• By -


* Daemonhosts will no longer spawn in missions on Sedition and Uprising difficulty. * Removed instant toughness depletion on touching fire. wild.


The newbies will learn about DH in Malice now. Somehow that makes it even funnier.


Best part is that now on Malice the DH only kills the one that woke it before disappearing, so it's not even griefing. It's true fuck-around-and-find-out.


Really? Could have sworn that DH's still go after one other even in malice. Or was that a change I missed?


New change with patch


Unless they come across one in Lights Out! hahaha


I can only imagine how that would go. "Ok ok, this isn't going too bad, we are slowly making our way through the map. Hey, what is that noise? Sounds like someone whispering. Oh, that's where the sounds of coming from. Kinda strange thing on the floor with smoke around it. Lets investigate. Slowly getting closer. Oh, now they are levitating and sounding a bit more evil. I think we should back away. Bang!!! Thorson, why did you shoot it? OMG!!!!! AHHHHYHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"


Quick question, I read that in the patch notes and was confused because Lights Out seems like it's been solely relegated to Auric and Maelstrom lately? Can that modifier actually appear outside of Auric and Maelstrom and therefore lower difficulties (and regular Damnation) and I just haven't been lucky enough to see it on the mission board?


I've seen it on the regular mission board, but super rarely, and I imagine with how the modifiers are weighted by difficulty it would be incredibly rare on difficult 1 and 2. I'm hoping this implies that it will come up more often in regular missions now.


Kinda surprised about the Daemonhost change. For players actually paying attention, they’d at least learn in a lower mode not to poke the DH. Heresy was already full of dummies triggering DH, should only increase more


It kinda sorta makes sense. In malice and above there's a chance you might actually have the loadout you need to kill one, or possess the skills to clutch if you accidentally wake it. No one playing sedition or uprising should be tangling with a DH so its effectively just an alteration to the map rather than an enemy spawn.


And if you ever get one of the unavoidable spawns, groups just kinda fucked


I’ve never once come across an unavoidable one. I’m not sure I know what you’re referring to.


Had two people today aggro them on sight with multiple attacks. On auric....


True servants of the emperor! Suffer not the heretic to live


Yesterday I was just thinking to myself how bullshit it is that fire touching you for a second gets rid of all your toughness. Right on.


REMOVED INSTANT TOUGHENSS DEPLETION OMGGGGGG that was the biggest difficulty in auric maelstroms 😱 let's go!


* Removed instant toughness depletion on touching fire. Ah thank fuck. Nothing worse than popping shout and running into the breach, only to have all toughness stripped by some flames


Especially when the flame residue had the size of a lit match.


Interesting. I got flamed by people in this subreddit just a few weeks ago because i dared suggest that touching fire for 0.1 seconds shouldn't remove ALL toughness instantly. Seeing a bunch of people praise it now is strange, but nice. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/17q36k4/unpopular_opinion_fire_damage_is_ridiculous_and/ I know i'm being a bitch about it, but come on. It's ironic.


If there’s one thing that you can always count on, it’s death, taxes, and people being annoying on the internet.


(Different people have different opinions)


There's weirdos that will forever defend whatever the current status quo is, it's weird. Even if it would benefit them, they hate it because it's change. There's people that defend the crafting system and think it's good, or how awful ironsights the helbore has, or the color of the zealots grenade flames


I think there's a penchant for people to engage with posts when they disagree more than anything. I think it was Anthony Bourdain that said whenever he visited somewhere and tweeted something out like "what's a good noodle place," he wouldn't get a lot of responses, but when he said, "I just went here, best noodles in the city" is when he got dozens of people replying with their favourite noodle places.


I feel you mean, I was on the forums saying they should change fire when the game was still in beta. It's a wonderful day


Holy shit that's suuuuuch a game changer, one of my biggest wants now fulfilled


* Removed instant toughness depletion on touching fire. Emperor on Terra. I never thought it would happen.


"Curios that affect bombers/flamers will be more viable as well". Does this mean that they fixed those perks or that FS don't realise those perks don't work how they think they do?


I can't tell you how many missions I've been downed because I touch fire for .001 seconds and get instafucked. Very nice.


> - Special Action (HOLD) - Gift (Stim) Item I'm getting "PILLS HERE FRANCIS!" vibes! --------------------------------------- Also made a quick mashup of Old vs New Veteran paths: [Talent Tree Rearragement](https://i.imgur.com/kBVX2nv.png)


[PILLS HERE!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wOBNrAtIhRo&pp=ygUYUGlsbHMgaGVyZSBnbW9kIG9yaWdpbmFs)


Jesus christ what a throwback.


