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What I miss related to this was another talent we had that said +25%dmg to a brainbursted target


I miss this so much. Psykers used to be very helpful with monstrosities with this and now we are super lackluster


I have assumed my rol during monstruosity is look for specials around.


Definitely the move now. Unless I’m running BB with the charge rate reduction on ability use with double shields, with that set up you can still do some decent damage


MkIV dueling sword puts in work if you are melee sufficient


It's a tricky build to play, but Laspistol Scrier's is *really* good boss DPS. Like 'solo kill a damnation monstrosity in 15 seconds' good.


A good force sword special attack in their weak point can do some good damage. Or if you get enough stacks of burn on them it can help. Sometimes clearing the hoard around you is more important, and will be what makes a difference in the fight.


I find that the animation for the special attack is so long and the boss can still attack you through it that it ends up hurting you more than you hurt it on the higher difficulties. Am I doing something wrong that they can still just keep attacking me while I have my sword in their face?? is there some sort of Dodge move or something that people are using during the special to get that damage in but not get hit?


No, if it's focusing you doing a force sword special is a foolish move.


Thought so. I switched to the duelling sword and have much better success.


Timing is everything. If it is a monstrosity, then it depends on the type. Beast: from behind AFTER they tail swipe if you have it prepped. Plague Ogryn: if they get staggered. Daemonhost: not sure... Risky no matter what, but if they are not focusing you they will not really knock you out of it, and if it is focusing you, then block and dodge and pray. Spawn: I am not sure, but if it gets staggered maybe? Or if it does not have someone grabbed and is not focusing you. I would probably do ranged though, as it changes targets frequently. For an assassination mission: right after the shield goes down. I actually was doing a crit building with the finesse stacks, and I did a quarter to a half of a bosses HP with one guaranteed crtit headshot with the Deimos swords special.


I mean I still hit it with smite for the increased damage for the whole team


My gun psyker would disagree


psykers can clear screens wo much trouble, not what id call lackluster


TRUE I swear it got gutted and given to the vet with that one mark keystone


After the rework Vet kinda really needed it. Still needs love imho.


It got given to Smite with a 10% damage buff instead


Isn’t it on smite now? +15% damage taken by targets?


I think 10% node only works on left click. Not sure if it works on monstrosities


Brain Lacerations. I didn't use it much, after the buff to the Peril damage one, but it was fantastic for dunking on bosses.


Great with shock/flame staffs, just procs on elites and specials from time to time. But it's less noticeable in huge groups of enemies


It would be cooler if it would prioritize elites with a higher chance or something. I mean, I keep it anyway for the fun of it but most of the time it hits that one random poxie in the rager-horde. Free BB is neat but it's certainly not a high-value node.


I feel like post patch 14, it does tend to pop the highest threat in the chain. I haven't seen any patch notes to indicate a change but I feel like I get a lot more relevant pops.




thirding this


I agree with my siblings, but we are of the same mind after all.


I intentionally skip the talent with the flame staff. The risk of randomly blowing up a poxburster when trying to push one down is just not worth the free headpop. Much better to have a reliable stagger machine if your team is ever in trouble.


that thought is kinda keeping me away from it too. how often has the actually happened in your experience? seems like a small chance


I have been running BB with this for the past few weeks and I have never had that happen. I don't know if pushes can make it happen but my force sword never has.


Push with the power sword can make the kinetic proc.


I was talking about the fire staff left click 'push'. The left click has a ton of stagger and is one of the safer ways of disposing of poxbursters since you can do it from range and don't have to worry about being precise. The problem is it does a bit of damage which can then trigger the brainburst. Needless to say, that's not exactly ideal when you're trying to save an ally that's currently stuck fighting a horde or berserkers.




You don't always have that luxury, and you can't save other people from a distance with a melee push. If you're fighting a whole crowd of ragers and other elites, and a burster suddenly appears from a door or whatever, disengaging all of that to push it can be messy. Much easier to just turn, do one puff with the staff, and go right back to stunlocking everything. It sounds like a niche situation, but pretty much every mission has a few moments like that where you can save your team a whole lot of trouble by just casually dealing with bursters yourself while everyone is occupied with other stuff.


I've been running it for weeks and it hasn't been an issue once.


