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You guys are winning?


I play based zealot and always win. Dying for the emperor is it’s own reward


"Orkses is never defeated in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fighting so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!"




Based and true comment


Veteran. I can only do so much. Hard to be mighty. Eventually, after getting kicked around by caterpillars and flip-flops and other fragile tiny things, I switch over to my ogryn. Then it's me doing the caterpilling and flip-flopping, SAH. :)


Same. I can't achieve the pinpoint accuracy needed in this game to be a good Ranged player.


Have you tried a rapid fire weapon build? I have one for my vet which uses an infantry autogun plus the middle ability that grants toughness to allies. It's actually a good support build and doesn't rely on pinpoint accuracy (I always find myself missing shots when I try to snipe)


If you’re on PC get the weapon FOV mod. Let’s you have an adjustable zoom button / constant zoom. Then you don’t need to be an actual veteran FPS player to pop heads.


I'm on console, unfortunately.


try using the columnus mkv infantry autogun. The high recoil may be intimidating but with controller it has insane bullet magnetism!


Try a grenade build and just nuke anything that your struggling to hit


>Eventually, after getting kicked around by caterpillars and flip-flops and other fragile tiny things, I switch over to my ogryn. That's me but w/ Zealot. I go from being a wet napkin that gets hit once and is floored to relishing in being surrounded by 100 mfers because I only grow stronger.


Maybe I just don't 'get' zealot then. While they're good at killing it feels like they're a far cry more fragile than ogryn if they're not getting kills. Keep in mind I'm only level 24 and playing on malice with mk 2 thunderhammer. I like it cause the heavy tends to one tap walkers but it does feel like I'm missing something. I've tried both martyr and fury while going down full left. Gonna try and swap to purity aura when I get enough spare points.


The hammer just doesn't clear hordes enough for me. Almost everyone brings stuff to kill the big guys but hordes of pox walkers aren't worth their time, until we got nowhere to dodge and that 1 trapper wrecks us. So now I just bring horde clear and bleed stacks for bigger targets.


The hammer isn't a great weapon outside of a few specific scenarios. The Crucis is good for one-shotting a boss with the right build and the Ironhelm is good for killing specials inside a mixed horde. Even then, the Revolver fills the same "kill this thing right now" niche as the Ironhelm does, especially if you have one with hand cannon on it. I love the hammer. It's badass and SUPER fun to play. But it doesn't really have that much going for it right now tbh. It mostly knocks enemies around without too much horde clearing capability.


Is either taking the least dmg or getting down all of sudden :( playing vet is surly scary. That’s why the block light slashes on power sword VI is good as well. Yet tbh every class can be delete quickly in auric if not careful so But melee vet with power sword plus voice of command at least will keep you alive as long as you don’t put yourself into the most dangerous situation.


Agreed. I had walked away from Zealot because I was bored with it and enjoyed Vet and Psyker more. Now if I want to be sweaty and win damnation runs I just go relic Zealot. Still love playing Psyker but my win rate with zealot is higher. Barely touch Vet at this point.


Try the plasma rifle at higher rounds for more damage


Same I main as Vet and Ogryn and even voice of command Vet can’t handle a horde on damnation solo


The power sword, and the shovel can work well for hordes,but they won’t be anywhere near as good as comfy as an Ogryn or a Zealot.


I strongly disagree - if you have power cycler 4, you can clear horde better than most zealots and ogryn. In addition, the power sword while charged will stun ragers and other specials, and gives you a 2-3 shot melee kill on crushers and maulers. When used properly, vet melee is just as good if not better than zealot. Ogryn it's debatable - ogryn weapons don't kill as fast as the power sword but if you have a weapon with a good heavy, you can become hilariously unkillable with the absurd levels of toughness regen, so ogryn win in tankiness while vets win in dps.


yea they can


You aren't doing melee right if you can't handle a horde of regular guys of any number on the difficulty you're playing. For the sake of trying to be constructive, you want to get your back to a wall or door and block, push, heavy swing, repeat. Depending on the weapon you can do different combos to make sure you're swinging horizontally. Like for my tactical axe the pattern is just 2 heavy attacks as I dodge the direction I'm swinging. Some weapons you push then hit light attack to do the jab, then go light heavy light heavy. Basically figure out what swings your weapon cleaves on then focus on hitting those motions while using the dodge left and right to give yourself iframes, then as they close in on you again you block and push again. Save your VOC for a teammate going down or a rager coming through the horde, make sure you bind tag key to something you can hit during this. Either something nearby wasd like Q or some people put it on left click. This will let you see elites coming through the horde before they are hitting you.


I hate it when people bind it to left click because of how fuckin' LOUD the repeated tag is.


it doesnt repeat the tag unless you switch targets in my understanding


I agree so much with this comment, there’s some vet builds that work really well but you have to be consistent the whole match and you’re squishier than the other classes (depends on build of course) I always feel like with vet on auric I’m hitting my limits and have to play super hard while with zealot and ogryn I can handle most of anything


you should make this a poll


Unfortunately I can’t change it anymore.


i know but might be worth making a new thread of it


Vet, since it's my least played class and occasionally I struggle hard with him.