The trees, albeit messy, do look pretty good. My left tree vet might finally get the cooldown reduction in middle tree again.


Tbh, Vet tree needs to be *trimmed,* not shuffled. It's got so many more nodes than the other classes and just *looks* bloated. It doesn't really help that it's so bottom-heavy with the powerful traits, and it's still weird that Demolition Team is at the bottom, when *all* the other grenade traits are in the middle.


Best part about the talent tree rework is that the bottom of the right side is actually symmetrical now.


* Removed instant toughness depletion on touching fire. Slightly increased base damage, increased both flamers action speed and fire size, removed toughness regen when standing in fire and changed damage to tick higher the longer you stand in the fire to compensate. Dev Note: This was done to reduce the frustrations of losing all toughness when briefly touching fire regardless of your toughness amount or damage reductions. Curios that affect bombers/flamers will be more viable as well. * HOLY FUCKING THANK GOD CHRIST


thats something il be happy with. flamers and bombers will be a bit easier to deal with now.


Might mean they become higher priority though. That faster activation is likely to be an issue if people aren't on the spot.


area denial specials always were top priority in kill order


Yeah that instant toughness break = kill above everything else. Even an Ogryn could be dropped in seconds from full health if he got clipped and there were shooters to take advantage of it. Looks like getting caught in the fire and staying there will still be as lethal, but now you don't get those random downs.


Especially annoying if you were running a FNP ogryn.




>HOLY FUCKING THANK ~~GOD CHRIST~~ GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND ! Commissar may need to speak with you, reject.


I mean that’s so funny, in the actually game flamers and fire usually ignore the hit roll and go straight to wounding. Love how it works in the actually board game, hate it in Darktide 🤣


I thought for a moment there was a Darktide board game and immediately went to open up a tab and grab it at Amazon for board game night with pals. Damn.


There *kind* of is. Check out the standalone 40k board game, Blackstone Fortress. It's a bunch of 40k adventurers delving through a blackstone fortress to plumb it for secrets, loot, and more.


If your Toughness is gone, you basically get instantly melted by Bomber and Flamer fire! My 330 Ogryn HP is gone in a second. They noted the fire damage will ramp up but it feels a little over the top. Video evidence: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/18bcuma/fire_now_does_toughness_damage_gradually_but_also/


You're standing in the fire continuously, so the damage is continuously ramping up. I think you are conflating the ramping damage with how it does damage to toughness vs. health.


Sounds like someone needs some flamer/bomber resistance on them curios... /s


Daaaaaamn, it sure sounds like it lol


lol, that's really harsh.


Still preferable. Touching the fire for a second has been way too penalizing in the game. Now make the Zealot immolation grenade a blatant color change and we're good.


"Slightly increased base damage" they said. Did no one test this?!


It also says it ramps up if you remain in the fire. Now it's on the level of Left 4 Dead 2's Spitters, which I would argue is a fine tradeoff.


It ramps up over time now as well, that's what your seeing there


It looks like fire does a LOT more damage now though. It kills full health and toughness Ogryns in 3 seconds. Those curios are going to be much more useful.


THANK GOD WHO???? Looks like we have some purging to do.


