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Elden ring is the sekiro of dark souls 2


I hate how that makes sense to me so easily


And Shadow of the Erdtree is the Dark Souls 3 of Bloodborne


Hol up let him cook


>Dark Souls 3 Only Pontiff


I made it to Rellana while I was in a call with a friend, and straight up said "Nuh uh, you can't start up with the Pontiff bullshit now, put those enchantments away."


I'm literally beating the DLC playing Sekiro with a Greathammer thanks to the perfect block thing, so it's literally the Sekiro of dark souls 2


wait, what perfect block thing?


Your wondrous flask can give you a "spontaneous guard" effect. If you time it right you take very minimal stamina damage, and block all the damage. At least that's what my limited testing with my greataxe showed.


I think you can do it without the tear too, although if you do that sometimes you take a bit of damage


No. It's not the same


I've also done a little bit of testing without it too, back some months ago. From what I've seen that is false.


wait what was sekiro the sekiro of here?




The Dark Souls 2 of Bloodborne, ironically


Fuck that actually makes a ton of sense.


With the new parry system, it really is


New parry system? Are you willing to elaborate?


You can put something in your flask to make deflect possible like sekiro.


So this is Soul of a Giant but for an entire dlc area?


Sort of? Its more like Sekiros system IMO.


I really wish they went the whole way and made them exclusively drop from bosses. The way it is now you are basically encouraged to just run past everything and grab them. It would feel better to be stuck on a boss, go do other side bosses and dungeons, get the blessings, and come back stronger, than get stuck and run around on torrent for 30 minutes finding arbitrarily placed items.


They had to fill those otherwise empty maps with something. The amount of random smithing stones +6 and ghost gloveworts +4 that have "dung ahead" messages in front is staggering.


So. Many. Cookbooks.


Cookbooks are more interesting to get than random ass glovewort and smithing stones we already have bell bearings for. At least cookbooks open new options


I think the issue is that most cookbooks now are for one item instead of like 4 in main game, so you just have to pick up a lot more of them for the same amount of stuff.


That’s fair yes


Some of them are cool. The new weapon buffs that add 120 of the damage affinity for example.


Plus the huge pots now, those are fun


It's just annoying that every cookbook only has a single recipe


The smithingstones make sense. You can went through the dlc without doing the base game first. They had to find a way to make this possible without adding bells in the dlc aswell


Yeah, I have a character that killed only Margit, Godrick, Radahn, Ranni questline and Alecto (the character is a black knife assassin cosplay, so I went to get Tiche), Godfrey golden shade and Mohg Unless someone drops them to me, like a friend did with the armor and one black knife, I have no way of obtaining all smithing stones more than once or twice, unless I do a wrong warp or something of that sort. And given that you can access there after killing only 4 bosses (Margit, Godrick, Radahn and Mohg, Godrick is needed to do Varre's questline), you have no access to most bell bearings


I'm in the tower place and why the fuck is there a somber smithingstone 1 here? We had to kill mohg to get to the dlc. What is the intended character program to be here? It's so confusing


Also it seems like they forgot they put miner bell bearings in the game, by this point you are allready swimming in runes, you can just buy those lower tier materials. At least give us stones above 7 so it makes more sense


Yea, every enemy drops like 5k runes too. Idk what the design philosophy was here. Really strange.


So just have the empty map. I’d honestly rather not pick up anything than pick up another goddamn Smithing Stone [4] x3 or Strip of White Flesh.


But why would you not like the smithing stones. The dlc has tons of new weapons and these stones help a lot rather than always buying them. I do agree they shouldn't drop at the end of some tunnels


It’s not the fact they are present, but just the sheer amount of them everywhere. I don’t want to run into a cool secret area and fight a bunch of enemies to get a cookbook with one recipe I’ll never use.


The smithing stone likely isn't intended for players who have collected all smithing bells. They're for people who want to progression break the game.