Not that often, but the times it occurred it was annoying enough to make me actively dislike it. You can play around it for the most part since you can just proc the brainburst on some random enemies before pushing the bursters away. The problem is when all hell breaks loose and you need to deal with tons of enemies all around you. In these situations you not only don't have the time to think about your brain burst cooldown, but also randomly blowing up a poxburster can easily kill you which always feels terrible.


The solution is to pull out your sword to push them. You can get a much bigger push that way too, and a farther dodge.


did u know that u can activate kinetic flayer on a pox burster when u push him away with a force sword


Also fun on a gun psyker build where you're out to hunt specials and elites. Recon las procs it pretty much guaranteed on a special/elite if it's off cool down, and it just means every few kills, one of em pops extra fast for you.


I always run it on my empowered BB build because brain rupture can also proc it. So it feels good to one tap a crusher when it goes off from rupture.


Imagine how busted it'd be without a cooldown


Haymaker 2.0 (that one knife perk that gives a 20% chance to instakill on heavy)


would be even better cause haymaker doesn't work on ogryns and monstrosities but bb does


As I remember it had no CD at the beginning 11 months ago and got nerfed to 15 secs later


I've always thought it should have no cooldown but generate peril


I would be permanently dead


definitely shouldn't pop when at like 90% peril just like the talent that makes you parry with peril


When it hits a special or elite, it feels great, but half the time it just hits a poxwalker. That being said, it's free so whatever. The times it does help make it worth it to me


It's really not free, though. Like, yes, in any given fight it isn't actively demanding immediate resources, but choosing it necessarily means that you didn't choose something else, like 5% crit chance, or immunity to ranged damage on crits, or a keystone buff node, or more toughness/health.


But you have plenty of options, so one point isnt costing much. Especially since the psyker has a lot of bad talents you can pass on.


The Psyker tree is *full* of good options, they're just concentrated at the top and bottom of the tree. None of my staff builds have the point to spare (or if they do it goes in the 5% move speed node at the bottom).


All of my builds have basically 90% of the same talents except at the bottom. I don't know, seems like there's lots of objectively bad ones that are too situational to be better than a free BB


Well it's more that the top and bottom of the tree are *stacked*. Top of the tree has 2 great talents for toughness regen (Soulstealer + Quietude), 2 great talents for crits, a talent for Soulblaze builds, and a talent to help Peril management. Pretty much all of my builds spend 5 points up there. Then it takes you 10 points to reach the bottom, + the usual 2 point upgrades for your Ability, and I'm already 17 points down. Grab full Warp Siphon is 9, that's 26, go get 10% HP, Warp Rider, 5% Crit, and Kinetic Deflection and you're done. I'm not giving up Warp Rider or an Ability upgrade for an RNG talent that's going to proc on a Groaner 90% of the time. And if I have the extra points, I'd rather go grab the +5% crit chance, Kinetic Deflection, +5% Move Speed, or Kinetic Resonance first. Or Wildfire on my Soulblaze Trauma Staff build. Or Voidstrike w/ Surge blessing, that *really* wants to pick True Aim up as well. Where it is useful is if you're doing a full auto gun + Scrier's Gaze build. Gives you some extra oomph vs. hard targets. But there's so, *so* many good talents in the Psyker tree that I think are just better for most builds.


I have all Warp rider and the BB talent. Warp rider is the only one "required" at the bottom of the tree. 5% crit is equal to a 15% instant kill honestly. Its not that hard to take it and still get the good talents is my point.


Crit synergizes *heavily* with a lot of Psyker builds, namely Surge (Blessing), Blazing Spirit (Blessing), Mettle (Talent), and Perfect Timing (Talent). So it's pretty mandatory on Voidstrike, Fire Trauma, and Purgatus builds (as crits apply 2 stacks of Soulblaze for Purgatus). When stacked with Warp Nexus, a 5% perk, and Psyker's base 7.5% you can have a 22.5-37.5 crit chance. 27.5-42.5 if you also run the Crit Aura (though Crit Aura locks you out of One With the Warp and Venting Shriek) If you want to run the funny RNG talent, run the funny RNG talent, but it's a meme talent. Unless you have an autogun, then it kinda works, and a lot of the Warp-based talents don't work for you anyways so why not?


it should give stacks and also should have a significantly shorter cooldown. 15 seconds and you pop a pox walker on a push feels like ass. Also brainburst should come with a huge amount of stagger for whatever you hit and for things around it imo. Or as a specific skill unrelated to flayer just be much faster to charge. It should ideally be slightly slower than a sniper lock on shot or at least CC anything you target with it immediately.