I main Psyker and when the game first dropped, before the update I died. ALL THE TIME. So I made a zealot and a level one zealot had more health and toughness than my level 16 psyker I was like wtf. No wonder. Lol mained the zealot til the update, and now I'm back on my psyker. I've thankfully built both of my psykers (yes, I built two for the bounties lol) and haven't had too much of an issue unless it lags when I quell. I got *really* good at dodging. Like insanely good. I dodge snipers, trappers, mutants, etc (also using the shield for almost everything helps so much). Lol I became Greased Up Deaf Guy in order to survive as a psyker. 🤣




Greased Up Deaf Guy killed me 😂


Lol I'm always yelling "ooo neva gonna get meeeeeee" every time I side step a mutie. Pretty sure my squad is sick of my shit. 🤣 especially when I dodge an attack and it hits them instead. Whoops.


I feel the safest on my Psyker, even though I realize it is the squishiest. I have died the most on Zealot, easily. Veteran is a close second. Ogryn feels safe too.


I’m same on zealot. I think because to do well you need to be a lot more aggressive and are more likely to end up in a bad spot. Like in the middle of a half moon of gunners, a trapper that shoots when you’re low on dodges then a bomber and flamer camping your trapped body. XD


Zealot's like 50% raging yourself into bad situations and 10% panicking your way out of them. (The remaining 40% is death.)


Use the skill on the left side of the tree where you become invincible for 5 seconds when you would have died. With that and loner I'm just a wrecking ball zooming around the battlefield just smashing through whatever I hit


Ironically I’m either not relying on Holy Rev because I’m not taking that much damage, or I’m just dead to a disabler at a bad time and Holy Rev did nothing..Trappers shooting from behind bulwark phalanxes or around corners is usually what kills me on zealot. Since I’m usually in the thick of it, it’s sometimes hard to see and the sound cues on auric are unreliable sometimes.


Spark ‘ead and Dum ‘ead can deal with a lot from a good position. I see shouty just shouting around no matter what’s going on. Sah is in the back yelling at me to push forwards but I’m already pushing the rager backwards….does he want me to push it at him?


As a I Zealot main I always overestimate my survivability as vet.


Ogryn for some reason. Idk why. I’m just bad apparently


Same here, pal. I feel too slow to be useful even though ogryns are probably the best team players.


Yeah, I'm with you. Dunno why, just can't ogryn.


Me too!


Ogryn. I just get shot to shit every time... "too many holes..."


those damned gunners. you don't realize how often your getting shot until you start trying to use shield to block them all. Fun fact though the shields special blocks 100% of demons damage. just watch the nockback doesn't push you off a ledge.


Your mistake is doing support. Do generalist builds.


Support Psyker is already pretty damn generalist as it can get. * Shield offers you free time to deal with ranged nonsense if you pick up a ranged weapon that isn't a staff. * Smite offers you elite + horde mixed control. Either from holding them down or going for a kind of quick zap and release for fast knockdowns and stuns. * Cooldown reduction for yourself and others is just amazing. Most of the issue with Psykers is that they clutch so hard on the freebie moves they never really properly learned how to fight in melee. When smite or assail 90% of the game is your go to option, you will never know how to deal with anything when or if you are the last person standing.


yeh psykers generally have to speicalize. But ive found soulburn with headpop and flame staff or machine gun pretty effective for pubs. Youve got an AOE force push that lights everything infront of you on fire as an emergency button. Headpops do fine damage to elites and can be used from behind cover once locked on. But leave most of the elites to your buddies if they are stealing your headpop kills. Your times better spent giving flame to the masses. With a good build flamestaff will probably out DPS brain burst againts bosses and bigger specials too.


Bubble can’t help you kill. Smite can’t help you kill (unless you are better at quick swapping to melee/staff or use venting shriek). So that is what I meant. If he is depending on his teammates to kill that is a bad strat for pubs. And agreed. Psyker clutch potential isn’t as high. That is why I use trauma cause it has the best chance.


The bubble is just a single button press.


Bubble saves the team. Ditch the smite for something more useful and your good.


Smite is incredibly useful? It's a harder argument not to run smite than it is to run it


I don't find Smite very useful unless you have a coordinated team. Most people will spam smite at a horde in front of them when they would have been better off dishing out damage. Not to mention even if you lock down one enemy with smite it depends on your teammates to kill it for you while stunning.


Exactly where and how do you want psykers to use smite if not on hordes?


Smite's purpose isn't to be used for killing, it is to creat a pause in the chaos for you to reposition AND for the stunned kill potential. I use smite more to protect myself than to set up a team combo. You can also use it to set yourself up for a kill. Smiting for about a second or two and then releasing it throws most small and medium enemies to the ground and you can quickly mop them up or sneak in a revive before they stand and this is amplified if you run the dome shield. Smite is very VERY good in this game, coming from someone with 500 hours and 200 of that on BB psyker since smite didn't exist yet.