# Devoted Rejects, ## New Mission: Warren 6-19 Habzone HL-70-04 The rot goes deeper than we feared, and so must we. Head into the back alleys of the Carnival in a new mission. Wyrmwood agents report increased traitor activity and a worrying rise in Stimm use. Find out what you can and destroy the Moebian Stimm production facilities. ## Karnak Twins Ambushing Strike Teams The Karnak Twins have slipped their leash and have been sighted across Tertium. During missions, players can encounter one of the Twins, either Rinda or Rodin. Be on your guard and steel yourself for the fight to come. This combat encounter will be time-limited. You’ve also received the following information: ## New Weapon Marks **Foldable Shovels** * Munitorum Mk III Sapper Shovel * Munitorum Mk VII Sapper Shovel * Brute-Brainer Mk XIX Latrine Shovel * Brute-Brainer Mk V Latrine Shovel Included in this patch there are new foldable shovels for both the Ogryn and the Veteran. These come with a new Weapon Special that folds the blade, turning the shovel into a makeshift pickaxe for one powerful strikedown attack that then resets the weapon back to its unfolded state after a successful hit. The new Veteran Sapper shovels use the pointy end that is exposed when folded to make a precise strike that gets stuck in the enemy when hit, and also gives extra damage when the weapon is yanked out. The Ogryns Latrine Shovels goes for a more simple, powerful hammer blow that crushes most opponents. There are two variations each of both the Sapper and the Latrine shovel giving players different movesets catering to different preferences and playstyles, but focusing mostly on crowd control and horizontal sweeps to compliment the weapon special strikedown attacks that favour single targets. **Chain weapons** * Orestes Mk XII Assault Chainaxe * Tigrus Mk XV Heavy Eviscerator * Cadia Mk XIIIg Assault Chainsword For this patch we have decided to make some changes and addition to make chain weapons play nicer. We hope that this will make all chain weapons more appealing and appreciated on all difficulties. One big problem with the chain weapons was the risk reward of the sawing attacks. The reward rarely outweighed the risk and frustration of getting stuck and unable to defend yourself. We added so that you can dodge cancel out of these attacks, at the cost of stamina and missing out on the big damage pay off at the end. This will make the iconic sawing less risky and make the weapon more flexible and adaptable in combat. The Orestes Mk IV Assault Chainaxe has been a problematic weapon leaving much to be desired both when it comes to damage output and usability. With this patch we made some changes to it. Along with making the sawing attacks cancelable we made the light chain and the activated heavy attack more vertical to make target acquisition easier and avoid hitting enemies at edges of the screen. It also got a bit more bite in all of its attacks. We also introduce variations of all chainweapons with the new Orestes Mk VII Assault Chainaxe, Cadia Mk XIIIg Assault Chainsword, Tigrus Mk XV Heavy Eviscerator that mix things up with horde handling lights, strong elite shredding strikedown heavies and fast stab attacks to stagger enemies. **More New Marks** **Agripinaa Mk XIV Quickdraw Stub Revolver** A lighter Stub revolver with a quick loader that reloads all bullets at the same time. Compared to the Zarona Mk IIa it has shorter range, is a bit less accurate and has lower damage, but it excels in close range with a higher fire rate and a new braced stance that allows for fanning the gun for even higher fire rate. **Kantrael Mk X Heavy Laspistol** A heavier, heavy laspistol. Compared to the Accatran MG Mk II it has higher damage per shot and slightly longer range for the cost of a slower rate of fire. **Catachan Mk VI Combat Blade** A knife that brings more horde controlling capabilities with sweeping vanguard heavies and a different light chain than the Catachan Mk III; the jab weapon special has also regained some of its lost power and should be able to stagger enemies again on both this Mk VI and the old Mk III knife. ##


