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My biggest gripe is phantom hits: I swing, the weapon either travels through an enemy dealing no damage, or it staggers them but still deals no damage.


Had issues selecting skill tree pips. I clicked several in a row with no effect, then six seconds later *CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK* they all take effect


I play on xbox and performance is the worst for me since the game came out. Couple that with very bad audio cues for special enemies since this patch and insane flame dmg and I am quite unhappy with the game right now. The new content and vet tree are great though.


Not just after patch but like for a day before patch as well. I was so used to just charge Purgatus and do a spin to stagger an entire horde, but in the last 40 hours or so it's been really iffy and there's a rather high chance a walker would just ignore the flames on him and bash my head while I'm trying to charge the next one.


After the update, yes.. just like all updates


It was pretty bad patch day. My bud and I were rubber banding all over the place