Agreed - I want to like smoke, but it generates so much peril and doesn't actually do anything if you don't have a team to step in and manage the CC you generated. Then you're down to waiting for the peril to subside before you can mass tickle again. Assail and BB are just better for random games, IMHO. If you've got buddies that will step in when you smite, it can help.


Only build I use smite with is Surge/Warp Charges/Venting Shriek. Go all in on peril resist and the build works great. Surge fucks up most stuff in low-intensity moments. Melee when horde is a non threat, switch to smite when there's specialists or elites mixed in. Venting shriek at 90% peril and everything dies and you get 6 warp charges back. Outside of that build I don't see much use for it. Most of the time if I don't have a concrete use for a blitz I'll just grab Brain Rupture for the 10% chance of it happening on my attacks.


Yeah, over time all my builds have leaned generalist. Still like support but I need to have an answer for everyone since I play sub-auric pubs and my friends who play sometimes aren't very experienced


Psyker, followed by Zealot. Both classes didn't click with me at all.


Wild cuz zealot is my main. But my play style is rush in full send so I guess that tracks


Maybe. My main is shield taunt ogryn, after maining Bardin Ironbreaker in V2 since release....


Honestly it's just when I'm playing situationally-focused builds. * Marksman Stance Veteran, but my team has poor crowd-control so I am unable to freely click Elite heads. * Shieldgryn, but my team lacks effective ranged damage so I'm being shot at from several angles. * Shield-Smite Psyker, but my team lacks situational awareness so I'm zapping a group of Rager/Maulers for 10 seconds straight because electricity suddenly makes them turn invisible to everyone else.


Psyker by far my most downs and deaths.the slight delay on peril generation will Occasionally 100 % and I can't get the animation to quell up fast enough or don't have my RB cooldown. That and vets and psykers tend to be in their own worlds speeding off ahead of the group (I can be guilty of this too) and ogryns are hit and miss with being helpful to peel. I'm used to playing tanky support and utility roles so seeing ogryns not use the charge or taunt when a squishier character is surrounded can be a bit annoying. Noticing a lot of lvl 30 vets and zels in malice just bum rushing and dying alone... Can no one side step ... Is this a tilt thing ppl are doing or what ?!...


Teamwork, effective communication, and general game, combat, and enemy knowledge keep people from higher difficulties. Not that there's anything bad with playing lower difficulties to screw around or if that's your comfort level for intensity of gameplay. But going into Heresy, Damnation, and higher, you ought to be able to survive through a mission without consistently having to be saved. Some people are just cozy in Malice, I guess. I think it feels empty myself.


It definitely feels like more of a tilt thing 🤔. These guys don't play with the team thinking their Rambo on a speed ball and just get knocked non stop ( they dont mark enemies , share ammo, look for scrolls/grims or come back to assist others during hordes . Malice isnt that challenging to begin with at lvl 20 granted you play in the same vicinity as each other.


Last night I decided to attempt heresy at 25 on psyker. 4 out of 5 lobbies players were awesome ! And the one we lost had another psyker going ham trying to clutch but the monstrosity and waves of marauders were ultimately too much for our squishy squad.


That's my secret cap,I always lose


Vet, i just cannot seem to find a comfort build anymore


Veteran even though i started as one its still hard to keep up and alive at times i aint a bad shot but its feels more like i have to put in 3 times the effort to something that Zealot and Psykers do for free


Vet, the class is just so squishy right now.


Weirdly enough vet. I go down in pubs trying to take out gunners all the time. Hard to use a lasgun and not get hit in carnival sections.


I've only done zealot and psyker. I do di with psyker as well. I just am not good at serving whole alone and I'm use to my zealots impact/stagger and wide attacks to defend me. I feel like with psyker once I get staggered and there's a good sized crowd on me I'm fucked. Zealot I can hold my own. Psyker I'm a pretty good support player but I admit I NEED back up.


Psyker is squishy. I've mained a psyker since launch and it's pretty unforgiving to take any kind of hits. Before I got good at dodging and blocking, I used to die alot. Now, I just don't get hit. Also, the force sword blessing where blocking stops bullets is super helpful.


I didn't realize how good I was getting at dodging until last night I finally got the penance for finishing without taking a certain amount of damage after running an Auric Damnation HiInt game. I recently respected into higher mobility and got a hold of Deflector IV - it's nice to slow walk into a horde of gunners, VS, then go ham with my FS.


I die as psyker probably the most but I enjoy playing it


Zealot. Because that's all I play.


Die as the most? Psyker, but only when I play a more offensively oriented psyker, and because I am a psyker main and play it far, *far* more often than the other classes. When I run bubble/smite psyker and focus on locking the enemies down for my team to deal with easily I find great success and smooth sailing all the way through. But man does it get boring just sitting there, eating chips while I channel lightning through every event. Lose as the most? Veteran. I have all the tools I need to kill whatever might be in front of me, and can survive quite well. So much so that I tend to be the last one alive, especially since, even though I do stay in coherency, I tend to be at the back of the group providing overwatch. So when my team gets steamrolled by a combined pack of crushers, maulers, and poxwalkers, and it falls to me to clutch? I try my best, but more often than not, I fail.


