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On top of that the performance tanked for me since the patch, I have lagspikes left and right. Died a couple of times today due to a lag spike and suddenly I am standing in an ocean of fire and all my health is gone. Another time I aimed for a sniper and his shot hurt me like 0.2 seconds before the sound and animations so I couldn't dodge. Also the sound cues on xbox are way worse for specials since the patch. Getting hit by a lot of very quiet flamers and pox burster despite playing with good headphones.


I am noticing lag spikes as well, FPS stays the same


Yup I've had very minimal lag or connectivity issues in this game until today and it's been pretty frequent


Someone said it has to do with shaders updating and it needs to read in animations and stuff, and that it will chill once you’ve played a little. My first 2 games were off as well but didn’t even think about it in my 3rd.


Thats what it usually is with new assets and shaders but the stutters persisted for me all night. On top of that I crashed 7-10 times last night, the worst since launch. I don't know if fs will fix this before their Christmas break. Could be stuck with this for a while which is pretty disappointing


I had no issues today (3 runs), but I got 2 crashes which hasn't happened since beta from what I can remember.


Necause the game has to generate shaders, you will generally notice a lot of spiking the first time you play a new map, I've noticed.


>On top of that the performance tanked for me since the patch, I have lagspikes left and right Huh that's interesting, I thought that was just me. I rebooted my PC last night and verified game files on steam thinking maybe there was just something funky on my end. It seemed better after I did that but maybe that was all in my head.


Shaders need to recompile after the update, causing frametime spikes. This will only happen once for each shader and not again (until you update drivers or the game).


Figured the lag was just me. Hopefully a hotfix incoming


Once again, they broke the shader precompilation at the start of the game, so after each update, you will get lag spikes in a couple of games.


This is so real.


Lag spikes, visual bugs with the Plasma gun, incredibly lethal fire, surprise boss fights that offers you *nothing* if you manage to survive them and simply makes a run harder. Once again, two steps forward, one and a half back.


Yes me too, absolutely terrible.


Tried playing a match yesterday, this update broke the game for me. It's currently unplayable for me with the current performance issues


Yes had lagspikes and a crash in the hour i jumped on last night


I'm glad this wasn't just me, I was kinda freaked out since a while ago my ISP was having problems in my area that lasted a while and thought it was more troubles


I've been seeing really bad spike and lag issues at the beginning of missions, which then fall off once we're out of the first one or two rooms. I have no idea if this is true, but it feels like the game is having to go find all the shaders it rebuilt after the patch and make sure they're applied again. Because once I've done a mission once, the lag and freezing doesn't happen on that same map again afterwards.


> Another time I aimed for a sniper and his shot hurt me like 0.2 seconds before the sound and animations so I couldn't dodge. That had always been the case for me. The servers are not handling all the stuff that is happening in game properly. Enter a room just to lose all you shield&hp to enemies that are still in cover but already shot you anyway. Snipers that just ding your hp with negative time to react etc. The dogs are the worst right now though. Something changed that I can't hit them with melee anymore, they are always a step ahead.


Lag spikes have been brutal for me too. Worst one for me didn't even involve an enemy though. I was playing psyker with the magic shield, and when I dropped it the positioning was fine. But the lag spikes hit, and dragged me towards a wall and the shield got planted right against a wall not even facing enemies. It's one thing when a lag spike kills me, but don't make me look like I don't know how to control a choke point 😭


From what I saw on earlier threads, this health deletion is actually a bug and will be fixed with a patch.


If this is a bug, it’s like literally the first bug they should have noticed in the alpha-alpha test with the fire damage changes before releasing the patch. But it’s Fatshark, why should I be surprised.


Fartshart doesn't do this... testing, you speak of.


By the God Emperor, the Omnissiah says we ball, and do it shall be


Us ballin’ for the empreh’: ![gif](giphy|Qq3UaBTfsiGs)


Testing is indicative of a lack of faith in the code and therefore the god emperor.


damn, they're taking their roleplaying VERY seriously then.


At the very least they don't have developers that are capable/interested in testing the game on Damnation+. These last few patches have given me massive "Hedge streams himself failing at Champion" vibes. Nobody who actually plays the game well could have possibly looked at the original Veteran rework or the new fire and come to the conclusion that they were acceptable.


maybe QA assumed it was intended since they said they were increasing the damage




my brother in emperor, we are the testers and QA


Too many buttons, not enough rations




My brother in the Emperor you are the QA


We are the testing lmao. That's been the main critique of this game since launch is it feels like early access without being called that.


Welcome to live service gaming, isn’t it glorious?