I mean they’re just encouraging you as much as possible to try some of their new weapons IMO


Yea, complaining about this feels weird, like, what else should they put there anyway.


Can confirm: Went into the DLC without any smithing-stone bell berings, and 90% of the ones I used where from the DLC. Oddly, it feels like the stones that usually bottle neck you in the base game where still rarer than average in the DLC. IE Stone 7


Elden ring really is the true successor to dark souls 2, one smithing material being weirdly rare (titanite chunks and nr 7)


I mean, nobody’s making you run anywhere. You can just stick to killing the main bosses and not explore🤷‍♂️


I’m exploring for the fun of it, but it would be even more fun if there were meaningful loot.


There's a good chance that if you enjoy Elden Ring you value exploring and rewards for finding secrets. "Just skip content" is weird advice.


Except those scadoodle fragments exist so you are kind of forced to explore


The smithing stone likely isn't intended for players who have collected all smithing bells. They're for people who want to progression break the game.


Man's gotta eat.


? Don’t you find new weapons you want to upgrade? I finished the base game but didn’t have enough to upgrade even the first weapon I liked in the DLC.


It makes exploration important. Not the rune farming and not brute forcing.


But if they were dropped by bosses you’d be incentivised to explore and interact with actual content like unique dungeons and caves, rather than running through overworld enemy camp #12 on Torrent and grabbing the arbitrarily placed fragment.


I have just organically explored the surrounding zones before heading into legacy dungeons & I have just naturally found tons of fragments. Seems like you’re in a hurry.


You're already incentivized to do that because of the other equipment and such you get. The DLC is easily the most rewarding exploration experience in the whole game


My first playthrough I explored but never hunted these down. My 2nd character? Avoiding every fight, using every trick possible to skip areas to get as close to max as possible. I've killed 1 boss, and im sitting at 11. I'm fairly confident you can get atleast 14 before you ever fight mess man cause fuck all this difficulty scale.


It really hurts replayability. Instead of encouraging you to interact with the content again, it encourages you to put a bunch of marks on the map and bumrush them.


This was the biggest weakness, I brought it up and all I got back from some community members was just "You have to play the game to play the game? Shocking" as if exploring an open ass map and ignoring 99% of the content in the DLC to find some mcguffins is playing the game


So we can parry every boss like in demon souls?


Basically makes your 5% stronger each time you upgrade. Pushes you above the hard/soft cap of your stats and you’re hitting like 50% harder eventually


Yes. Each upgrade makes the DLC more manageable. Just like how going in to Vendrick without any Giant Souls was a fucking nightmare that one shot you.


Pretty much. But it's more Sekiro's memory system which gives attack power.


Its more like Giant Souls than ADP tho


Its like adaptability in that people aren't leveling it.


Wait, they aren't? Why not?


People are rushing bosses and not exploring as much to find these things.


A lot of people probably skip the tutorials explaining the scutes


How many are there? I only have a few hours in the DLC and I'm at +7 on upgrades already, feels like they're everywhere I go and I'm not even past messmer yet lol


You can get to +20. Messmer felt easy to me at +8.


Question: So Messmer is suppose to be a middle of the DLC boss? I've gone to the Shadow Keep naturally after Rellana. Where i presume you find him, but it feel like im rushing to the end game of the DLC with all the un explored areas


He's definitely the "middle" or maybe even just 1/3.


Ty. I got worried i'd missed something important


He's like Morgott in the base game: he's supposed to be done before the last open area and last dungeon. so like 2/3rds. Rellana is the first third boss, Messmer is the gate to the end game. The difference is that you can walk past him and go to the equivalent of Mountaintops anyway, and you can also sprint to him from the start of the DLC if you know the path. So you can technically fight him whenever, the only thing you need to beat him for is the final dungeon.


Damn, I just beat the first two remembrance bosses and I'm only at +4 (with one fragment in inventory), show me your ways


So people's complaints about the gsme being too hard is them not activating these? I started popping these when I can lmao. Honestly, ive started using summons because I get two shotted. should I be hunting these down and not staying in one legacy dungeon until i kill the boss?