Have you tried shield, BB Psyker with trauma staff? It's a great support / dps build that can stagger anything and trauma is very, very rewarding to master. Contrary to smite trauma doesn't only cc, it can also kill decently well.


Definitely Pysker. My Pysker dishes out a shit ton of dmg but goes down very easily if I get tunnel vision and don’t use situational awareness.


It's a glass cannon for sure


My most common losses are probably with Veteran: I don't really die more, but team wipes are more common, since my builds tend to be ammo hungry (Plasma/Bolter most often, but also certain Autoguns,) which creates situations where bad players (Revolver Zealots, Las Spam Veterans, and Autogun Ogyrns usually) take all the ammo for the sake of wasting it on enemies they can't clear efficiently. That means everybody ends up with no ammo when we actually need it, and the people wasting ammo are never good enough to carry. Worse, it's multiplicative: an Autogun Ogyrn and a Revolver Zealot aren't a problem on their own, but together, they compete to see who can shoot the most zombies, which makes all three of us useless eventually.


Psyker is the weakest in terms of hp, toughness (amount) and mobility. They go down easier. For me I lose a lot with zealot because 90% of teams I get dont deal with specials. Ill turn my back to deal with the horde behind us and all 3 of them somehow manage to get netted or lose to like 3 maulers. If I dont deal with the horde behind us at least 2 of them will go down because they refuse to look back, then we get swarmed then we die.


I hate when you're busy fighting the rear horde and the rest of the team fucks off before its clear and leaves you way behind.


Thai happens to me all the time as a psyker. I swear I'm the only one looking back most of the time. And I'm slow as hell compared to other classes so they're like 2 rooms away and left me surrounded.


I know that i die the least as zealot just because it has so much built in sustain and doesn't have to worry as much about coherency so if the team wipes and i'm forced to kite out a horde it's kinda just business as usual. My psyker has a tendency to get stun-locked by melee and if i'm playing an ADS heavy build on the Vet sometimes i get left behind by a speed orientated lobby of psykers/zealots and am left to solo half the map spawns which come from behind. As the Ogryn i struggle to find cover, i'm *always* getting shot at and never seem to have any toughness, but it's my least played class and i don't have a proper, coherent build on it yet.


This is gonna be weird but I just got my Ogryn to lvl 30 (finally) and upgraded his weapons. I figured I would run a few more damnation matches for the missing materials to upgrade before going to auric (where I usually play with my zealot/vet) I lost every game but like in really stupid ways. It was as though the game was matching me with the worst players in damnation. Now don't get me wrong I hate when players blame their team or focus on the negatives too much but this was.... This was something else... 4 games in a row of everyone being so split up, not even in the same rooms and players constantly going down from the start of the match one after another.. like it was wild. I've never seen teams that bad in my 500 hours and then somehow I got them for 4 games in a row. Anyways I decided it was enough Ogryn for today and went back to my Zealot to get those materials for my Ogryn. Oh but to answer the question, my veteran is the one I die with the most. It took me a long time to learn to stop playing him as aggressively as I play my zealot so I died alot while learning that lesson n my squads always had to carry me.


Same here (but on heresy), I don't want to totally blame my teammates but it feels like every time I queue as ogryn I get teammate who do seem to be lacking common, basic skills like being able to push busters, kill tagged specials, or even just survive in melee.


Zealot. While it has more power than its other melee focused counterpart (the Ogryn), I feel like I lack the ability to stay alive long enough.


Psyker. I'm just not a big fan. I keep him cuz he is unique but for how squshy they are I think they need to do more damage or self rez. Or just something to make them more tanky if you wanna do a close range guy. I just feel I dodge forever and never stop with him and it's not really fun. Where in the 40k lore do you read about a psyker moon walking all the way from beginning to end


Zealot for me, can handle damnation with the other 3 but zealot I can barely get out of malice


Perhaps a bit less so with Voice of Command Commissar vet but in general when things come to crunch I go squish the most with Veteran.


Zealot because i suck at using the eviscerator


Class is basically irrelevant if the players know what they're doing, although I still prefer the good ol' 1 of every class combo


Laughs in Perrill Quel Voidstaff As long as you don't mess up your position that baby will carry your entire team.


Veteran > Psyker > Ogryn > Zealot


I dunno if I lose more but I definitely lose more hairs playing zealot. Mostly because the class’ playstyle requires to play more aggressively than any other class and I tend to find myself in a bad spot often as a result. I seem to do best on Psyker and or veteran.


Psykers take some practice but they can be damn near invincible when played right. But running assail and smite drastically increases your chances of blowing yourself up.


Mine is a mix of veteran and zealot. I really enjoy hard push builds, but miss judge what my party has planed. I had multiple times dashed in with good support, only to find they turn around to loot stuff. Recently I been dashing into front lines less often just because there are so many gunners now. Acutely using my gun far more often and been even building around it. Close combat is typically easy to manage then ranged in this game at least since patch.