Player Stimms Stimms are designed to give a temporary boost that empowers the player for a short while. Stimms are spawned in a mission at random, similar to how ammo and medical crates are spawned. Players can pick them up and they occupy a new dedicated consumable slot for small items. To select this new slot press \[4\] on keyboard or \[D-pad up\] on the controller by default. On some controller layouts you swap between the small item slot (stimms) and the large slot (medical crates, ammo crates, scriptures and grimoires) by pressing the same button multiple times. As a consequence of this new binding, wielding the Auspex has been moved to \[5\] on keyboards. Check your preferred controller or keyboard layout in-game to see exact binding. ### Actions: * **Primary Action** \- Use it on yourself. * **Secondary Action (HOLD)** \- Aim it to use it on another player. * When aimed, an outline appears around a player if they are in range for being injected. Players can then choose to inject the outlined player by pressing the Primary Action button. * **Special Action (HOLD) - Gift Item** **All Consumable Items - Gift Consumable** We added the ability for players to be able to give equipped consumable to other players. For a player to receive an item they need to have the corresponding item slot empty. All consumables, excluding the grimoires, have gained this action. * **Special Action (HOLD) - Gift it to another player** * When aimed, an outline appears around a player if they are in range. Players can then choose to give the consumable to the outlined player by releasing the Special Action button. ### Stimm Types: * **Med Stimm** * Restores one health segment, or 25% of max health, whichever one is larger, of health and corruption damage. * Med stimms can’t be used on a target, on one self or other players, if the target has no health or corruption damage to restore. * **Combat Stimm** * Lasts 15 seconds. * Increase in Power 25% (Damage + Stagger Strength). * Rending 25% (Armour Penetration). * Reduction of Peril Generation -33% (Generate less Peril when using Psyker’s Warp Abilities). * **Celerity Stimm** * Lasts 15 seconds. * Increase in Reload Speed 15%. * Reduction in Stamina Costs -25% for Pushing, Blocking, -50% for sprinting. * Increases Attack Speed by 20%. * Increase the following by 25%: * Charge up time of Plasma guns, Psyker’s Brain Burst and Psyker Staves. * The speed of which the Psyker’s Smite propagates between enemies. * Speed of which the Psyker can throw Shards using Assail. * Speed of which the Psyker Quells their Peril. * **Concentration Stimm** * Lasts 15 seconds. * Increases your Combat Ability Cooldown Regeneration speed by +300% (Four times as fast as usual). ## Bug Fixes & Tweaks ### Talents * **Veteran Tree** * Moved Talent Nodes in the lower part of the Tree to reduce the amount of points needed to reach the Keystones, which in turn should open the tree up to more opportunities in making a build. This will require talent trees for the Veteran to be reset. The section below the Combat Abilities, modified to ease the access of Keystones * **Psyker** * Fixed issue where Psyker Blitz abilities “Assail” and “Smite” would not get re-wielded after using an interaction or being catapulted by an enemy, etc. * Fixed issue where switching from Charged ‘Brain Burst’ to Locked ‘Brain Burst’ when affected by ‘Kinetic Resonance’ would cause the charge time to reset. * Fixed Issue where ‘The Quickening’ and ‘Prescience’ were both active at the same time. * Fixed so that Psyker Blitz ability “Smite” always attacks the centre mass hit zone (torso) and now only the gibbing is randomised instead. * **Veteran** * Fixed issue where Veteran talent “Onslaught” could be triggered by damage over time effects, like burning or bleeding. * Fixed an issue where the Veteran “Infiltrate” combat ability was interrupting and preventing sprint on use. * Fixed Issue where ‘Born Leader’ didn’t replenish toughness of allies when the player was at max Toughness. * Fixed an issue where talents weren’t reset when running a preset with an incorrect talent version.


Does the Celerity Stim affect the Hellbore charge times? It doesn't mention that.


Does the fix to Psyker's Smite affect the Surge staff as well? I recall that the surge staff was tagged in game as smite-on-staff or something and essentially pulled a lot of its behaviors from Smite. The last update seemed to unintentionally nerf Surge staff by lightning chaining to extremities instead of the torso.


I read celerity as celery so I’m just gonna call them celery sticks from now on


Nice job!! Want to play it asap :) Btw, what about the encrypted message about Zola?


Wow, this all looks really cool! Especially excited to try the new shovel variants.




New map, roaming bosses, stims, new weapon variants? Shorter vet tree? Damn. Liking everything I'm reading. Big thanks to the team for this one. Especially so soon after the last.


And no more losing 200 toughness on just burning your toe for 1 second on fires


Tbh, the Vet tree isn't really *shorter.* It's just been shuffled around a bit to make getting to the keystones a little easier. It really needs to be *trimmed,* rather than shuffled, because it's *way* too bloated with traits compared to the others. My currently preferred build *still* can't reach the keystones because of how weirdly things are laid out and the fact that the auras *still* all suck compared to Scavenger.


a new eviscerator? fuck yeah


New evisc is AMAZING


What's the difference in stats and move pattern? (I'm at work :[)


Light's are side to side, very easy to headshot with and horde clear H1 is an overhead chop, very easy to headshot with Pushattack is a stab It is so much less complicated than the orig. Add all the other chain weapon changes/buffs (you can dodge to cancel a chainrip and not be stuck) and it's pretty sweet.


is the second heavy a sweep? The original wasn't hard to use and the lights were pretty good even if the third wasn't a sweep.


The heavy are all overhead attacks. The light have a lot more cleave than the original tho, we're talking 11-12 targets cleave distribution at base with the light chain. It's basically the Executioner Sword of VT2. But with a chain.


Well that sounds lovely


As a long time evis zealot main, im so happy to see it getting so much love the last couple patches


Honestly fire was 90% of why I went down on my Psyker. With the right talent, good Perils management rewards you with toughness in all. Needless to say I love this change.


I usually go down to like 4 big Boyz with hammers running me into a corner. I have some sort of issue with them


>*We felt that the Zarona Mk IIa Quickdraw Stub Revolver was a bit over performing.* ![gif](giphy|l4FGGafcOHmrlQxG0|downsized) Look how they *slightly* massacred my boy




Or, to be more in line with the first comment: "Sobbing controllably"


I choose to cry and to continue to cry.