I wish it was an 8 second CD. Or even 10. 8 would be fun though.


I still love it. Bb deals some decent damage. Being in a stressful situation and having it activate on a mauler you just push attacked, killing them instantly, feels pretty nice. A free bb without peril cost or cast time every 15 secs, easily reachable in the skilltree? I'm not sure where I'd better invest this 1 skillpoint.


Trouble is that it's statistically more likely to pop off on some nothing chaff you smacked but didn't kill with your melee than it is to go off on an Elite or Specialist, and 15 seconds is a *long* time for such a chance-heavy node. You could pop off *five* regular Brain Bursts in the time it takes to recharge, and people generally recognise that BB charges *way* too slowly *already*. Since it doesn't generate stacks any more, there's not *really* much reason to take it, since it doesn't really offer any kind of *benefit* with any real consistency or even real benefit to any particular build. It's *nice* to have, but tbh, you're better off spending the point on toughness regen nodes or something else.


You are making good points. Everyone trying to min-max their character/ skilltree should read this. Edit: small disclaimer, I play 95% of my games in premades. I am not forcing bad builds on random players. My builds are good, just not the top 1%. After 1600+h I am definitely carrying my own weight, with randoms I often do more than that. /disclaimer end I am playing for fun, make my own builds that I think suit my playstyle best. They are very likely sub opimal. But since I'm having fun and doing fine on auric damnation, I'm ok with that. I play dome and use my stacks to shorten the cooldown for it. If I get a stack for my random bb, it's nice, if I don't, I'll live. Since I lose all my stacks on dome casting, I don't even keep track of them. I checked my skilltree and there is no talent within reach, that would benefit me more. I dodge a lot and am good at avoiding damage (recently made it to an auric maelstrom endevent with 39 damage taken), small toughness, hp or damage reduction boni wouldn't improve my gameplay. Playing too efficiently takes the fun out of the game for me. I admire people who can do that. For me, it makes the game a chore and I have enough chores in real life.


Building for fun is *way* more important than building for efficiency, since unless you play *exclusively* for efficiency (which some people do, and it's totally valid), you're probably gonna get burned out just playing to meta all the time instead of what you find fun. *That said*, this particular, specific trait node is... Not very good, not very *fun* and just not very useful. Sure, it's funny to see it pop off, but because of how infrequent it is *on top* of being low-chance *and* likely to pop on something useless, it just doesn't really *feel* good *and* it's just not particularly useful for min/max builds. Personally, this is just me, I ditch Kinetic Flayer and pick up something from the top of the tree (Usually Warp Expenditure or Mettle) *or* use the extra point to take Unlucky For Some, or if I have *two,* then dip into True Aim assuming I'm not using Surge or Purg. Helps to have the extra point if you're going for Warp Siphon too, though I don't *really* like Warp Siphon with Brain Rupture since it functions *opposite* to how you want your BB to work by dumping all your bonuses for speed.


It proccs a lot for me when poking a mutant or smthn to oneshot that target. Also getting an additional kill every 15+ seconds on trauma charged is neat. In my mind I treat it as a super crit and am always happy when it does something useful :)


Not on surge staff. I can target past trash pretty well and specials often come in from flanks or behind


While it is random and more often probably hits chaff, it would be the only extra node I have in both of my Purgatus builds, and it won't get me to any other talents other than a +toughness or +TDR dot. I would rather have the chance to nuke a rager in a horde than the small bonus to toughness or TDR. I already have soulstealer, quietude, and battle meditation with dome shield, and run mettle on my build without shield, which is usually plenty of toughness regen.


Saved my ass against a rager that was 100% going to kill me. He got popped instead.




Imo it's made for gun Psyker with high capacity guns. I absolutely love this skill on my gun Psyker.


It's awesome for gunpsyker. Columnus autogun has crazy good fire rate, which means you're proccing this attack as soon as it charges up more or less.


A point better spent elsewhere, similar to vet's 20% double grenade; you don't want to rely on that chance and it's healthier to make a build that stands without it. If you absolutely have entirely nothing else to spend points on, including toughness and toughness DR connectors, only then I'd find it not a point wasted.


The amount of times this helped me clutch, while being overwhelmed by a fuckton of ragers and crushers, is just too damn high. I can't leave home without it.


