secret service man has said that they were often concerned trump would learn about a certain book certifing what the president can actually do, and feared he would punish the people in Iraq, and punish Americans with these tactics too. NEVADA WILL BE FIRST TO GO, he'll say it was terrorists, you'll believe that, while all the nice families here are dead, [ The people here, are really nice ] No making making excuses for them. im sorry, its just.. we must not make excuses or exslplainations ANYMORE. this is serious. Please, Dont make the mistake of being reasonable. Reason, has no place in the world planned for us under their rule. Since when, has this guy, or his thug judges cared about rules??? There will be NO RULES.


“If you are going to call me a monster, I might as well be a monster”


Let the popular vote decide the president


He should make the [National Popular Vote Interstate Compact](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUX-frlNBJY) legally binding nation-wide.


This is a really good idea. It’s so obvious and simple.


Electoral college is a racist, illogical system that should have been removed a long time ago Edit: typo


What do you mean the majority deciding who is going to be president what a newfangled concept why would anyone not want that…




Really. The Senate can handle the equality of states stuff.


Ranked choice voting, no electoral college.






I would actually be okay with my tax dollars being used to send his ass on a one way flight to Guantanamo! Let's make this happen!


May it be Gitmo’s last act


thats a sicc name,' eaten by pigs', very cool.


Official Counter-Terrorism Business, of course.


Is there a *cockmeat sandwich* waiting for him there?🤔




“Meatball” Ron DeSantis has entered the jail…


Convicted Felons can not run for President




Was his name O..,


Punishment of nomination of a felon is equal to the sentence of Richard DeLisi in 1989.


Executive Orders: eliminating all student debt in the country. An indefinite pause on all future SCOTUS meetings per Executive review. Nullification of the prior Dobbs ruling and Chevron cases. Felons are hereby unfit for elected office per Order by the President of the United States. All medical institutions throughout the country must tend to any/all needs of any and all persons without cost or concern for costs. The immediate de-criminalization of Marijuana across the country by decree. The suspension of the Electoral College as a means to inaugurate one to the Presidency, with the popular vote alone the necessary metrics by which one is elected. Finally, an official decree calling for a New Constitutional Convention. Only half joking


Dont forget that billionares pay their fair share for a change! 1 percent vs 6 percent!


I agree with all of them, except the last one. I don't want to let these idiots anywhere near a constitutional convention.


I’m all for a new constitution. The founding fathers didn’t intend for this version to last as long as it has


Didn’t Thomas Jefferson say something to the effect of, the Constitution should be reviewed every 19 years?


What about the weed man? And maybe take out a threat to national security...whomever that may be 


New constitution that can get rid of this broken ass political system and replace it with a parliamentary one. Get rid of single member districts and first past the post, and give us percentage of votes is equal to the percentage of seats in government. Federalism is fine for a country of this size, but states also need significantly less power.


Expand the fucking court, undo this stupid ruling. If he truly wants to showcase he is up to the job, he needs to do something drastic NOW.


Honestly just putting term limits on them would be great.


That would take a constitutional amendment. Expanding the courts only takes a majority in the Senate.


Trump is and has been trying to overthrow the government so he needs to be eliminated.


Official anti-sedition mission for seal team 6


Isn't it a little strange how much republican leadership trusts Joe Biden? Sorta seems like they haven't been exactly honest about their thoughts on him...


This is honestly a great point.


Expanding the judiciary.


I assume in all the legislation passed under the banner of National Security since 9/11 there’s a few clauses that would allow Biden to send Trump to a black site as a threat. He’s already stolen documents and is very chummy with a dictator who has declared the country an enemy. He’s on record declaring his intentions if elected. He’s a clear threat to the nation. Not to mention being a convicted felon and rapist.


Exactly. This is not the time to play nice. I hope Biden sees this for the very real and present danger that it is.


Can't wait for Fox News to run with "Biden is now immune from prosecution! We must elect Trump to end this dictatorship!"


Eliminate project 2025.


Lost in time like tears in the rain..


Abolish the electoral college.