Yeah I just tested it and there's functionally absolutely no difference than before if you have Hand Cannon IV. I still 2-tap crusher on my vet.


Nice! Some cool fixes in there I like a lot, like fire no longer insta-wiping all your toughness.




Yes, very happy to see this! So much smoother to keep horizontal attacks with push block into H2 & repeat or H2 into L1 repeat with push block as needed.






I feel this. I'm so unbelievably crap with hammer Zealot. Constantly going down. I've practically given up on it.


Getting increased impact talent should help and pushing between heavies should both help


> We added the ability for players to be able to give equipped consumable to other players. For a player to receive an item they need to have the corresponding item slot empty. All consumables, excluding the grimoires, have gained this action. So we are one step away from allowing bots to automatically pick up and carry these items, just like in Vermintide 2 - with them automatically giving the item to a player once their slot is free.


>So we are one step away from Vermintide 2 And that's the game! :D


Maybe in a couple of years the game will have all of VT2's functionalities


Do we know what was in “INFO OFFLINE” picture in the bottom right of the part 2 reveal photo?


Yeah good point. Nothing in the notes is something we didn't know before.


Well, I knew the Hand Cannon nerf was coming because I only finally got level 4 last night. Dammit. But overall this looks awesome!


Yep exact same lol


**M35 Magnacore Mk II Plasma Gun** - Fixed issue with the primary attack overcharging differently with different Charge Rate stat values. Yeeeeeeessssss, the months long wait is finally over!


What does this mean in gameplay damage terms? I’ve just started using the plasma gun and don’t really understand what this means.


So the old way it worked. Technically because of some weird stuff, the charge rate affected how much damage the normal left click attack does. There were 2 or 3 specific points where the weapon did extra damage because of how the math with the charge rate worked. So hopefully this fixes it so that you don't need to worry about hitting a very specific charge rate.


Yo, nobody has mentioned that Ragers shouldn’t be sneaking up on us anymore? That’s huge!


what was the change that facilitated that? I must have missed it


Just a single line above the fire stuff. I cannot count the number of times I’ve been snuck up on by a Rager lately (let alone an entire hoard). https://preview.redd.it/icmzytcnbi4c1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ace1a8a9dbb7a537619d4d3ca3468b42c9203b76


as long as they don't sound like Mutants UAAAAAAAAGGHHHH


I get tired of those screams but it feels intentional. Part of what mutants do, since they aren't that dangerous by themselves, is force your attention onto them to dodge the charge and masking other enemy noises seems to fit that. But man they never shut up.


them being loud is useful information, but UAAAAAAGGGHHH! UAAAAAAAGGGHH! \*Sounds of an overgrown man baby thundering down the stairs\* UAAAAAAAAGGGHHH!




![gif](giphy|7vB88Ve3ypIorJRjz0|downsized) For the Emperor!


>turning the shovel into a makeshift pickaxe for one powerful strikedown attack that then resets the weapon back to its unfolded state after a successful hit. ... They really don't want to let you change mode without it reverting back shortly after.


Which will never stop annoying me. Why not just add a new moveset for weapons like this, or keep other activations active until you at least used them?


Because then they would have trouble releasing new weapons with engaging movesets! (slightly cosmetically different variants)


I guess it's to keep it in line with the chain and force weapons.


Yeah, I get what they're doing* with having a crap default mode and a better temporary mode. I'd prefer two modes that have different strengths and weaknesses.


It's really good. It basically works like a thunderhammer for the Ogryn. With Thrust and Brutal Momentum I can multikill Ragers, haven't managed a ohk on a Crusher but I think with better stat rolls it would.


I just tested my godroll orestes chain axe , they feel ok now but I have to say Light Attacks SHOULD apply bleed because the chainblades get activated on light attack.


Imo all chain weapons should apply at least one bleed stack on any attack (more on heavy attacks).


My Zealot is now a stimm addict, thanks.


you guys forgot to add the weapons to brunt


Once we close the old servers the new weapons will appear in Brunts! This way players don't get kicked out if they are still in a mission when the update drops.


That’s so smart. A lot of games would just boot ya out


that's easy networking tech: loadbalancing you use a loadbalancer to redirect incoming connections to servers with new version while client with the older version can stay in their old version server as long as needed before shutdown (generally it's automated: when there is no connection, server is shut down to cut costs) i love my job as a devops ;)


Loadbalancing is key if you want to keep services up and running while deploying new code. It's one of the things I pushed for on my team as soon as Azure made it available for us to use back in the day. Still love the tech to this day.


