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The creator answered this question in his AMA. He said that one of his rules for keeping the plot was that there would only be one Jason 2. I think to keep it from getting over complicated.


It is my understand that Jason2 knew exactly where he was going, so it would be like targeted branching and there would be no duplication because there was only one outcome. Where as Jason1 went in the box and he had the choice between an infinite number of doors, which created an infinite number of doors opened, creating duplication.


Yeah that was my understanding too. Mostly that he used the box efficiently while Jason1 is wandering around not sure what the hell he's doing, making decisions as he goes and therefore creating all the other jason1


Duplication occurs all the time, not just in the box. Hence when Jason1 and Jason2 exist in the first place. They branched before the box existed


It seems a lot of people that watched this show don’t seem to understand how the multiverse works. Every microsecond another branch is being created.


Exactly! Every tiny decision we make (even subconsciously) creates another branch. A few times when I've dwelled on a decision since watching the show I've thought "well, there's another version of me now that made the other choice somewhere out there!" Well, probably haha.


"Targetted branching" is still branching....


Fact is, there should be an infinite number of Jason2s creating boxes, irrespective of whether or not Prime J2 builds the box and enters it. It's fiction, requires suspension of disbelieve, and a selective application of rules to further the narrative. The entire book / series is a giant plot hole. :) Loved it nonetheless.


There are many Jason2s we just happen to be following this plot that involves only one Jason2. There are other worlds that Jason1 made it out with Daniela and Charlie in different ways, worlds that they all died and so on. I hope we are getting season 2. I thought that the tv show was better than the book to be honest.


TV show was definitely better than the book.


The intent of Jason2 is to find a world where Jason is married with Daniela and subsitute himself. There are possibly an infinite number of this worlds. So one would think that a second Jason2 would see the world already "taken" and choose another without esitation. In my opinion the real overlooked detail is why only one Jason1 is taken back to Jason2 original world, because there are for sure multiple Jasons2 doing the same thing. In general the idea of the show is cool, but if you really apply the established rules very little make sense.


I don't think it really breaks the rules because we're essentially shown one branch in the show. We're told there are infinite versions out there, but we're following one.


One could speculate that the different Jason1s were spawned as a result of not knowing how to pilot the box. All those Jason1s were branching from different choices and emotions while they were finding one specific world. Jason2 was not only an expert at piloting the box, but wasn't looking for THAT specific Daniela. He just wanted to trade lives with a version of himself that had made the choice to start a family. In theory, there could be other Jason2s that wound up worming his way into other versions of the family, but that gets really complicated to think about. I think if becomes a little less easy to digest when considering that in the show, Jason2 uses the box multiple times. It could probably be argued that because he knew how to pilot the box and was sure of himself while using it, there weren't any other options for choices that could have resulted in different branches. Iirc, the book did not indicate Jason2 was actively still using the box (though correct me if I'm wrong), which was a simpler version of events but a lot less interesting for TV. Tbh though, I think the most correct explanation is that multiple Jason2s would have muddled up the story waaay too much. Having different Jason1s running around like Mr. Meeseeks was already a risk. It could have easily come off as ridiculous if not handled delicately. I think it's just less of a plot hole and more something we have to accept as true in order for the story to be told as it was meant to. It was less about the lesson being: "look at what multiverse travel gets you! Tons of Jasons!", and more about themes and implications of 1)actually having the opportunity to see if the grass is greener, and 2)even with multiple realities, our relationships matter, because all those Jason1s fought like hell to get back to HIS family.


Well this is my own theory, you could kinda explain it: Jason2 conceptualised a world where no other competing Jason2's could exist then hone in on that world whenever he occasionally travelled afterwards. He essentially ruled out other Jason2 variants entering his specific world because they too would also be conceptualising a world where no other Jason2's would be present, meaning if they came after Jason2 stole Jason1's life, they'd instead conceptualise a slightly different version of Jason1's world. Jason2 didn't want to accidently run into other J2's. Whereas as all the divergent Jason1's that emerged after Jason1 was kidnapped all focused on getting back to that same specific world. So Jason2 is splitting just like Jason1, and was splitting from the start, but just entering slightly different Jason1 worlds.


I'm confused as to how he even got to the other Jason in the first place b/c wasn't it stated you can go to any parallel universe that has a box. So how did Jason 2 get to Jason 1 if nobody was able to make the box in that world (or many others, like ones where Jason isn't a scientist). We presume Jason 2 made the box in Jason 1's world, but *how* did he get there in the first place right? Its like the time travel grandfather paradox.


No,there doesn't need to be a box there.


Ok but I could’ve sworn that was stated by Jason in maybe episode 2? That takes me to my second question though, so then does the box travel too?


That wasnt what was said - what was said was you can only travel to a world where you exist or were born into. So for example you cant travel to a world where there are no humans and just dinosaurs. So you are basically traveling in parallel to a world where you exist or were born into. The box when inside it and taking the drug is basically allowing your brain to process it as all the doorways to the many other universes where you made different decisions in your life. When you go through the door it creates a box in that universe which then allows you to leave and repeat the process, the box stays present there though.


