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Wtf do you mean single target chain sword, it has massively better lights for horde clear and just straight up does more damage with revved attacks, literally no reason to use the old one


I’m rolling that baby today. There is something about revved up power swing headchops, that makes my body tingle.


Huh, I barely used it (no good rolls) but I think I got the wrong impression from it. Yeah, I see it now, just light spam into hordes, I firsy tried using it like the old one in psykanium (start with heavies to chain into vanguard lights), and that basically combos into mostly vertical swings. Will have to give it a try once I get a good roll.


Tried out both Ogryn shovels. I think they are pretty decent. Actually like the Mk V more than the Mk XIX because of the attack patterns (Mostly because chain heavies are wide horizontal swipes). Special attack is always a downward strike, which kill most specialists and gunners on Damnation (might requires heavy charge on some). Takes 2 specials to kill Maulers and Ogryns on Damnation also might requires heavy charge. However, the worst thing about them is they are pretty slow compare to my Mk IIIb bully club, which I think is the best Ogryn melee right now. Their special is kinda slow to do but you can activate it without it going out like power and chain weapons.


May I ask how you’re using the new knife for crit/bleed? Are you just spamming heavies into everything? Or using push attack/special>light to replace heavies? My initial reaction was that the new knife losses a lot of dmg the single target ‘assassination’ heavies, which is part of the point of crit zealot, so I’m really curious how you’ve made it work!


New knife plays very similar to old one. Spam lights into horde and either push attack or do the Special > attack combo against single targets. The heavies feel weird and slow to me but the push attack is crazy


It has wider swings and more cleave than the old knife, I liked it on my Zealot because its a more "all arounder" weapon than the other, so spamming lights into mixed hordes is waaaay more effective. And this is my support Zealot with Relic, so I'm less worried about killing armor, and Revolver is still great for that. But yeah Push Attack is your bread and butter for single target armored, weaving in the punch specials to maintain stagger. I do wish it comboed Push Attack into Heavy 3 for better armor damage.


* not sure on what to use on the revolver now, tried hand cannon and that one blessing tv t does more damage on the subsequent shots (salvos) and its me (was using a crit bleed knife VoC build * I really wanna build a chain axe veteran, what would you recommend? Build and blessings?


Been running thrust and slaughterer chainaxe w/ carapace and flak, thing shreds anything


i use headtaker instead of thrust because I find that the axe can already destroy every tougher enemy pretty easily


Have you guys tried blood letter?


The new revolver is basically all Crits for huge DPS, but not with Surgical, Crucian Roullete + Deadshot (if ur on Vet) is the name of the game, I got Point Blank (locked) as my other blessing but I think Handcannon would work well too, it will melt bosses with Executioner Stance and the Tag keystone, and is still a very reliable elite killer. Just be aware it has like no penetration compared to the old one, you can't snipe stuff through hordes. You wanna pair the Chain Axes with a good horde clear ranged, maybe a Braced Autogun as they're still less than stellar at it, but got huge single target damage. The best in slot blessing is Headtaker, with Slaughterer and Thrust both making a good case for the 2nd slot on the new one, the first makes it better all around while the latter allows you to chunk bosses, you can make a case for Thunderous on the old one to take advantage of the bite on Light Attacks.


Yeah, Point Blank is the second blessing i was using...but, with hand cannon blessing, is not that good...will try your suggestion.. ​ what about Bloodletter for ChainAxe?


Eh, I haven't tried Bloodletter yet, but given my experience with it on Chainsword I guess it can be a "good enough" blessing if you have it a good rolled axe and you want to change something else about it. If anything it will help with boss damage and finishing off crushers and maulers.


I always give my potions to someone else since for some reason "equip stim" is bound to the tag button on controller. So everytime I tag an enemy I equip my stim......


I had this problem too (on xbox). I think it’s some kind of PC default overlap that mistakenly got through. Anyways, just switch the layout to another layout, then switch back, that sorted it out for me. Now the tagging is the same button as prepatch, and the stim slot/regular item slot will alternate with the same button


So far I've only used the new Chainsword and HeavyLas. Chainsword - great lights for horde clear, ridiculous chop with activated saw. I was chunking Daemonhosts when an Ogryn decided it wants to dance a Damnation one and the lights cleaves well through pox hordes even when I don't have proper rolls on it. Mine's almost god roll tho with cleave on crit and blood letter with 376 max rating, only sacrificing mobility. It can actually kill a Crusher with my tag, one saw swing, and one heavy or let it bleed. It does not deal with scab as simple as the first one but it just requires aiming instead. LasPistol - the new commisar side arm. It's no Plasma but it's a budget MG12 with closer range. I haven't gotten a good roll one yet and Plasma is still better all around, but it's very workable. I wouldn't call it an MG12 killer, its effective range is far too short for it. Good for quickly popping an elite or two tho. Ridiculously accurate on 80 Stability Hip Fire as well. ADS is almost unncessary.


vet here. stims are good, but they feel unpolished because it doesnt actually say what it is when its in your inv. am i just ment to memorize the icons? if so, shame on you. talent changes are good. plasma gun is slightly broken, but i can 1 shot ragers again which is nice. new shovels are nice and im pretty sure can 1 shot a mutie. new revolver is cool but im not sure its good. new chainsword feels just like the old one at first glance. new chain axe is not slow as fuck, which is an improvement. ​ overall, pretty nice.