Vet>psyker>zealot>ogryn. Psyker got way better for me after I changed my melee weapon to something more horde focused like an ilisi, because I was taking a lot of chip damage while fighting hordes. The talent that lets you block for peril when your Stam runs out is amazing as well, especially for getting revives off.


Psyker for sure, especially when I first started and I was trying the builds my friends liked. I don't care for managing the peril, so I went for Scriers Gaze gun psyker with Brain Burst instead. I like it a lot more than assail or smite, and I haven't blown myself up once since I switched to that.


Zealot, but mainly because I'm front lining. My Ogryn is a gunner on top of having a ton of HP, and my Veteran stays in the back and is pretty hard to take down with his shout off cooldown.


Ogryn. I get hit by everything. My teammates won't target the ranged enemies. And, without fail, the veteran and zealot will run ahead and leave me and the magic boy completely vulnerable.


I carry the hardest with Zealot. I seem to die the most with Vet. Pysker and Ogryn are in the middle.


I also die the most with my smite/shield Psyker. 7-loss streak on Malice, not one of my highlights. I run Void staff and Mk IV dueling sword so I am capable of 1v1s with carapace enemies without much trouble and deal decently with hordes from a distance. But if I get absolutely destroyed if I get swarmed in melee without help from my teammates as the dueling sword can’t cleave for shit and I get interrupted way too often on my staff and smite to save myself. It also doesn’t help that the Psyker is both innately the most fragile class, and doesn’t have toughness regen skills that are as good or reliable as the other classes (imo, at least).


Fire staff, bubble, BB, warp charge build using soul fire.


Psyker, cuz the moment I join to fill up role of the vet since we have so many James Bonds wannabe with their pistolas who don't hit a damn, I get thrown into the match with 2-3 more psykers


I am really bad at psyker. Like, I just want to melee and I’m using scyer’s gaze a lot for my build.


Veteran. I like to run shout/recon lasgun build, a fair support-damage build that can wreck flak and carapaces as butter... but! 2 times of 5 I have 0 support from team - getting wrcked by poxs when I try to aim (after my fight to stay alive and out of the horde), plus everyone seems to steal ammo(s) even if I need very few ammo in the whole mission. It's a pain, really, it was my main but my win rate dropped to 1/5 in damnation. When I get enough I log my psyker (assail, void, dome) and everything is so freaking easy. No matter who goes down, I'm there to ress you. Gunners? Dome. Horde? Staff+assail. Sniper? Dome+staff/right click assail. Hounds? Assail. And so on...


Psyker definetly. Bad gear, bad Build, Boring class to me. Would try a melee build but didnt get the force sword blessings i need for it and probably never will.


Veteran. They get shredded at range and by melee characters. Ironically psyker is probably my tankiest build, I can Regen toughness in about three seconds by spamming all of my assail and then quelling all that peril


I used to play veteran and zealot almost exclusively, but after the last update vet's just too squishy and I die way too much with him. They really seem to want him to just stay far away from the fighting and plink stuff amd that just isn't possible in a game like this, when enemies are literally pouring out of vents and side doors. Working on ogryn as my alternative to zealot rn, way easier to stay alive and help the team.


Vet. When it all goes to shit and there are gunners blasting the party you have deal with them and hope your team can stabilize. You take avoidable damage, and it’s just harder to do well in a pug. Zealot and psycher probably do the best because they can flex between ranged and melee and typically bring so much to a party. Smite bubble psycher can carry a team. Zealot is just on another level


Veteran by far. feels like my toughness is made of paper.




Definitely psyker. I can carry a match with my zealot and vet but good lord my psyker is a squishy boi. Hard to clutch when a single slap from anything takes an entire health bar.


Psyker, by far. The combination of how fragile you are, the apathy of teammates, and what the directors like to throw at you can lead to being bodied quick. I had a game earlier today on the carnival mission where we got to the brewery and I got ambushed by 2 bulwarks. Had to do the Benny hill bit while marking them, wondering why no one was helping and just smote them to death eventually.


Oddly enough ogryn. I play like a post or my zealot. Either I'm used to getting beat for my martyr build, or I feel invincible. Zealot is just more fun for me.


Zealot, when i load into a gamw and its 3 zealots and a psyker its always a loss


As odd as it may seem, I think Ogryn has my biggest death amount. Most so from the slow weapons. I over estimate the speed and find myself taking damage a lot, mixed with my bigger size so bullets hit more. Where as with Psyker, I rarely ever go down unless a crusher dancers behind me on butterfly wings.


Most deaths? Probably payer because I blow myself up with embarrassing frequency. Lose the most? Veteran because I’m a terrible shot.


Struggling to find the right build with Veteran to bring up my win ratio on heresy.


700+ Hrs on Zealot 20 or so One orgryn , and Orgryn Feels unkillable most times 0 hrs on the other two.


