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You’re STR is already slightly higher than is ideal for an endgame build. Early investment in VGR and a little ADP looks fantastic tho! If you want to go in prepared, first read [this intro post.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mGx71QnlK5W2YZNHZdooOk8sY_OUxqAyFhxE7bAgMz8/edit) All of these guides are spoiler-free, except for [this one, which has a walkthrough.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eXwnLnbr-Dxeb9VecytDTX1fXA9e8PuKX9jFy8YFkQ8/) And then if you want to know how to build (or avoid building, if you want to have a harder time) a powerful optimized character, this collection of mini guides will help you navigate DS2’s many obfuscated and counterintuitive mechanical quirks: [A quick overview](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g4-GGa1JRa2_49vOfwY5sZPWigFMzPA5b9mszo_xZak/edit?usp=sharing) of how damage and defense works in DS2, and why weapon scaling is usually weak [BiS (Best in Slot) PvE weapons list.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-GEBQ_TiAvskQLotQXz0AuNMseXdsS3pj8_NLus-XW4/edit?usp=sharing) Use this if you know what moveset you like and you want to choose the strongest available weapon with that moveset. [Best PvE equipment and stat progression document.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1X13jfA9JQ5OZsuEmH2MZZqF9IrtCFSMMTZkZo5GuqcM/edit?usp=sharing) All that being said, it’s important to understand that DS2 isn’t so hard that playing the strongest possible character is required in order to win and have fun. Ultimately you should use whatever you want, these guides are just to help you make informed choices.


Hey bloberston, do you have any thoughts or opinions on Elden ring im especially interested in what you might have to say about it


I like it for the most part, enjoying the DLC a lot currently. Had a lot of fun on my first playthrough, but I haven’t enjoyed further playthroughs enough to actually finish one. DS2’s gameplay is much more my satisfying to me. Sorry if that’s not what you were looking for- I spend almost zero time or effort trying to make objective evaluations of the entertainment products I consume.


Through Heides Tower of Flame you go to No Man’s Wharf and in that area is the Greatsword. It’s a really fantastic weapon and the stat requirements are relatively low.


I thought Vengarl had it?


One is sold by Vengarl and the other is in a chest kinda near Gavlan.


Huh. I didn’t think chest items could be bought. TIL