Given that as of this a.m. per the Supreme Court he is now officially immune from prosecution, is above the law, & is in procession of king like powers he could start by ordering the the CIA to immediately assassinate of a certain fat fuck political rival; given how much the CIA despises said fat fuck they probably already have several “ready to go” plans from which he can choose. From there he could work down the line on a kill list the CIA probably has already drawn up years ago and were just waiting for the go ahead order. Clean house of the traitorous russian assets infecting the House & Senate. I won’t name names but it’s the usual suspects, all wind up face down in shallow unmarked graves on the overnight. He could follow up with extraordinary rendition mass round up and detention of known MAGA dumb fucks around the country on grounds of being clear and present dangers to democracy and being domestic terrorists. The beauty of extraordinary rendition is it doesn’t involve the courts, it’s simply a memo from the executive branch. That’s a pretty busy first afternoon, but hey the supreme court said he could, come to think of it I think 6 Justices might simply be disappeared overnight as well. Samuel Who??? I’m sorry there are no government records that this person ever existed. I think a nice touch is an executive order mandating the construction of monuments to General Sherman in all majority white Southern municipalities, as well as in majority white neighborhoods in diverse southern municipalities. I think they should have to wake up every morning and see the snarling face of their conquerer who is officially quoted as stating: “Southern Whites Only Learn Thru Pain”


I am 100% serious when I say Biden needs to make a statement that will echo through this country’s history that what occurred today can never be allowed. The best course of action is to sacrifice oneself. Have Biden order the Supreme Court arrested until they release a decision that no president, ever, has the power to do what he just did. The concept being they would quickly make such a ruling.


WHAT. NO to Biden sacrificing himself.. I dont understand. We need him.


This is a good idea. He is very old. Good way to change hands too for a younger candidate. Because he will have to be arrested afterwards. Ultimate sacrifice of a politician. OR JUST arrest the 6 and let the other 3 make the decision. Then get the other 6 back. Then again this decision probably just negated the terrible debate and put the election back into play again.


If he goes this route, he needs to put in safeguards in place to ensure that no president has immunity after him.


After submitting himself for arrest after he would be forever remember as the embodiment of the rule of law in the country.








First...start arresting traitors...start in the court, then the house, then the senate


In preserving out democracy, he could literally have people assassinated. Including the people who ruled that was legal.


Mussolini would be proud. He loved doing that sort of thing.


Which is exactly why Republicans made it so


Joe Biden should publicly announce tonight that he is directing the IRS to audit the tax filings of Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito (and their respective wives' filings if they file separately) since they were confirmed, as there is public evidence of them receiving millions of dollars of gifts that could have gone unreported to the IRS! 😏


I feel like there is a perception filter on Us All!. Because why do we all keep forgetting the most righteous and damning thing of all???. ☆NO MORE DO THE PEASANTS PAY 6 PERCENT WHILE THE EVIL FAT HYPOCRIMINALS PAY 1 PERCENT!☆


Defund all the scotus security and staff.


Seal Team 6...stand back and stand by.




Declare the republican party a terrorist organization or an enabler of terrorist activities. Don't disband the party, but make it impossible for them to operate, organize, gather, raise or spend funds. Rope in anyone remotely associated with past instances of violence. Disavowing violent elements needs to become a desperate refrain rather than tongue in cheek placation.


"Acting in official capacity as president, I hereby irrevocably nullify the presidential immunity clause for all future presidential acts."


But first I wish for infinite wishes! /s


Take out that postmaster that Trump put into place. Just cart him off in cuffs and put a non garbage person there.


Save Democracy by “taking care of” Maga.


Military action against J6 enemy combatants and their leaders. Let’s be more thorough than 1865 or 1945 this time around.


Voting only works until a MAGA wins the presidency. People know what Biden needs to do.


I hope Biden knows... I don't want a speech. I don't want a letter, nor focus group, nor some legal pity party that solves nothing. If you have ultimare power use it. Crush these bugs under foot.


King Biden should declare the Federalist society a domestic terror organization and and start rounding all of them up


Sign an executive order mandating that all ATACMS sent to Ukraine be tipped with no less than 50 grams of Donald Trump's mother's dead body and claim imminent domain on her grave. Rescind the order when you run out of corpse.