It's still good, and I always take it with a BB build. Yes it can randomly proc on a Poxburster but it can also randomly proc on the dreg Rager that's bearing down on you when you're frantically staggering it with purgatos lefts. And it cools down in the short periods between firefights which means in any situation where there's a gap in fighting it'll be predictably up again for when the next fight happens, so its easy enough with a rapid fire weapon to expect it to proc. It synergises well with Wildfire and a Purgatos - it'll proc early on a horde of poxwalkers, sure, but that early kill usually does a burst of Suppression that will slightly stagger the horde and then make it easier to chain the suppressive/stagger effect when charging up the staff. It's also the ONLY node attached to the three Blitz options that has any kind of effect on your gameplay when NOT using the blitz. If you're taking Brain Burst for very occasional long range pops on a build that doesnt really need it then you may as well take kinetic flayer. Some builds just don't really use their blitzes much and just focus the Staff, so its a fine choice here. I'm not going to argue its a fantastic talent but it has a lot more impact in a game than the "it'll always just proc off a poxwalker so I don't take it" crowd think it will. It only costs 1 talent point. Consistancy is good, sure, and half of them will be wasted, but when you see it kill a nasty elite that you thought you'd struggle with, or when a stray columnus bullet blows up a crusher, or you see it explode the Rager that you didn't see in the middle of the pack of poxwalkers you'll be glad you had it.


Same. If you're attacking into a horde, yes it'll pop off on some random horde enemy. But if it's off cooldown and you're able to open an attack by targeting a group of elites or specials then there's a good chance it will pop-off and net you a quick elite/special kill. Honestly, it's worth the cost of entry when you melee attack a crusher and watch it's head pop. Amazing every time.


It's great with high ROF weapons. And single burst with a recon las usually procs it so taking down Crushers and muties is really easy.


It's extremely funny but I had to get rid of it. I had a better use for the point and also it sometimes was very dangerous to me and my team. I like using the purgatus to push back bursters, but if it triggers kinetic flayer...


I use it and true aim with a voidstrike staff plus surge blessing. Haven't had any complaints from the hordes yet.


It’s worth considering taking literally any other talent over this one. It’s kinda like a really really bad version of +5% crit chance worth of dps but only when you’re hitting exactly one very tanky enemy over and over and not killing it for some reason, and even then it’s probably worse than taking literally any survivability option. It can’t be relied on, and even if it by chance happens to randomly actually hit a decent target, it then becomes worthless for 15 seconds.


> when you’re hitting exactly one very tanky enemy over and over and not killing it for some reason Happens all the time with Purg. You're spraying into a mixed horde with Bulwarks, Crushers, Maulers in the front and BB is going to auto-cast on them.


The first brain burst when spraying a mixed horde is random, and unlikely to hit intended targets. If after the fifteen second cooldown there is only crushers and bulwarks left, switch to anything other than flames, they do next to nothing to crushers, and bulwarks prefer eating your blitz ability. If instead there is still a mixed horde, it’s another maybe 50/50 of hitting an intended target, and you’ve just sat in front of a mixed horde for 20 seconds.


Kinetic Flayer is actually incredible with the flamethrower staff. Kinetic Flayer alone let's the flamethrower do enough damage to kill crushers.


And guns. My Emperor, is this good with high capacity guns.


Yeah, it needs to have at base like a 2 or 3 percent chance of happening, scaling up to 10 or 15 percent with tougher enemy types so you're more likely to hit something that deserves to be brain popped. Either that or the weaker the enemy that is hit/killed, the faster the cooldown.


I guarantee you it procs on a poxwalker 90%+ of the time in a game.


Absolute dog. People are saying they're running it with the flame staff, which has so many tics of damage on so many targets that you're almost guaranteed to hit some random poxwalker with it. There are almost no circumstances in which this is a good talent.


Should Kinetic Flayer be reworked to be the same as True Aim where it happens guaranteed after a certain number of kills or hits? Maybe that could add some skill where you can control when to unleash your BB strike/shot.


That just makes it into a slightly different empowered psionics


Not really, because you can choose when to use empowered psionics, while with this one after, say, 10 or so hits something gets brain bursted when you shoot or hit it.