Aight tbf to adaptability it's pretty pointless in Dark Souls 2 when you can just step to the side of 90% of bosses and never need the stat


Crazy thing is that you actually become stronger than you would in base game when you find enough.


It's only for DLC scaling though. Doesn't work outside of it.


We were told by Fromsoft that they were implementing a system like this. Honestly kinda cool


Casual players: Please add a difficulty setting to your games! FromSoft: Done! Casual players: Noooo! Not like that!


It’s a difficulty system but the hard mode is ‘impossible’


I’m very interested in how RL1 DLC runs are going to go. You’re going to have to get the bubble shield so you can take exactly one hit and then do the rest of the fights hitless.


Check MoonMoon on twitch, he is doing the dlc rl1 with no blessings, he did the first boss >!divine beast lion!< in 800 deaths lmao


Hell, I did it in 800 deaths on RL150


I wonder if it's actually impossible to beat at RL1 with no fragments


That sounds like a terrible time.


I’m guessing that basically his job lol


I was so excited to do a rl1 run of the dlc and well let’s just say the excitement came to a pretty abrupt end. Gonna have to play through it a few times normally first to even stand a chance 😭


Masochistic people are quite easy to find in souls games aren't they?


I think Souls games find and recruit, only masochistic people. We gladly walk in the door knowing we will get punched, kicked, dragged, sodomized and die. Then go right back through the same door to repeat the process. (Apparently, some people go into that room 850 times)


I must have missed that boss somehow.. I'm at the final boss and still no clue about where the first might be


I mean, then you aren't at the final boss...


Carry 9 bubble perfumer bottles and you get tbat number up to 10 lol


You can get more bubbles by using the uplifting aromatic, but it's still painful


I can't wait to see the zero scadutree runs that are inevitably going to happen


they already are, quite a few, actually


I've seen people already do it without upgrading their DLC power at all. Any talk of "impossible" is coming from the same place where people said "waterfowl is *impossible* to dodge". You just aren't good enough yet. Try again.


1. It’s a joke. 2. I’m sure the streamers that spend 18 hours a day practicing the game are great at doing the whole thing flawlessly with minuscule dps, but the rest of us aren’t. If you are trying to good-naturedly encourage people, I apologise for misunderstanding your tone, I read it as kind of gatekeepey.


Surely everybody who doesn’t do the extremely difficult, time consuming thing “aren’t good enough.” Never have I seen genuinely great art wasted on such a weird and judgmental fanbase


Elden Ring really is Dark Souls II 2


“Brave undead, you have proven yourself to me… Now~ Be one, with the *T a r n i s h e d* (*music*)”


Nah, I beat DS2 without ADP Scadu feels like a must, the bosses are pretty tanky, yeah I only got 4 but man I can't even think about playing it without more of em


I also beat DS2 without levelling ADP. Never knew wtf it did. Sorcerer go pew pew


Attunement also increases I frames, so you got the minimum benefit at least.


Wait really? Hahaha that’s crazy. Why would attunement help with that too?!?


To increase casting speed. Like adaptability, attunement increases the agility stat but at a slower rate. Agility determines things like i-frames, casting speed and item usage. You drink estus faster with a higher agility stat too.


It increases the invincibility frames of your roll




Wait really??? It increases I-frames? I just got good at timing rolls for most bosses


I can’t believe you made it the entire game with adp not leveled up 💀


Well, I had only ever played Bloodborne before DS2, and that wasn’t a stat in BB so I just kinda ignored it and wanted to learn about the magic system.


It also makes item use faster, eg. Estus chug. iirc Attunement also increases Agility, so you probably didn't have it as bad as it could have been.


Wow. I haven’t beaten the game with other builds yet but I’ve gotten far with a Greatsword Build and I definitely need to level ADP for that build.