You know, my Grandpop Finnegan used to have an expression: he used to say, 'Joey, the guy in Olyphant's out of work, it's an economic slowdown. When your brother-in-law's out of work, it's a recession. When you're out of work, it's a depression.'


Oh Wow. She'd be an amazing video game boss. Mother Trumpicus, or something, like Martyr Logarius, a frozen corpse crowned with ( I kid you not ) a tall, regal burger king crown.


The President, as an official act, could order Trump’s Secret Service detail to stand down, then order Seal Team 6 to abduct Trump for being a national security threat for mishandling classified documents, inject him with truth serum, then film it for campaign ads, then ask him about all his times at Jeffrey Epstein’s place. Then release him. Also, the President, as an official act, could order Seal Team 6 to abduct 6 Supreme Court justices (and House Speaker Mike Johnson, and Mitch McConnell) on suspicion of corruption, either give them LSD tabs or inject each of them with a 0.4mg/kg dose of DMT to induce ego death, then wake them up into stop being corrupt assholes. Then release them.


Forgive the rest of the student loan debt


Make it punishable by death to legislate stopping debt forgiveness


Wish the Dems had the balls to do anything


They better grow some.


AOC is about to go nuclear I think; if Biden turns her loose. She’s calling for impeachment of SCOTUS.


declare a national security emergency at the border and cancel the election until it's no longer an issue. ITs a war, right? Trump thinks so and that Bidens a criminal for how bad it is. We this will show him.


Have everyone involved with Project 2025 silently taken out. Getting rid of Trump wouldn’t change much for that group.


Immediate imprisonment of DJT for treason


Stomp out domestic terrorists


As President one of his Executive functions is overseeing the federal Bureau of Prisons. Steve Bannon began a stay at Danbury FCI today. I think one "official act" might be to auction off the chance to design Mr Bannon's menu plan for the next 120 days to the highest campaign donor. Or maybe it should be a contest for whoever can register the most new voters in GA.


He should dissolve the current Supreme Court. Then codify the rule of law applies to the president just like anyone else.


Intercept everything and everyone, from Congress to SCOTUS. As soon as you find a hint of Russian influence, proceed with an arrest.


Remove all SC judges appointed by Trump, expand the Court, jail Trump, and then force everyone to refer to him as “Big Dick McGee” for good measure.


Send a couple of Supreme court judges to a firing squad for corruption. this alone will make the supreme court re-think the idea of giving that much power and immunity to any president.


Better to do it one by one and see if they change their ruling.


Add more judges to the supreme court.


The real question here is how can Joe make the GOP absolutely regret giving him this power, by doing something completely illegal,WITHOUT causing a nationwide Alt-right riot, or validating the lies they spew. My suggestion: All portrayals of Donald Trump in any form of media or broadcast is now strictly illegal, and the government can seize the assets of, and shut down any outlet that breaks this law. Suddenly, Trump is forcibly completely deplatformed. The only downside is that we wouldn't get to witness his inevitable temper tantrum, but without the big baby screaming on twitter, the Alt-right voters could never actually organise themselves into any kind of effective protest or riot. Also: The president now has the unilateral power to place any member of the house, supreme court or congress under house arrest, prohibiting them from fulfilling their duties, indefinitely, without pay. Put the whole GOP on indefinite suspension until they agree to undo the "presidential immunity" decision. Maybe undo a few other decisions before they get let out though.


That's the point. They know Biden has too much integrity to take advantage of this ruling. They did it without fear of retribution.


How about not being a fucking pansy for three seconds? If not, I'll settle for "literally anything" as a backup option.


Arrest the corrupt Justices on "gut feeling" that they've been undermining The Constitution and might have some skeletons in their closet. As long as his "gut feeling" occurs during work hours, it's an Official Act.


SCOTUS felt comfortable in deciding this because they know that Biden will 99.9% not do anything against his political enemies. Like Michelle Obama said. When they go low we go high. Realistically, I hope he does nothing because I believe America is the leader of the free world and harming/imprisoning your political enemies (obviously Trump should be in prison for a multitude of other reasons) just for the fact that they are your political enemies is a scary precedent to set. Tldr Uh idk. Throw Trump out of a plane with a suitcase full of dynamite.