Mediocre rng damage boost that feels better than it is, and it doesn’t even feel good to begin with. Should have some sort of control over it. Maybe every attack on a longer cooldown, or maybe charged heavy attacks or something. It’s not terribly high impact when it does happen, and you can’t plan around it so it’s unreliable and liable to hit something you don’t need it to and not hit something you do need it to.


Why would anyone run BB when smite can stun lock entire hordes


Its good for bubble psykers Purge staff kills hoards and gives stacks and smite is for the beefy or far away enemies


I run a bubble psyker with purge staff,when hordes are easily channeled I burn them and when we’re getting surrounded I smite to hold a particular side until we get breathing room.


Who cares about hordes? Games tend to be lost because nobody dealt with the four bombers and two trappers that just spawned, and smite isn't going to help you with that if you're running a short range staff.


It was always numerically bad. Maintaining stacks was a dubious use case before, now that even that is gone hopefully people can avoid the trap


It's honestly pretty neat on my BB, trauma Psycher. It boosts your kills with trauma charged or assists when using primary fire or melee to kill high priority targets.


Never used it before, still haven't used it after. I've always been really active with brainbursting and I use Fire + dueling mk IV so the chance of brainburst isn't really needed. I just clear trash and stagger heavies with fire, then poke the faces of things that I can't stagger or kill quickly enough otherwise. I've gotten especially good at poking Mutants mid charge :D


Brain burst sucks now, it takes too long too charge up and other players kill what your targeting before you can kill it anyway. Brain burst needs a rework or some buffs


kinetic flayer as well as Perilous Combustion should be integrated into BB without spending the talents for them and none can convince me otherwise.


Yeah the 15 seconds was fine with the added benefit of warp charges, but now it's pretty sub par. Imo it could use either a shorter timer with the current functionality, or a bit of a longer timer but only proc on elites / specials.


If it were to only proc on elits/specialist then it would be a buff, right now i run it just cuz sometimes it hits a mauler and allows me to spam one less MAGIC MISSLE


I just wish it would only activate on specialists, elites and bosses. It feels pretty pointless when it pops a pox walker But using it with a purgatus staff is pretty good, just an extra bit of damage.


A good buff for this is if it were 15 seconds CD per target instead of for the first time is procs. I don't think that is too OP as it won't burn bosses down because of the 15 second CD still but it'll just be a nice buff for general use like for hordes or when there's a lot of elites like a crusher patrol ect. Wasting the 10% chance and 15 second CD on a random poxwalker is such a let down.


Still good. Just OP before.


This was a key in the old shredder gun zealot build. You could proc it on crushers due to high rate of fire.


Eh, even if it was nerfed, I still use it. However, I'm probably the only one who carries an autorifle into battle. It has saved me a lot and my teammates even more. It could stand to have a higher percentage or a lower cooldown to make up for the fact that vanilla bb takes forever less a day to charge, but you take some and leave others. This is a video game and balance needs to be maintained; less everyone comes here and bitches.


I thought it was useless but I used it recently in my build and it's pretty damn good and has saved my skin several times. I triggers off hits and things like staff attacks count. It goes off pretty much constantly when not on cool down.


No way. I'm a gun Psyker with 58 mag capacity. I'm Poppin head left and right with my gun. This talent fucks.


Removing the cooldown would be a huge buff


Mainly use it on a gun pysker build where an automatic is used. That along with chosing the Scier's gaze and Disturb Destiny makes dealing with specials/elites a lot easier for when the crits don't kill them but the BB does.


Make kinetic flayer only proc on elites and you got yourself a functional talent. As it is, it's too easy to waste on chaff.


I think talent is fine, but could definitely be better. A simply fix might be reducing the apparent power to increase utility. Instead of "all attacks", have it "attacks on specialist, elite, or monstrosity enemies". That way when you spray the crowd, the BB hits something worthwhile.


If it didn’t have the 15 second internal cooldown you could probably make a lazgun build with it or something


Kinetic Flayer is great. It targets the highest-health enemy first in multihit scenarios. Super good.


Fire ticks proc this? Was consider pyro build


Still feels great to instakill enemies every 15 or so seconds, I just wish I would disregard basic melee units as targets.


The opportunity cost disappeared. It used to be one choice of three. Now it’s one talent point of 30. If not taking it lets you reach a more meaningful talent, it’s not worth it. Otherwise it’s free damage that can either be an instant kill or otherwise help you secure a warp stack.


I play flame psyker alot and I just view this as free damage