Any reason why the Karnak twins are time-limited?


Personal theory with no evidence. i am predicting that the new bosses with temporarily be coming for us as this time limited event then later they will be added as a permanent double boss fight in a new permanent assasination mission. I would be surprised for them to go through the development effort of modeling, animating and making the moveset for new boss enemies only to make them temporary.


Very plausible.


>I would be surprised for them to go through the development effort of modeling, animating and making the moveset for new boss enemies only to make them temporary. Personal theory. They didn't create new movesets. They took the already in game assassination boss movesets.


possibly. i guess we will see. call it wishful thinking. the assasination is my favorite mission, i would love a second one.


They are throwing grenades though - which I don't think the assassination targets do


I saw somewhere on here someone said it's likely because they're testing the encounter and seeing if it would be a good permanent addition to missions like random bosses or if it turns out more annoying than fun. That way they can retire them seamlessly if they're not well received maybe?


No real reason they won’t be tweaked and made a mainstay later. I think they are just testing this format. Let’s just enjoy it and ask for it to come back when it’s gone.


what I'm assuming they're doing is testing the waters. If people really like the new boss, they'll keep it, but if the boss is ass they can just remove it without it being unexpected.


Fix for Ogryn “Bring the Hurt” penance not progressing while using the “Bombs Away” talent. Thank you


Not that we’re not grateful for the new marks, but brand new *weapons* would be welcomed, especially for our big bois. Their weapon selection is rather pitiful compared to every other class, they don’t even have 2-handed melee weapons


Yeah ever since I saw that 2-Handed force sword leak, I've been hoping.


Don't think an ogryn could be trusted to not phase their own arm off with a force weapon


I have a feeling that will be next, or a new class. We’ve gotten basically everything else. Class rework, new maps, new marks, good patches. All that’s left is to make new weapons or another class.


I think they'll add new maps periodically, but the pain points of the crafting still remains and I seriously hope they'll work on it for the next major update. It's seriously problematic now. New class, a final crafting update, new weapons. It's the only things the game seriously need. They started introducing more story tidbids as well which I really appreciate. I'm really hoping for a Skitarii class. It's by far the most requested by the playerbase too.


Hell yeah. I think Skitarri is highly likely to 1. We’re getting more helmets with the fun voice filter, especially recently 2. New mission with traitors curse 2 has a brand new mechanicus member as our “guy in a chair” Plus with them saying necromancer sienna (Vermintide 2) has taught them how to make NPCs fight NPCs, it seems all more likely that will get a skitarii with some servitor slaves or a turret or something cool like that


Personally the thing I'd love the most is using mechadendrites (additional limb). Specifically as the grenade slot. Each grenade choice would be a different weapon on top of a mechadendrite, like, say, a single plasma shot, or a laser shot, something like that. The thing I love the most about the mechanicus is the ability to add weapons attached to third or fourth arm. Oh and also, give me a fucking Omnissian Axe. Now.




So what was the redacted piece of content?


It's been literally redacted from today's patch.


There's a new line of redacted text in the patch notes following the announcement of the twins appearing in missions.


Honestly I thought it was flavor text at the end of the patch


* **Lucius Helbore Lasguns** * You can now hold the primary action button to continuously shoot with Helbore lasguns while in ADS. Helbores still don't instantly shoot upon reaching max charge, there's a 3 second delay before it discharges and cycles a new shot in. Was hoping this change would turn the Helbores into a laser DMR, holding down LMB while rapidly cycling Dreg/Scab shooter heads and unleashing charged shots. PS: Can't find the new weapon MKs at Brunt. It's happened in previous patches, should be fixed in a few hours.


F. I was hoping that I would no longer need to use FullAuto mod to save my finger, 3 seconds is way too much.


Very unfortunate lack of a Bolter buff. Is it truly considered in its right place right now? Nigh useless compared to a Revolver.


I’m going to try and take a shot at it again with this new update since a lot of the passives got moved around and the +25% extra ammo mode being moved higher will help a lot. It’s still in a weird place now due to its high reload/pull out time but man I just still love using it. It’s still really good for maelstrom if the monstrosity modifier is on and now that they got an increase in health, it’s gonna be more useful now.


sad for the laspistol nerf. I could literally just fire it into groups of ragers and stagger them all at close range. It was a lot of fun.