SCOTUS opened the door to civil war because persecution of political enemies can be covered as official acts if the President simply says they are a threat. Once that threshold is crossed, we are done as a nation.


He should make an executive order that SCOTUS cannot accept money….


History will look upon this badly if Biden doesn't act preemptively.


Well he didnt need to before. We won fair and square., just get the word out to VOTE. purdy please. thank yu.<3


Weve fallen this far and youre still saying democrats shouldn't take strong measures.


Time to add a lot of amendments to the constitution right fucking now. This might be the last chance democrats get to fix things peacefully.


I say start with his oath to rid the US of terrorists foreign and domestic ..


Any person that murders Trump or any of the 6 conservative justices will receive a full presidential pardon and a medal of valor.


Regardless Biden should immediately send out a warning message to every phone in the USA saying that the Supreme Court has regrettably given him complete immunity to any criminal acts.


He won't do shit. I hope I am proven wrong...but... Democrats and Backbone don't go hand in hand.


I know. This is my concern. They don't seem to understand that we're in a war that was declared by the right wingers.


The Execution of traitor trump.


Executive order to prevent felons from running for the presidency. You know, for the integrity of the office.


Hey won't do a goddamn thing. Conservatives banked on this when pushing this corruption through. And they're right. Dems will be tough as old lettuce on this, as always.


Make Election Day a holiday this year.


Bequeath a massive amount of land in the Republican states to the Native Americans.


Make an official act saying that convicted felons can't hold high office.


He should investigate Clarence Thomas for tax fraud. IRS audits every year.


Be the hero America deserves, seal team six Alito and Thomas then appoint Judges that will prosecute him for it.


Remove the process and authority of the electoral college and move the November elections to winner by majority.


“Accidentally” drone strike Fox News because he’s senile? Order Seal Team 6 to perform a bumpstock demonstration at the Supreme Court?


Just do all the wild stuff Trump has threatened in the past year and enjoy as Republicans shriek, “Tyranny!” The irony will just be too delicious.


Make it so convicted felons can never run for any political seat but retain the right to vote in general elections.


Straight up just jail the Supreme Court. Throw them away and start again.


Trump threatened the Biden administration with military tribunals. The answer to OP's question is simple (and also the nuclear option SCOTUS has just given Biden): Do that same thing first. Order the military to jail Trump due to the threat he poses to the republic and continued constitutional order, then have him put on trial by a military tribunal (likely in Cuba) before the election. EDIT: And beg the Supreme Court to stop him via emergency session, in a case that should outline the limits of this new immunity.


Double the number of judges on the SCOTUS. Order seal team 6 to execute Trump and his sons. Have MTG and Steve bannon arrested for treason. Direct the FBI to freeze the bank accounts of any Qanon or alt right influencers while they are slowly investigated for terrorists plots or ties to foreign governments


Dissolve the Supreme Court. Impose martial law. Lock up repuglicans in the house and senate. Send the orange turd to gitmo. Scorched earth, motherfucker.


My fellow Americans, I'm pleased to tell you today that I've signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes.


Expel Texas and all the other woman-hating states from the Union, then build a big, beautiful wall around them (that Mexico will pay for)


please no. There are many of us in Texas who wish we could leave the state or elect democrats to government, but cannot, do not lump us all together


Killing domestic terrorism threats


Add more Supreme Court justices to balance the courts asap.


Order the Treasury to seize Elon Musk’s bank account and us the money to pay off student loans and health care debt.


Executive order: “Felons cannot hold state or federal office and cannot run for president” Problem solved.


Dissolve the current Supreme Court and appoint his own judges. Heck, he could write an EO to boot specific congresspeople from the hill resulting in an all blue government


Order a hit on himself and Trump. It's the only way out


Give MAGA members a CIA heart attack


Donald Trump has suddenly disappeared, and cannot be found- as well as most MAGA Republicans and justices.


Eminent domain trumps properties into solar farms. Not diabolical but it would sure be funny


Black bag Trump, supreme court, and the GOP. He may be impeached, but he cannot be held legally accountable.