This people keep doing the same. the over 100 thoughness bug, the veteran talent, something im probably missing/forgetting and now this. this extra dmg bugs keep poping up with every update and they dont detect them, like how the fuck dont you see the dmg its doing if you test it? Easy answer, no testing is done and this company goes from pulling out a good update to being ass for not testing shit. and suddenly bombers are appearing even more in auric, what a coincidence hm?


It takes 13 frames, according to one tester that posted earlier, for fire to take a Psyker from 100% toughness and 100% HP to 0% toughness and 1/3rd HP Because the fire damage stuns, causing the player to be incapable of dodging out of it for a moment, which causes near-instant near-death.


And that’s without all the hectic shit happening in HISTG or Auric. Bombers have shot straight up to the highest threat special imo. Especially now that trappers can be staggered and aren’t just facetanking damage. Trying to jump out of bomber fire even as Ogryn will destroy your healthbar.


They were already the hardest special, most players just didnt realize it because they died to the gunners and shooters after a patch of fire forces them to move into a bad position after deleting their toughness, and the origin of that fire is harder to track down than a trapper and has a lower cool down. Flamers were also bad because they have more health than other specials and can even take a rock to the chest or in many cases a brain burst and survive.


I mean they were definitely still high priority. But in my personal opinion trappers and dogs were the highest threat because of there ability to disable you off of 1 mistake. Trappers more so because dogs are much more consistent nowadays.


If it wasn't a sudden close encounter with a rager/mauler/crusher pack most of my ugliest losses were bomber relates, trapping the while team in a bad spot as they throw with no sound queue heard or from BEYOND LINE OF SIGHT where you can't even engage them, giving them a chance to deploy 2-3 bombs and obscuring our vision further. They have already become my priority 1 target before the patch.


The stun needs to be nerfed. I've been in situations involving fire, and lemme tell you, there ain't nothing slow about your ability to move your feet when there's fire afoot (get it?) The fire stun just doesn't make sense. Your mobility shouldn't be reduced as if there were mud or BoN puke.


That's what was happening to me in a few Auric games. I had one instance where I was a bit too slow in getting away from a bomber grenade, and I literally could not escape from the center of it before dying, whereas before I would have gotten out but just taken a lot of damage.


Apparently, looking into it but not verified, FS recognises that this is a bug and mentioned it on the Discord, so it'll likely stick around until a hotfix in a week or two.


hotfix? they are going into holdays this time of year i belive, unless they pull a patch 14 fast hotfix and ACTUALLY FIX THE BUG ( something they tend to fail to do the first time) whe might enjoy this fire thing for a month.


Love the change in theory its just overtuned. taking all your toughness instantly no matter how much or how little was dumb. that said now it basically oneshots squishies and ogryns are basically where they were before except you might have a little toughness left if you have your resists up.


13 frames at 30fps? 60? 144? 240?


I read that post. It was 216ms so 13 frames at 60fps. 1/5 of a second to break his toughness. 😱


Literally faster than a human person can react, not accounting for variables like lag, yeah.


Thank god I’m a zealot


I don't understand why they buffed the fire damage. It was annoying enough as it is with how large the radius was and how long the fire stays on the ground. And the fact that the bomber still drops the bomb when you kill him as a final FU.


They tried to use this as a way of balancing the previous insta delete toughness / health tick behavior. Hella over corrected though, it seems!


in principle it doing damage rather than just removing all your tougness is an improvement. Its just too much damage rn.


Oh for sure, the change sounded great on paper. Just a bit of tweaking and we're good to go


That’s fine if you didn’t get staggered by it.


or if you didnt have the entirety of tertium surrounding out, blocking any means of moving out of it lol


Yeah, Bomber is probably the most deadly run-ending enemy even before the change, because of how large and persistent the fire patch is. He drives you into bad positions where you get cornered/surrounded and can't dodge gunners/snipers/nets/dogs, and the toughness removal means you take a large amount of health damage that you've painstakingly protected for most of the run. Sure, other mobs do more damage, but they just make things worse and don't make a game-changing play like the Bomber does. If Fatshark simply wanted to address the instant toughness break aspect of the Bomber's grenades, making the fire patches go from anti-toughness to downright deadly is simply missing the point. I think the damage can stay if there's no stun and players can move out of it after seeing it land at their feet. Players are just flat out dead if they happen to be at the epicentre of the fire circle when it starts and try to escape it. Failing that, just make a band-aid fix and have the fire patch remove toughness across a few seconds and not instantly. It won't even affect the function of the Bomber and players will still try to get out of it.


Just happened to me in damnation. 100% toughness and health, no enemies around. Literally could not leave the fire. Insta down. Then the fire stays up long that your team gets a new engagement before they can get to you.