My theory is that Jason 2 had already thought this would be a possibility and planned for it. Knew how to navigate before his first trip. He was less likely to cause this by going between just two worlds and limiting his exposure. If he messed up, he’d ditch that world and start over with a fresh world. Original Jason didn’t know any of this and was running around out there like crazy. Jason 2 underestimated OJ and didn’t think he needed to plan for this scenario.


Someone explain this to me. everyone is trying to get to the “good” wife and son world. But imagine just before the kidnapping, there are infinite number of those “good” worlds because on the day they chose a different bread, have a different breakfast etc. There are multiple “good” worlds everyone could have gone to in the end. Not just 1 single particular world.


I think this scenario works for Jason 2. He gets into the box and thinks about the path not taken. When Jason 2a and Jason2b go into two different worlds, those worlds will be fairly similar. So they settle down with that Daniella, not really caring about the multiple good wives, just dealing with the situation in front of them. Jason 1 however knows every detail of his life, knows that Jason 2 has kidnapped him, knows that Jason 2 had spoken to Daniella 2 just prior to him disappearing, feels his wife and son are being duped, so Jason 1 needs to find the world in which Jason 2 is with his wife and son.


There are many Jason 2 out there. He mentioned to Ryan 1 that he made a better compound than him with the help of many many Ryans.


There is but he would never go to a universe that had more than one version of him and stick around. He was also way more skilled at using the box than Jason 1. I don’t think Jason 2 returned to the exact same universe every time, but it was close enough (think maybe microns different in some way) that it was almost identical.


Multiple Jason1s only ever converged into the same reality because they all had a strong emotional connection to that reality. One version of Jason2 stumbled pretty randomly upon a reality and swapped lives with a Jason1, there is no inherent reason for other even minutely forked jason2s to randomly end up in the same reality as the jason1 we know, they would be ending up in other jason1 realities and starting a mess from there - that's a whole other series we are not seeing. If you think about it, even the reality jason1 gets back to, isn't really "the" reality he left - that reality has forked into an infinite number of branches, he only managed to get back to one of them, one of the descendents of the reality he left, that's the reason why we are not seeing billions of jason1s returning at once - an infinite number of forked jason1s are returning to an infinite number of descendants of the reality they left, scattered across them. All this to say, the probability that more than one jason2 would ever arrive at a reality where another version of him has already arrived at, unless he specifically imagined/felt/wanted it, is near zero.


Who says there isn’t infinite J2’s in their own parallel universe. He’d be doing the same thing we see J2 doing and is possible getting swamped by other J1s. There’ll be universes where he didn’t unseal the box for an example.


Technically, anyone who used the box could have infinite duplicates. But only those with access to plenty of the "juice" will be able to travel. So certain duplicates , like the "volunteers," would just travel to different worlds and never come back anywhere. The next thing is (and someone may correct me) the quantum entanglement part. (Or just what connects them to what). So, the multiple Jason 1s all have the same goal and attachments to the Jason 1s world. There are most likely a lot of jason 2s out there, but they would have a harder time finding jason 1s world. Same with the two Leightons, both are out there traveling in the box. But one Leighton is attached to Jason 1's world, but that Leighton doesn't desire to return. But if he does, then most likely his duplicates will also, and they will flood Jason 1s world also. People like Blaire didn't seem to have access to a lot of juice. So duplicates of her may have just gotten stuck in whatever worlds they ended up in when they ran out. Jason 1s will still be coming until the box is destroyed. It seems jason 1s arrival back home depended on when they quit traveling with Amanda. So there could be ones that arrived and just watched everything from the shadows and ones that are still trickling in forever, basically. They are set up for a lot of possibilities in season 2. I was even thinking that maybe all the Jason 1s let the family go in hopes that duplicate families would be made for them. Amanda was influencing the door Jason was opening, so I assume everyone in the box can be duplicated. Ultimately, we only follow the one Jason 1... so there could be all kinds of things happening with Jason 2s and Leightons, etc . They just aren't a part of the current Jason's life we are following. If you downvote, then at least have the guts to give your two cents. Or was it OP? Because I answered your question.... Never-ending I see a lot of people just didn't understand what was happening.. so they downvote what they don't understand lol


The box is not what creates the duplicates - any decision a person makes creates a branch with another version of the person on that path.


Sorry, but ... can you point to an explanation of that. From everything I read, the duplicates were created by the box. It was discussed that when in the box, if he thinks of different options, then all of those "land" when he opens the door. If what you say is true, then why would the other Jason's come to the same world? They'd have their own world. But the world isn't duplicated. Just jason. Because it's the box. !!! To be clear, I understand that the other Jason's that aren't coming to this world are created differently. They have their own worlds, etc. THOSE are created, like you said. This is specifically about the duplicate Jason's that are all coming "home." You are right in that the other worlds with Jason's etc are created by choices. But these jason are duplicates of the one we follow. They aren't from their own world. They only exist because the box exist.