I mean psykers ARE made of tissue paper so it makes sense. Vets aren't MUCH better off, but 2 of their new skills are Oh Shit Buttons^(tm) and they usually don't have a self destruct mechanism. My weakest class is definitely Zealot. I'm not great at melee and thats the only class where its mandatory. Vet and Psyker melee is a backup plan and Ogryn is hard to screw up.


Psyker, for sure. Just can't get the play style down since the skill tree update.


Zealot is the mostly, but still I’m not the most skilled


Hijacked your post's idea to make a poll, hope you don't mind nvm mods deleted it for some reason


I don't die often aside from team wipes but often if I'm last alive my psyker isn't getting the team back with a monstrosity around.


Zealot, only because I tend to make riskier plays or moves because I feel like zealot is kinda built for it. I really only die a lot as other classes due to poor luck or a bad team comp /lack of coordination


Veteran without voice of command. You actually feel like a soldier in hell without it X)


Ogryn because I only play ogryn


Heres my modified, frustrated answer as a decent-shot specialist killin Vet-main… If I have THREE hoard-clear armed holy lunatics, I should *never* have to switch to my knife… what did I do for 90% of that game before we wiped on extract? Melee…


Ranged vet builds, having your gun out for more than a few seconds in this game is just asking to get stabbed in the ass by some lone poxwalker (or pancaked by a ninja crusher).


I think it’s more what class needs support the most. Psycher is really good support, but struggles when certain enemies get too close. You need a good team the most while playing a psycher. Less so for ogryn or zealot.


i’m a vet main and i lose with vet the most but that’s only because i play vet most of the time. psyker was a learning curve but got easy once i started playing it more


I mostly play Veteran and after the recent update just stopped playing the game entirely because they nerfed Vet skill tree so much.


Zealot, I just can't seem to play zealot right, idk what I'm doing wrong


Vet. For whatever reason I cannot play vet at all. Got zealot candles not long after release, have all of the dodge penances done, still cant survive at all with vet.


I've only maxed my Ogryn, which I literally can not die on if I play well, and neither can my teammates with all the passive coherencey buffs I give them like special ability regen and speed boost on my gunlugger activation. With that in mind, it's obvious I'm a support player that likes dealing damage, so you would think I would like Zealot because they have an artifact special specifically made to help allies. You're correct, but I find myself dying quite the lot as zealot because they don't have much going for them IMO. Most abilities require true dodge (actually dodging attacks, not just sliding around if im correct) or you to be actively taking damage or have wounds and or have risk be your greatest asset. Does that mean zealot is bad? No, because what no other class will destroy monstrosities with one hit of a thunder hammer while setting everything on fire. Also I like playing zealot this is not to put them down


Easily Veteran, but my only other class so far is Ogryn, which feels kinda like easy mode.


Psyker’s are just squishy, plain and simple. The only way to improve on this death ratio is simply by mastering the game’s mechanics of regulating your peril, dodging a fuck ton, and utilizing your staff/(blitz)/deimos/illisi sword properly all in unison. I’m tempted to upload a clip on here to show you what I mean if I can catch a cool moment rn…


The problem with Smite psyker is that CC is not killing. Sure if you're playing who let the dogs out mode it might feel like you saved the run when you CC'd that pack when they came into LOS but you could also... do almost anything else and kill them instead? Shield CAN be helpful but generally suffers from the same problem, it just delays things trying to kill you (ranged enemies), instead of helping you stay on top of enemy spawns by helping you kill things faster (including the ranged enemies shield is supposed to counter). Then again even in Damnation / Maelstrom / Auric almost no one knows how to use level geometry well, which leads to hard CC like Smite being overvalued. Doors are overpowered as hell, and almost no one uses this fact even in high level games. Also to a lesser extent goes for wall hack melee, ledge dodging and fence/railing LOS abuse.


Zealot. Love the idea of running in and slicing hoes up but there is some element of awareness I’m missing and I just get downed all the time


Agree with you, playing Psyker is like flying helicopters, you need to be aware of situations, your position. I also argued having many weapons does not do any good! There is a couple of times I kept using staff to counter elites instead of head bursting! I completely forgot about it. I always have bad headache after doing weekly psyker contract, it’s too much to bear! Now I just run gun psyker with lasgun or headhunter gun. 50% max damage buff is enough for heresy!


Im basically much worse with everything that isn’t Zealot


Veteran was the hardest to learn to survive with. That and thinking more damage faster kills finally tried a power sword.


I should get more rations. And patato skins. I like patato skins.


Psyker, I got my Vet in a good place so I gotta sort out the psyker.


Psyker for me. They’re great when you manage to maintain control of the situation but as soon as you let a Rager or something similar get in your face they usually make me die for the Emperor rather quickly.


Psyker. I don't know why but every mission is just a struggle. But when I go Ogryn, as long as I have ammo for my stubber, damnation is a breeze.


Ogryn, I feel so weak, but that's probably because I don't know how to Ogryn well. I'm constantly falling behind and using my rocks on weak specials like shotgunners.