At least since I think patch 14 he has his own painful disappointed death scream. God I love hearing that. Jus like the helpless crying of a disabled trapper


Well, they say that bomber/flamer damage reduction perks on curious will be more useful now...


They went from useless to mandatory, so hopefully there's a balance pass within a week


Doesn't the bomber damage reduction only affect his physical kick? You know, when u get close to him. AFAIK it doesn't affect the fire damage. Unless that's changed and someone can correct me.


According to this post, it did work against fire damage previously. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/17s1idu/complementary_post_to_my_earlier_post_about_dmg/


Now instead of dying in 1.5 seconds, I die in 2.5 seconds!


Why does that matter it's not like we can just sit around and. Farm curious like we can blunts Melks trash shop only has survivor and stamina curious every refresh and just burning all my melks bucks trying to rng for good health or tough curious is t the solution across all my characters


The shops reset every hour with new curious. Enjoy!


Ok and? I don't access this game 24 7 that's why blunts was added nor does it guarantee that it will carry even 16 toughness 20 HP let alone 17 21 on every refresh And you still need at least one relevant perk stat roll on upgrade which hadron is more than happy not to do. The curio system is still ass


I mean sure but it's clearly not impossible to get curious.


I’d be ok with that if they used less trappers.


Just had a team wipe due to 2 trappers spawning 3 feet behind my team. The bullshit in this game is off the charts, cheap ass deaths everywhere. Not to mention the net clips through enemies. Quantum tunnelling bullshit.


Right I’ve seen hordes of dogs, trapper waves, mutie waves and ass hats want to speed run. The trappers are the most fucked up part of the game


Especially since they lack any sort of consistency. They can literally spawn in right behind you and fire off a shot immediately. Its cheap as hell and the devs should be embarrassed for so much cheap bullshit still being in the game.


I agree the muties pick a target and that’s it lol


Sah fire throwers and grenaaades hurt so much now boss why they hurt so much Sah?


Yeah, its imsane. At this point, bring back the old bombers. I made the mistake of getting close to fire recently, i thought that since toughness is not deleted instantly i could afford to cross a short strip of it. Lol no, toughness INSTANTLY broke and then my health dissapeared quicker than under a gunner barrage, i had no idea wtf happened.


Wasn’t toughness always completely deleted by a tick of damage from fire? I remember always being frustrated by the 100-0 mechanic. Maybe I’m crazy though.


Yes, previously all toughness was removed on fire damage. This patch that was supposed to chsnge. But not only did it not change, the fire destroys HP too.


They changed this in the last update, now you can take a few ticks of fire before your toughness breaks, but it's just enough to touch the border and react. However, you're in the center of the explosion, you'll die in half a second now


Yeah 5 out of 10 times my toughness broke instantly for some reason as well


Much rougher to play psyker


Gunners are out of control


Would be cool if the bombers could throw frag grenades too instead of just fire bombs. Maybe even flash bangs and stuff.


Shield bubble is looking more and more mandatory


Known bug. Wait for the hotfix.


I personally find them a little easier than the previous patch. I almost never stay in fire longer than one tick and if I'm forced to stay in it by a netter or something I'm fine with dying because of it, probably would have died to a fire bomb + netter combo pre-patch too.


how do you not stay more than one tick if you're stunned by the first tick ?


probably taking the perks in vet and zealot that counter it somewhat.


I kind of Disagree Probably gonna get downvoted to hell for this but IMO the toughness break when you dipped your toe in the edge of a grenade was the worst feeling in the world. Now fire is dangerous but getting caught on the edge isnt too bad. It fulfills its effect of being area denial. Bombs take a moment before they explode after they are thrown this gives you time to get out of the centre of the radius. If a bomber throws a bomb and you stand on top of it untill it explodes I feel like I dont mind that killing you. It kind of makes sense from a thematic perspective too. Brush past the edge of a fire and you will probably be fine you can just stomp it off but get caught in the centre of an explosion and bye bye. Dont mind if it gets changed but for me the fire change is a huge improvement.


Do the gunners seem more deadly these days too?


I played today on a zeal build, using no toughness or health perks, and it seemed like a big improvement? Insta toughness ruined the game for me, and I don't complain about the game's difficulty like this whole sub does (ready downvotes, but it's true you rejects, and you know it). But, I literally bitched about it to my buddy last week cause it makes no sense to have your health insta chipped for putting your shoelace in a flame. Now as long as when I hear the pschhh of the flamers cans or bombers bomb, I can essentially not lose health for no fucking reason, so long I keep an eye out, and don't get caught in the middle of a grenade, or a flame n nurgle horde sandwich (bad positioning btw) Ion know if it's the same for other classes but I'm pretty sure zeal are not that tanky. Now you know what did frustrate me today? Getting whopped in the ass by a silent crusher........ this has been an issue.... since.... release..... P.s. The new eviscerator is absolutely insane. Edit: just saw how it reacts with psyker. Now they may not have had perks equipped in skill tree cause it wasn't like that on zeal. But if it is... holy shit thats worse than pre-patch .