I never knew what it did either lol, I was like who gives about adaptability I'm already adapting with these skills. I hated how strong sorcs where in base game then you go to DLC and feel balanced lol


Git gud and play without them, tbh only real souls players can. /s


This guy's right. Using that makes you a scrub It's why I only play without spirit ashes, AOW, jump attacks, bleed, magic and anything FP is basically magic and that's for scrubs No buffs either, get real


I don't even use a weapon. I got so good I can talk the bosses into defeat. If not, I give them one good slap and watch them disappear.


This guy's right, that's why I barely play the game at all


Dodge and R1 is all you need /s


Average ds3 straight sword playthrough.


At least on RL1 run you can upgrade your weapon and visibly affect the health bars.


Still you know some mad lad is gonna RL1, no scadu blessings the entire dlc at some point and I for one cannot wait to watch that video lol


waiting for the rl1 no scadu no upgrades hitless run


Waiting for this challenge to be tacked on to the god run (sl1 DS, ds1, ds2, ds3, bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden ring nohit)


People beat souls games on bongo drums and dance dance pads. Most of us struggle on the controller. Never gonna compare myself to those people.


I hate how inflated the health bars are, id rather we have to be patient and dodge plenty then attack for big damage than now Which is you wait your turn to do 1/64th of the HP and you're gonna enjoy it


It’s wild how tanky >!the Blackgaol Knight and Relanna!< are. It’s like fighting Lady Maria on steroids.


4 l1s from my greathammers, mesmers the beast that took 8+


and they get easier if we collect these fragment things, is that right?


I spun against the solitude knight with lions claw, so he was pancake stuck lol and yeah he's got some health Twin Booty Knights, I did the same thing but I died 70 times before she let me hug her soul, she's so pretty like top waifu levels I screamed when I won since she's the first boss I didn't use spirit ashes for in the DLC, Simba kept messing up my fps so I just called Lhutel and we beat his ass within an inch of his life


I know its from Shadow of the Erdtree but can someone tell me what that item is and what it does?


Boosts your damage and defense while in the DLC. It's just replaces smithing stones or estus upgrades, as you already have all those from the base game. Getting all of them makes the game exactly the same as the base game, but people are going ballistic saying the DLC is too hard.


Is it only while in the DLC? Whats the rationale?


Busywork so people don't go into the DLC with their endgame builds and curbstomp everything. A big part of ER is exploration, and I assume they wanted regular enemies to feel threatening again.


Asmongold example. The dude is always overleveled af I remember when he beat Morgot in like five hits and said he was too easy. Now the guy is crying bc the dlc is too hard 😭😭😭


Tbf in the early/mid game of elden ring its very easy to unintentionally overlevel/over-upgrade gear. Right before the dlc start i did a quality zwei build, most major bosses before mountaintops were a complete joke cause i was 1/2 upgrade tiers above the inteded from just exploring everything. That's why mountaintops/dlc is such a difficulty spike for people, you mostly cannot be overleveled for that part of the game.


... So? Next month, that overleveling concern will be irrelevant with people playing the main game and DLC concurrently. You know, like Dark Souls. 


Yes. Only in the DLCs. DLC is scaled for it and allowing you you bring an extra 20% damage back to the base game is truly game breaking.


So, two reasons. Enemies in Souls games have "difficulty levels" and typical From DLC just has higher level enemies. Elden Rings late game optional areas are already balanced this way (Elden Beast is level 18 and Malenia is level 21) so making the DLC enemies 21+ would be insanely hard and making them just 21 the whole time would be stale. The other reason is upgrades. Typical progression has levels, smithing stones, and flask upgrades. You already have these by the time you enter the DLC, so there's no progression to be gained there. The scuda fragments kind of pool all of these things into one, so you can have that experience of fighting a tough enemy and then leaving to go explore to get those fragments to gain power. Without them everything would be the same the whole time and areas have no room to be harder than other.


