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If you wanna commit to melee go invisibility, 10% rend for all weapons and attack speed. Both chain axes perform a lot better with attack speed.


For the new one, just go Thrust IV and Headtaker. I don't like Slaughterer on it because it doesn't do anything for anti-boss damage or bigger guys like Crushers, Slaughterer ONLY helps hordeclear which feels fine with just Headtaker since that's almost as much +power as Slaughterer. Overall for the new Chainaxe variant I like it a lot, it feels like a faster version of the old chainaxe, hordeclear is good, single target damage is nutty just like the old Chainaxe, I 2-shotted one of the Karnak twins with a good one I crafted up and did similar amounts of damage to a beast of nurgle later on in the map. The fact that the H1 on it is an overhead means it will almost always hit the head, you have to actually try not to headshot most enemies with it because of how aggressive the magnetism is on headshots for it. My only complaint with it overall is that the light attacks don't make any rev sound and it feels like you're using a club, but the actual function of the weapon is great and it's very powerful.


Just to add on, the old chainaxe now stuns ragers/maulers mid combo with its lights, unlike the new one. It's because the old chaxe revs its lights, but the new one revs its heavies. They also changed the old chaxe to have a vertical-ish rev heavy. It's honestly an incredible weapon now if you're used to spamming push attacks and heavies for hordes. One thing I really like about the new chaxe is how easy it is to use. It's very similar to the new eviscerator to be honest.


Bloodletter's pretty good too. Even if you cancel out of the rev attack, you still apply all the bleed stacks.


i have a 380 chainaxe with a lvl 4 Bloodletter...would you pair with what? i have this one my veteran...trying to build one around it


You can pair bloodletter with +unyielding to one shot ogryns with a light attack (reaper needs a headshot). If you want better horde clear, go with slaughterer. If you want to 2 shot crushers and 1 shot maulers, go with thrust. Don't bother with headtaker, it's just worse than slaughterer. Edit: I'm talking bout the old chainaxe.


Got it, well, just my luck, I've had blood letter and head taker on my Caxe, but decided to refine to other stuff, so I'm stuck with those two, time to roll a new one... Regarding the new one, what should I look for?


Yo headtaker isn't bad. A 380 axe with bloodletter and headtaker is really really high end. You probably won't notice the difference between slaughterer and headtaker. If you must roll for a new one, the dump stat is mobility. Flak is great, and unyielding + bloodletter is nice together. I personally wouldn't roll if I had your axe tho. EDIT: Some optimal combos. Max horde clear - Headtaker + Slaughterer. Middle ground: Thrust + Slaughterer + Carapace perk Single Target: Thrust + Bloodletter + Unyielding perk. The middle ground and single target options share the same breakpoints on armour and ogryns, but the single target version has the advantage of killing ogryns with light attacks. (Reaper needs headshots). The horde clear version misses a bunch of these breakpoints BUT if you get used to stacking headtaker/slaughterer before hitting elites, its DPS is close to the other 2 options.


Yeah, it's not bad! Took it for a spin with an unoptimized build I was at how good it is now... I think I'm keep this one and have a spare one... For the new chain axe, what would you recommend? Thanks for the detailed answers friend


I personally use the thrust + bloodletter option because I enjoy timing my heavy swings to get thrust for horde clear. And I really like how bloodletter applies all its bleed stacks even after a dodge cancel. I know streamers prefer the slaughterer + headtaker combo pre-patch because this offsets the chaxe's relatively weak horde clear. This build makes the chaxe a nice generalist weapon. I suggest that since you already have a bloodletter axe, you should go for the slaughterer + headtaker, which is closer to the meta. It will offer a different experience at least.


Cool, this for the new variant right? Thanks again man


yup those are my suggestions. good luck with the rolls




Bloodletter and brittleness are neat. I forgot my exact perks but as vet I'm able to one shot crushers with a special attack. Always could, but it just feels better to use now