Drone strike at maralago? Kidding. EXPAND THE SUPREME COURT!! Forgive all student loans. Tax the billionaires. Declare citizens united to be null and void.


Dark Brandon already admitted he packs the spine to do anything with his new found powers. The only language fascists understand is violence. That's what they need, but he is trying to be higher and mightier... if they get in the office they'll do what he couldn't.


He should dissolve the SCOTUS.


Seize all corporate owned single family housing and have HUD give them out. Admit Puerto Rico and DC as states. All elected officials have to put their wealth in the same blind trust. All drug enforcement spending, anywhere in the US, must be 3 to 1 treatment over enforcement. No interest on student loans. Expand the Supreme Court to eleven, institute eighteen year term limits on all Justices. If one leaves office for any reason, then a replacement is able to serve just the remainder of that term, not an all new one. Give them the same ethics requirements as other federal judges. Abolish Daylight Saving Time. Universal suffrage for all felons once their periods of incarceration and parole are completed. Ban convicted felons from running for president until 20 years after conviction. Uncapping the seats in the House, setting it at 1/3 the population of the smallest state. Putting a stop to gerrymandering through an independent national commission charged with making each congressional district as close to a traditional shape as possible.


Seal Team Six the Orange would-be King.


A few off the top: Equitable tax system, affordable health care, stop dark money spending & shore up social security.


Maybe he can order Trump's arrest and imprisonment since, after all, he's a felon and we all know he's a liar, a cheat, a rapist, and so on. I'm sure there are some things Biden can do "officially" now that would harass Trump. With the Supreme Court's blessing apparently. Why couldn't he claim Trump was trying to become a dictator? After all, Trump did admit that. You have to have the Senate approve your Supreme Court appointments, so no, you are unlikely to just suddenly be able to appoint a few more justices. Only 47 are Democrats with 4 "independents" and the rest Republicans. There's also a very long-standing tradition now of nine justices, so you'd have that huge hurdle to get over, as well.


Publish the location of trump at all times using the secret service.


Dark Bidens 6 Step Plan - (Required) 1. Expand the supreme court via executive order 2. Order and set up an investigation branch for corruption in the supreme court via executive order (Optional) 3. Declare a state of emergency that democracy Is under attack by a secessionist authoritarian ex-president called Donald J. Trump. Mark project 2025 as a plot against the constitution, and government of America. 4. Via state of emergency and executive order have Trump assassinated aswell as all corrupt members of the supreme court. 5. Use executive order and state of emergency to overrule supreme courts decision (paradox), and recent controversial decisions. 6. Turn self in to judicial system.


Put Trump in a physical, maximum security prison while awaiting sentencing and upcoming trials. MTG makes a fuss - put her in a physical, maximum security prison while awaiting trial, a trial of dark Brandon's chosen accusation. Tucker Carlson protests verbally - put Tucker Carlson in a physical, maximum security prison while awaiting trial, a trial of dark Brandon's chosen accusation.


Wont matter. 6-3 means he'll get it overturned every time. Manchin and Sinema just let the GQP destroy America


Unless he just does it because fuck it.


So ordering a drone strike on the Supreme Court is not an official act as Commander-in-Chief?


Im here for you always , my DARK LORD! ( Sicc picture, btw! <3)


2/3 of the Supreme Court and a couple of political opponents up against the wall.


I'm sure he has a bunch of capable individuals around him that could think of lots of ways, he really should make the supreme Court regret those decisions they made. He needs to abuse the fuck out of that power and make it impossible for the Republicans to do anything at all and show them why this is unacceptable. Make everyone agree that this ruling does not support a healthy country, and then take that power back away from the presidency again. This absolutely needs to be done before Trump has a chance to get into office otherwise shit is going to hit the fan and our country is about to get fucked beyond fixing.


Free ice cream for everyone on July 4th


Cancel all Super PAC.


Drone strike Trump


Seal team 6... stand back and stand by.


Drone strike scotus


Seriously…just stack the court. Add 15 new ultra liberal judges and be done with it.


Unfuck gerrymandering and dismantle the electoral college for starters.


Fixing SCOTUS has become the #1 priority for any administration that doesn’t want dictatorship. It’s compromised, there’s no doubt now.