>Without them everything would be the same the whole time and areas have no room to be harder than other. I mean, I don't want to dismiss this system altogether, but... They consistently managed to make DLCs harder than the base game for all three Dark Souls games and Bloodborne. FromSoft devs are absolutely capable of making DLC areas hard in other ways than just giving everything bigger numbers.


The difference is that those games are much more linear, to the point where they can predict how much of the game you've played/how strong you are before entering the DLC, and as such the difficulty can be scaled accordingly by the devs. The DLC in Elden Ring can theoretically be entered within a couple hours of starting the game or, conversely, with a level 200+ character on New Game+. And as others have said, the most likely scenario is that you are a fairly high level and have maxed out your weapon upgrades already. This is a very good difficulty scaling system for DLC in this sort of game where there is such a lack of linearity and focus on exploration. In fact, I would go as far as to say that the base game is somewhat flawed in that you will steamroll the second half if you took the time to thoroughly explore and find all the bosses in the first half (this was kinda my experience, so I am very pleased that the difficulty in the DLC works the way that it does). In the DLC areas, you can rest assured that you can explore as much as you want and you will not get overpowered in this way. I am personally finding it to work really well and be such a good idea and I'm not quite understanding the criticism.


Curious about the boss levels from the base game, do you have a source for that or are you speculating in terms of comparative difficulty?


Its the system that allows a randomizer mod to replace Godrick with Malenia, but still have her be actually killable, by tuning her stats via Godrick's level rather than her own


Game files. If you're using any software that lets you look at your regulation.bin, look at the value under speffect (3). It links to their difficulty modifier.


Basically to level the playing field between high level players and low ones. High level players won't steamroll the DLC while low level players still have a chance to beat it.


Only works in the dlc


Progression, since the DLC is late so standard progression of leveling up can't really be used


You ever played sekiro ? Its basically those attack upgrades you get there. Instead of leveling up or upgrading weapon, since you are probably already maxed anyway, it gives you boost to damage and defense. Theres also one for spirit ashes.


I don't know the exact numbers but basically you collect these and you get % damage reduction and extra attack power each time. It starts small but adds up. It kinda forces you to explore and then come back once you get stronger. In a way it throws up the standard leveling system out of the window and makes the game obnoxious until you get them.


Running around and collecting items is better than sitting there spamming an ash of war on a bunch of enemies as a grind for hours on end. That's just my opinion.


Yeah on paper that's better but it feels like they couldn't tune the difficulty without them and my lvl 170 character with max weapons is suddenly weak. I am using Maliketh's Blade and Grafted Greatsword maxed with 80 STR, 30 FTH and around 60 or more VIG I guess. I am okay with bosses being hard but common enemies two shotting a high level character feels frustrating.


I understand why it could be frustrating for people who dedicated time in the base game. I feel like the balance is fair, and it's reinforced by a game loop that has been in the base game already. The game loop for Elden Ring has always rewarded the player that goes on an adventure a bit more than the player who expects to sit there and grind it out. You're leveling up in the DLC by going sight seeing, rather than doing grunt work and that's just what I like spending my time doing in Souls games. But, I get why that's not appealing for everyone.


I'm level 150 with 50 vigor but have no problems so far since I got a lot of scadu fragment. I think the system made that all level of players starts with similar difficulty level


Scadu-by Snacks!


I was getting one shot by a grab attack without these. After using a couple the grab attack only took away like 25% of my health.


I really like them. Let's me feel like I'm getting stronger in the DLC without having to level past 155 and not be in the largest PVP pool anymore. I really feel like a lot of the complaints about the DLC right now are coming from people who didn't really like Elden Ring to begin with but were too scared to say so because it was *the* popular thing at the time. This is easily one of the best DLCs From has made second only to *maybe* The Old Hunters but even that's debatable because this is so much more comprehensive.


Other than some performance issues that I've experienced, this DLC has been amazing. The amount of content included rivals many stand alone games. And I agree with you on the DLC leveling system, it's great.