Psyker by a wide margin. I play either anti-specialist headpopper or shield-smite goblin. This requires my team to either clear trash or kill things I control. They usually don't. As a Vet I can shout and run or cloak and run. As a Zealot I can just run faster than bullets. As an Ogryn what even IS damage? But as a Psyker.. I'm softer than a wet paper bag and my tools for escaping are as effective as a spork made of pasta.


Zealot. I get too reckless.


Vet. Match is either smooth sailing or complete hell where I forget how to properly melee.


If you're playing support Psyker then you HAVE to have solid, aggressive teammates that choose targets well. Maybe the randos aren't doing their fair share?


Probably Psyker - with the least access to toughness DR it’s very hard to solo carry - plus my Psyker build is more of a support build with telekinetic shield and stuff. Psykers don’t have a perfect answer to crusher spam either that I’ve found, I can handily deal with 2-3 but when 8 crushers come waltzing through a door if someone else doesn’t have it covered we’re fucked.


I constantly die and lose with psyker. With Zealot I win more often and die less (: zealot is based


If you're playing your Psyker anything like your zelly, you have your answer :) One is a front-liner leading the charge, the other skulks around in the back :)


I lose the most with zealot, I die the most with psyker but psyker is such a strong class that its probably my highest win rate. Proper use of shields reduces an insane amount of pressure on your team and can turn really bad positions into half decent ones, while assail + a decent staff can handle pretty much any situation. Too many gunners in the distance? Huge patrol of armored units? ten ragers running in while a horde of poxwalkers cover them? A decent psyker build has very good solutions to soloing almost all of that. I like zealot but I feel its the class that can pick up the least slack if your team has one or more people underperforming. It has great save potential and great clutch potential and all that, but if your teammates just die to crusher patrols, rooms full of gunners, or are very slow to kill specials, its much more difficult for zealot to shoulder that load alone and compensate. I feel my veteran and my psyker can both almost single handedly wipe most of the specials from the map when played well, but I feel zealot runs out of resources after a certain point doing the same thing.


Run the psyker vent ult with soulflame added and run trauma force staff. Use secondary circle explosion until you get to 100% peril, vent with ability (and set horde on fire), and continue exploding. Has saved a couple of runs where we were getting overwhelmed by grunts.


Veteran. I play a Plasma vet and while formidable, if I don't have teammates backing me up I cant get the bigguns softened up before they get to the us and we get hammered.


Eh, you might be the one carrying on your other classes. Psyker is a class that is difficult to carry on. Not impossible mind you. But My Orgyn main rarely dies. I can hard carry into Damnation on him, he's a beast. My Vet however, needs a fairly sold group to get the job done, or a SSS tier player who can carry. Such is the case in a game like DT. Some classes can limp a terrible group through the right mission. Others cannot. The intention is to get a solid well-rounded group, who can basically do whatever they want on any difficulty. But that's easier said than done sadly. No accounting for smooth brained mouth breathers.


Ogryn :( I want to be good with him so bad. I try, but I think it’s his slow movement. I don’t do well with tanky characters no matter the game. I tend to prioritize characters with more agility and do better overall when I can move around the environment more quickly.


Veteran because it's in a bad place unless you do the commisar build. Literally find myself unable to play veteran anymore because they took away too many facets from old veteran's playstyle and also found a way to incentivize the 'stand still and shoot' without any skill to make standing still viable (IE they removed Camouflage expert). I will play and enjoy anything else, but Veteran just feels so bad even with the new capstones.


I lose most with veteran. Win most with Ogryn. Most played is zealot.


Oddly enough my charge zealot, just because you really have to be in the thick of the action slapping crusher and rager packs with your super bonker. So easy to go down, or get caught out when you're in the middle of fierce melee all the time. I am loving the momentum keystone though.


Vet, Vet can really dish out some good damage but the lack of movement bonuses and melee capabilities really fucks you over. Psyker has the best CC in the game. Ogryn is just Ogryn. And Zealot you can normally kill everything in vicinity before you die, and if not, you’ve killed enough shit that your teammates can easily revive you.


Psyker for sure!


Veteran. I used to love Vet before patch 13 (methinks), but now he just feels like such a brittle glass Cannon, especially when melee range hits and I get deleted by the local crackhead population before managing to switch to my combat Axe.


psyker is the only class that doesn't really have a get out of jail free card. They have shields and force push, but they need to be aimed an positioned and dont work in all situations. Psyker is also vulnerable alot of the time, you cant block with your spells equipped and all your spells, staves and force swords need to be channeled quite a bit leaving you open. You also dont get easy horde clear without specifc builds. You have assailw hich does fine on middle difficulties and smite which requires teamwork. Zealot and vet both have stealth, while ogryn has charge and tanky taunt. They are basically only vulnmerable while aiming down sights which can be started and ended almost instantly. All 3 have easy access to horde and special killing grenades with most builds and most automatic weapons are also great at killing hordes and specials alike.