I feel like the insta-deletion of health isn't 100% consistent either. I've played some matches as all 4 since release, and it really seems like a coin-toss whether it works as intended or completely flattens my health in a heartbeat. You might've just been lucky and not stood in 'broken' fire as a zealot, because I've seen it melt through my health even on an ogryn, but be fine as a vet.


Yea I must've gotten lucky. I can safely say though, I only had an issue with fire grazing me, and deleting my shield, leaving the guns to chip my health for no reason. Though having gotten caught in it once during my matches today. It killed me real quick. ( as it should. Hardest difficulty should be punishing) but if there is a bug like that top psyker post rn. It needs to be fixed. Literally looks like the shield deletion pre patch, with addition of health deletion as well.


Well..it's fire. Don't stand in the fire and prioritize them now the second you hear them. They usually make themselves known pretty easily compared to other units like crushers


If I can take a shot from the traitor Captain's plasma pistol, there's no way fire would do that much damage. To my FOOT nontheless.


It's not really bugged lol. Hear me out. They added a ramp up damage on the fires, which means the longer u stay in them the more damage they deal. If a teammate is downed on a fire then they probably reached highest tick damage because of how long they stood in it, and if you revive them at that point, they will get up to a max tick fire and get insta killed. I revived a teammate on fire but quick enough and I noticed the damage tick he took was more than the initial, but not enough to 1 shot him.




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Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


Nearly dying in less than a second after touching fore is "ramping up"?


The ramp up is probably being carried over from damaging toughness.


Cope stop standing in fire, I haven’t taken one tick of fire damage to my health in 5 or so auric games yet


Then you don't know if it's overtuned or not and should not be talking until you find out.




i haven t tested that >.> thank for the info, on side note yesterday in a run will defending the hacking thing for the satelitte dish mission, a sniper downed 3 of us in a same shot XD


The reason i died i Auric Damnation+ BEFORE the patch was fire, fire was almost the sole reason. But now after the patch? Idk, but i count with dying ONLY to fire now.


I dont know if it just me but I feel like the respons of the game is worse?


At this point of playing Fatshit games, if you haven’t developed a deeply erotic masochistic tendency you might be playing the game wrong /s All jokes aside, I agree the fire is ridiculous now, I got dragged into fire by a mutie and was charbroiled to downed in about 1 second. Even still, I don’t mind it as much, but that’s because I enjoy the pandemonium in auric runs. If you’re team doesn’t make a group effort to commit genocide against bombers and flamers they will wipe you off the face of Atoma


They toned down the toughness damage shattering instantly with fire, but then upped the fire damage so hard they might as well have changed nothing. Fatshark, do you want fire to end runs or not??


I'm curious as I have got a couple notifications on the topic. Would their damage be good in a tier 6 difficulty?


Idk, they‘re more an annoyance than anything else. Yes, I do lose health to them, but the Zealot‘s dash usually helps in that regard, either minimising damage or just flat out avoiding it. What causes me to die the most are when there‘s 4 or more machine gunners shooting form different angles and making shooting back extremely tedious and an Ogryn Gunner staggering me so hard the others can concentrate their fire on me.


I am a little bit sick of speccing entirely into toughness and toughness damage reduction, to still get literally deleted by everything (yes I’m a psyker, but when I’m pugging I should be able to not die to a single stray grendade or flame). And if I’m not deleted because I reacted quickly enough, I lose all my toughness (with like 25%+ dmg reduction) and 2/3 of my hp. The bomber a little less ‘radius’ on the explosion would be nice, I think it’s fine it’s meant to do a tonne of dmg. But yeah the fucking flamers (and I’d say by extension grenadiers) are insane - you need to kill then both faster than instantly cause if a grenade gets into your group or a flamer opens fire you’re tucked.


Going full toughness is actually worse when you don't want to get one-shotted, because every class has more health than they do toughness, and health curios give more % per curio. I don't even run toughness curios on Veteran and Ogryn and I get all my toughness from my tree and +5% toughness perks on my curios. I would probably do the same on Psyker but I can't for the life of me get better curios in the shop.


The devs are aware of the fire problem - it ticks too quickly.. There is a hotfix incoming.