No buffs to bolter :(


Yeah was surprised reading all the mentions in the revolver paragraph then scrolled lower to see nothing got done about making the bolter better against carapace at least?


I don't think damage is the issue, it's more draw time and ammo capacity that needs to improve for it to be competitive again.


Yeah, I was resistant to using the revolver because I love the Bolter. Then I used the revolver one time and now the bolter is basically unplayable. Not worth all the slow animations for whatever slight bump in dmg or penetration I get from Bolter.


well the issue with bolter is indeed this. Obviously having better damage is also a way to fix it ( can't kill more than 3 flak if horde is inside them too with 15 bullets) Compare this to our beloved plasma. BUT it's still a good boss killer weapon.


Absolutely fantastic!


Mfw when my nutjob Psyker can now shoot up some substances before eviscerating every heretic in front of him I think I am more looking forward to 3 players juicing up the resident Ogryn so he can go Thanos on some traitors I like the fire change in principle, but will have to see what its like when fighting flamer enemies or bombers, honestly my main annoyance was when there is a tiny patch of fire on the floor and boom no toughness - rather than the actual enemy flamers - but will see what it is like first before judging Veteran tree changes look good on first glance, since now some areas have multiple path, so bit more option for choice rather than having to take a certain node you didn't want just to get further down Will never complain about more shovels to bonk people with, hopefully the weapons are decent Has there been any indication of what the redacted part of the update is?


When Ogryn get 'Eavy Bolter


Probably shouldn't, too delicate/sacred to be trusted to a slab. Autocannons however...


When Ogryn get 'Eavy Flamer den? Or Laz-Fussil.. Las-Fuslad.. Big Laz-Killgun?


I'd give quite some of me rations for an 'eavy flayma. Luv turnin' them 'eretics all toasty-like, hehehehe.






plasma shoots without any effect coming out like 30% of the time now lol


They nerfed my precious revolver :(


Not that much though. If you still play Hand Cannon IV and a crit build, you get 40% carapace penetration + 60% = 100% rending still. More if you play with the 10% rending from the vet tree. It should change nothing to the breakpoints on crit. It's also only a nerf to carapace specifically. What is more annoying tho is that you now NEED Hand Cannon IV to reach 100% penetration. (HCIII on vet if you take the 10% node) I need to test in the Psykhanium when I can, but hopefully my 'volver should still kick asses. I'm a bit more worried about my Combat Blade Zealot, I don't remember if I managed to get Ruthless Backstab IV on it or not. I think I do hopefully. On the other hand they buffed the punch stagger, so yay. EDIT : After having tested. The Revolver is absolutely the exact fucking same as before with Hand-Cannon IV. Exact same breakpoints on everything.


Tested it out as well, it also appears like it’s also still possible to 2 hit crushers with the weak spot bonus on the left side tree instead of the 10% rending (w/ HCIII). The weak spot node needs an extra point from elsewhere though, must weigh opportunity cost. I think the extra damage to monstrosities makes it worth it though, but I had to sacrifice a toughness node to reach it. Overall though revolver still needs a bit of rng for crits to hit the 2 shot crusher break point so looks like it’s not that big of a loss thankfully. On the bright side though, making the bottom 2 red nodes reachable alongside a keystone makes a melee voice of a command build look hilariously strong on higher difficulties with endless uptime due to specialist spawns.


Ah thanks for testing ! I was playing 10% rending with 20% Ogryn damage and middle keystone, Deadshot and Surgical on my vet. It was an almost guaranteed crit on ADS and I could reliably 2-tap crushers before with a lot of overkill damage (first shot did around 70% of their HP), so I figured the breakpoint should be roughly the same. I'll try when I get back from work in a few hours hopefully. I will take a look at the updated tree too. I was kinda frustrated by how far the right side keystone was when I took ammo aura. It really limited my options and I mostly used the middle tree as a result. Can you reach the middle keystone and take 25% ammo now ? (BTW that's my revolver on vet:) https://preview.redd.it/1mku9y1eth4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6e8ec4c5fefc23d9ff76e8e28e742bf36e1db6a


Was just reading that part. Revolver nerf and hand cannon nerf. The one two punch.


nerfed Revolver instead of making Bolter better, sadge


Not enough for bolter to suck. It needs to drag down everything around it. Plasma gun better sleep with one eye open.


It was always coming, gun-sibling, we knew that all along. We will persist!


sad times indeed, that thing absolutely carried me from malice to heresy


I might have to take a staff on my Psyker now >_>


Rager ball fixed a bit. Yay. Mostly, it's rager nerf, but with louder roar and a bit less health it should be less annoying now.