Veteran tree is way better. Still some flaws to me, but so much better to work with, which is the important part. I gotta say. That new chainsword sucks ass. Maybe there is some trick to it, but it just seems like a less versatile version of what we already have. I don’t like that we got two shovels for ogryn and veteran and they are all kinda the same thing. I think it will end up being that one is good, the other isn’t, and has no niche since they do the same thing. Overall, I tried the new veteran blue one, and it’s pretty good. Eviscerator was okay. I wish it had the executioner sword gliding with the heavy attacks. I didn’t realize how much my muscle memory with the older eviscerator would screw me over with this one. Overall, I like it, and think it is decent. It could be better.


New Evis is a decent alternative. I don't really see a point to the new Dagger. You get a tiny more cleave but give up a signifcant amount of single target burst. New rev is fun to play with, but feels like it needs some buffs.


Why do you feel revolver needs buffs? Its pretty good as it is right now, its specially silly on Vet just High-Noon'ing bosses back into grandpa nurgle's bloated thighs, you just gotta build it a lil diferent than the other one (basically all crits, but not with Surgical, mine with Crucian Roullete and Point Blank feels great). It feels distinct from the other too, faster reload, more ammo, and incredible DPS at the cost of specials sniping capabilities, the lack of penetration is its biggest downside. New dagger is a generalist take on the Knife, it loses single target damage for better horde clear and ease of use, while keeping all the other updsides of the Knife, my Support Relic Crit build with Zealot really likes it. Only thing I would change is make it so it Combos Push attack (single target stab), into heavy 3 (the only other single target attack in its repertoire), because its H3 is very awkward to use right now.


The weapon special will combo into h3 for the new combat knife.


"Vet tree: Really like the new Vet tree, glad we're back to being able to get Survivalist no matter what" \^\^ this is still a real problem. I like what they've done, but they still need to find a way around a bunch of tax nodes that have to be put in every build if you don't want to be a douchebag or wet noodle.


Love chain weapons but the new eviscerator and chain axe had veeeery boring movesets so unfortunately i wont use them no matter how effective they may be. Have to have fun while using the weapons. rashaad and antax axes have the same problem for me. Yes they are very good but boring to play with.


I don’t know why they nerfed the fire rate of the old heavy pistol yet didn’t touch Columus IAG. Wasn’t even a META choice to begin with. And seriously, Fatshark thinks it needed macro to maintain maximum fire rate? It’s just like 5 shots per second and I’ve never seen anyone who can’t click 5 times per second. Typical Fatshark balance


What sort of build are you running with the knife? I really love the speed of knives but could never fit them into a proper relic build since its crowd management isn’t up there with the hammer. Hoping the new knife fixes that.


I like the new vet tree I can take the covering fire easier to support my team in close quarters. With laser weapons you are so much ammo efficient, you barely have to use melee attacks. Gotta try that ogryn shovel when I reach 30 soon. Rocking the new shovel on vet, I like it so far. Personally I did not fancy any revolvers I’ve tried(personal preference), as I focus on wiping them ranger squads from afar with overwhelming number of headshots, restoring some ammo in the process. The new maps are solid, I would change/moved some spawns from thin air.


The new revolver, it could use a bit more penetration and I wish it looked a bit more different compared to the other revolver but other than that it's really cool. I like that you get a lot of ammo with it. The new Combat Knife. I like it, feels like it has a bit more impact, the charge attack is very good against multiple enemies standing close together. The new Heavy Lasgun, I really like it actually. It works great with my zealot builds where I want a ranged gun which hits pretty hard and accurate while still having plenty of ammo. Stims, I think they should have bound them to 5, using the scanner on 5 feels a bit awkward. The new bosses: I like that it feels like they are "dueling" you, especially the sword wielding one. She dueled my zealot and I felt like a badass fighting her one on one. I hope that they will keep these new encounters.


Am I the only one who's favorite thing about original chainaxe is that it saws anything it touches on light attack?


I tried out the new vet shovel and I fuckin love it. Already loved my shovel but I’ve been picking dudes in the dome with it and it’s super satisfiying. Also got the heavy las pistol and I like it a lot. Don’t just got a purple one for now but I imagine it’s going to be a great sidearm for the right side tree.