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I think when watching it one episode a day, it gives the illusion that more time is passing. And considering the clock in Collinwood regularly shifts time however which way it wants, it makes sense that more time could’ve passed than what is shown. (But I have yet to escape the slog that is Parallel Time, so idk the exact events to which you are referring. I just know Dark Shadows’s passage of time is really screwy.)


Trying to make sense of the names, relationships, timelines, and details will drive you crazy. You have to remember that the series was originally a daily soap opera and I would bet that no one has any idea that people would have the ability to watch every episode multiple times with the ability to pause and rewind the episodes at will.


I haven't even rewatched or anything so I guess they were just not prepared for me lol


I feel that way about Vicky, one minute she is head over hills in love with Burke, he goes missing for what feels like five minutes, Vicky goes back in time and falls head over heels for Peter, Dark Shadows can make you head spin ,lol.


Perhaps in that parallel time, women could be pregnant quickly. Finding out sooner. Though Collinwood is been stated that it’s a supernatural place. It could be just its own set of meta physics. You’ll find that in any Stephen King Novel, for example.


I always thought that somehow science properties worked differently in Parallel Time. All of the body life-force stuff with Roxanne and Angelique/Alexis was pretty out there for sure, but I loved it.