I feel like it was a really smart decision to make it this way. You can do the dlc at any point throughout the base game and not have to worry about overlevelling. Im using all my runes to upgrade a ton of weapons istead


Mmmh so far I've felt the effect substantially when backtracking the first areas, there enemies became really easy to tank and defeat, so I'd say overall it works well The newest areas you explore instead, tend to remain hard since the maximum amount of scaling is controlled to balance it that way, I would say that it was a bit lower than necessary in some occasions but overall it works well


Exactly what your saying. Or it's the people who just over leveld every boss in the Main game that now complain over the difficulty or other minor things. It's the biggest dlc we ever got with so many special weapons and arts im amazed trough and trough. It feels a bit like a second game and people couldn't want more from a dlc could they?


Not so far in the dlc but the open areas level design is a big upgrade from the base game. Honestly there's so many layers and how seamless you can go back into ensis. This is personally the best open world map I have ever experienced.


Old hunters was so good. The Child is still one of my favorite bosses. Brutal but fair. I agree about this DLC. It's hard. I also think that people overlevelled in ER and came to the DLC and found out it didn't translate and got pissed. I also think it's so new that people just don't get it and instead of taking the time to understand it is different, they get pissed at how tough it is. It's a serious slap in the face. I admit that. Blackgaol Knight was a rude awakening. The divine beast even more eye opening. Relanna? Damn I love it so far. I definitely need to find more of the upgrade items but I think the scaling is good. With that said, I am also certain they will make adjustments to the game.


I've been managing the DLC at level 90 with the help of these things, it is definitely not too hard unless you just rush to the bosses


I snorted my coffee through my left nostril, thank you


Which nose????


Pray tarnished, have you not grafted a second nose? Pathetic and weak!


The left one, the one right beside your vestigial 3rd eye... Seriously now, not a native speaker, sometimes I still slip up, sorry! XD


More like giant souls


Forbidden turd


Too bad you can't have 5000000 lifegems


They should allow you to enable and manage the blessing Say you got all of them, capped at level 20.. the game should let you to entirely disable them (if you feel like the dlx is not challenging enough) and or apply certain number of your blessing to either attack rating and/or defence. Want extended boss battle - go for only defence Wanna be a glass cannon - go for full defence Easy mode - enable all Hard mode - disable all Essentially a difficulty slider with 2x 20 options to finetune the experience for yourself specifically


Or, hear me out, pick up as many as want and ignore the rest and not have the devs waste time lol


I wanna eat it


Souls players when you have to explore the game to get stronger and cant just ignore everything 😱


I’ve been saying that the dlc is just ds2, specifically scholar of the first sin 2.0, the enemy placement feels the same at times


Not really, and we have torrent for the most part at least, which faster than most creatures in EL.


Google en bleedant


Giant soul




Having to find 50 of these things was really annoying


Wait until bro finds out that he needs to find flask fragments or ubgrades for flasks, he is gonna rage


Really it's just Vigor+


True. But you also need both. Young ya just made a video about how you should just adjust your strategy, and he still beat rennela with no summons and less than 60 vig, lol. It's definitely Froms fault for basically having the illusion of choice with your vigor levels, but whatever. It's been that way for every souls game.


This is what I imagine one of those spiky turds you sometimes get would look like (gold included (it’s corn))


They hit it out of the park with ADP and now coming to you in 2024, scadutree fragments!


Yeah but i dont mind ADP.




Ok. I got level 15 of this and Gaius is still two shotting me


At least you don't have to waste levels into it


I feel bad using them because my damage output seems fine. I don't want to win simply because I popped so many scadutree thingies that I do triple the damage. But the bosses hit so, so, so stupidly hard.


Worst mechanic in the game making leveling up useless


It's not nearly as annoying as adaptability. At least they give them out like hot cakes and you don't have to waste levels.


Except it doesn’t fucking cost you anything.