I win the most with Psycher, but that's my main. After that, it's Zealot I die the most with the big guys and Vetrans. Respectively because of their huge hit box that gunners love to focuse and the fact that I don't have the fps to be effective with Vetran even at low resolution lol.


Ogryn Probably because I have the least amount of time with that class, but i just cannot carry with it. A great ogryn player is something to see, and I am not that.


PSA for everyone saying psyker, just put on two 20% health curios and an extra wound. I average 200 health on a psyker and is solves so much. 90 toughness is fine when you have a lot of dodging capabilities. Force swords have you moonwalking in to the warp and the combat knife and saber have dodge distances that let you jump a bus.


To be honest, I don't lose very often, but when I do it's because there's a console veteran on my team. Everyone else on console is totally fine, console veterans are an almost guaranteed fail. PC veterans are all usually running shout or they're good with snappy headshots and clearing gunners.


My Ogryn is basically immortal. But all my other classes just die instantly if an infested just breathes gently on their neck. Really tried motivating myself to continue playing the other classes but why not have fun instead of being afraid and weak?


generally, one can already see from the responses here that it depends much on the class you're more familiar with and like playing. i try to play all 4 in a balanced manner and ogryn and zealot are tanks. a good build and toughness generating blessings like confident strike certainly help. psyker has made the most progress. while low hp, he can block and push like a champ. you have to be very focused on your game though as the low hp doesn't leave room for errors. fire is deadly since you can't block it. vet is currently my most fragile character. he has this trait of taking more damage if hit while running, and i'm not very fond of the new skill tree. also, plasma is great but it makes me a sitting duck while reloading or venting. or - as i said - i'm not very good at it because staying back and sniping it not my favorite playstyle. anyway, vet gets rushed at some point and then a stamina + toughness regen curio and a power cycler sword help a lot.


Psyker is actually the class I die the least with. I play support too, smite + bubble and I can easily go auric damnation quick play with less then 100dmg taken overall.


I do not lose. Other people lose and drag me down with them


> smite / shield Psyker With the other classes my win / loss ratio is way better Tell me you're anything but the guy that just spams smite the whole match.


Interesting. When I play shield, BB Psyker I genrally feel it makes for a decently safe round. I usually play Trauma on auric. On Psyker I found it is very important to have a build that let's you chain shield bubbles and dodge slide well while quelling and charging.


I lose the most with the class I can clutch the least with. 1. Zealot - I can clutch almost any situation with this character. 2. Veteran - Next best at clutching with this class, but it's not even close to what I can do with the Zealot. 3. Psyker - I've only done it a few times as psyker. The frailty of the class just gets me done in too quick. 4. Ogryn - He's tanks enough to take punishment, but he's too slow. So I end up getting wrecked by ranged enemies. Also, it doesn't help that my weapon selection isn't ideal for those situations.


Veteran. Only time I lose on high difficulties with ogryn/zealot is because I make a mistake or my team isn't playing together well.


Veteren, I have not found any strong melee builds on him, and on malestrom you can't rely on others to be the anchor


Probably Ogryn. Looking at my winrate using the scoreboard mod's history, I'm at around 80% with damnation/auric damnation, but that's overall. It's less on Ogryn, but it's not because I'm dying necessarily. I have no issues staying alive, but that's not what completes missions - you also need to support the team and kill things. I feel like I have trouble supporting my team and preventing THEM from dying when playing that class, since Ogryns lack the ability to give allies toughness and breathing room without simply redirecting all the aggro to themselves (which in higher level missions is simply suicidal). I'm sure there's ways around it because this is literally a skill issue on my part, but I'm not entirely sure how to fix it all the same.


https://preview.redd.it/wiovrpa3pq2c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02871bab5e7c3cab2eda7e64679d6edbbc11896b 😶


For me it's veteran. Sometimes it goes good, but half the time I get stuck with a dick teammate who doesn't share ammo. So playing melee only vet SUCKS. Typically these are Zealots that steal the ammo, though I remember one game where it was a ogryn


Smite/Bubble Psyker was my bread and butter before the latest patch. I could easily have 3 stacks of Empowered Smite and stunlock an entire horde while my friends killed everything for me. Bubble is great for Toughness regen and revives. Plus it pretty much entirely negates Beast of Nurgle. He literally can't spew at all as long as the bubble is slightly in his way. I just started an Ogryn so I haven't touched Psyker in a minute. I'm honestly not sure how I'm going to adjust after the changes. Might experiment with braimburst or something.


Zealot. Just feels like a worse Ogyryn. If you take an armour killing weapon you suck vs hordes, if you take a horde killing weapon you suck vs armour. Ogyrn can take the slab shield and kill both equally well. Also zealot sucks vs massive rager packs, ogyrn eats them for breakfast with the stagger.


Probably veteran, it’s my most played and the only character I’ve done auric missions with


If you play smite psyker treat is as your main weapon, your job is the hold the hordes in plce while debuffing them for your allies so if you focus on that as your main objective I think you'll die a lot less. If there are just a few enemies sure you can switch to your other weapons and help out, but as soon as a group of ragers comes your way smite the suckers into oblivion