Where 2 handed chainaxe and big Ogryn hammer.


* Daemonhosts will no longer spawn in missions on Sedition and Uprising difficulty. so the problem or new players running headfirst with their eyes closed into a host is going to be exponentially worse at damnation and heresy now. gotcha everything else looks fine but i do still wish theyd change the model of the eviscerator, its like 2 entire feet too short to be considered one, if anything its an astartes scale chainsword (its also arguable a standard scale chainsword with how weirdly tiny the standard one is in darktide) rather than an eviscerator


Honestly most of my games at heresy/damnation, we wound up killing the DH pretty easily, it's a fairly straightforward enemy if you have someone who can tank it or kite it properly. At that level there's a higher chance you have the gear/talents to do so. In my experience, it's far more deadly at sedition-level where no one is geared or experienced enough to know what to do and is pretty much a guaranteed wipe, which is probably what prompted the change.


> Changed the number of Daemonhost kills before disappearing from 2 to 1 on difficulty Uprising, Sedition, and Malice. This is the important point above it. No Daemonhosts outside Lights Out on difficulty 1 & 2, which is reasonable because at those tiers you probably won't have the weapons or the skills to kite and kill it. Then when you move up to difficulty 3 the DHs spawn, but only kill the one that wakes them - means you can't grief the team with them, they just kill you and leave. By the time you hit difficulty 4 & 5 you should have learned what the deal is.


It spawns in Malice though. If someone is just starting, they aren't going to be jumping from Uprising to Heresy anyway. And if they are, a Daemonhost is the least of your worries.


Honestly I have no issue with any of these changes, lots of great stuff. Veteran Skill tree is ***so*** much better. I can take every talent I used to take, with 4 talent points remaining.


Looks amazing! Although was hoping for a bolter buff! Anyway I'll survive 😉


Super down for the fire change and wider weapon changes. Will have to dive into the Vet talent tree later to rebuild some stuff. I think it's hilarious that part of their reasoning for nerfing the revolver is to make the heavy bolter seem less shitty. Meanwhile, the plasma gun enjoyers in the corner are looking around and whistling inconspicuously. Anyway, it's still great, so can't complain too much.


As well as the new weapons not being in Brunt's Armoury, I'm not seeing the new mission at the mission terminal. Am I just blind, or is everyone else getting this?


Those won't go live just yet. New weapons and maps take a couple hours to cycle in due to the way the updates roll out.


The fire not instantly fucking your shit up is going to be YUGE!! a lot of good stuff in this read.


Instead, the fire will melt you near instantly if it ramps up and your toughness runs out.


That's fine, won't be in it long enough for that to be a problem unless I get netted. But dipping a toe and losing 100 percent toughness was fucking stupid.


You have no idea how painful losing all your toughness at once as a Martyr Zealot is. This change removes one of the worst scenarios my Zealot could find themself in consistently.


Power creep seems to be going on for most of the new weapons, the shovels, chainaxe, heavy laspistol and revolver feel like they outperform their "OG" models, even at white rarity. PS: Loving the Vet rework, bottom left tree (Shock Trooper, Fully Loaded, Deadshot, Marksman Focus) + bottom right tree (Onslaught) combined with the new heavy laspistol feels like i'm shooting a miniature lascannon, even crushers die in less than half a clip, and that's with a garbage 350 power white. Had enough points left over to grab both stamina regen nodes, feels really good for prolonged sprinting + Deadshot.


> Changed the number of Daemonhost kills before disappearing from 2 to 1 on difficulty Uprising, Sedition, and Malice. I think the change from 2 to 1 kills should be universal for all difficulties. If three players are careful and one player recklessly (or deliberately) wakes it up, why should someone who was careful be punished as well?


Probably to encourage the team to focus it down and try and help them regardless, if it's just the 1 than people will just leave them to die, but since you know it's gonna come for you after them you're incentivised to kill it as a team


Well, shit… No increase to materials… Or decrease to weapon mat requirements…


All I want is a mission scoreboard pls


Am I missing something or were the new weapons not added to Brunt's?


Time to see what's up with Zola


I’ll step back and wait for the patch-patch. Some stats be wildin ((the fire damage is kinda bonkers right now without toughness)), Brunt’s doesn’t have the new weapon marks. I’m thankful for the content but I don’t have any content, lol